BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 189

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 189

1. Humanity, I come to unite you. I see you as if you were one single people scattered all over the world, and I will consider you as one single child. Here you have a new page of the book of life, which is still unknown to my disciples.

2. My people: Elijah, whose Spirit is manifested through my voice-bearers, and who speaks to you with words full of light and prophecy, is the same one who in the First Age amazed the world with his power, and you shall not be surprised when I also reveal to you that he was also in the Second Age among men, where he was then known as John the Baptist. I tell you that you are not to be surprised about this because I did not reveal these teachings to you only today, but these are already written down.

3. A proof of this is that the prophets said that Elijah would come before Christ to prepare the way for the Lord, and that prophecy came true. But afterwards Jesus declared that when His second coming into the world would take place, Elijah would come first to set everything in order. This promise has necessarily been fulfilled among you.

4. When this revelation is studied tomorrow by those who have struggled much with the Scriptures, they will be able to see that the Spirit of Elijah came at this time to fulfill the same mission as that entrusted to him in the Second Age ─ those who prepare the ways of the Lord by purifying those who would be the disciples of the Holy Spirit afterward.

5. Today I have not come to suffer on earth as in past times, when I had to endure the mockery of the Gentiles, the bitterness of persecution, and later to suffer death. For out of Elijah's mouth came the prophetic word that announced judgment to all evildoers.

6. Today he has come in the Spirit, and therefore the hand of man shall not touch him, nor hurt him. Notwithstanding this, this people here have given him the cup of suffering of ingratitude to drink.

7. Elijah is a shepherd who lovingly seeks his strayed sheep. At times he has succeeded in uniting the ninety-nine sheep. But he has noticed that he is lacking one thing to make up the number of those who make up his flock. And this little sheep laments when it sees that it has strayed into the thorn hedges of the rocky clefts. But Elijah hurries to search for him. What joy pervades his Spirit when he has succeeded in rescuing it from danger. With what love he wants to bring the beloved sheep back into the company of his fellow sheep. But how great is his pain when, on his return to the sheep pen, he realizes that many others have jumped over the pen and left because they followed the impulse of their free will.

8. The multitudes who have been witnesses of Elijah's presence, and who have witnessed the flourishing of a work which he announced, will not be those who are most absorbed in the study of the revelations which their Lord has given them. Tomorrow, people will come who will be satisfied with the study of the testimonies of this people, to sound the trumpet to the four winds, convinced that this work is truth, that the Lord has been with the people once more, and that Elijah was once again his forerunner.

9. Come to rest and listen to Me. My Word will nourish you, give you comfort and forgiveness so that you may feel encouraged and fulfill the commission I have given you.

10. Do not make resolutions to follow Me only while listening to Me; feel Me in every moment of your life

11. Very great is the moral and spiritual backwardness in which mankind finds itself! How great is the responsibility of those who have received the grace and light of my Word in this time!

12. Become disciples, become masters, banish from your hearts the fear of men, free yourselves from indifference and laziness, realize that you are truly bearers of a heavenly message It is you who are to explain to all what is happening at this time, who must struggle to teach the principles of my teaching which mankind has forgotten.

13. You are not to give my word to men only as I told you. Train yourselves so that you may know how to interpret it. Do not look for words to surprise with your polished eloquence. Speak in a simple way, which is the one that best expresses the truth of the Spirit.

14. How can you know when you yourselves are speaking, and when it is I who speak through your mouth? ─ If you forget yourself, if you think of your brother's pain and feel low, unworthy to deserve my grace ─ this is the moment when my divine inspiration comes down on your mind. For at this moment your whole being will be imbued with love for the Father and for your brother.

15. When you do a work in my name, know how to use it, but never speak of it without reason.

16. In all my work there is just compensation. He who gives receives. He who rejects will perish in the end out of necessity. I want you to understand my teaching, the foundations of which are mercy and love.

17. You must devote yourselves to goodness, this is your task. But as long as your flesh nature resists, you feel unworthy to be my disciples. Then you think that there are many who are better than you, and yet they have not been called. I tell you: The reason is that you needed it most because your heart lacked peace, because your way was full of pitfalls, and your feet were soiled by the mire of this world.

18. Neither were my disciples of the Second Age "righteous" when I chose them. But they made themselves worthy through their works and attained a higher spiritual level by following my teaching. I want you to change and make yourselves worthy in the same way, that your works lift you up and bring you closer to me.

