BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 184

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 184:

1. Mankind, you have thrown yourself into darkness. But the hour has come, in which you ascend to the light.

2 I send Elijah to you, that he may pluck you out of your lethargy. How could you feel my presence if you are not awake?

3. Do not expect Me to come to your world as man; that lesson is over Nevertheless ─ although I am with you only in Spirit, I will prove to you that it is a higher form of revelation than that through which I have revealed myself until today. It is the proof that I consider you spiritually more capable than the men of past times.

4. I will not need a body to dwell among you, nor will it be absolutely necessary for my voice to become a human voice to be heard. Nevertheless you will have me with you unreservedly as master, as judge, as physician.

5. Your soul has many abilities and senses so that you may receive my messages through it. But since you do not know those abilities which exist in your being until today, you believe that you can see Me only with the eyes of the body and hear Me with your ears. Now I will prove to you the groundlessness of this opinion when you feel my presence in the silence of your sleeping chamber, and you feel flooded with the light of inspiration in the moments of your prayer.

6. You are still souls without light; but I will cause sparks of light to go out from you in the form of inspirations, high ideas, noble feelings and good works

7..You are like Lazarus in the grave, dead to the spiritual life But at my call you will rise to follow me and bear witness to my truth.

8. Those events that shake the peoples of the earth daily are calls of righteousness, calling you to repentance, prayer, remembrance and purification. But this time of trial will continue until men's stubbornness and folly give way, until they give up their arrogance and godlessness.

It will not always be calls of justice that will be heard on earth; for later, when mankind has been purified, it will be very different events that excite men. They will be divine inspirations and spiritual rallies; they will be revelations of nature. Some for the perfection of your soul, others for the good of your life in the world.

9. Do you know which is the gift or virtue by which men can obtain more grace? ─ The love of neighbor. For it will ennoble their hearts, will give the soul the opportunity to devote itself to its fellow men, and will be that which reaps the most of the seed of faith. Because the "fields" and "acres" are full of misery, pain, poverty and disease ─ acres that hunger for love and are just waiting for a seed and a little rain to blossom.

10. If it seems impossible at present to those who preach my word on earth to stop the advance of sin, the effervescence of enmities and passions, then for me the return of men to goodness and justice is not impossible, not even difficult.

11. Do you see those people who rule great nations? Do you know the power of their laws and their doctrines? Do you see the scientists how they rashly and presumptuously penetrate the mysteries of nature? Verily, I tell you, they will still humbly prostrate themselves before Me with their pride, their skill and all their knowledge. For every work of man finally reaches its limit, where men then have to open their eyes to reality of their own accord and recognize the scope of every one of their works, the severity of their transgressions and the extent of their aberrations.

12. I do not mean to tell you that all that they have done is imperfect ─ no. But there is so little of good that they do for their fellow men, so little of good that they do that it is better that my law should judge the unfair and the bad that weighs heavier on the scales of justice.

13. Mankind is still granted a short time to finish their work in it, and to speak to the divine judge when he calls them to account.

14. Meanwhile, my light goes forward, spreads and penetrates everywhere and into every soul.

15. It was my will that ─ once this time of my rallies had come ─ all my marked ones should already be prepared, waking and praying, awaiting the hour of my coming, forming one body and one will to hear what I would reveal to you. But I have found no true brotherhood among you.

16. This people, having received my teaching, shall train their fellow men and make them masters.

17. But truly, I tell you, I have not come to enlighten only you who live on earth, but I have also called all souls who have lost the way in other worlds of life unknown to you

18. What devotion I have seen in the spiritual beings to fulfill my commissions! Your soul, free from the body, has found it easier to make itself ready to fulfill its task in this time.

19. How many of them expected me to be free from error and

Misconduct, after a long time of atonement. And when I revealed to them that part of the Book of the Seven Seals which corresponds to the sixth period of time, their soul was lifted up, and in their exaltation they spurred you on, removed obstacles in your way and assigned you an honorable place as disciples.

20. To understand the divine teachings, it is necessary to renew oneself and to study the law.

By this you will learn to understand my word and receive great revelations, which you could not attain through human science.

The day will come when man will bend his neck and love his Father with the respect and love I require of you.

My rallies are understandable to all. I have spoken according to the capacity of your brain, for you could not comprehend all my wisdom. To this simple word, with which I made my teachings known to you, you are not to add anything originating from your mind, and when you translate it into other languages, take care that its divine meaning is preserved.

21. Prepare yourselves so that your brain may be like a clear mirror reflecting my light in all its clarity when you are busy with this difficult mission

22. Live close to Me. I am the life, beginning and end of all created things. If I have entrusted you with a mission like mine, it is because I love you and want you to take me as your model.

