BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 188

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 188

1. Come forward, beloved disciples, here is the master. You recognize me by the meaning of my word, I recognize you by your actions.

2. In the world my disciples will be recognized by the purity of their works; and when they come into my presence after having done their duties well, I will say to them: you are truly my disciples because you have done what I taught you.

3. Strive to attain spiritualization, for it means the liberation of the soul. Adapt yourselves to my laws, which are loving and infallible, and let them govern your life; for everything that surrounds you, whether material or spiritual, lives within the framework of my law.

4. Man, who is a perfect work within creation, shall live according to the grace that the Creator has placed in him.

5. I do not tell you to turn away from the duties of the world, which are assigned by Me for your preservation, satisfaction and perfection. Be balanced and righteous and give your soul and your body what is necessary.

6. I created man free from the beginning, but his freedom was always accompanied by the light of conscience. Yet he has not listened to the voice of his inner judge, and has strayed from the path of the law until he has created those murderous, bloody, and monstrous wars in which the child has risen up against the father because he has turned away from every feeling of humanity, mercy, respect, and spirituality.

7..Ppeople should have long since avoided destruction and wars in order to spare themselves a painful duty of atonement. Know that if they do not succeed in purifying themselves in the good before they reach me, I must send them again to this valley of tears and blood. For whoever lives in a sense directed against perfection will not be able to come to me.

8. How could this word reach mankind? ─ In the way I did it in past times: through messengers, prophets and disciples.

9. I am currently preparing you so that you may let my teachings and revelations reach all places on earth.

10. If ye are unknown today, ye shall be known tomorrow. The task of the new apostles will be to restore morality in this humanity. This battle will be fierce.

11. Pray always that you may gain strength. Be energetic that you may attain perfection. Watch, for the beast of evil lurks in the soul in a thousand guises.

12. I let my words fall like dewdrops into your heart, which give it life. But if you could understand everything I tell you ─ how clearly you would recognize the way! I let peace and my light flow into your thoughts, because you will also reach me through these.

13. Hear the teaching which the Master gives you in spiritual language, in the universal language of love, which brings men closer to their Creator

14. My word is like a new dawn of peace for your soul, like a ray of light that illuminates your path You have heard this voice many times, and little by little you understand what it says.

15. I am currently revealing Myself in all mankind, because now is the time when the whole world is to know spiritualization, the time of spiritual communion. The Christ of love is now pouring out into his children so that they may obtain their salvation.

16. There are many who, without having heard Me as you have heard Me at this time, ─ pursue the same goal that you are striving for, because they feel that the time of the Spirit's struggle for dialogue with His heavenly Father has come.

In the Second Time I made you understand that a time period would come in which man would get to know and develop the mental dialogue, and he would receive my wisdom through intuition and inspiration. At that time a Pharisee approached Me and said to Me: "If you are the Son of God, speak as He is; if you are sent by the Father, speak as the Father is. But I answered him thus: "He who knows the Son knows the Father, for I come from him.

17. Verily I have always been in man. But to feel Me, it is necessary not to let yourselves be led by the instincts of the body. When man awakens and sets out to investigate what I have revealed to him, he will know the meaning of life and the mission that is contained in it. Only then will he no longer feel pain and afflictions because he has put his abilities and senses at the service of the Spirit.

18. Since the life of Jesus, the Nazarene, is known to all, you have an example to follow, that you may follow a way in which you will never perish. "I am the way, the truth and the life", I am the fabric of the world you inhabit and the air you breathe. I am the power that causes man to rise to a higher life, from which he sees, understands and feels everything that surrounds him. For this world is not only a valley of tears, it is also, although only temporary, the place where you can have satisfactions, joy and peace.

19. Recognize me, and you will recognize yourselves.

20. You see how men have gone through this world and have always purified themselves through pain. This is because you did not understand to come closer to me although you always had my light, which speaks to you of the transitoriness of this life and of the immortality of the soul. Therefore, I speak to you today in spiritual expression, making use of your human language to make myself understood.

21. As listeners you have understood and made progress; for you hear these rallies and no longer experience them only in your earthly part of being, that is, outwardly, but you fathom them in the desire for their essence You no longer perceive in your hearing the sound of the voice of him through whom I speak to you, because the divine sound of my word has found an echo in the innermost part of your soul and heart.

This is a further transfiguration of my divinity; for I, the "Word" of the Father, effect by making myself known in such a way that your mind, which is limited, can communicate with the Father's unlimited mind.

22. Your soul, which is honoured in receiving my grace, tells Me: "Lord, you come to our heart as a true breath of love.

23. Verily, I tell you, once you understand and live my teaching in this way, you attain spiritualization, because you give up vanities and useless satisfactions to hear the Heavenly Concert

24. Think carefully about everything I point out to you. Think how scientists, when they studied the human body, wondered at its perfection. But if that body, which is a transient being in this life, is of such wonderful perfection ─ can you imagine the glory of the spirit soul, whose nature is immortal?

