BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 186

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 186

1. Welcome are all those disciples who come near me to increase their knowledge. Happy and blessed are all those who want to clearly recognize the truth of my teachings.

You do well to tear the veil that covers your spiritual eyes. A heavy responsibility is placed upon all those who make no effort to penetrate deeper into the secrets of my hidden wisdom.

2. When will they finally grow weary of the pleasures of the flesh? When will they realize that these pleasures have prevented them from enjoying the pleasures of the soul? They are vassals of the kingdom of sin, slaves of their passions, and go through the world like deaf, blind, lame, and lepers without realizing their aberrations. When one finally realizes that his soul is sick, he does not know how to seek the remedy in the light that radiates from my Spirit.

3. The blind lead the blind: Thus I see many nations of the world, more than enough of the peoples of the earth. Virtue has become weak, and good feelings have been lost. The human heart, which should enter all noble feelings and every uplifting thought, has become today a source of selfishness, vices, and aberrations.

4. What is strange about the fact that your Lord, who loves you infinitely, comes to you today to give you the weapons with which to fight the evil that reigns in all men?

5. It is true that my teaching is a weapon, a lightsaber that hits the heart and the most sensitive in

People touched. Will to defeat evil is what you need, and that power for your soul gives you my word. The greatest and noblest battle, in which I want to see you as victors, is that which you fight against yourselves to control your passions, selfishness and sensual lust. At every opportunity that great battle shall break out in your inner being.

6. On the one hand there is good will, reason, justice, and charity; on the other hand, the corruptible human passions come up. But light will triumph over darkness. If I knew that it would not be so, I would not allow you to enter into a fight that is useless and unfruitful for your soul.

7. When you think of the patriarchs, of the prophets, or of my apostles, do not think of them as extraordinary men; for they were all created from the same essence with which you were created. But those were men who strove to stay on the path of light, to keep to the truth, to observe my law always, and to live in goodness. Their will did not weaken, so they left works which are an example to their brothers in man.

8. Do you recognize those men who run after the pleasures, the comforts, or simply after the daily bread, indifferent to the gifts of the Spirit, unreceptive to the truths that reveal eternal life to you? Later on you will see them eagerly running to the spiritual sanctuary to become co-workers of the true Church.

9. In my divine words it is in which men will find the light that teaches them to use the power that the soul contains, and teaches them to walk firmly in the path of trials, which is life. He who sees my light does not take a wrong step, nor does he stumble.

10. You must fathom my word; for if you do not, you will see mysteries where the Master has spoken to you clearly and perfectly. God has no Secrets for people. The thing is that one time you did not want to reach the light, and another time you wanted to know the revelations prematurely. The dirt into which man has fallen is the reason why he has not been able to interpret many of my teachings correctly, although it is already time that he understood them.

11. What have you learned from your religions? What good is it for you to say that you believe this or that, if your life is not subject to the observance of the principles which they recommend, and you do not try to approach Me through them?

12. If you want to know whether you fulfill the divine law, ask yourselves whether you are receiving a harvest of love in the world.

13. I have much to tell you in this time, so that you may understand that I am ready to hand over to you my kingdom of heaven. But for this you must free your spirit soul, for it will be she who receives me. Then you will see me and feel me.

14. Let there be a covenant of peace among men of good will. But I point out to you that you are not to wait until you are in the spiritual home to make this covenant. The merit is that here, where the world received the blood of the Lamb as a seed of love, you offer the Father the tribute of gratitude and your best sacrifice: your obedience by loving one another.

15. Believe in the immortality of the soul. I tell you this because some believe that death will destroy the existence of those who persist in sin and exclude them from eternal life, leaving them instead to be subject to eternal punishment.

16. Those who have adopted such an idea have misinterpreted some of my revelations and misinterpreted their meaning. If this were right and possible, it would be like declaring the defeat of love, goodness, and justice. What sense would it then have had that I became man ─ my passion, my death and my presence among you as man? Do not forget that I came for the sake of the sinners, the sick, the slaves, the hungry, the lost.

17. Your spirit soul possesses Eternal Life, which was given to it by the Divine Spirit, and the only thing that dies of man is the shell, the flesh, which the soul will leave behind to be able to rise up Even sin will see it perish if it carries such a thing within itself, and the dark band of ignorance will fall away from it like a withered fruit. But after each of these "deaths," which it will experience in itself, without dying, the soul will swing itself up more strongly, more consciously, more brightly, and more purely.

18. Have you experienced in your life any physical passion that seized your whole being and made it impossible for you to hear the voice of conscience, morality, and reason?

This happened when the soul had sunk low, because the temptations and the power of the beast of evil that dwells in the flesh had overcome it.

And is it not true that you experienced deep happiness and deep peace when you succeeded in freeing yourselves from that passion and overcoming its influence?

19. This peace and joy are due to the victory of the soul over the body ─ a victory that was achieved through an immense struggle, a "bloody" inner battle. But it was enough for the soul to draw new strength and to straighten up, stimulated and advised by conscience, and already it conquered the impulses of the flesh and freed itself from being pulled even further into perdition.

