BTL - Volume VII - Teaching 179

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
Teaching 179

1. I speak to the world through my chosen ones. Blessed are they who have been inspired in me; for their word has blossomed, it was eloquent, and I have manifested in it my wisdom and my will.

2. In the beginning of the ages man gifted with intelligence and reason began to gain knowledge, form ideas and offer his worship to his Lord. His Spirit became stronger, and when he had developed after great experiences, I sent Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so that they would be the model and rootstock of a spiritual tree ─ Fathers of a numerous family, whose lineage would outlast the times, which would multiply and spread over the world. From him the twelve tribes came forth full of strength and power, to give the nations the task of teaching true worship of the Creator and to eliminate sin.

I assigned this task to the people of Israel, because I had many initial difficulties and bad interpretations of my law in the early days of mankind. The spiritual, simple and sincere worship that I demanded from my children degenerated into idolatry, meaningful ritual acts and abominations. Although I was close to them, they "felt" Me distant, and in the opinion of fulfilling the law they sinned.

When I sent prophets to mankind, they misunderstood them, and when they heard their word full of zeal and truthfulness, they told Me, "We cannot follow you, Lord, the way is too long. But the Father, who is love and who animates and accompanies all his children, continued to wait for their recognition.

3. Today you are living in the Third Age, chosen people, and I have sent you out with the same mission to awaken and advise the world If you prepare yourselves, your inspiration will be inexhaustible, and after 1950, you, as my disciples, will make known the teaching through your words and with it my will, my revelations and my mercy. Your love for men will work miracles, and you will live a life of constant commitment. But when you have then taken steps toward spiritualization, you must not feel superior to those of your fellow men whose Spirit has not yet attained your receptivity.

4. Swing up, and if it is necessary to descend to save a soul, do so. Just as the shepherd descends into the abyss into which his sheep fell to save it and unite it with the others who make up his flock. Be good shepherds and learn to cultivate the heart of your fellow men with this teaching, which is life, upward development and glory.

5. Never close your heart to love, and through it you will be able to recognize the infinite work of your Father.

6. Be lenient with the transgressions of your neighbors, O beloved disciples.

7. Be kind to those who do not judge the transgressions of their fellow men, and avoid being indignant at them, for they show purity in their hearts and know how to show mercy

8. The right to judge is given only to him who knows how to do it, and who is also able to correct and teach with true love. In the present afflictions that mankind is going through, I can tell you that I am the only one who has the right to judge. For among all men I do not see a righteous man who would have the right to do so.

9. If you love virtue and feel sorry for the mistakes of others ─, when you finally dedicate your whole life to the improvement of your soul, you will be able to be a real example. And if you teach through works, words and thoughts and light the way of your fellow men, you will be ready to become like the divine Master, who, when He was on earth, showed you how to be a perfect judge.

10. I allowed great sinners to come into my presence, men and women. I allowed great hypocrites to cross my path, allowed them to test me, question me, mock me, or try to humiliate me. I knew well that they would not stand up to my judgment, and that eventually all would feel my divine presence. On some occasions one sentence was enough to move a person, on others one look or just silence was enough. But you should know that in my work there was humility, dignity, love, compassion.

11. Humility, goodness, and love were the essence of the righteousness of Jesus, and yet mankind had no judge as merciless as him. Who could resist true love, absolute sincerity, the divine light?

12. Verily I say to you, there is no power that you can oppose my love. The enemies prove to be poor, the opposing forces are weak, the weapons that tried to fight against truth and justice have always been fragile.

13. The struggle that the forces of evil have waged against divine justice has appeared to you as an endless conflict. And yet ─ in the face of eternity, it will be like a moment, and the transgressions committed during the time of your soul's imperfection will be like a little stain that your virtue and my loving justice will wipe out forever.

14. Anyone who accepts my word, which is like crystal clear water, will have no more thirst. Everyone who recognizes Me in the Third Age in these teachings I am giving you will be strong in the great trials that are coming to mankind and will not perish.

15. I prepare you so that you will not be surprised. Light your faith, and no matter how the storm wind howls and wants to put out your lamp, watch it carefully, keep it safe, and you will not be in the dark.

16. Today the world smiles no longer when it hears my teachings. The soul knows that it is living through the great day of the Lord, on which all its works must be judged, and on which my gaze will penetrate into the innermost part of its being. It knows that its harvest is mixed with the bad seed, whose fruits bring its suffering. Her conscience tells her that she has not obeyed the divine instructions, that she has strayed from the path of submission and obedience, and that therefore her cross is very heavy.