25. Marvel only at the immensity of the sea, at the dimensions of your planet, to appreciate the significance of being more than all these marvels, because you possess a soul that can carry you beyond those limits in an instant, and to which, when purified and dwelling in the Father's kingdom, all worlds will be revealed.

26. He who has heard Me loses the fear of returning to his origin; and even if he considers himself only an atom in the midst of creation, he feels the inner bliss of existing, because he is a child of the Heavenly Father

27. When you leave this world, you will be like a dewdrop that continues to enliven all created things. I say to you: God, the Infinite, the Eternal, is in all creation, is the essence that animates everything. In creatures he sees all the beauty of his work and experiences the bliss that exists in the fruits of his inspiration; for everything speaks of Him, everything glorifies Him and pays homage to Him.

28. He is in every manifestation of life, because He is the author of all that exists. Think about it, and you will understand that there is no death.

29. This is the lesson for this day ─ a lesson which, like all that I have given you, is to be written down according to my will in that book which will be the legacy for future generations: The Third Testament.

30. Now is the third time, in which ye shall take a step forward. The time in which you have sought me by means of symbols is over. Now a new age begins before your eyes, but not a new way. I have not come to destroy your seed, nor to confuse you with strange words. I do not tell you to deny the spiritual message I left you in the past times. I am only continuing the teaching I had begun, which I had left in its second part.

31. When Christ appeared then in the fullness of his human life to announce to the people the coming of the Kingdom of God, He surprised that people who were celebrating rites and ceremonies, so He told them not to forget the law in order to follow the traditions. But after that, with my words and with my works, I rejected all unnecessary cult forms to leave behind in their hearts alone the divine law.

No one can say that Jesus denied the law of Moses; for with my life, my works and my blood I taught you to fulfill it. But I also taught you new lessons in accordance with the times when I came and in harmony with your spiritual development. This was the second part of the great book of my wisdom. I taught you a purer form of prayer, so that it would make your love for God and your neighbor blossom.

32. In those days you recognized Me as love. I let you know the reason for my coming, revealed to you the Spiritual Life, announced to you my return, the new time, and left you prepared so that when the time came, you might receive my third lesson, the third part of that book which is opened today before your Spirit.

33. I have returned to men in the midst of war news, events and signs by which I foretold my coming. Yet men have not felt Me.

34. In the midst of this silence, this wretchedness, this corner of the earth, I am currently making my word resound through the human mind, calling men, awakening them to a new life, renewing them through my convincing and loving teaching, awakening in them their slumbering abilities to lift them up to the ways of following their master.

35. I must tell you that I found you in this time entangled in greater religious fanaticism and idolatry than in any previous time, and at the same time your soul poorer in virtues than ever before. Now I ask you, after you have seen Me Year after year by means of this rallies you have heard: Who has the feeling that I have destroyed his life principles? Who thinks he feels confused or sees his Christian faith destroyed? Verily, I tell you, I only reminded you of what I revealed to you in earlier times because you had forgotten or falsified it. That which men had hidden from you I have brought to light, and that which was kept in my secret treasury I have revealed to you. This age is that of spiritual freedom. Men are enlightened by their Spirit and will know how to choose the safe way.

36. My ray and my spiritual messengers have penetrated an atmosphere in which the dark clouds of materialism and sin are drifting.

37. You have reflected in these moments and you acknowledge that you really do not worship any other God than the one you used to worship ─ that no one has closed the doors of your hearts to Mary, the Virgin and Universal Mother ─ that this teaching has strengthened your faith and increased your knowledge of the eternal life of the spirit soul, and that I have written those highest commandments to love your neighbor as yourself and to love one another with the light of my Word into your soul.

38. I have come only to remove from your hearts the harmful ─ that which does not let you advance. This is why I tell you again and again that I have granted you spiritual freedom so that you can find and feel me in every moment and in every place and, instead of asking the world what it cannot answer you, you ask your Father spiritually and receive the Bread of the Spirit from his mercy. So if you have offended your God in the person of your brother, if he has offended you, you should forgive him or ask his forgiveness if you have offended him, and I will forgive you. For someone whom you have not offended cannot grant you the forgiveness of the evil you have done to another.

39. Disciples: Since you no longer marvel that I have come to you at this time, neither are you surprised that the spiritual world makes itself known among you.

40. From the beginning of the development of mankind, the Father promised the manifestation of spiritual beings as a proof and revelation of the existence of that world, that life. Verily, I say to you, that world has always been in union with man, according to my will.

