The meaning od poverty and wealth

The call of God is a call to spiritual work, in his work there is work for all.
Do not be afraid to rob these moments of material  life,
your soul will thank you.
Do not say, "Lord, I've seen poverty among thosewhich follow you.
But those who do not even care to remember you, not speak your name,
I see abundance, pleasures and enjoyment. "
These cases are no proof that the disciple must necessarily be poor.
The peace of the disciple those can not reach in spite of their wealth.

Some people know how to possess the goods of the world and those of the spirit at the same time.
Others are not given those of the world because they forget those of the spirit
and others are only interested in those of the world, because they think
that the divine laws are an enemy of earthly riches.
Goods are and remain goods, but not all know how to use them properly.
Not everything has been given by God to those who have much.
Some have what they have received from Him as compensation,
just as there are others who have stolen everything they own.
The best evidence that people can get for fulfilling their duty in life,
is the peace of the soul, not the jingling of the coins.

To everyone who follows God he speaks and expands his knowledge,
so they can answer the questions of their fellow men with clarity.
The witnesses of his proclamation are destined to receive the crowds
from tomorrow, as they themselves were received by God.
Defeated and downcast, they came to Him.
They turned to those who possessed more than they did, but they did not give them anything.
They came to those who have knowledge, but they did not teach them.
They showed their exhausted, sick body and did not get back their health.
They found no mercy in the brothers and were considered strangers.
That's why they lost faith and hope; some have blasphemed
others cursed and others longed for death.

So they came to God and learned that his source of mercy is the only one
that never stops and you just have to go to feel the refreshment of the soul.
Soon you will see all mankind disappointed by themselves,
convinced that all their human power, their wealth or their science
are not enough powers to answer their questions,
to give peace to their soul or to relieve their pain.
Then you will see them seeking the source of truth beyond their world,
beyond the people and their wrong power.

Many will seek Him and ask immediately from Spirit to Spirit!
He will answer them, but many will also cross your path
and ask you for light. You should receive this in Gods name
and give them of what He has entrusted to you.
If you really give them love, light, and spiritualization,
will not you just ignite faith in the Father in them,
but also give them back the trust in the people
that is to exist among you as children of God.
There is not a moment when God is not with you to inspire you.
Your works and merits are known to him.

Still the vices, the passions, the idolatry try you.
But you pray in those moments, and your faith helps you to be saved from it.
Your soul, after many lifetimes, is prepared to take off your bad inclinations
and to hear and understand your Lord.
Those who have not prepared will not recognize this Teaching as truth.
That's why you see divisions in the bosom of your families:
Parents who for this reason misjudge their own children; Children who become judges of their parents; Siblings who understood each other sooner, and who look at each other today as if they were strangers; and spouses who argue and even reject each other because one believes and the other denies.

God did not intend this work to eliminate material poverty
or to stand tall in front of others. He brought us spiritual goods:
Mercy, consolation, balm, which we should pass on with utmost disinterestedness.
Whoever demands a price for his services did not do it for God, but for himself.
Teaching is as loving as the means by which God corrects us.
It will not be the reward of the world that gives us peace and satisfaction.
These will come as a reward for a fulfillment full of charity,
we practice on our fellow human beings.
Be people of good will - if you love peace, he will stay with you.
There is no treasure comparable to the peace of the soul.

Today He has returned to us and has once again taught us His Teaching of Humility.
The darkness in which mankind is shrouded in this time is blacker than
That ight Jesus was born.
The hardness of hearts that have received the news of His return is like the rocks of that grotto where the child god opened his eyes to the light of this world.
The indifference of man to the eternal, the spiritual
and their lack of love for one another are like the cold of that blessed night.
And the brittleness of the organs of understanding, through which He announces Himself in this time, the roughness of their hearts is like the hard straw of the crib.

So He began again His teaching among us.
Will He end it on a cross, as he did then?
Look at His trail and follow Him. If you're on
Suffering, sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation,
so turn your eyes on Jesus and He will give you His power,
send and give you His arm as a cross carrier to you
help carry your cross.

A.M.  Hosta
Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 197 - Verse 23 - 61

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