BTL - Volume VII - Teaching 180
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
(given during the second world war)
1. I give you light that you may fathom my word and understand my teaching, beloved disciples.
2. The "laborer" shall continue to till and plow the field, in which he must plant the seed with faith and with the desire to bring in a rich harvest. But the Master tells you Take care to choose the soil that is suitable so that the seed does not spoil, and you will always reap fruits that are in keeping with the love with which you have tilled your land.
3. You all may be "laborers in my fields"; but first it is necessary to feel and understand this mission. The purpose of this teaching is to remove the dark blindfold of the ignorant and make the "lame" walk, showing them that I am the only God they should serve. Therefore I say to you: I prepare you to show yourselves to others as an example, because you have opened your eyes to the light and humbly confessed that you were ignorant. I will likewise sow through you and reap the fruits of my mercy.
4. Your fellow men will ask you how you received this teaching, how my rallies went, and why you follow this way. To every question you shall answer with absolute truthfulness. For if you do not keep to the truth, you will not be strong and will be beaten. Then the seed will not sprout.
5. I do not want you then to stand there empty-handed, nor to be without harvest at the end of your fight, after I have removed you from the world to follow my way, and called you "my disciples. It would not be fair if you reap disappointments and bitterness just because you have not learned to defend my work by studying and fathoming it to gain enough strength, peace of mind and knowledge to stand the tests.
6. My teaching is a single lesson expressed in many forms so that you may understand it, and to which you have nothing to add. But although it is law, I do not want to force it on you because then you would get into hypocrisy by outwardly pretending to obey it while your heart is against it.
7. I have put conscience into your being so that it may be present in all your ways, since conscience is able to distinguish good from evil and right from wrong. Guided by this light, you will not be able to be deceived, nor will you be able to be called ignorant. How could the spiritualist deceive his own neighbor or try to deceive himself, when in his own being he possesses the light of his Creator?
8. At that time a rich young man approached Jesus and said to him, "Master, I believe I deserve the kingdom you promise because I follow the teaching. Jesus asked him:
9. "Do you obey the law? And the young man answered: "Yes, Lord, I am fasting, treat my fellow men well, do no harm to anyone evil and give a part of my fortune to support the temple".
Then Jesus told him, "If you want to follow Me, leave everything you possess behind and follow the Master. But there was so much that the young man possessed in the world that he did not want to part with his riches and preferred to part with the Lord. He believed to fulfill my law and deceived himself.
10. How often have I said to you, exercise active charity, manifest this virtue, but do not boast of it, for then there will be no more mercy, and you would be deceiving yourselves!
11. Disciples: If you do not want to commit any error or mistake, examine your actions in the light of your conscience. And if there is anything that clouds it, examine yourselves thoroughly, and you will discover the blot so that you may correct it. There is a mirror within you in which you can look at yourself and see whether you are pure or not.
12. The spiritualist should be recognized by his deeds, which, in order to be pure, must be dictated by conscience. Whoever acts in this way will feel that he rightly calls himself my disciple.
13. Who could deceive Me? ─ No one. I judge you not by what you do, but by the intention with which you do it. I am in your conscience and beyond it. How can you believe that I cannot know your deeds and their motives?
14. Prepare yourselves for battle, lest my work be attacked because of your evil works. For in many cases the recognition or non-recognition of my work by mankind will depend on you.
15. But what can my work destroy, since it is the truth itself, since it is spotless purity? You, however, would very well miss opportunities to earn merit and uplift the soul.
16. If anyone does not know my truth, it is because he did not concern himself with it, and drank from this fountain which pours its crystal clear water for all lips thirsting for love.
17. The truth I revealed to the patriarchs, the prophets and the righteous is the same truth I am revealing to you today For my teaching, which you receive today, is the law of all times, with which I have shown you the way to upward development, so that you may continue your life's journey to the goal. In my teaching I have never told you anything that does not have a truthful explanation. But if you should give different and complicated explanations, if you change my teaching or give an incorrect interpretation to those who need an explanation, you will bring in a bad harvest.
