The right eyes

Holy Father, forgive me for approaching you with banal things; Facebook requires my mobile number and a picture of me to check my account. They have reported that someone false may have entered my account.
I give you my life, put it in your hand. In your hands I recommend my spirit soul.

From the Book of True Life - Volume VII - Instruction 186 - verses 5-6
 5. It is true that my teaching is a weapon, a lightsaber that touches the heart and touches the most sensitive in man. Will to defeat evil is what you need, and that power for your soul gives you my word. The greatest and noblest battle in which I want to see you victorious is the one you fight against yourself to control your passions, selfishness, and lust. At every opportunity there should be a great battle within you.
6. On the one hand, good will, reason, justice, and charity, on the other, the perishable human passions are high. But the light will triumph over the darkness. If I knew that it would not be so, I would not allow you to enter into a useless and unfruitful fight for your soul.


In the garden of A.M. there was a long fallow corner and she has now dug it.
At exactly the right moment her husband came twice when it was necessary to cut off wild shoots that had formed a strong root and he did so with a cordless pruner.
The digging was cumbersome, but A.M. felt power in her and kept on going. When she had dug up three quarters of the area she heard the voice of her father saying:
"Still an hour!"
And that was true. After an hour it was done. Here is a flowerbed to emerge.
Then the father said:
"You still have enough worms. 1000. Then you have enough to eat. "
Others dig their planes with electric machines, and all earthworms are cruel. But they are important because they loosen and fertilize the soil with their excretions, thereby helping the soil to be fertile. Synthetic fertilizer can never achieve this in the long run.

In the evening, A.M. and her husband watched the movie: The Shark - A weekend with God.
A.M. has purchased the film as a DVD.


A.M. was still exhausted from digging and fell asleep during morning prayers again and again.
At 6:45 the father interrupted her; he said:
 and signaled that she should lie down again.
Then she heard his soft voice in her mind as he said to her:
"The EU - we will keep it to the west!"
Thank you, most gracious Majesty. You are so kind.
"It's getting dark!"
... before the new day starts?
"Which are the right eyes?"
How do you mean?
"Your light of faith!"
According to your word, we are not looking, but believing. It is not the material eyes that are meant, my father, but the eyes of the spirit that look in your light.

You looked at me so lovingly throughout the breakfast, as if you could not get enough of it. I felt it exactly.

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