23. Save hearts, do miracles, love one another.

24. If you feel in yourselves the faith and the strength of soul necessary to take up the cross, go to the homes and bring my word, go through the wide lands and sail the seas. I will go before you and prepare the way.

25. Be on your guard, for many wolves in sheep's clothing will come to you and want to beguile you, to turn you from the way. But watch, and you will discover the intentions of their hearts.

26. When your fellow men come to you suffering and

want you to quench her tears, so do it. Give all the good that is in you, and later, in the Hereafter, you will receive greater mercy than those you have shown in this world.

27. Beloved people, your prayer ascends to Me, as in the first time your psalms ascended to Me in the temple. But this time has passed and your soul has developed. The great temple of Jerusalem no longer exists, for my word has been fulfilled, and of its material form no stone has remained upon another.

28. There is no ark of the covenant, nor the tablets of the law on

Altar more. Your Spirit seeks the truth beyond the figures and symbols that once served him to believe and understand and that taught him to worship Me. But today he understands that these no longer have any justification, since their meaning has been understood by the Spirit. The symbols were only material objects, which the Lord used to explain the divine teachings to man.

29. So when the student has learned to understand the basic teaching, he should forget the old cult forms in order to rise in the desire for higher inspirations and a more spiritual worship.

30. Remember: as long as you must have before your eyes some symbol that embodies Me, you cannot connect directly with the Divine Spirit. But recognize that you are all called to use this dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.

31. Everything that surrounds and embraces you in this life is an image of eternal life, is a profound teaching explained through material forms and objects so that it can be understood.

32. You have not yet reached the core of that wonderful lesson, and man has always erred because he has taken the life he leads on earth as if it were eternity. He has been content to concern himself with the outer forms of it, and has rejected all that it contains of divine revelation ─ that which is essence and truth, which are contained in all creation.

33. When this "book" has left its light in souls and has been understood to the last page, man will leave the earth, and his soul will move on to a new home, where he will know and use all that human life taught him on his way. Then he will be able to comprehend many teachings that were revealed to him through life in matter.

34. Study these words which your Master has dedicated to you with so much love, so that you may judge your works by their light And when you comprehend that you have stopped, fathom what the causes have been that have caused this, that you may avoid them in the future and always advance your path of development.

35. The mission which I have commanded my people on earth is great and very delicate. That is why I have sought it out in every age, to inspire it with my words and to reveal to it a little more of the content of the law.

36. The law of love, goodness, and justice has been the spiritual inheritance which I have bequeathed to him at all times. From lesson to lesson I have brought mankind to understand that the law can be summarized in one commandment: love. Love the Father, who is the author of life; love the fellow man, who is part of the Father; love all that the Lord has created and commanded.

37.  037 Love is the source, the beginning, the seed of wisdom, of greatness, of power, of exaltation, and of life. This is the true way, which the Creator has marked out for the soul, so that it may feel from stage to stage and from home to home more and more the approach to me.

38. If from the beginning of times man had made a cult out of spiritual love instead of falling into idolatrous rites and religious fanaticism, this world, which today has become a valley of tears through the fear and misery of men, would be a valley of peace, into which souls would come to acquire merits, to reach those spiritual homes after this life, into which the soul is to enter on its way.

39. Verily I say to you, in no epoch of human life has man lacked the knowledge of my law. For of the divine spark, which is his Spirit, he has never lacked a spark of light in his soul, an intuition in his mind, or an inkling in his heart. Nevertheless, your soul has returned to the beyond with a dark bandage before its eyes, and I tell you, whoever does not make use of the lesson that life on this world contains in this valley of trials, must return to him to finish his reparation, and above all to learn.

40. False is the conception you have of what life on earth means, of what the soul is, and of what the spiritual world is.

The majority of believers believe that if they live with a certain righteousness, or if they repent of the transgressions committed in the last moments of their lives, heaven is safe for their soul.

But this false idea, which is very pleasing to man, is the reason why he does not persistently fulfill the law during his whole life and thus causes his soul, when it leaves this world and enters the spiritual world, to find that it has come to a place where it does not see the miracles it had imagined, nor feels the highest bliss to which it thought it was entitled.

41. Do you know what happens to those beings who were sure to go to heaven, and who instead found only confusing things? Since they were no longer at home on earth because they lacked the base of their physical shell, and since they could not rise to those heights where the spheres of spiritual light are located, they created for themselves ─ without being aware of it ─ a world that is neither human nor deeply spiritual.

Then the souls begin to ask themselves: Is this heaven?

Is this the home that God has chosen for the souls after they have wandered so long on earth?

42. No ─ say others ─ this cannot be the "womb of the Lord" where only light, love and purity can exist.

43. Gradually, through reflection and pain, the soul comes to understanding. It understands divine justice, and, enlightened by the light of its Spirit, it judges its past works, discovering that they were poor and imperfect, that they were not worthy to deserve what it had believed.