At the beginning of your development I forbade man to turn to the spirit beings because the time for this had not yet come. Neither incarnate nor disembodied were prepared for this communication.

41. Elijah in this Third Time, the forerunner of my coming, it is to him to whom I handed over the key so that he might open the doors of the spiritual world of light, so that its inhabitants would have access to the material world, just as I allowed men to penetrate into the hereafter, and so there would be an approach, harmony and love between the two.

42. Even before my voice set the time for this communication, there were on earth disobedient, curious and impatient people who, in defiance of the prohibition, became the forerunners of another kind of communication, in which dark and confused beings manifested themselves because they were not destined to do so by my divinity.

43. My work is different; only when I considered you sufficiently competent and conscious to receive these teachings did I bring you this great teaching ─ one of the greatest that I gave to this world, so that you may learn to see, ask, understand and discover by means of the Spirit But when I opened this horizon to you, I taught you a law that forbids you to boast about these gifts and to do business with them or to abuse them.

At this time, when you have penetrated into my teaching, there have been some who have felt fear, others suspicion, some even dismay, and there have also been those who feel terror at the word "Spirit" without considering that they carry within them one that the Creator has given them, who is likewise Spirit. Who instilled this fear in you? Who made you feel an aversion to the Spirit? Have you not thought that this body or body which you love so much is only dust, which will return to earth, and you will live on only in the Spirit for eternity? What will you do when you are in this state? Do you then want to flee from yourselves?

44. To help you in your mission, I grant you the necessary time for your study; and to give you relief in your livelihood and hardships, I send you spiritual servants, real angels of mercy, light and peace Trust that this communication is not by human will but by divine inspiration.

45. Do not confuse this communication with that which men make of their own will ─ some driven by science, others by curiosity, and still others by superstitious ideas.

46. If you turn your attention to this, you will discover that these two kinds of inspiration have been present in mankind from the first man who, besides the voice of his Lord that showed him the way to the Light, also heard another voice that incited him to disobedience and pride. Recognize already since then the struggle of man under the influence of these two forces, that of good and that of evil. Just as man since then has known the law of nature and has felt enlightened by the light of the Spirit, so too since then has he felt the temptation of temptation.

47. I tell you this to strengthen your faith and your knowledge. Let there be no lack of respect for my spiritual messengers or ambassadors; for if you could see the sublime grace with which they are clothed, you would confess that not even Solomon in the splendor of his throne possessed the majesty of these servants.

48. What would the nations that are bleeding to death and perishing under diseases and famines say if that world of peace and mercy were to appear among them, and they could hear their voice of comfort and love?

49. "Fluidum" you call that power with which these beings heal your physical or moral infirmities. And indeed, in that fluidum is the healing power. It is the same with which Jesus restored sight to the blind, mobility to the lame, speech to the dumb. With it He healed the leper and raised the dead.

50. No one (of you) comes into my presence. But if any of you came as pure, he would not go away from this way defiled.

In this time, in which Elijah, according to divine command, opened the gates to the hereafter to men, I will bring mankind to understand that this communication was not a nefariousness of those who practiced it, but a grace which was intended for the people of this time by the Father, and which will be the precursor of the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit after the year 1950, when that grace will again be withdrawn from you.

51. Train yourselves so that later on you do not fall into deception, deception; for I still have many lessons which are destined to reveal them to you Your imagination shall not bring forth false revelations or inspirations. From heaven the light will come to the prepared man so that he may speak with my truth to his neighbor.

52. The time is drawing near when men will reject weapons, the striving for power, and enmities, and strive toward the spiritual, and among the crowds will appear apostles whose word will be heard and whose trail will be followed. This will be in the time of the war of ideologies, religions and world views.

53. That battle will be mighty, more terrible than those caused by the claims to earthly power. For peace will depart from hearts, thinking will be darkened by the darkness of fanaticism, and the voice of conscience and reason will no longer be heard. Fanaticism will be stirred up to the ground and will multiply its forces, erect churches and put itself on display. Some, clinging to their idols, will perish, but others will open their eyes to the light and be saved from this abyss.

54. Today all these prophecies seem to be far from you; yet their fulfillment is near. The eyes of men will see the idols, the false gods, and the great church buildings, which have been the pride and splendor of the churches, falling from their pedestals. But you shall not be those who publicly expose those who lie; this task will be fulfilled by others. You are to be prepared with word, heart and mind, so that your Spirit may work with true love for the salvation of this humanity.

55. In the face of the hurricane that has been unleashed, you shall not flee, nor seek catacombs to hide yourselves; rather, you shall be held captive in the midst of the hurricane. Then you will see people awaken from their lethargy and make comparisons between the different religious communities. And when they discover human imperfection in all of them, they will ask, "What is spiritualism? Then my messengers and apostles, without bawling or blathering, without boasting of any kind, shall show the sincerity, the simplicity and the light of this teaching, and the world will bow down, convinced of its truth.

