BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 182

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 182

1. Pray for humanity more than for yourselves It is like a shipwrecked man in the midst of a sea of darkness and tribulations, who in his confusion does not discover the "beacon" that must illuminate him in order to save himself.

2. Anyone who believes in Me and obeys My commandments is in an ark of salvation wherever he is, whether in the "spiritual valley" or in this world. Whoever loves spiritually and truly is with me. Every human creature has in himself the means to save himself, and these are: the light of conscience and the intuitive knowledge of the good that lives in the soul. These are qualities that I have granted you.

3. Prayer is consolation and staff for the heart in the hours of trial. To be strong, you must unite yourselves in My law. When you are then also on different paths ─, when you follow my teaching in a spiritual way, you will eventually love and understand each other.

4. Not all who have heard My Word believe, and not all who claim to love Me truly love Me. To call you my disciples, you must obey my law and follow my trail.

5. My love is the same for all. Have you not seen that I have denied light, warmth and bread to no one? Even if the trials of the soul are hard ─ my protection will never leave you.

6. Do you want to see Me in bodily form to believe in Me and feel Me close? Then immerse yourselves in the essence and life of this globe that you inhabit, and you will see Me revealed in all beings that belong to it.

7. I have given you all the daily bread. Yet I see some of you full, and others are hungry, and this is because you share neither the fruits of your labor nor your home with the others.

8. I have set you at the beginning of your development so that you may all come to Me. My love, which you receive in these rallies, is for all my children. Come to Me, seek Me with your prepared soul, and I will be with you. All of you can feel My presence and feed on Me.

9. The great spiritual works are accomplished by practicing humility, paying attention to the purity of the soul and the Word of Light that comes from your lips. But do not speak of your works, speak of divine works and let me judge you and reward your efforts.

10. Do not forget the prayer for the peace of the world, for great evil threatens it. But do not presume to enter into my high councils. Let Me uproot the bad trees with wisdom and afflict the institutions with severity.

11. You shall pray, and help at least as many as possible. That time is near, and I warn you that you may live vigilantly and witness the fulfillment of these prophecies.

12. Once you have understood my word, you will all be like a flock, and I, your God, as shepherd, will lead you to the wellspring of eternal life where you will have no more thirst

13. The Master is among you, and it is my desire to leave you prepared until the right time

14. I am teaching you in this moment when the world is in apparent rest.

15. Man has surrendered to materialism, and only for moments does he think of the example the Son of God has left him, only to immediately turn back to the struggle for life in his world and that which concerns purely material life. He is not prepared for spiritualization.

16. Man has certain dates of the year to be able to follow the passion of Jesus

and only then he is able to move his heart.

17. But you who have heard my word understand that there are no certain hours or days to remember or follow those teachings which the Divine Master gives you. You have finally understood that you can do works for the benefit of your neighbor at any moment, inspired by that example of divine love and mercy.

18. I want you to pass on to your fellow men this lesson which you are presently learning. It is only necessary for your heart to be ready to sow. Then the first harvest will fill you with joy and the desire to continue with the daily work.

19. When my word reaches all my children, it will be like a ray of light to the astonished scientists, illuminating their minds. And as soon as they discover the covenant that exists between God and man, the relationship between human science and the mystery of creation, they will have taken a step forward that will be for the good of future generations; for everything will then progress in perfect harmony. Men and events will then evolve towards perfection without pausing.

20. In the present century, human science achieved a great unfolding, which is why they called it the century of light, without understanding that for the soul too this time proved to be the time of light. They do not know that the Holy Spirit is presently manifesting himself and enlightening all people in fulfillment of the prophecies.

21. In the great works of man there is the influence and ministry of high spiritual beings, who constantly work on and radiate through the organs of the mind, giving or revealing the unknown to their incarnated brethren.

22. Therefore I will say to scholars and scientists at all times: You must not boast of what you understand, nor of what you do, because not everything is your work.

How often do you serve those spirit beings of whom I speak to you only as tools! Were you not often amazed at the achievement of your discoveries? Have you not inwardly often confessed to yourselves not to be able and incapable of doing what you have already accomplished? For here you have the answer to this. Why do you boast about it? Understand that your work is directed by higher beings. Never try to change their inspirations, for they are always focused on the good.