18. Pay attention to how you pass on and how you speak. Understand that you are responsible for a very great gift.
19. I am the owner of the seed, you the workers. If anyone is lazy and does not fulfill his task ─, if anyone strays from the path, do not blame Me who calls you everywhere. Recognize that he who wants to win his salvation must make a certain effort.
20. See, I turn to your hearts so that you, feeling Me, may say "Master, I will follow you."
21. Listen well: at all times the Father of mankind has manifested his love by messages to his messengers. This love which you are trying to understand and feel up to this moment is the very love which has always caressed you.
22. I want you to be sated by this light, for without love you will not come to Me. Without this power you cannot grasp my glory.
23. My word touches the tenderest strings of your heart so that you may awaken to love and understand that if you live only to gain the riches of the world, and you have neither space nor time left for the heart and soul to develop their faculties, these faculties will not unfold on their path of development
24. Do not let your heart be imagined, for it symbolizes the fire of eternity of him from whom all things came forth, and where all things are revived.
25. The Spirit uses the heart to love through the body. If you love only according to the law of matter, your love will be transitory, because it is limited. But if you love spiritually, that feeling is like that of the Father, who is eternal, perfect, and changeless.
26. All life and all creation is related to the Spirit because he has eternal life. Do not limit yourselves, love Me and love yourselves, because you possess that God-spark of "being" which knows no limits in loving, which is God Himself.
27. Understand that all that exists is there for you, just as all is, according to its destiny, an unceasing tribute and a continual homage to the Creator.
28. From all beings I receive their fruit, but everything receives from me the life-giving power.
29. I am explaining all these teachings to you so that your soul is no longer a prisoner of your senses ─ so that when you set out to spread my teaching, you may make known that the soul, like all created things, is subject to the law of evolution.
30. "Development" ─ a word that will be on the lips of men once they deal with the soul; for it means progress, ascension, transformation and perfection.
31. when will man finally be free from prejudice, so that he will no longer turn to forms, nor see everything that surrounds him greater than himself? Then, when he reaches the freedom of the Spirit.
32. Now you can well understand that, if I have always made myself known to men in wisdom, this was done to free the souls held prisoner by limited minds.
33. There are still at this time men with limited intellect and without inspiration. Although men should already have a bright and bright mind because of their development, many still think and live as in the primitive epochs.
Others have achieved great progress in science, but have closed themselves off in their vanity and selfishness and believed to have reached the summit of knowledge. But they have stopped on the way to their spiritual progress.
34. To you who have heard Me in this time and have heard that in my teaching the word "Spirit" is constantly repeated, I say that the greatness and the light that this word contains will shake this mankind when it once understands it.
35. Make yourselves worthy of this grace also further on, through properly understood humility. "Humility" does not mean poverty, nor material poverty.
36. Preserve moral strength; for you have hardened yourselves like the steel on the anvil through the sufferings of this life.
37. I see you in agreement with your destiny. If your past has been agonizing, turn your eyes away from it. Forget it and live peacefully in the present. Fear not the future, for "tomorrow" is me.
38. All my prophecies will be fulfilled, and this your little nation will be regarded by mankind as the "land of promise. I will see to it that hearts will feel peace in it and souls will be enlightened. High rulers of other peoples will come to her and will be inspired in her womb to rule with love.
39. The "lost tribes of Israel" will come to gather in this land prepared by my mercy and feel my peace.
40. You must be prepared, for your fellow men will turn to you. You do not know how and when, but my word will be fulfilled.
41. Therefore I call upon you to gather together so that your fellow men may feel that they have come to the bosom of the Lord's people, where they will receive what my Will is.
42. I acquaint you in advance with all events of the future. As for those "tribes", I tell you that they, moved by my wisdom, will come to receive the inheritance you have received. They will not come by chance; but it is necessary that you be united so that you may see my word fulfilled.