I have given a cup to all men to fill it with love and good works; but you present Me only bitterness and poison. You want to eliminate it because you feel you are dying, and you seek the antidote. But I tell you: Come to me, because you can still win back life. Listen to me and work.

17. Love, banish hatred, leave behind you the old customs that remove your steps from the path of good Illuminate your path with the words all times. Seek the divine heritage at the bottom of your soul and remember my principles given to you through Moses and my word and example through Jesus. Remember my revelations which I gave you as Holy Spirit in the Third Age and you will know why you are weeping. But I remove the cup from you and offer you my peace.

18. In my words of this time you will find the same essence as that with which Jesus taught you, the same truth as that which I gave you in the Ten Commandments at Sinai Everyone who wants to serve Me should realize first that my way is that of sacrifice and devotion out of love for his neighbor. But I also tell you that I will attribute all your merits to you to bring you to true life.

19. Feel my love and come to me, men of good will. Lift up your faces and look to Christ, who has returned to men in fulfillment of His promise.

20. I enter into the innermost part of your hearts and receive there the simple homage of your Spirit, who speaks to Me in prayer and offers Me his purpose to follow my teachings, to be strong and to show himself composed in the trials.

21. In answer to this deep and humble prayer I offer you that I will always be with you and that I will make this presence most palpable to you in the difficult hours that you may live through

22. The light of this age tears apart the dark veil that enveloped the Spirit of men; it breaks the chains that had bound him and prevented him from reaching the true path. Verily, I say to you: Do not think that my teaching forbids the exploration of all fields of knowledge, for it is I who arouse your interest, your admiration and your curiosity. For this I have given you the ability to think, so that it moves unhindered in the direction where it wants to go. I have given you the light of intelligence so that you may understand what you see on your way. Therefore I say to you: Discover, research, but be careful that your approach to penetrate my secrets is respectful and humble, for then it will be truly permissible.

23. I have not forbidden you to know the books which men have written; but you must be trained so that you do not stumble and fall into error. Then you will know how man began his life and his struggle, and how far he has come. When you are then ready, you must turn to my well of teachings and revelations so that I show you the future and the goal that awaits you.

24. Let everyone prepare himself in the way his conscience dictates. Understand that the time of battle will come, and that then you should not seek the shadow of a hermitage to meditate, but that you should face the world and temptations and not escape that struggle for a moment.

25. If you do not prepare yourselves, if you do not fathom my teaching, tomorrow a theory will arise among men, which ─ although false ─ has the appearance of truth, and it is not my will that you be made out to be deceivers. For they will try to prove that my coming at this time did not correspond to the truth.

26. Use your own strength to prepare yourselves and do not waste it by judging the works of others.

27. Many times have I already told you: Unite. But when I speak to you of unification, understand that I am not speaking only of your churches, but that this word encompasses the whole world.

28. Recognize that I have not come to inspire you any ritual act. Neither in the Second Age nor in this one have I sought a throne or a place of honor in the assembly rooms which you have designated for my worship. Today I tell you that you should not offer me treasures of the earth nor human vanities, for you would then do the same as the tempter did to Jesus in the desert: offer him his kingdom for mine.

You already know that my kingdom is not in this world. That is why I became man, was born in humility and lived as well, to prove to you that the power and glories of the earth are not necessary to win the kingdom of heaven.

29. But why should you offer me material riches when you already know that all is mine? Give me what I do not yet possess: your love.

30. It is your Spirit to whom I turn, for he is a part of mine and must return to me. But to save him, I had to descend to him. Today it is your Spirit who must rise up through virtue until he comes into my bosom.

31. My disciples, you seek in yourselves the thoughts and the works that are pleasing before me to obtain my grace, and I, who know your love and effort, grant you what you implore. These are not earthly goods for which you ask me; you do not strive so much for the transitory pleasures as for those which are lasting. You walk on the way to eternal life, where you will rest from your struggle.

32. Saturate yourselves with the essence contained in my words, and if you are afflicted with pain, console yourselves with the thought that you will discover in it a light that will always show you the way to eternal life. This very pain will not allow the soul to sleep or to become conceited, it will be like dew that refreshes and enlivens the heart.