23. My teaching is unlimited and deep; in it lies the essence from which all religions feed. In my teaching I make you brothers and sisters of all, without regard to creeds. Never lock yourselves up in a cell to pray, for this would be like separating yourselves from humanity, and like fleeing from temptations for fear of falling. Jesus taught you to face every struggle. Jesus knew that He was the Truth, and that ─ like the light ─ cannot hide itself. Even then I taught you the way to follow my trail.

24. I was condemned, I was slandered, but never could any imperfection be discovered in me.

Since nature as the work entrusted to you is perfect ─ who could discover any fault or imperfection in this work created by Me? Who could do it to her?

25. Whenever you do not understand My word, rise in prayer before you fall into error. For how can you think that I give you a thought which does not contain reason or truth? Rise up so that your thoughts reach the divine radiation.

26. You are to proclaim my teaching without adding your own ideas, for you will not be able to deceive anyone. The lie will sooner or later be conquered by the truth.

27. If you are honest with yourselves, you will know the truth, for you will discover it in yourselves and in your fellow men if you love them, if there is cordiality in your eyes, if your words and works are marked by charity. Do not consider faith as something simple, with that unfounded conviction that the miracle is realized by force. Remember that you must prove yourselves worthy of such benefits.

28. Convinced trust in my word and the power of your prayer will prepare you to gain faith and do great works.

29. I give you the light and explanation of the mystery in which many prophecies have remained for centuries.

30. Ask for light, and it will be given to you. I want there to be between your Spirit and mine.

31. This grace which I pour out with every word of mine will be that which consoles you when I no longer make myself known through the human mind. Through this grace you will be masters among your fellow men, for you will know how to keep my law.

32. There will be nothing to confuse you; neither ideologues nor doctrines will lead you astray, because everything you have learned from me will be imprinted in your soul with fire

33. In all denominations two ways are presented to man: one ─ that of the day of rest for the soul, and the other ─ that of eternal punishment. The more man has struggled to recognize reality, the more he only finds secrets in which his mind becomes entangled.

34. But you simple disciples, who have not known the sciences, on the contrary, have received my inspiration and my wise word, through which the veil of mystery has been torn, and you have learned that after this life, after the struggle, the battles and the purification, all of you await the rest and the peace you long for.

35. You who already know this reality will know how to reveal it to those who do not know it.

36. You will be the prophet who proclaims my will. Then your fellow men will be able to recognize that you have spoken true when they see that what your lips announced came true.

37. Peace is not in the nations. There seems to be calm confidence in the minds of men; but war is threatening the East (i.e. Europe from Mexico). Indeed, war will break out and the world will be in a desolate situation. This will happen "soon".

38. My forces of nature will be unleashed and will devastate whole regions. Scientists will discover a new planet, and a "shower of stars" will illuminate your world. But this will not cause catastrophes for mankind, it will only announce to men the coming of a new time.

39. I make these prophecies known to you so that they will not surprise you when they come to pass.

40. You must also be in harmony with my natural forces, because they too are my servants and instruments of my righteousness. Great catastrophes will be experienced in the world, which will occupy the scientists, who will seek the cause of all this in nature itself. It is the scientist who seeks his existence in the cells and in doing so misjudges the essential, that is: the realm of the Spirit, the first and only source from which everything that exists springs.

41. Much will I reveal to you while you are still in this world. But when you close your physical eyes to this life and those of the Spirit open to see infinity, you will realize that in the life of the Spirit there is more clarity and light. Will, intelligence and reason will not leave you, for they are innate abilities of the Spirit.

42. In the religious communities the power of evil is recognized and personified in a human form; a mighty kingdom is attributed to it and various names are given to it. People feel fear when they think that it is near, without understanding that temptation is rooted in passions, in weaknesses, that both good and evil are stirred within man. ─ During this time evil prevails in the world and has created a force, a power that manifests itself in everything. And in the spiritual there are legions of imperfect, disturbed souls, inclined to evil and revenge, whose power combines with human wickedness to form the kingdom of evil.

43. That power rose up against Jesus in the Second Age and showed him their kingdom. My flesh, which is sensitive to all things, was tempted; but my spiritual strength overcame the temptation. For I had to be the overcomer of the world, of the flesh, of temptation and death. For I was the Master who came down to men to set an example of strength.

44. After Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross, He rose again among the dead, descended into the abysses of darkness where the confused souls dwell to lead them into the light, and then returned in spirit to the apostles to show them the higher life of the Spirit.

45. I have said to you at this time, Do not hold fast to the idea that exists among mankind concerning hell; for there is no other hell in this world than the life you have created with your wars and hostilities, and in the hereafter there is no other fire than the repentance of the soul when the conscience shows it its transgressions.

