My Word - Byron Searle

Words from Jesus to Byron Searle
John 14:6-7
6 Jesus saith unto them, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
My son, I have used many voices around the world to warn My people, but as in the days of old, many have succumbed to Pride and Selfishness. It does not matter if a word comes by you (His Children) or by any other voice, and they know who they are, for there are many who say they hear Me, but do not. They know who they are. All that matters is My Word! Everything spoken in My Name MUST line up with My Word! If you pronounce a dream, it MUST line up with My Word!
My son, I have given all mankind foreknowledge of all events that will ever occur on Earth. I AM the beginning and I AM the ending. I have told of the exact events that will occur -- in My Word! I have told of ministries and of the gifts of My Holy Spirit. I have anointed My Children to operate in them. Some obey, some do not.
My son, many of the voices that are speaking are just following the news feeds and then saying I told them this and that. You know who you are. I do have many who do hear My voice and speak what they have heard. You will know them, for they are the ones under heavy attack from both Satan and the religious ones. My true voices want no fame, no fortune, no likes, and no friends. I AM the one they hear and the one who directs what is spoken.
My son, many in My Body do not want to hear the truth. They want soothing words to tickle their ears, and get easily offended if it is not what they want to hear. 
My servant, Jeremiah, spoke what I told him and was hated by all. He had no friends, no family, no one but Me. He cried out to Me many times for just one friend -- I sent him Baruch. Jeremiah was hated, scorned, beaten, imprisoned, starved and mocked -- ALL for My Namesake!
I say this, My Children, for you to use the discernment I have given you. Don't look to the most popular, but seek out those who are shunned. My Word will be always spoken. I will always give a way to repentance and salvation. I will never puff up the voice of the one speaking, but I will humble that voice.
My son, tell My Children to prove all things given by My Word. No one can make up interpretations. It must line up with My Word! If not, reject it!
In these last days, there are many false voices claiming to hear from Me, which has many of My Children in confusion. Prove ALL things with My Word, and you will not be in confusion. My W ord is the Final Authority!!!
My son, tell My Children to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. They preach and teach with such subtlety that many are swayed and Fall Away. There are many dire events coming upon mankind, and, My Children, I have warned you in My Word what is coming. Do not fear, for if you are built upon the Rock, you will not be in fear, but rejoicing -- knowing that the time is short.
My son, many fearful events are on the horizon, but My Children will go through some to test their faith. It is one thing to say, "I have faith!" It is another to walk in it!
Read My Word!! STOP depending on other people for your information and faith encouragement! I say unto you, Seek Me and you will find Me! Ask and I will give it to you! Read My Word and ask for wisdom, and I will give it to you and the understanding!
I AM coming soon -- It says so in My Word!!! Amen.  
Messiah Jesus

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