43. In the second time, when the emperor ruled over Palestine, it was divided among them. The people of Israel were slaves of the Gentiles, and on their shoulders they felt the burden of the yoke of tyranny.
44. Just then came the Son of God unto men.
45. How much pain was there in that people, and how great was the selfishness of men! But my word was heard, and it was like a balm on all the wounds of that disinherited people. I quenched his thirst for love, and therefore those who believed in me said, "Only the Nazarene knows how to love. And yet I was misunderstood.
When men made me offer the sacrifice, they asked me, "Jesus, where are those who followed you? At that moment I looked at Jerusalem and said, "It is not yet time for the seed to germinate. But the time will come, and mankind will then know the fruit." And really ─ after my parting, my disciples set out and made my word known.
46. Now I tell you: In the year 1950 those who will not obey my word will appear and they will make me suffer the sacrificial death again, which is disobedience and discord among yourselves. Then I will say, as I did then, "I have put my seed in these hearts, and it will blossom, and from its fruits the nations will eat, who will come to know my Word recorded in the Scriptures.
47. This legacy is meant for you. Remember that you must always sow the good in your way.
48. The days are drawing near in which the Christian world is concentrating in its heart on remembering the drama that took place on Golgotha some two thousand years ago Then some reflect to see if the actions of their lives are in harmony with their conscience, or if they have been weak in the face of temptation.
49. But this people, who are hearing Me at present, feel no need to look at the image of the Crucified One, because they understand that that blood shed on Calvary is still active in the hearts of men. For it was "watered" to show him how to fulfill a mission.
The spiritualist people do not need to relive that drama; they have learned to rise spiritually until they feel and see the glories that exist in the Spirit. Who like
When Thomas doubted, I allowed him to put his fingers into the wound of Jesus and to see my blood, which is still fresh, and which continues to pour into every soul in love and power like an inexhaustible source.
50. I have told you that I am so close to you that I know even the most secret of your thoughts, that I am everywhere you are because I am omnipresent; I have told you that I am so close to you that I know the most secret of your thoughts I am the Light that enlightens your mind through inspirations or luminous ideas.
51. I am in you because I am the Spirit who inspires you, the conscience that judges you I am in your senses and in your body, for I am in all creation.
52. Feel Me more and more in you and in everything that surrounds you, so that when the moment comes to leave this world, you may enter fully into spiritual life, and there will be no distraction in your soul by the impressions that the world of the senses might leave; and you approach Me a further step, I am the source of infinite purity, from which you will drink eternally
53. You do not know how much time you have left to take this step Therefore watch, because temptation will want to make you stumble. I prepare you and promise you that my mercy will be ready to rescue you from the storm. I will offer you my help when you threaten to fall, because for me there is not one who would be worth more, nor another who would be worth less. I am the Father, and whenever you come to me repentantly, I will receive you and give you your reward according to your merits.
54. Think and examine your lives. Let yourselves be enlightened by the light of your Spirit. I will let you recognize your spiritual progress.
55. Interpret my word correctly, knowing that it is not its form that is to be fathomed, but the meaning contained therein and the purpose that it points you. My voice-bearers can make mistakes; but that which comes from God is pure and cannot be defiled.
56. I have given you a seed, from which ye shall reap a rich harvest. Take Me as your example and spread love and mercy among your fellow men on the way of life. Then mankind will acknowledge the faith and strength you have attained.
57. Try to understand the meaning of my work, as those who followed me to the end understood and interpreted it.
58. If you have prepared your heart as a sanctuary where you await your Father's visit so that he may feel in it the warmth of your love, then you can truly say that "the lark" has been with you. I am surrounded by men, women and children, and all are like nestlings on the tree of life.
59. You have wandered ceaselessly, seeking the roots of certain trees within the earth to judge their fruits, and often you have discovered in those roots the gnawing worm. Then you searched for Me on mountains and in valleys ─ with the hope of hearing a fatherly or at least a friendly voice that would free you from uncertainty and lead you on the path of truth. Now that you hear my word, you thank Me for allowing you to hear my teaching that prepares you for a more perfect spiritual communication than the one you have at present.