56. There will be severe disputes; you will be persecuted and slandered. You will meet with contradiction everywhere, and at times with serious and well-founded arguments. But you must not be impressed by human words. For if these are not based on works of truth, they will be only empty words.

57. If you trust in me and prepare yourselves, I will not leave you alone. I will speak through your mouth, and you will be aware of the works I do through your mediation.

58. Mankind will begin to divine the true way and to seek me, as I have expected ─ with the Spirit. Everyone who recognizes that he carries the Father in his own heart will immediately cease to be the enemy of his own brother and neighbor. Then forgiveness, reconciliation, charity and brotherhood will come.

59. Then people will be able to say that they have seen Jesus, that He came down from His cross to tell the world: the blood that I shed for your redemption has stopped flowing. Here I am, forever with you.

60. People, I have received good and depraved people in my rallies, people of all kinds ─ those who love Me and others who have turned their backs on Me. For all are my children, all love me equally, and all will love me equally and serve me.

61. Today I come to unite you all, since my blood shed in the Second Time was not enough for you. For you were not able to complete the work of brotherhood and love which my teaching taught you.

62. When will you come to the conviction that you can find health, happiness, and life only in the fulfillment of my law? You recognize that there are principles in material life to which you must conform in order to survive. But you have forgotten that there are also spiritual laws that must be respected so that man can enjoy the wellspring of eternal life that exists in the divine.

63. In this time the proud and the foolish, the materialized and the unbelievers will have to hear Me, and I will sow again in their heart, which has been like barren land for My seed, until flowers sprout from the rocks

64. On every soul I will pour out the fountain of My grace until it is purified. But it will no longer be the waters of Jordan, but the light of my grace, of my righteousness, which, when it touches this soul, will awaken it to hear the voice of its conscience, which will bring it to prayer, repentance and renewal.

65. I now fulfil what I promised you in the second time. I announced it to you when I made you understand through my word that a time of peace and spiritualization would come. Now you are living in this era in which the traditions, rites, ceremonies, symbols and images will be erased and your (human) Spirit will free itself from prejudice, fanaticism and idolatry to accept instead the true worship of God.

66. When these words reach the ears of materialists, they will smile unbelievingly at my teaching and my prophecies. But the doubt of men has never hurt me.

67. In the Second Age, when the Good News of my teaching reached the great cities and the great empires like Rome, people also smiled when they learned that Jesus, a poor Galilean, was followed by a few fishermen who were as poor and humble as He Himself. Their mockeries did not affect Me, for I knew that they did not know Me. They did not understand that my power had its roots precisely in that humility, and that my power was in that word full of love and justice, which seemed incomprehensible to many, and which others thought impossible to carry out.

68. When they learned that Jesus had died, crucified as if he were an evildoer, and that that death was to serve as a deterrent to his disciples and followers, they did not expect that that blood would serve to make fruitful the seed sown by only a few.

69. Among the doubters faith was born, among the believers sacrifice was shown, among the slaves, among the oppressed the light of hope shone, and everywhere the divine teachings of the Savior were heard on the lips of men calling for justice and speaking of love. A higher power embraced the souls of believing men, and that poured out power was like a white water that no human power could stop.

70. It was a torrential river that flowed from city to city and from region to region, flowing down into the valleys and up into the mountains. There was no home ─ be it a Hut or a palace ─, where that influence would not have reached. It was the river of life that poured into the dead fields, it was the ever loving justice of your Father that came to the people to purify their souls and judge their works. When that torrent stopped flowing, a new world came to light, a new humanity appeared on earth, and yet it was the same.

71. The light of a new teaching had torn her out of her lethargy to help her to progress spiritually, which brought her closer to the perfect being you call god and father.

Therefore I say to you skeptical and materialistic people now: When you hear the rumors that I have been with men and have communicated myself to them through their minds, and when you have received knowledge of the teachings contained in my teaching, do not smile mockingly, and do not consider the realization of the teachings of my work ─ of this work, which I am just recommending to you ─, to be impossible for man. For later on you will be sorry that you refused to hear it when you witness the flourishing of it. Therefore, if you feel that the force of the raging stream is shaking at your doors, open them and let it enter. I assure you that only that which is unclean will be washed away; for the good that exists in your life He will not touch it.

72. With this I make you understand that you must learn to fathom the meaning of this Word, so that little by little you may come to know My Truth as you immerse yourselves in it For in this reflection you will eventually come to the conviction that the realization of many of the prophecies given in former times is now actually occurring, as are many of the prophecies which my messengers delivered to you when they announced the coming of the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Comfort.

My peace be with you!

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