33. At all times I have spoken to you of eternal life, of that way which the soul travels and which has no end, by which it develops, perfects and reaches its Lord.

So that you would have an example which you could understand and follow, I came in time in the times. I limited myself in Jesus, was born and lived as a man, obeyed the divine and human laws, felt the hardships of this life, worked for the daily bread. But beyond these duties I gave to the world my message of love and meekness.

34. When the time came to preach and act, I dedicated my Spirit to the fulfillment of this mission.

35. Not all have understood that the soul is more important than the body. And of this teaching of love I gave you, you have presented Me with very few fruits. How fragile is your heart! Many claim to love Me and do not realize the benefits of my teaching.

36. At that time, when I revealed to my disciples that I would return to men, they asked Me when the realization of my prophecies would be, and I told them: "watch and pray, and you will see them;" and I told them, "I am the Lord's Prayer, and you will see them.

Many expected Me very soon, but only at this time did I come as a judge to prepare the way for all men. If they would open their spiritual eyes, they would see me coming down on the "white cloud" and from there countless rays of light coming down to earth.

37. Who could fathom the essence of my Spirit, since I am light, divine love, since there is no material form in me? I have come to you in the midst of wretchedness. The virtue I taught you is the same virtue I preached in the Second Age. I want to bring your hearts closer to Me and I want you to recognize my renewed manifestation.

38. There are many who, out of fear or lack of diligence, have not developed and only obey the law of Moses without acknowledging the coming of the Messiah, and others who, though they believe in Jesus, still did not expect the promised Spirit of Comforter. Now I have come down for the third time and they did not expect Me.

39. The angels have announced these revelations, and their call has filled the room. Have you recognized them? It is the spiritual world that has come to you to witness my presence. All that is written will come to pass. The destruction that has been triggered will defeat the arrogance and vanity of man, and this ─ humbled ─ will seek me and call me Father. Love me, and you will recognize me. In this way the plea for peace among nations will spring from your hearts.

I love you all, and when you once return to Me spiritually prepared, I will make a covenant with men, and there will be great joy in the Father and in the children.

40. Those who were expecting me were not surprised by my words given by man. The others denied that the Master had come again to manifest Himself to the world in this form. But I tell you: Pray and search, study the prophecies, listen to the voice of conscience in your deepest being, and you will know the answer to every question that is put to you.

41. I bless you, people. I have given you life and encourage you on the way of development because I love you. I have given man and the lower beings the necessary elements to live. You all live in Me and are subject to My will. I have told you that "the leaf of the tree does not move without my will. To live, you have the air that you breathe, the sun that warms your body, the waters and the fruits that nourish you. But to you who are endowed with Spirit, I grant to enter my secret treasuries so that you may learn all that is necessary for your spiritual ascent. Your Spirit will not die, while the material nature exists today and will not be tomorrow. For I have created her to be a servant of man, and after she has fulfilled her destiny, she will disappear.

42. The earth, the plants, the animals pay a tribute of gratitude to their God. The whole creation bends and submits to the laws. The wild animals in the forest love one another, they do not kill beings of their kind, and if they do, it is because they want to feed. They respect their mate, do not reproduce before the time, do not criticize each other.

But you men do just the opposite, because you have freedom of will and your own will. But I have given you conscience and the law to illuminate your path. Wake up, open your eyes to the light of my teaching. Since you have to come to Me ─ why do you slow down your steps? Do not make the journey of life painful. Allow the soul to seek Me, love Me, understand Me, and become strong in its prayer and work of love and resurrect.

43. I prepare you that you may fulfill my law with zeal. In this way you can teach your fellow men and be a support for them.

44. I want you to love me as Father and to see me in the perfect work of my creation. Do not deny Me in the crystal-clear waters of the brooks, in the green of the fields, in the air that caresses your cheeks, in the star-studded firmament.

Do not do this pain to Me.

45. See Me pouring out in My creative power to nourish your soul. I heal the lepers of body and soul. For as the body needs food to live, so the soul needs spiritual food. It needs love, dialogue with its father, the fulfillment of its duties. In this harmony you will be able to live happily today on earth and tomorrow in the spiritual home.

46. My love is with you. My inspiration is translated into words by the minds of these prepared creatures. They are my interpreters, and I manifest myself according to their spiritual armament and ability. You all could be my voice bearers. Man is too small to receive the power of my divinity. But I send a limited ray to his intellect organ to make me understandable and so that my word is pronounced through his lips. I say to you: Come here to receive the love of your master and the teaching to quench your thirst for knowledge.