Today I must limit my light to be understood by you. But the moment will come when your soul and mind can directly bear my wisdom. Today a little light and peace in your heart ─ is enough for many people; for children a caress, for the tired old people the loving gaze of their children; for through it they feel a ray of light in their tired and saddened heart. But afterwards, all of them will set out in longing for a light that will illuminate their path of life.
60. If many of my children were asked at this time if they had the desire to hear my teachings, they would answer that they are unworthy of it. But I tell you that none of my children are unworthy to hear Me. All need my word: the righteous to be refreshed to hear their God; the ignorant to learn and attain the development of their souls by the Master's teachings; the sinners to be renewed by their repentance when they listen to the Father.
61. A voice comes to Me and tells Me, "Come and see how weak I am on earth, how defiled my soul is. I know that You love me and can forgive me, that You are guide in my darkness and help in my solitude. Come to my help, for in the trials of this hour I feel the pain of the agony.
62. Who speaks to me in this way? Who in this way lets his calls reach Me in the desire for grace? Is it a heart? no, people, it is mankind that has not forgotten that I am Love It recognizes its shamefulness and asks for redemption.
63. I wept over your parting from the moment you left your spiritual home to go to earth Since then it has been my tears and blood that have forgiven your sins, and my kind and calm voice has continually advised you on your life journey. My shadow has followed you on all paths. It was I who missed you in reality, not you. For when you left, you felt strong, and you believed that you no longer needed my assistance. Your way was that of freedom of will, your senses expanded to breathe in and touch everything that surrounded you, and you had to fall very deeply to direct your eyes again to me.
Even then you remembered that you had a Father at whose table you sat. There you called for your Lord; but I had already called you before and your presence at my table. I had looked for you like a father who saw his child leaving as a little boy, with innocence in his heart and without knowledge of the way.
64. When you fathom my word, you will understand that the Father's purpose when He sent you into the world to go through its ways full of dangers and temptations was not that you should stray on them. For they were designed in advance so that you would receive on them the necessary lessons for the development of the soul, to give you the experience which you lacked, and finally to let you return to me full of light.
When your Spirit came forth from Me, it was like a spark that the winds had to turn into a flame, so that when you returned to Me, your light would become one with that of the Deity.
65. I speak to you from the top of the new mountain. There I await you, and verily I say to you On the day of your arrival there will be a feast in this kingdom. You come there on the way of pain, clearing up your transgressions ─ a way that I did not mark out, but that man has created. This path you also let me go. But since then the path of sacrifice and pain has been glorified by my blood.
66. Hear in infinity the sound of my voice, as you hear the sound of a bell.
67. Consider that it is time for judgment; for verily I say to you, every offence will be atoned for. The earth itself will demand account of the bad use that man has made of it and its nature kingdoms. Everything that has been destroyed will call you to account and let men recognize through this that they were created by the creator with love intentions, and that exactly that one single will, which could destroy them, cares for them, protects them and blesses them.
68. Can a soul quietly depart from this planet when what it has profaned and destroyed calls it to account? These are those who have had to create a world where the pangs of conscience, materialism, and the consequences of a life of disobedience to my laws are like dark fog in which they roam painfully until it becomes light in them, so that they may begin to restore all that they have destroyed.
69. To assist them I say to them, Behold, here is the Master again among his disciples.
70. Today I come to kindle the faith in those who are despondent for a short time.
71. When I have come to you, I will also come to all those who rise up to Me. My love, my light are for all.
72. When the Lord's rallies take place with His disciples, you feel infinite bliss in your soul, and even if my rallies are short, you are content.
73. I want you to be able to feel that peace and joy which you experience when you hear Me, even when you seek Me in prayer, so that whenever you attain that inner exaltation, your thoughts may be like a fruitful dew sinking down into the barren fields.