19. If I were to ask you, "What have you learned from the many things I have taught you? Then you would have to confess that you have used very little of it. But I do not want to condemn you, but to forgive you. For your debts are those of all mankind. Therefore when I speak to you, I speak to all my children.

20. I call you my messengers. You must find the right way to deal with your fellow men. If you defeat their unbelief by convincing words and works, it will be a great merit for you. Take care to give your testimony fully so that you never defeat the purpose of my teachings.

21. Always strive for harmony between the spiritual and the material. That is, that you should learn to give to God what is God's, and to the world what is yours.

22. So I give myself to you in my word. Make use of his essence, which is wisdom, and of all that is good and perfect, that you may strive to find in it, if it is your ideal that your hand should later be wasteful to your fellow men.

23. The time is opportune, use it, for the day is coming when this word shall no longer be heard. My will must be fulfilled. Already the era of spiritual dialogue between God and man is near. Then the human mind will no longer be necessary as voice bearer or transmitter of my will.

24. In this time, in which I make myself known in words full of light, I have granted this mankind to transmit my teaching in the right way.

25. Today I see that each of my disciples gathered around the Master has a different way of understanding my word, and when they communicate their own views to each other, they get into discussions and criticism, although unity of thought is what I want in my people. For this you must have charity, be tolerant and wait for the right moment to speak.

26. Today you have different ideas about my teachings, but eventually you will all come to the same understanding and knowledge. This will encourage you in your struggle, for when you are all united, you will feel stronger.

27. I have always told you: do not form theories from my teachings and revelations, for they would deprive the truth with which I have clothed you of its power.

28. Discover in my teaching that freedom of which I speak to you, so that you may lean on it as a foundation and recognize everything with greater clarity.

29. Every time I have come to you, I have taught you how to obtain dialogue with your Father. I have taught you to find the truth within yourselves so that you do not seek it in teachings which only hinder the Spirit. Humanity has progressed from childhood into this era of light, in which the Spirit and the human mind have experienced infinity opening up before them.

30. For the light that illuminates this time to be seen by every eye, it is necessary that you rend the blindfold of religious fanaticism This is why I left you, written on the tablets of the Law which I gave to Moses: "You shall not worship any image of any creature, nor material things, as if they were your God. Him you shall love with all your heart and with all your soul more than all created things.

31. But you ask me: Why did the world get into fanaticism and external cult forms? ─ Because the people who dedicated themselves to my law, instead of rejecting honors, festive garments and vanities like Jesus, have taken on the riches, titles and the frame glory of the earth, thus robbing the soul of all freedom. And in the midst of this spiritual confusion there are still some who feel infallible, although only one is infallible, who is your Heavenly Father.

32. If, then, you want to achieve an improvement in your soul, stand your life struggle with intelligence and spirituality, be men of good will and humble of heart. Thus you will make the progress that will lead your soul to salvation.

33. I let you feel my love, I will now remove the rocks from your path to make your cross less heavy.

34. I see the inside of your heart and say to you: train your minds, increase your thinking power and unite your feelings so that you may hear and comprehend my word.

35. Pray and make amends, for the peace of the world depends also on your development. You must pray, for the world is threatened by war, and you must strive to achieve peace. You are the people who have come to know the power of prayer, its influence and its light.

36. All are looking for a bright horizon and have not found it, because there is no brotherhood among men, and when they see the panorama overshadowed by the nations where war has been unleashed, they are only encouraged by the idea that somewhere on the globe there must be a peaceful corner. That corner will be that nation, which is seen from afar like a shining star.

37. This is the responsibility of this people here, who must prepare themselves spiritually and physically to give an example of brotherhood, of inner upliftment and charity, whether it be to heal the sick or to shake hands with the enemy as a sign of forgiveness.

38. Be diligent in my fields, and you will see all that surrounds you clothed with greater beauty, because then you will have found the meaning of your existence. He who falls into stagnation and routine does not let his soul be lifted up to see the glories that life contains when one lives according to my law.

39. Observe yourselves, so that you may discover when your existence becomes useless because you allow yourselves to be pulled down by the inclinations of the flesh. I want you to leave a fruit, but this fruit should be that of peace for your children. For your heart will then blossom, and these fruits will be your works.

40. Through you I will make known to the world my word of this time, which will become known after the year 1950.

41. These revelations will come to all mankind For this I have trained those whom I call "gold feathers", that they may work with zeal for my works and following the call of their conscience, so that my word may be preserved in writing. These writings are intended not only for the present generations, but also for those to come.

42. The sovereignty of my word is based, as at all times, on its simplicity and on its meaning. I want your language to be in the same way when you speak of my work. Do not forget that not only man speaks, but also the heart. Have purity in your actions.