Afterwards, on the basis of this self-reflection, humility shows itself and the desire arises to return to the ways she had gone, to erase the stigma, to make amends for the mistakes and to do truly meritorious things before her Father.

44. It is necessary to enlighten humanity about these mysteries, so that it may understand that life in matter is an opportunity for man to acquire merits for his soul ─ merits that will elevate it until it deserves to live in a sphere of higher spiritualization, where it must act with merit anew so as not to be left behind and to continue to ascend from stage to stage; for "in the Father's house there are many dwellings.

45. These merits you shall acquire through love, as the eternal law of the Father has taught you. And so your soul will progress on the ladder to perfection step by step, and in doing so will get to know the narrow path that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven ─ to the true heaven, which is the perfection of the soul.

46. Welcome, you who come to me to find the ways of peace and love. Those people I welcome and make them understand that a spiritual task awaits them.

47. Disciples, you will fight with Me, you will work close to your Master, and so we will walk the path that leads you to the top of the mountain You will humbly lay with Me, not asking that your Father give you this or that gift, but to willingly receive what He has planned for each of His children.

48. You have light in your soul and, moreover, you have already progressed far on the way of trials, which has made your experience fruitful, and therefore you no longer let yourselves be dominated by the vanity of wanting to be great in order to be admired and served

49. Who but me would be able to rule in souls and direct their fate? ─ No one. Whoever, therefore, intended to take his master's place because he wanted to rule, created for himself a kingdom according to his inclinations, preferences, claims to power, and vanities ─ a kingdom of matter, of base passions and base feelings.

50. You cannot subdue the Spirit, for in him is perfect righteousness. In the souls only purity has power over noble feelings; only the good moves them ─ in a word: the soul feeds itself only on truth and goodness.

51. Therefore, O disciples ─, although you see yourselves abundantly endowed with gifts, and understand that you possess a good that not all possess, you shall not feel superior to anyone. Put everything you have at the service of my cause, for it is characterized by love, and you should devote your whole life to it, so that you may be useful to your fellow men.

52. Destroy the kingdom of vanities which you have created. Master the human passions and let your soul reveal itself in its innermost core, full of love and light, which you give wisdom.

Try to take Jesus as your model in all the actions of your life. He was not sent to earth to atone for a transgression or to receive the judgment of His Father. Christ, who speaks to you again today, came down to the hearts of men to establish in them His kingdom of love, justice and truth. He brought no materialistic teachings to men, nor unjust laws. He did not come to arouse the greed of men, nor to feed their passions. He brought the teaching of love, which is the morality of the soul. Therefore He told the multitudes, "My kingdom is not of this world.

53. You ask me in the innermost part of your heart how it is possible that great spirit beings want to rebel and work against God. I say this to you: Those who rebel against me are not yet really great. They are imperfect spirit beings who have been able to develop some of their abilities and have neglected the development of others. Their intelligence has been developed, but not the noble feelings of their soul.

54. This is the reason why I pointed out to you at that time that man does not live by bread alone. For apart from the earthly teachings, which the earth imparts to him, he needs for his complete perfection the light of the Spirit, which he can receive only in my teaching.

55. You men: For many centuries you have wandered the earth, always depressed by the burden of your passions. But the end has come, already you are in the era of your spiritual liberation, in which the soul will rule in the body, which will be its servant, and in which it will have infinity as its home.

56. Soon you will know where you have come from and where you are going, so that you may know how to give the world the place it should have in your life, and give the soul the place it should have in your existence.

57. These words I am giving you right now are prophetic in nature, so that you may have an incentive, so that you may make an effort and count on a light of hope in your future

58. Those who go through the world and shed tears because of their pains, let them not think that I have left them. I test their patience and wait only for them to reach their purification, so that they may then multiply the number of my followers.

59. Spiritualization will come to men, dispel their doubts, make them return to the sure way, make them see the light of truth. Then people will say: "The word of the Lord came true when He told us: 'Every eye will see Me'".

60. You must know that the pain is very great at this time because the soul of man is now paying off debts that your heart does not know and to wipe away stains that have been in you for a long time. You do not know who you are and what your works were like on the long road you have travelled. But now you who know this revelation must arm yourselves with patience and submission. For this will uplift you and help you to achieve your purification.

61. I assure you that for the time being it is not necessary for you to know your past; that it is enough for you if you have intuition or inkling that you have made mistakes in other times, which you must now make amends. On the other hand, I want you to know much about your future through my word, because this light will give rise in your hearts to the hope of attaining a life of peace and light, in which the soul and the body will develop upwards. For there will come times when there will be harmony between the physical and the spiritual.

62. My light will illuminate all paths, and the sects and religions will see before them a single path, a single law: the love law of the Divine Spirit. This will be the worldwide teaching that will unite all souls.

My peace be with you!

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