46. My teaching will speak to the theologians, to philosophers, to scientists, and they will discover that my work is an inexhaustible source of revelations.

47. By his renewal man will extinguish his hell, and when his soul then enters into the hereafter, it will find only light, harmony, and grace. For in the life world of the soul there cannot be that which only human superstition has created.

48. Prepare yourselves, let your mind come to rest, because you now receive the light which I send you. Make your heart receptive and tell me not only with your lips that you love me. Really love me because I want you to live in harmony with me. Make sure that that characteristic which you carry in your soul, and which you have clouded, shines again. I want you to feel that you are the owners of my eternal gifts and that you bear witness to Me.

49. I have had infinite patience with you, have waited for your recognition, but still you tell Me that I should not disturb your sleep, that you do not want to live in reality. But it is written that I would come again to raise up my chosen people and give them weapons to fight the darkness. How is it that you disregard the light, although you are destined to bring it to mankind? ─ Very soon you will be transformed into soldiers of peace, truth and love. The trials I am sending you are smoothing your hearts and bringing them on the right path. You are about to take up your burden and begin the "daily work". Others will set out for fulfillment when they are in Spirit and inhabit other levels of life.

50. I will not see among you a disciple who betrays his Master, who exchanges his gifts for false riches; for then my wounds will open again, and water of compassion and blood will pour out to wash away the stain of the beloved disciple.

51. Be blessed ─ you who have rushed to my call. You will receive great proofs of love and be strengthened for the time of battle that is approaching. Your sufferings will become easier, and you will have peace in the Spirit.

52. When you ask Me for commissions, seek in the book I give you, and you will find in every word a commission, an unchanging law, speaking to your Spirit of the world to conquer. When you feel that the hour has come to work, you will see with surprise and joy how vast the fields are which I have entrusted to you, and how abundant is the seed.

53. I want what I have taught you to be passed on unadulterated to those who will not hear my word in this time. In the virtue of your life you will find what is necessary to guide, counsel, and comfort men. I expect to receive in this time from the human heart the understanding, the harvest, which I did not receive in past times, to help you to climb the high mountain where I am and expect all my children.

54. Mankind: What have you done with the seed I have brought you in the Second Time as a gift of love? You call yourselves Christians, but you are not really, because I find no love among men, nor mercy, nor justice. Without being aware of it, you love another God and have created another world. There you have your affects, ambitions, possessions, ideals and riches; beyond all this there is nothing for you. Where is your faith? Where is the actual observance of my teachings? You have them only in your mind, as another of your theories. How many of you think that what I am telling you is an exaggeration, and how many of those who will know these words tomorrow will be outraged by them.

But verily, I tell you, Elijah will prove to you in this Third Age that you are worshipping a false God even though you believe that you love Me. I tell you once again: Just as he surprised the people of Israel in the First Time when they worshiped Baal, and with the authority that God had given his prophet, he subjected that people to a trial that had fallen into darkness and was on an erroneous path ─, so will Elijah in this time flash the ray of God down on souls, causing your idols to fall to the ground. What are your idols? ─ The world, the "flesh," science, religious fanaticism, vices, money.

55. When the light rises in every soul, you will understand that the world and science cannot be the goal you strive for, nor can they be the highest perfection, but that they are only means that God has put in your path, so that you may approach Him, who is the perfect Spirit, step by step.

56. Elijah is the forerunner, the prophet, the messenger; I am the light, which I will prove anew through Elijah to men who think that they can move the world with their science and can do everything. But when the moment of trial has come, when desolation spreads everywhere, Elijah will say to the scholars and scientists, "Summon your science and stop the advance of the unleashed elements. Make use of your power and calm the fury of a storm. If you do this, I will acknowledge your power and wisdom. But I will inspire you a power and knowledge that is above your science, and that power is that of prayer.

57. Now is the time when the index finger of Elijah points to you, people, and his voice calls you to prove to the world through the new disciples the truth of prayer and the power of spiritualization.

58. In a spiritual way you will live through the trials that the ancients, the people of Israel, received. For the meaning of those lessons, the real reason for those calls which the Lord addressed to his children, has still not been sufficiently interpreted.

59. Admittedly, men convinced themselves of their errors and repented, by which divine justice was frightened. But they did not reach the core of truth, where the light ─ is the only thing that gives the soul true wisdom.