43. In every moment you receive from Me the strength, the light and the peace you need for your life's journey. Receive also my blessing.

44. In this third time I will make all mankind my disciples. To achieve this, I now let my light flow into every man. Afterwards I will let my word reach them, the very word that I am giving you today. The testimonies, the writings and the example of my people will be known from country to country and from people to people, will awaken hearts and revive souls in the light of their conscience.

45. Today many human beings are wandering aimlessly, often asking Me, "Lord, where are we going? Where will this life lead us, and what is the goal that awaits us?".

46. They are frightened souls who ask Me in this way. They live agonizingly in a world that has reached its peak of depravity and materialism. To them I let my light reach as a ray of hope so that they may continue to watch and pray until the storm passes and peace enters their hearts.

47. Here, in this corner of the earth, I let my voice be heard, made human by the enlightened ones whom I have chosen to serve them for this rallies. And when I address these multitudes here, I dedicate some of my words to the children whom I exhort to become strong in virtue and to flee the torrent of corruption that has drawn so many hearts into ruin.

48. I want these creatures, from their earliest childhood, to have full knowledge of the task which has determined the future for them. I have also spoken directly to the youth to give them orientation on their uncertain path of life. For I regard them as a fragile boat in the midst of a troubled sea, and in order to help them, I have set up my work as a lighthouse before their eyes, so that it may guide them to the saving harbor. It is the youth who is farthest from Me.

49. As long as man is still a child, he prays and thinks of God. The same happens when he has passed the mountain peak of his life and begins to set, like the sun at sunset. But as long as his heart is like a bird that wants to fly, and his flesh trembles at the contact with the temptations of the world, and he feels strong, then he distances himself from the divine teachings, because he does not want their teaching of humility, love, and sacrifice to reproach his works, words, and thoughts at every step he takes.

50. Only when the human heart feels that it is shipwrecked in the sea of its passions, does it lift up its eyes in longing for the divine lighthouse, whose light shows it the way that leads it to the port of salvation.

51. I have heard the heart of widows who say to Me, "My Father, look at us, we are like fallen leaves from the tree, blowing the winds about". ─ I have approached them to tell them that they are not alone, that he who went on spiritual wanderings to another world sees them from there, assists them and protects them, and that he has preceded them only a short time to prepare the way for all the beings entrusted to him.

52. But if you are not able to feel him, if his presence should not be perceptible in your life, then pray, address your requests to me, because I will cause you to feel his presence. For some he will be a staff, for others the support, and for still others the loving companion who leads them and assists them on their life journey.

53. When the wild animals in the woods, the birds in the Airing and the flowers in the meadows receive in every moment the radiation of love and life of their Father ─ how would it be possible that you come to the thought that I deny you even for one second the grace of my divine love, although you have in your being a particle of my own divinity?

54. The family man has turned to me to tell me his needs and worries His children disregard his authority, turn their backs on him and become enemies of the fatherly counsel.

55. I must point out to you that your mission is very difficult, and your cross is heavy. But if you are able to drink your cup of suffering with faith and patience, and if you know how to love your fellow men and your children, you will take Me as an example on your path of life, and your children will not perish.

56. People: If you desire that my work should be widely known throughout the earth, live my teaching, apply my teaching in all your works, sanctify your home by the power that flows from this word. Understand that your past is a sealed book, and that life now presents itself as a new path unknown to your eyes ─ a path you must travel until the end.

Today you are calm, take only what you want from my words, and make use of my teaching when you want to. But the time will come when I will call this people to account, from the first to the last of my words with which I have taught them.

57. Do not forget that this nation has long since fulfilled a spiritual mission on earth and has been called to fulfill a high destiny among mankind If the mercy of the Lord has appointed you to live in it, sow your seed in it, even if it be but a single seed; but this shall consist of love, peace, and spiritualization. Thus your way on earth will not have been unfruitful.

Already now I must point out to you that ─ however high the destiny of this nation may be ─ you must not regard it as the "Land of Promise" or as a "New Jerusalem". Do not confuse anyone and do not get into confusion yourselves. To the disciples of the Lord, the spiritualists, the Father could not give material goods for inheritance. Since the mission of this land is great, since this nation is to reach a high level of development, its inhabitants shall be those who proclaim my presence to the world, and those who bear witness to the greatness and truth of my teaching through their example and works.

58. I will leave you a radiant trace of my rallies among you, with which you shall be able to shake the world. This is my word, which was written under divine dictation.

