They do it in Secret

3:45 am
The US, just now, they are doing it obscured,
Father Spirit speaks urgently. He is acting here on Trump's apparent renunciation, but in secret the preparations continue, he says.
Submarines with nuclear explosive devicesSyria again (armed conflicts against the IS)
You do not need to do anything anymore - too lateHindukush Region * Pakistan ??
Airplanes, bomber helicoptersBlasting * Bridge of San Francisco?
Egypt * Saudi Arabia
YouTube, now

6:30 am
You think the area is safe hereParalyzed region (where husband works)
I see Muslim women with headscarvesThe Muslim communities (are they a danger to us?)
The shift * The pole shift
The sun will darken
They have your data. Journey.
Yellow vests protests
Give me your heart.
Yes, that's all I have. I give it to you, with all that is in it. 

The Allies and their allies
Pence. Poisen.
Brodcast whole.
It is a job, given to you.
You are an expert.
She works well

Iran showcases new submarine with ADVANCED WEAPONRY which can be fired UNDERWATER IRAN has presented a new domestically-built submarine equipped with cruise missiles and cutting-edge equipment. Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, attended the unveiling of the submarine in the Persian Gulf. The Fateh submarine has been produced amid mounting tensions with the United States and Saudi Arabia, according to The Daily Telegraph. The 527-tonne semi-heavy submarine has advanced weaponry, including torpedoes, naval mines and cruise missiles, which can be fired from a submerged position. Mr Rouhani said on Press TV: “From this moment, the Fateh Submarine joins Iran's naval force with my order. “Our defence power is solely defensive. Our enemy's pressure and sanctions imposed on Iran have instigated our progress.” Iran is currently developing a large domestic arms industry due to international pressures and embargoes that have carried it from importing many weapons. The submarine, which is Iran’s first domestically produced ship, is reportedly capable of operating at a depth of more than 200 meters (656 ft) for up to five weeks Their navy already has up to three Russian-built Kilo-class attack submarines as well as cosmetically-produced midget submarines.Iran showcases new submarine with ADVANCED WEAPONRY which can be fired UNDERWATER

Der Iran hat Donald Trump vorgeworfen, in einem vernichtenden Angriff die Kontrolle über die Welt anstreben zu wollen, der die USA wegen ihrer Versuche, den Verbündeten der Islamischen Republik, den venezolanischen Präsidenten Nicolas Maduro, zu stürzen, angeprangert hat.
Der iranische Präsident Hassan Rouhani sagte, Washington strebe eine "Weltherrschaft" an, indem er unabhängige Länder unterdrücke, berichtete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur von Teheran. Dieser jüngste Angriff kommt zustande, als die USA den Druck auf den venezolanischen Führer Maduro erhöhen, um ihn durch einen Oppositionsführer und den selbst erklärten Interimspräsidenten Juan Guaido zu ersetzen. Nach einem Treffen mit Venezuelas neuem Gesandten in Teheran sagte Rouhani: "Die Amerikaner sind grundsätzlich gegen alle Volksrevolutionen und unabhängigen Länder und suchen die weltweite Hegemonie, indem sie sie unterdrücken.
Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Iran und den USA haben sich verschlechtert, seit Präsident Trump angekündigt hat, Washington aus dem Land zu ziehen eines Nuklearabkommens von 2015 und die Wiedereinführung von Sanktionen.
Die Situation in Venezuela hat die Beziehungen noch weiter angespannt, da sich die rivalisierenden Nationen in der rapide eskalierenden Krise hinter die gegnerischen Seiten geworfen haben. Neben Russland und China unterstützt der Iran Maduro, während die USA und der größte Teil Südamerikas den Rücktritt gefordert haben. Unterdessen riskierte die Islamische Republik Washington heute weiter, indem sie eine neue Marschrakete vorführte. Teheran sagt, die Waffe könne Ziele in einer Entfernung von 800 Kilometern treffen, was den regionalen Rivalen Saudi-Arabien in Reichweite bringt.
Trotz wiederholter Warnungen der Vereinigten Staaten hat der Iran sein Raketenprogramm, insbesondere seine ballistischen Raketen, weiter ausgebaut.
Verteidigungsminister Amir Hatami sagte während der Enthüllungszeremonie: "Diese Cruise-Rakete braucht sehr kurze Zeit für ihre Vorbereitung und kann in geringer Höhe fliegen." Westliche Experten sagen jedoch, dass der Iran die Fähigkeiten seiner Waffen oft übertreibt.
Im Januar versuchte Teheran, einen Satelliten in den Weltraum zu befördern, doch die Rakete konnte den Orbit nicht erreichen.
Washington hat den Iran gewarnt, keine weiteren Versuche zu unternehmen, da er befürchtet, dass dieselbe Technologie, mit der ein Satellit in den Weltraum gesprengt wird, für die Herstellung ballistischer Langstreckenraketen angepasst werden könnte.
Teheran besteht darauf, dass sein Raumfahrtprogramm, das eine Quelle des Nationalstolzes ist, rein friedlichen Zwecken dient. Neben den Besorgnissen über die ballistischen Raketen des Iran verfolgen die USA auch ihr Nuklearprogramm aufmerksam.
Beamte in Teheran gaben diese Woche bekannt, dass sie sich auf eine verstärkte Produktion von angereichertem Uran vorbereiten. Das radioaktive Element wird als Brennstoff für die Atomenergie verwendet, kann aber auch weiter verfeinert werden, um Material für Atomwaffen herzustellen.
 Präsident Trump hat diese Woche gewarnt, dass der Iran weiterhin "eine Quelle potenzieller Gefahr und Konflikte" ist, aber seine Geheimdienstchefs sagten, Teheran arbeite nicht daran, eine Atomwaffe zu schaffen. 

