BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 185
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
Teaching 185
1. I bless you because you believe that it is my Spirit who gives you this teaching, although you hear my teachings through the human mind.
2. You ignore the imperfections of the voice bearer, you are only concerned with understanding the divine meaning. It is they who study my word in this way who discover the truth. They will be the disciples who are to set out tomorrow to explain my teaching to men. They will cause those to understand who have erred in interpreting the scriptures of the past times. For to discover the truth of my revelations, it is necessary not to adhere to the material meaning of the words, but to seek the spiritual meaning, which is the essence, which is truth and life.
3. Therefore I have subjected this people to a test, which is at the same time a profound teaching, by giving my word through the mediation of a human mind, pointing out to them that they should not concern themselves with the outward form of the word, but should penetrate into its core in order to discover the meaning. With this instruction, this people will be able to explain to those who seek the interpretation of my earlier messages the way in which the meaning of any teaching, passage or
Parable ─ discovers the truth, which is one.
4. I see among this people also those who have gradually understood that the greater the preparation of their soul and body, the more abundant and clear is my teaching through the voice bearer. Ah, if only all these multitudes of people would really strive for the way to prove themselves worthy of my grace ─ how great and perfect my rallies would be!
But still I see that many hearts seek the outward worship to believe in my presence, without realizing that instead of allowing their souls to rise freely, they hold them back at a material altar, scatter them with useless ceremonies, and tire them out with the usual traditions. Verily, I say to you, for you this time is now over.
Long have you refreshed your senses on the splendor of the churches, long have you admired the works of art of your fellow men. Now you must leave all this behind you, so that your soul may reach the wonderful life that is intended for it, saturate itself with light in the moments of its prayer in it, and transmit to its body all the joys and inspirations that it receives during its rapture. Then you will become aware of how poor and crude were the forms with which the world wanted to represent the Divine.
5. Your soul has passed from childhood into adolescence, and therefore a change must take place in her life.
6. In the past times I accepted from your Spirit all the offerings he offered me, even if there was much ignorance and imperfection in them. Today only that which is pure, sincere, true, will be able to reach me.
7. Do you see how beautiful are those flowers from your gardens which you sometimes offer to Me? verily, I tell you, not even that gift can I receive in this time, for those flowers are not your work, but mine; but what you are to offer Me are the spiritual flowers of your heart, that is, your good works, your pure prayers, your virtues
8. No longer deceive yourselves, no longer try to replace with outward things what must be deeply spiritual Fear not to break down the limitations, fear not to face the truth. Heaven belongs only to the brave and enthusiastic.
9. Once you have eliminated all fanaticism and idolatry in your hearts and learn to pray from Spirit to Spirit, you will have reached the true altar of the Lord ─ the one who is not of this world. On this altar you will be able to offer your sacrifice, which will be that of your good works, and which in my eyes will be more beautiful than the flowers of your gardens. For the good works of your soul will never wither.
10. Ye multitudes: Open your hearts to let the dew of my grace flow into them. I want this people to be like an immeasurably large garden, in which the most beautiful flowers of the thoughts, the heart and the soul blossom, which are those whom I will nurture and care for.
11. People: When I speak to you with the clarity with which I make my word known, about devotional forms and offerings ─ do you feel pain because I turn you away from your previous beliefs? ─ "No, master", you tell me.
12. The reason is that in my words there is a balm and a light that does not allow any confusion to arise in any mind nor any heart to be grieved.
13. I want you to speak to your fellow men in the same way when you try to open their eyes to the light. Do it with the clarity and love I have applied to you, and you will leave no pain in the hearts, but rather peace and light.
14. In fulfillment of a divine promise I have made myself known to you in this time. In the meaning contained in the core of this word, I have been with you fully. Whoever has found this meaning has felt Me. Those, on the other hand, who stopped to judge the outward appearance of my rallies have not been able to discover my truth.
15. While some were in supreme amazement at the hearing of my word, others did not feel the slightest shiver, nor did they become aware of my presence, and that they heard me.
16. Once my word is no longer to be heard by these voice-bearers, there will be many hearts that weep for the end of this time, just as there will be some who ─ although they have heard me ─ will not become aware of the good that they possessed, and that they lost because they did not know how to use it.
17. There will come times when this word shall be spread in many places. But then it will happen through the testimonies of those who have heard it, understood it, and believed it, and you will become witnesses of this, that many of those who never had the grace to hear my teachings will be able to discover the divine meaning that they carry within them as treasure, and they will cry out with conviction and faith, "It is the word of the Master!
18. You will see your fellow men weeping with bliss, stirred up inwardly by my message, and will see them lamenting that they were not among my chosen ones. Then you will feel remorse that ─ although I have been with you for so long, your heart has not shown the faith and love that you will see germinate in your fellow men through your testimony alone.