In this struggle, in this renunciation, in this battle against yourself, you have seen something die that dwelt within you, without it being your life. It was only a senseless passion.

20. Understand therefore: If man lets himself be guided by the inspiration of conscience and subjects all his actions to the higher commandment, it is as if a new man were born in him ─ that for whom there is no death. For he will regard the body only as the necessary covering for the soul; and when the soul sets out for its true home, the body will have to sink into the womb of the earth to dissolve into it.

21. I tell you that there is no "eternal death," and still less could there be eternal atonement. Only that which is harmful dies ─ the useless, the bad, and the atonement must end when purification is achieved. Already at that time I told you that nothing in my work would perish. I also told you that none of my children would perish, and besides, I revealed to you the immortality of the soul by telling you, "I am life, he who believes in me shall never die.

22. Beloved people: Close your human eyes and feel my presence "on the cloud. You are hearing a human voice, it is the one transmitted by the voice bearer whose I use to give you my thought vibration. But when you rise spiritually, you will feel my spiritual presence. O blessed third time, in which every eye will be able to see its Lord! Idolatry will fall to the ground, and men will fully know the truth.

23. To initiate this time, I wanted to communicate myself through your own minds so that you feel me closer, more familiar, more belonging to you. Also in the Second Time I came closer to men by being born among them, living at their side, sharing their pain and suffering before their eyes.

24. Today the crowds of people awaken to my new words and form a community with one another. In their majority, this community is made up of the poor of the earth ─ those whom you call "disinherited," but who in reality lack none of the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you. Because of my teaching, these people have awakened from their lethargy and have become aware of all that they carry within them. As a result, a spiritual unfolding has begun in them, and their awkwardness has gradually disappeared. Intuition has set in and enlightened their being, inspiration has caressed their minds, the gift of the seer has illuminated their eyes during their prayer, has made them pull away the veil from the spiritual, and has also revealed to them something of what the future holds within. The gift to heal ─, be it through the simple word, through the "anointing", or even by means of thoughts ─ has sprung from the innermost part of their heart, and many other abilities have become visible in the humble disciples of this work.

25. The reason for this is that they, who had nothing on earth ─ when they felt that they had received an inheritance from the Father, put all their heart and enthusiasm into the service of this cause, and in this way discovered many of the gifts of grace which their nature contained within them and which they did not know.

26. How could men also have discovered the gifts that their Spirit possessed, when their heart desired only to possess the riches of the earth?

27. If men had understood to pray, if they had understood that I know the language of the heart, that I understand the needs of their soul, that I understand even their smallest desire, that I know how to interpret their thoughts, as these also seem to be, they would have sent up their prayer to the Creator. But man is worldly and has materialized his worship of God and his soul development. But how to make mankind understand its errors? ─ By sending to it a people that is spiritualized, whose children live in that higher morality which my teaching teaches.

28. Mankind, through its science, through its sin, through its wars, through its teachings and materialism, has challenged Divine Justice, and since its insults were very great, it could only expect punishment. But see how I have responded to this by sending to men my divine light, which is consolation, revelation, forgiveness and peace, so that it may enlighten them and assist them in their development.

29. A man has a cup, which he shall later have to drink up, filled with bitterness. But verily, I tell you, through this pain he will receive the light. But I bring a light to your hearts, which will reach you mildly, which will convince your Spirit through love and true wisdom.

30. You crowds of people who just hear this voice ─ rejoice at the thought that you have been destined to see my light in this time of great spiritual confrontation.

31. Do not sleep, for I do not speak to you only through these voices. I speak to you in every arbitrary moment in which your soul is at peace and it can soar up to dialogue with me.

32. So that you may make use of your heart as a guide, allow me to smooth it before, so that you may receive divine inspiration through his feelings

33. Not only you call on Me, but also your brothers and sisters, according to the different religions, call for their God I do not only come to you, I, the Spirit of Consolation, give peace to every sorrowful heart and spirit.

34. Man created in his imagination an image of the love of Jesus and transferred it to a canvas, giving it human form, since he could not represent the Spirit of the Creator

35. Of all men; of all peoples of all times I have always accepted their worship, their burnt offerings, rites and sacrifices; for it is the good intention and not the deed that counts for Me

36. Admittedly, the images which men have made of me are imperfect; but I do not stop myself from looking at the image in which they recognize me, but it is the good intention of their purpose that reaches me.

37. Nevertheless ─ how pleasing it will be for the Father when He sees mankind exercising spiritualization like this people who are beginning to take their first steps, getting rid of the superficial and outward appearance, to feel that you really carry Me in your hearts, that I am in your purpose when you intend to do a good work, that I am in your thoughts when you try to hold dialogue with Me.