IRAN has accused Donald Trump of seeking world control in a scathing attack which denounced the United States for its attempts to oust the Islamic Republic’s ally, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Iran President Hassan Rouhani said Washington was seeking “world hegemony” by suppressing independent countries, Tehran’s state news agency reported. This latest attack comes as the US ratchets up the pressure on Venezuelan leader Maduro as part of an effort to replace him with opposition leader and self-declared interim president Juan Guaido. Following a meeting with Venezuela’s new envoy in Tehran, Rouhani said: "The Americans are basically against all popular revolutions and independent countries and seek world hegemony by suppressing them. Relations between Iran and the US have soured since President Trump announced he was pulling Washington out of a 2015 nuclear accord and reimposing sanctions. And the situation in Venezuela has strained relations even further as the rival nations throw their weight behind opposing sides in the rapidly escalating crisis. Alongside Russia and China, Iran supports Maduro while the US and most of South America has demanded he step down. Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic today risked further provoking Washington by showing off a new cruise missile Tehran says the weapon can hit targets 800 miles away which puts its regional rival Saudi Arabia well within range. Iran has continued to expand its missile programme, particularly its ballistic missiles, despite repeated warnings from the United States. Defence Minister Amir Hatami said during the unveiling ceremony: "This cruise missile needs a very short time for its preparedness and can fly at a low altitude." However, Western experts say Iran often exaggerates the capabilities of its weapons In January, Tehran tried to launch a satellite into space but the rocket failed to reach orbit. Washington has warned Iran not to attempt further tests fearing that the same technology used to blast a satellite into space could be adapted to produce long-range ballistic missiles. Tehran insists its space programme, a source of national pride, is purely for peaceful purposes. In addition to concerns over Iran’s ballistic missiles, the US is also keeping a close eye on its nuclear programme. Officials in Tehran announced this week they were preparing to step up their production of enriched uranium. The radioactive element is used as fuel for nuclear power but can also be further refined to create material for atomic weapons. President Trump this week warned Iran remains a “source of potential danger and conflict” but his intelligence chiefs said Tehran is not working to create a nuclear weapon.
Iran RAGES at Trump for trying to topple Venezuela’s Maduro - ‘the US wants hegemony!’

US WARSHIPS entered the disputed South China Sea last week in a direct challenge to the Chinese state, which a US Admiral has claimed is a bigger threat to the region than North Korea. The visit, which took place last Monday, was made by guided missile destroyers USS Spruance and USS Preble. American warships have been conducting so-called ‘freedom of navigation’ patrols through the South China Sea in defiance of Beijing. Admiral Phil Davidson told the US Senate Armed Services Committee that China is seeking to dominate the region adding the country is “our greatest long-term strategic threat” rather than North Korea. He commented: “Through fear and coercion, Beijing is working to expand its form of ideology in order to bend, break and replace the existing rules-based international order.
Trump CONFRONTS China: Beijing bigger threat than North Korea claims US Admiral

CHINA plant, seine Beziehungen zum Iran zu stärken, während die Beziehungen zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Ärger der Saudi-Arabien aufrecht erhalten werden, da die Spannungen zwischen den beiden arabischen Rivalen zunehmen.
China WARNING: Beijing to deepen ‘strategic trust’ with Iran - Saudi Arabia on alert

There are dramatic changes at the North Pole. The magnetic North Pole literally rotates through. He wanders through the area faster and faster, confusing everything. Now he is on the journey from Canada to Siberia. And science has to react. What's going on there? Does a polarity reversal of the earth's magnetic field threaten? And is she dangerous?
Magnetfeld der Erde dreht durch - Droht jetzt die Umpolung? - Clixoom Science & Fiction
Pole Shift, Earths Magnetic Field is Rapidly Moving to Siberia Causing Navigation Errors

The protests of the yellow vests go on - and show effect! It begins to crumble in Macron's innermost circle.
Gelbwesten: Macrons Berater verlassen das sinkende Schiff!

Is it the supposed humanitarian crisis, or rather the longing for the vast resources that President Trump is planning for a military US invasion of Venezuela? In an open letter of February 10, 2019, Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, explains to people in the United States about the great danger of war for his and her country and pleads for peace between the two peoples.
Venezuelas Präsident richtet sich an das US-amerikanische Volk | 18.02.2019 |

Only in eastern Syria, in the province of Deir al-Zour, does the Islamic State still have a last sphere of influence. ... Fighters funded by the US want to defeat the IS here (they are also interested in mineral resources)
Der Islamische Staat steht in Syrien vor dem Aus

The U.S. destroyer Donald Cook re-entered the Black Sea Tuesday to conduct exercises with Ukrain3 and other allies, the Navy announced Tuesday. The ship’s arrival into the Black Sea, its second visit this year, comes amid escalating tensions and violence between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainin forces. The Ukrainian navy has been drilling in anticipation of an at-sea attack by Russia,
Destroyer Donald Cook sails into Black Sea Again as Russia tensions rise

In his annual message to the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin takes stock of domestic, social and foreign affairs. RT Deutsch shows the speech in a live stream from 10 am with German simultaneous translation.
Live: Putins Rede zur Lage der Nation mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung

I asked for a Rhema and got this:
 Revelation 7:13-17
And one of the elders responded, saying to me...
'Who are these dressed in white robes,
and where did they come from?'
And I said to him... 'Master you know.'
And he said to me... These are those coming out of the great distress,
having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Because of this they are before the throne of God,
and serve Him day and night in His Dwelling Place.
And He who sits on the throne shall dwell among them.
They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more,
neither shall the sun strike them, nor any heat.
Because the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne
shall shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters.
And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.


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