19. Among those multitudes you will discover those who intuitively grasp the Spirit, those who are inspired, those who anticipate the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit, the visionaries and those who possess gifts and abilities of the Spirit in full development.
20. Do you think that I give my word to all the peoples of the world? ─ No, also in this of my new revelation it is the same as in those of the past times, when I revealed myself to only one people, but this people had the task of setting out and spreading the Good News and sowing the seed which they received in my message.
21. Remember that my seed rose up in other lands with the greatest power, by the testimony of my apostles alone.
22. Remember, beloved people: If other peoples believed those testimonies, it was because those who gave them knew how to do so with all the love and truth of which their hearts were capable. I tell you this because if you want the world to believe Me through you, you must prepare yourselves to be like those apostles in their love, humility, spirituality and faith. Then the world will regard this teaching as truth, and my word will be holy for men. Then you will see your fellow men eagerly reading the scriptures produced by my word, and you will experience how they translate them into different languages so that all nations may get to know them.
23. You shall see how this word, to which this people here have become so accustomed, and which has been so degraded by those who have heard it most, will be like an oasis tomorrow for those who suffer much on earth. You will see how it will be balm and life, food and light in the lives of those who hunger and thirst for truth, love and justice.
24. Men and women, who have heard my word for a long time and who have also taken on tasks within this work: Allow my words to move your hearts, allow the Spirit to speak in the innermost part of your being. You have eaten much of the fruit of the tree of life, but what have you done with the seed? Why does not everything you sow come from the seed I have given you? I see that you also use your own seed, which you add to that which I have entrusted to your care. Who among you does not understand what I am telling you in these moments?
25. I do not thereby condemn all the works you do. What I want to tell you with this is that you should not add any unfairness to the good you do, because then you will no longer sow my truth as I have revealed it to you, and tomorrow, when the hour comes when your Spirit will reap the fruit of his sowing, he will naturally find that this fruit corresponds exactly to what he sowed on his way of life.
26. I am the essence of all created things. Everything lives by my infinite power. I am in every body and in every Shape. I am in each of you, but it is necessary that you prepare yourselves and make yourselves receptive so that you can feel and find me.
27. I am the breath of life for all beings, for I am life. This is why I have made you understand that if you have Me before your eyes in all your works, it is not necessary for you to represent My image in clay or in marble to adore Me or to feel Me close to you. This incomprehension has served only to lead mankind into idolatry.
28. Because of my word you sense the harmony that exists between the Father and all created things, you understand that I am the essence that nourishes all beings and that you are a part of Myself
29. In the measure in which you understand the meaning of your life, the purpose of the soul and the purpose of development, you enter into the spiritual life. In this way you forget the forms you have given Me, in which you have sought Me, and little by little the false beliefs and misconceptions in which this humanity has been trapped for so many centuries are extinguished.
30. The soul will be able to evolve higher due to its abilities until it reaches its perfection. But I am the Master, who has always stood by you on your path of development so that your life is not barren.
When you become men of good will, your life will be in harmony with the perfection of all creation. You will attain the light of true knowledge, and the fruit of your works will give you eternal peace. Your physical part is substance, which will dissolve into atoms in creation.
31. This you have understood, but for many the immortal life of the soul is incomprehensible. They understand only what their eyes see or their science proves. Where are those who dwelt with you in this earth life? ─ You do not know. You can only imagine that they live in a world of light. The Master says to you: "Many of them are around you. The soul has both the ability to occupy the place which the Father has assigned to it in the hereafter, and at the same time to perform a task with you. So great is the power of the spirit soul.
32. These are the teachings which you have not yet understood. But in order to attain the unfolding of that ability, it would be necessary that what I told you in the Second Time be fulfilled in you: "Man, to attain my grace, must be like a child in his purity.
33. But you must no longer feel yourselves left alone. In every work that man does, there is the influence of a spirit of light. The spiritual world influences and directs the human organs of the mind. That world is greater and more beautiful than the one you see with your eyes. It is a world of light and perfect harmony. Its inhabitants are with me, they watch over creation, united with me.
34. But although you know and believe in these teachings, can you still lament that the people you have loved in the world have gone to the hereafter, knowing that they are watching over you? Why do you think of them in their human form when they are now purely spiritual?
35. Today I have spoken to you about what you call the mystery of the other life
36. I alone can reveal these teachings to you. Men cannot, because they have not penetrated into the hidden wisdom.
37. I had to prepare you that you might enter into my sanctuary to hear another of my teachings. For I see that you first had to impress your senses so that your soul could rise. Your eyes sought the image that could speak to you of my presence, your ears were in anticipation of the musical sounds of hymns to free the heart from earthly cares, and even the incense and the scent of flowers were necessary for you to think of me, even if only for a few moments. But since you found all these liturgical elements only inside the churches dedicated to this service, you were not able to understand or even feel My presence outside of them. Today, on the other hand, instead of developing the senses of your body, your spiritual armament has begun to awaken your soul, so that you no longer pay attention to what is related to the physical senses.