38. Who could doubt, when he hears this voice, that the glory of God is revealed in the wretchedness of a human body? Is it more pleasing to God to manifest himself in a bread that is inanimate matter than through his own children, man created in his image and likeness and considered the most perfect being in creation? Why should the Light, the Divine Spirit, not manifest itself through the preferred creature, created in his image and likeness? There is nothing strange about the fact that God can make himself known through the organ of man's intellect. But this humanity is disbelieving and suspicious because it has been hurt many times in its most sacred feelings. Therefore, it only hears, and does not hear.

39. The human heart must be worked again with the chisel of love, so that the feelings of brotherhood and nobility may spring from it.

40. The human heart has hardened so much that it remains insensitive to the pain or misfortune of a fellow human being. But it must feel the foreign pain and understand the cause of it, so that man can progress in his development.

41. If man is content to judge his neighbor, he will only make false judgments. But if he tries to understand the reason for his pain, with the noble intention of helping him, the hidden origin of that pain will be revealed to him, which he can then alleviate.

42. How many make their lives unbearable for lack of spiritual faith, because they think that the physical world is the only one that exists, and they doubt that Spirit exists; for nothing can prove it to them. These and other sad observations bring them to despair and even drive them to death.

43. On this teaching shall be based the first lesson which you shall give to your future disciples. You are to give them the opportunity to ascend from the first stage of their path of development. You are to reveal to them that the Father, in his infinite love and perfect justice, grants to each soul as many material lives as it needs for its perfection; that some physical beings suffer more than others, that there are lives of well-being and others of bitterness and atonement.

44. It is the earthlings who live without pain and without great trials who have been the reason why many ignorant and dissatisfied people call me unjust.

45. These cases will be more than enough in your way, and you will be those called to give the explanation for them. You will be asked whether it is certain that after this life there will be a reward or a punishment. To this you shall answer that as long as the soul has not reached the necessary level of development to live (forever) in the spiritual valley, it must incarnate on this earth, passing through each earth life according to the progress of the one before. Sometimes it will happen in order to reap a good harvest, in other cases to pay off some debt or to complete a work that has begun.

46. When the soul has then gone all the way that has been laid out for it as its destiny on earth, it will be able to rise to the spiritual home, where it will find the continuation of that way that will lead it to eternal bliss, to the bosom of the Lord.

47. Leave no dark or unclear points. You will not convince everyone, but even through the doubt of the unbelievers you will advance by getting to know their thoughts, in order to convince others whom you will meet later in the battle of words.

48. Verily I tell you, my teaching will be for mankind like the awakening on a spring morning, like the dew that makes the fields fertile ─ today, when the world is a field of death, arid and dry.

49. Go to all in my name. Who could refuse the loving name of Jesus, since my sacrifice was done for all?

50. Let your fellow men feel that you are at the foot of the mountain at this time, awaiting the invigorating teaching of your Master. For my word is life for your soul.

51. I set the table with white tablecloths, and I have laid upon them the fruit of the tree of life, that your soul may be strengthened.

52. The light of the Holy Spirit delivers your soul out of darkness; for you have strayed from the way, and are lost, and are dead to the life of grace.

53. Thou art fallen into idolatry, O beloved people, into disobedience and ingratitude. You have left the light and turned to the dark, you have taken off your white robe and instead of crystal clear water you have drunk murky water and poisoned yourself with it.

54. I became man in the Second Time to teach you to love and forgive, I came to give an example of humility and gentleness, as Master I gave you my teaching. But the times have passed and you have fallen into error.

55. O people whom I have chosen from among all men! I sought you and found you in the catacombs, I found you in the desert where you nourished the seven sins. Today I come as a good shepherd and seek you in all ways and paths and save you from the abyss. You have listened to Me and felt Me and have received from Me all that your soul lacks. I have given you proofs of love, I have enlightened you, and from the book of My teaching I have given you abundantly.

56. Come, my people, climb up the mountain step by step. When you climb up, you will be in communion with your Father and you will be able to feel and enjoy the fruit of the tree of life. A spring of crystal clear water flows down from the top of the mountain to quench your thirst.

57. Israel of the third time: You are hearing your Master who teaches you and who prophesies. What for, beloved people? ─ That you may awaken by my divine grace from the lethargy in which you find yourself.

58. He that hath eyes shall see; he that hath brains shall ponder; and he that hath ears shall hear his Master. You are the ones whom my index finger has marked ─ the dead to whom I have given life ─ the blind to whom I have restored sight ─ the stray to whom I guide with my light and the shipwrecked to whom I have shown the lifeboat.

59. Consider the banquet which the Father prepared for the "prodigal son" who had perished, whipped by whirlwinds and drinking the cup of bitterness.

60. Feel Me and let Me dwell in your hearts and say to you as to my disciples in the second time, "Take and eat, this is my body. Likewise I say to you in this third time: "Take and eat, this is my word.

61. Beloved disciples, the year 1950 is drawing near, when I will stop speaking to you in this form. But in view of this, I tell you that you will have received my word in abundance and you shall set out like your Master. You are to be like a beacon for mankind and give rich love to your fellow men.

My peace be with you!

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