Some of you feel fear; but I ask you: Why do you have this fear when I have always been with all my children, when you carry Me in your heart?

47. My love for you has been great and that is why I have chosen you from different regions and nations because you need Me much. You have made an agreement with Me because you have not fulfilled your mission in past times and it is necessary to speed up the steps so that you may come to Me pure and louder as you came out of Me.

48. You have not yet perfected yourselves and are already in the perfection of times For a long time now I have been speaking in this era through the mediation of man. I have spoken to you in the parable, and when you read the writings in which my word was transmitted and written down by the first voice-bearers, you will admire my patience and feel pain over your negligence. In all the churches where the people come together, I have given My word of life in abundance, and I have told you: Study yourselves so that you may understand your fellow men. Feel their pain, love them as I love you.

49. I have come in desire for that part of My Spirit which is in you and which belongs to Me, to win it back. I come to make a declaration of war ─ but not to mankind, but to sin, to evil. In this battle, which is already raging in you, you must remain strong. Make use of your gifts so that they may multiply and become inexhaustible in the measure in which you do good. When I speak to you of renewal, it is because you have lost the grace and sincerity with which I adorned you, and which you should have kept through the ages.

50. I told you that I would come "in the cloud" and that my angels would also come with me. Have these prophecies not been fulfilled? Has my spiritual world not spoken and confirmed all my words? Great trials will come and will make the earth

shake. I do not want you to seek me then as a judge ─ seek me as father and master. I will show you the true way of life, of love and humility, so that you do not desire either crown or scepter. If you want to be great, be humble.

51. I want you to be united. For after 1950 you will no longer hear the word of your Father through the voice-bearers, and your soul will long for encouragement to continue on this path, and many of you will be weak like Peter, and others will doubt like Thomas. But who will take John as an example? Truly I tell you, if you love Me as that chosen disciple, you will see Me in all My glory, and I will tell you: come to Me, grieved hearts, I am Father and feel the pain of all My children. Pray, and you will feel very close to the Cyrenean who helps you to carry your cross. Be devoted and strong in the trials, and your sufferings will be easier.

52. I have prepared this nation and its inhabitants for the rallies of my teaching, that the people may lift up their souls and see in the hereafter the Second Jerusalem, the promised spiritual land, where they will be united with the patriarchs at the end of times. It is my will that in this nation the different races mix, that those find peace, that those ─ tired of wars and strife ─ seek a place to reflect on my teaching, and that those hungry for spiritualization have the manifestation of my Spirit, which fills them with light and consolation, so that they can already see from the earth valley the thresholds to the higher life, where the soul will dwell and experience the fulfillment of my word.

53. I will give glory to this nation. It will not only soar spiritually, but will also attain material power. Its fields will be fertile, its inhabitants will have energy and moral strength, and the Spirit trained by Me will give evidence of elevation and knowledge of My law.

54. When then the man of the world comes and contemplates my work with you, he will feel the desire to improve his life, and he will seek the natural principles that will help him to make amends. He will think about the law, will long for my word, and his soul will again be in touch with me. I will speak to him in secret and lovingly, and place him at the beginning of the way. When he then has this stretch of the way behind him, he will begin to strive upwards to climb the mountain where I expect him.

55. Not all will hear my word in this time in the same form in which I speak to you, my disciples. But know that everyone who seeks me will find me. My inspiration will be in everyone who loves Me, and you shall bear witness to this. If you have set out before them to fulfill the commission, prepare the way for them by giving an example of love and humility.

56. Be close to Me, let the eyes of your Spirit open and your heart feel My love, let everything you hear and feel be preserved in your being, so that tomorrow, when you remember My word and interpret it, you may teach your fellow men

57. Do not miss these lessons, which are pages of the book of wisdom which I now give you for your salvation

58. I receive you, and in you I receive all my children. My wisdom comes down on all my disciples who knew how to prepare their minds and hearts.

59. I come to your hearts as light and power, as peace and love, so that you may not feel weak in the face of men.

60. You arm yourselves with patience because you know that you have the noble task of spreading brotherhood and peace in the world; because you know that you must watch that the will of the Heavenly Father may be fulfilled. You must be like watchmen who watch over this unfinished mission.