38. Your eyes no longer seek for an image that can represent divinity for you; your ears no longer desire those sounds that you needed to make you forget for a short time the stimulations of the world. You no longer wait to attend the celebration of a service to believe that I am present only in that act and in that place.
39. The only thing that is close to your heart today is how you clear your mind, how you purify your heart to receive, feel and understand the divine meaning of my Word; and you know that there is no better means for this than meditation and prayer.
40. Today any thing that could be put before your eyes would disturb you, and the best music would seem too poor to you besides the heavenly concert of my Word. And instead of helping you in your devotions, these things might eventually disturb you. You do not need or want anything external; therefore you have become accustomed to closing your eyes during the time you receive my rallies. For the soul, in its supreme desire for elevation, wants to dispose of every contact with the material.
41. In former times the altar which you had built for my divinity was far from you; today you have built it in your hearts. Your offering, which had long been material, you have now replaced with a spiritual manifestation. You know that in my eyes your love is more beautiful than the most beautiful flower of your gardens, and that the forgiveness you grant to a fellow human being for
Me more than the repentance with which you once believed to wash away your stains.
42. I hear you in silence; it is not necessary for me that you move your lips. I am not a sinner who listens to another sinner. I am in the Spirit, and it is your soul that I hear, and it is it that tries to rise up and communicate itself to Me.
43. Many have heard my word during this time, but not all have taken it as truth. Of course, not all have come to the point where they can comprehend this teaching. At all times there were many called, but only a few were finally chosen ─ for the reason I remind you of today: It is that only those who understand, feel or believe in time belong to those who stayed and prepared to follow me.
Sometimes you experience that your fellow men come with the appearance of being very advanced spiritually and understanding my love teaching. Hereafter you see that they did not accept as truth what they received in my words, and this is because it is not primarily the human intelligence that can discover me ─ it is the Spirit, if love is present in him. Do not confuse the one with the other.
Another time, on the other hand, you see some of your fellow men come to my rallies, who seem uneducated and all too materialized, of whom you do not even remotely expect to be able to grasp my word emotionally, and you have been amazed at their sensitivity and the understanding they have apparently attained. The reason for this is that they are clumsy in their outward appearance, in human nature, but have achieved a very great spiritual development in their inner being.
44. Not always have those who have believed awakened to faith from the first moment. Almost all have fought inwardly. I have discovered in their hearts the following ─ or similar ─ questions: "Is it well truth? Is it possible that I encounter the presence of the Lord here? Is it possible that I can find healing here for my sufferings, which I thought for so long were incurable?" But when they received the miracle, some still asked me, "Is it possible that it is He who healed me?
But there were also many who believed from the first moment they heard my voice, and there were even some who, even before they heard my word, believed in the same thing.
45. What has most tormented the mind of many people is the poverty, the wretchedness in which I have revealed myself. For they were accustomed to the splendor of the rites and the lavish wealth in the material churches. But I tell you that just as I once judged the vanity of men by showing them my simplicity, I today avoided the false displays and wanted to appear not only among the poor, but even among sinners.
46. When tomorrow people will calmly study the manner of my rallies and compare them with the prophecies contained in the Scriptures, and they will examine more closely the sphere of action in which I showed myself and in which my rallies unfolded ─ the nation I chose and the people I called ─, they will come to the unqualified opinion that everything happened in perfection and that the prophecies were faithfully fulfilled on the whole.
47. Here I am speaking to men anew, speaking to them with my divine essence, but with words and concepts that are within the reach of their comprehension But while some believe in me solely because of the divine essence they find in my words, others need what you call miracles to believe. This is why I tell you that you are the same people as that of the Second Age who brought their sick, incurable to men, to Me to put my power to the test.
48. I meet some blind, some lame, many lepers, and others possessed by confused spirits. All of you I will heal, and in truth I tell you that none of you will perish. But I must also point out to you that you must be prepared; for the wonders of this time I will perform more in your uplifted soul than in the body.
49. Lazarus will not be the only one through whom I let you know the resurrection. I will raise all "dead".
50. You crowds of people, here you have my word. You can believe Me or not believe, love Me or not love Me. But truly, I tell you, this time will not come again, these wisdom lessons, these divine discourses, you will not hear in this form. If you want to hear Me after 1950, you must enter the hereafter in Spirit. Remember that I told you, "My kingdom is not of this world.
My peace be with you!