59. It will first be written down in material books, in which men will be able to approach my secret treasury and enter into my wisdom. Afterwards, when that essence has been guarded in the heart of my disciples, the true book will appear in the Spirit of the people of the Lord.

60. I have showered you with gifts of grace when I made the vibration of my word sound through the voice bearers. I have sent you my spiritual world to explain and interpret my messages to you. I have littered your path with wonders and have allowed your eyes to be amazed while contemplating the spiritual visions. But you are not the only ones who enjoy and will enjoy these manifestations. For I have announced to you that "every eye will see me. And indeed, the world will see me, and the spiritual world will likewise manifest itself, and all these rallies in the world will finally make the most unbelieving hearts tremble.

61. Men have come here with the desire that the spiritual should materialize and the divine should humanize itself to be able to believe. And I have granted this grace to some.

62. People, deeply recognize the destiny you have among all the peoples of the earth, so that you may fulfill your mission ─ now that the time is favorable.

63. I will prepare your hearts to dwell in them. The world will also prepare itself. The seed of peace will sprout in the minds of men, and you who have scattered it in every corner of the earth will be happy when you see the fruits of your labor. For by taking the Master as an example in your journey, you have shown how to live righteously and have prayed for all.

64. In all nations there will be talk of reconciliation, brotherhood, and peace, and this will be the beginning of union.

65. I have prepared you and asked you if you are already ready to go out to the restless wanderers, to your fellow men, to show them the wisdom which I have given you as inspired rallies and to answer their questions satisfactorily It shall not seem impossible to anyone to fulfill this mission. Recognize that the knowledge I have given you enables you to understand your mission.

66. There will be no need for all my children to go to the places you call foreign. Often it will be enough for them to pray in their thoughts and purify their hearts so that their Spirit may manifest itself to their fellow men at any distance and become one with them. And those will be awakened through the spiritual world.

67. You are to unite with the spiritual world and form with it a protective wall that prevents new wars and new sufferings. You are to continue to pray for those who pretend to realize spiritual rule with the help of force. You will be surprised, and the world will be amazed when men see that it is not power that has dominated reason, brotherhood and justice.

68. Beware of practicing an apparent charity while indulging in selfishness in your hearts Do as much good as possible, but without seeking personal gain. Do it out of love, which is the law I have taught you, and you will have earned merits for the ascent of your soul. Make my teaching known as I have given it to you. It is the same as that which I made known to my prophets and to my apostles of other times.

69. Man in his materialism has found it advantageous to falsify my word, which I have transmitted at all times. But my work is perfect and is not based on material words. Prepare yourselves, and you will always find my truth. Then you will discover that I have given you my seed at all times in a generous manner so that you too may pass it on with the same love and mercy.

70. It will not be necessary that you impress anyone by the use of rites or outward forms The temple of your heart will become visible, and in it your fellow men will see its eternal light and altar.

71. Learn to feel Me already now ─ both in your good works and when you struggle to leave the mudhole into which you have fallen

72. I have taught you to seek the truth in simplicity. How wretched is the human mind still when it seeks truth in the complicated sciences which it has created itself! Why seek Me so far away, though I am carried within? Who does not know that he was created in the Father's image, endowed with divine qualities, such as Spirit, intelligence, and will?

73. I lived with men in the Second Age, sharing your bread and your home; but the greatness of Christ has its root in his humility

74. I teach you this so that you may know how to separate yourselves from the material for the sake of your love for your neighbor. But above all you must purify yourselves, for it is law that you should develop. And if it is law that everything is to develop, you must not be astonished by the prophecies that are yet to come true. That which your eyes may see will fill you with joy only when you establish that everything reigns a most perfect law, and that what happens to your soul today could not have happened to you before, because everything is revealed in its time until it reaches perfection.

75. It is not only on earth that the progress of mankind is struggled for; from other worlds the spiritual world strives for its salvation and progress. Therefore I tell you that the spiritualist seed will bear fruit in the bosom of all religious communities. After the great controversies, and when people say that it is a new religion that sows discord, you should answer that spiritualism is a

Teaching is, and is precisely that which was first given to men, and the only one that has ruled over souls. But that voice will come from your heart, where your feelings dwell, which will be revealed when you weep for the sake of a foreign pain, or also when you weep for joy over those of your neighbor. For what I have always taught you is to love one another.

76. I speak to you by means of the human mind. My light and my grace flow through it and become words ─ that word which marks the only way to reach me: that of sincerity of feeling and that of humility.

My peace be with you!


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