60. I have told you that in this time of light all the Divine revelations of the past times will be correctly understood and interpreted. For the soul of man, while it has crossed the vast desert of its pilgrimage and has covered the innumerable paths of its experience, has reached the maturity to make contact with the spiritual, with its conscience in

To be in harmony and understand the real meaning of their existence.

61. Man is on the verge of awakening from his sleep to rise and accomplish the great works for which he was destined ─ Works inspired by the Spirit, dictated by conscience and reflected in feelings

62. Once the great number of spiritualists will form a united and strong community, their step will leave a trail of light on earth. She will be like a greater brother to humanity, whose hand will extend generously to help his smaller brother rise.

63. With loving words I have spoken to you so that your heart may become loving and the roughness of your character may be softened For tomorrow it will be you who must make my work known to your fellow men. But if you want to move the delicate strings of those hearts, you must use great cordiality and be imbued with love and mercy in all your works.

64. Learn to commune with Me from Spirit to Spirit, with prayer without words ─ the prayer which is thought, which is feeling This is the one that will bring you most near to my divine presence. Remember that tomorrow you must teach all these lessons, and therefore it is necessary that my new disciples practice already now what my teaching has taught them. When you will teach with your works and preach with your good examples, mankind will feel moved to do the same as you, and will stop worshipping idols that are deaf and without life, and finally seek the true, living, and eternal God who dwells only in the spiritual.

65. Prayer is the lifeboat of all those who are shipwrecked in this stormy sea: for he who is able to pray rightly is strengthened, and is filled with faith. He feels up to all trials and can confidently await the coming of peace.

66. Many of the teachings I have given you are based on warning you of the dangers that threaten you in times of greatest bitterness For you are to be a part of my hosts of light and peace, which are always united with my armies of spiritual beings.

For each of you there will be a host of invisible beings who will be the guardians and protectors. The task of both of you will be to unite to achieve the highest goal: to attain universal peace. Already today I tell you that from this spiritual harmony among all my servants a power will be born that will make this community invincible.

67. The spiritual poor will be inspired; those who are sluggish in speech and understanding will have at their disposal a stream of words imbued with truth and life

68. I have already pointed out to you that there will be stumbling blocks along the way. But I also tell you that he who equips himself will be able to avoid them. Only those who sleep now while I speak to them will be those who stumble, fall and finally turn back, thinking that the boulders that show themselves on their way are insurmountable.

69. Prayer, meditation, joy and exaltation are values that should enter into your daily life as an essential part of it, so that nothing can happen to you unexpectedly.

70. Understand why I have told you again and again during all past times: "Watch and pray!

71. At present I am offering you the bread that is to nourish you It is without leaven, it has eternal life in it.

72. Instead of exposing you in my teachings, I will heal your heart and lighten your soul. I invite you to rise to My place of peace, and there you shall confess to Me all your sins. I will consider your pain and not judge you with severity. If this pain is caused by your remorse, do not worry. For I have come to seek just those among you who have found neither leniency nor understanding with their fellow men. I want to save you so that you may soon be with me.

73. I train your minds, your lips, so that you do not feel too awkward to speak and bear witness to my work. If you feel love, you can speak; if you have faith, you can do great works in my name.

74. I give you a white sheet that you may write down your life, and your conscience will speak clearly to you. By this you will know when you have honored your Father and when you have disobeyed him.

75. You ask me on this day; however ─ what do you need that my love would not grant you? But if you drink a bitter cup as reparation for your transgressions, do not blame Me, do not ask Me why I did not give you the cup of milk and honey to drink, since you belong to the chosen people. It is up to you to attain peace. I have granted you freedom of will so that you choose the way and rise to me through your merits. Why do you not take the good disciples as your example? Why do you not lead the life of the patriarchs? ─ Because you do not yet glorify Me through your works.

76. Give, you always have something to give. Do not act like the rich misers. Do not chase away the sick, the needy, because you think them foolish. Do not despise the hungry. If you can empathize with their hearts, you will discover their pain and you will have compassion on them.

I have given you the balm with love to heal all sufferings. Are you afraid to be criticized because when you practice mercy you are like Me? What do you fear from this unjust and selfish humanity, which knows nothing of Me? Come and keep my unchanging laws, drink my Spirit essence and feel full of the Spirit of Truth.

77. Truth is my kingdom of love, of light and Justice ─ a truth that teaches you the law, which I have revealed to you. Truth is the trace laid out by my love so that you may finally become great, happy, perfect and immortal.

My peace be with you!

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