61. My voice calls man ceaselessly to the way of the law. But you who were the first to receive my revelations at this time have become the last, so that you may witness how the multitudes come to me. But since you belong to those who first recognized me, you are obliged to be an example in the context of my teaching, to be like a staff for your fellow men.

62. I see that in view of the greatness of your task you still lack the courage and faith to be the apostles of the Third Age. You still have moments of weakness, despair and struggle with yourselves in your lives. Overcome all obstacles. Your heart has already felt the greatness of my work. You have found that my word is encouraging. In my teaching you have learned to pray to free yourselves from temptation.

63. The Master does not want you to waste any more time. See how humanity has made progress in some respects. But I want their progress to be complete, that human life and spiritual life be in harmony.

64. This life is a beautiful opportunity for your soul to progress. Set out, grow, develop. See how everything in creation develops and changes. In the beginning you were like an atom in your immaturity; but because of the intelligence I endowed you with, you finally took into your hands the substances that nature possesses to help you use them. Already when you began to inhabit the earth, the law that awaited you was already in force on it. The Father has since then revealed to you the spiritual life and has sent you on the way to that home to which you must go to rest and enjoy peace after the struggle to attain your purification.

65. Always listen to the voice of your conscience to tell you whether you have fulfilled the law or not.


66. Listen: A man was on a high mountain. He knew the mountains, the woods and the paths where he kept advancing in search of food for his tribesmen. One day, in the midst of his loneliness, he heard a voice saying, "I am watching you, man, and I see your toil. Therefore I come to you, for I am the life that pulsates in all created things.

But hear: Arise, look and go to those who belong to you, and tell them what you have heard and what you have felt but could not see. If then they are convinced of what you already believe, form with them the nucleus of a people. Set them on the way to the fulfillment of the promise of a land which I have prepared for them. When that man heard this voice, he felt his heart beat with power and did not dare to raise his face to look at the one who spoke to him in this way. He felt that an unknown power penetrated his being, as if a heavenly light flooded his soul with life force.

When that voice was silent, he felt that the tiredness of his body was diminishing, and at the same time he felt the burden of a responsibility on his soul.

Then he set out to his own to bear witness to what had happened, and since he was a righteous man, everyone believed in his word. The man said: "That voice which I heard spoke to me of a way; but I do not know which of all those whom I know he is. Perhaps there is one that leads to some great city, or perhaps it leads to a vast land of vineyards.

One night, while resting on his camp, he heard a clear voice in his Spirit ─ no longer in his senses ─, telling him: "Your eyes do not know the way, because it is only visible to the Spirit. It is the way of my law." After this he heard the commandments of the same, which spoke of loving God more than all created things, of not worshipping him by formations created by fantasy or superstition; he also heard talk of loving one another. This was the way, that of love and good.

When the man awoke, he understood that all this had been a divine revelation given to his Spirit. Again he gave testimony to his family of what he had received in dreams, and filled with faith and obedience, he united all his tribe so that by their union they would form the seed of a strong and great people.

      (End of the parable)

67. It is my parable of this day, in which I speak to you of Moses, that Spirit with which the church leaders of this time

The one who prayed in silence and held dialogue with his father; the one who led his people on long wanderings through the desert; the one who, in the face of the weakness of the multitudes, shattered the tablets of the law on the ground.

68. Three ages have passed in the meantime, and today I ask you Which of you knows the way? Who is the one who really prepares himself to hear the voice of the Eternal? Where are those who could say to me, as your brothers would have done in other times: "Lord, if the sacrifice of my existence is necessary for the benefit of Your work, do to me according to Your will.

69. Today I find no one who speaks to his Master in this way. How will you make my word known to the world in this time? It is necessary that you join together so that my work of love and sincerity may be recognized. If you should present it by means of rites, symbols or creeds, you will not succeed in shaking the soul of your fellow men. On the other hand, if you set an example of love with your works, my law will be recognized and respected.

70. Study my word, for in it you will hear the voice of the Father, which will always show you the way through your conscience and will make you see the perfection which you are gradually attaining on it

71. Just as you study the human body and are amazed at the sight of it, which is only the outward form of man, so shall you delve into the contemplation and study of the soul, for only in this way shall you know its greatness.

72. Fight, and even if your fight is fierce, you must not tire of bearing witness to my truth. Do good, even if you must go to the point of sacrifice. You have the task of saving your fellow men.

73. I give you my blessing and my forgiveness.

My peace be with you!

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