36. Faith, Truth and Understanding
The Third Testament IX. Teachings of the Divine Wisdom Chapter 36 - Faith, Truth and Understanding The Faith that can do all things 1 To overcome weakness, wretchedness, misery, and passions, and to remove doubt, faith and good works are indispensable, which are virtues that accomplish the impossible; towards them the difficult and unattainable vanishes like shadows. 2 I said to the people who believed in me in the "Second Time": "Your faith has helped you. I explained it this way, because faith is a healing power, a force that transforms, and its light destroys darkness. (20, 63 - 64) 3 Those who are still far from spiritualization want to see Me in the form of Jesus, to say to Me, "Lord, I believe in You, for I have seen You. To them I say: Blessed are they who believed without seeing, for they have given proof that thanks to their spiritualization they have felt Me in their heart. (27, 75) 4 I want you to know what faith is, so that you may unde...