74. While the world is in turmoil, the shadow of chaos is casting itself on the nations and war is shaking humanity, I hear those who say, "if there is nothing impossible for God ─, why does he not stop the war and create a new world of peace? But I tell you that just as there is war in man, so is peace in him. Every man has a strict and wise conscience, and through this he is able to choose the way that is useful to him.
75. A new battle has already broken out in the world. Whole nations are fighting with the goal of defeating their enemies. Others strive for superiority to subjugate peoples and keep slaves, and still others for their race to prove that it is the highest of all; but in their blindness they do not recognize the abyss that awaits all.
76. Let your thoughts penetrate like a ray of light in this atmosphere of darkness and confusion. With them you help your fellow men to think clearly in the moments of trial. In this way you will fulfill the mission I have commanded you.
77. Be strong to control your passions, then you will not take sides for one side or the other Your heart must be inflamed with compassion and brotherhood for all and inwardly share in the sufferings and hardships that afflict this humanity. Thus your heart will beat in unison with mine.
All the good that you do will have its reward. Or do you not think that the coming of peace among men would be a reward for your prayers?
78. Behold, it is not a sacrifice that I require of you. I do not send you out to preach among those unleashed multitudes; I do not deliver you into the hands of the Gentiles. Now it is enough for you to purify your thinking, so that with it you may light up the way of your fellow men.
79. Fight, pray, watch, so that the temptation, which has power to present itself to you in the most attractive forms, may not turn you away from your good intentions and keep you from the fulfillment of your duties. Learn to fight with it and defeat it. Sleep not, for she will fight to the end.
80. Your fight is greater than you can imagine, because this enemy is invisible. For you often seek him in many places and yet you carry him hidden within yourselves, within your feelings, and within your passions. For this struggle there is no better weapon than prayer.
81. The Father has given you his counsel. Even if every teaching is different, its essence, its meaning and purpose is the same: to give you my love and to show you the way to perfection that will give you salvation.
82. In the days of remembrance even the hardest heart feels my presence. In infinity, the sound of the divine bell that announces the rallies of this new time vibrates unceasingly. But how deaf is the heart of this humanity!
83. When then men awaken and come in longing for my word, it will already be too late, because I will no longer be there. Then they will only be able to receive the testimony of my rallies. Many will complain about themselves because they have not visited me in the places where I made myself known, and they have not heard my voice.
84. In this time mankind will be afflicted by great trials. Lamentations are rising in all places of the world. The reason for this is that souls have come to earth to reap the fruits of what they sowed in other times; for no one escapes my righteousness. I would no longer be perfect if I did not show you this, if I did not let you reap the fruit of your works. But I also prepare men through the light of this message.
To every ear will come the news of my return, of the teachings I have left to mankind. My disciples will set out to bring the healing balm to the sick; they will be cross bearers of those who are weighed down by the burden of their cross. ─ I repeat these instructions often for you so that you will not forget them after my departure.
85. Watch and pray that you may be strong. But pray with the Spirit so that you may attain and enjoy perfect dialogue with the Lord. When you see that what you have received by inspiration in the moments of prayer has become reality, this will be the proof that you have had a moment of spiritual dialogue with the Master.
86. Bring your way of seeking Me, of praying, to perfection Remember: When My word is no longer heard within your assembly halls, the men of the churches will set out to recapture you, they will try to recapture you. Will you then be able to close your eyes to this light and put aside the task you have received, to be content instead with the execution of a rite?
87. Do not be afraid when I speak from time to time that you are slandered and persecuted I only tell you that if you fulfill My Divine Law, and if you obey the laws of the earth, you have nothing to fear.
88. Prove already now that you have not heard Jesus speak in vain at this time, that ─ when I called you "disciples", you know how to bear this title with dignity. In view of the truthfulness and purity of your actions, the most obstinate will bow down. When then in the world the time of the clashes between religious teachings and conceptions has come, when men most strongly resist the proclamation of my spiritual teaching, the miracles I grant you will be greatest, and those proofs will make the world tremble.
My peace be with you!