BTL - Volum 7 - Teaching 200

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 200

1. The gates of the kingdom of heaven are open to all who wish to receive its benefits. This kingdom is in the Spirit of man.

2. There is a feast in your and in my Spirit when you prepare to receive my messages of light.

3. Be welcome, sick, afflicted and in need of spiritual love, for with Me you will find the healing balm, the light and the strength that you have so sorely lacked.

4. I love you and that is why I send you my light, so that it may remove your sufferings, worries and fears and you may feel wrapped up in my love, protecting and saving you from the manifold dangers that are lurking for you. My fountain of mercy overflows to heal you in soul and body; but what I do to you I accomplish in this world and in all worlds. For my Spirit of Consolation has come down to all the worlds of life where my children dwell.

5. When you feed on Me, when you know how to receive Me, you will no longer be able to deny Me, you will no longer doubt nor disregard this bread that gave you life, and your existence will become a constant witness of gratitude and love.

6. Have you any idea of the joys of the promised kingdom of heaven? ─ You wanted to get an idea in your mind of what the life of the perfect beings could be like, and you speak of song, of beauty, of purity and of love. But now I tell you that in that world there is perfect harmony.

7. You must know that you will eventually all be a part of that concert, that you will share in that bliss when you have perfected yourselves and come to Me.

Then you will meet Me, and I will be on the throne of honor that you give Me.

But that heavenly music will resound in your soul when you then discover my presence in yourselves, and you will be enraptured when you contemplate my work, my creation, which I will show you to make you partakers of it. When you are once with me, you will perceive the most beautiful harmony, and the loveliest song will rise from your Spirit to mine.

8. When you then feel my presence shining in you in such a way, you will discover at every stage a concert, in every note a revelation, and you will be so close to Me that you will finally consider Me to be the only reason and the only goal of your existence I will receive you as one would receive a wanderer who is reaching the last stage of his wandering, aware of his accomplishment and of what awaits him.

9. People, you have not yet heard this music of beautiful sounds, because you have not yet been able to dematerialize your souls. The concert resounds beyond the world to which you have been able to reach. But I am preparing the way so that you will soon arrive with me.

10. Why do you consider my rallies through the mind of man to be difficult? Do you doubt that I can always be in contact with your soul? When the

I am nourished by Me in the creation, and all souls are like the branches of a tree, living on it and feeding on its sap ─ how can you think that I am far away or that I am indifferent to your sufferings, although I am your Master, your doctor and your Father?

11. Listen: The battle of worldviews is approaching.

Souls incarnated and disembodied are stirring in a sea of confusion. All present their harvest of pain and evil. All seek to hurt and kill one another, all perform a work of destruction; but pain has struck them as well.

Today, the reaper is present, with the order to cut down every tree that does not bear good fruit. In this great struggle only justice and truth will prevail.

Many churches will disappear, some will remain. In some the truth will shine out, in others only deceit will be offered. But the sickle of justice will continue to cut until every seed that exists on earth is sown.

12. In those times those who have spiritualized will attain the ideal, the upliftment, and this knowledge will give them true wisdom. You will not need the human sciences to guide you. For the soul sufficiently prepared by my teachings will be able to reveal to you all that you need to know.

13. There will come to Me lawyers, philosophers, and priests, and I will answer them and convert them with my word Some will not be able to understand Me and will be confused. The others will humbly ask Me for forgiveness. They will not demand any proofs from me. But I will give it to them because I love them and want them to recognize me.

14. When scientists are unable to answer men, when they cannot resolve their problems and their doubts, they will come to me. Then they will know that I have awaited them to teach and comfort them. They will learn that this word comes from Christ, from Him who knows how to caress all the afflicted and speaks to all in this language, which is so loving ─ of the same, in which the Master taught you the sublime commandment, which tells you: "Love one another.

15. You live in times of purification, and already lamentations of pain have been heard. But that very pain will serve you to purify you and become pillars of the temple. And new apostles will come after you.

16. I will be with you to comfort you and to give you firmness, so that you may advance in the way of reparation. I want you to make friends with your enemies, that in your struggle you may attain the kingdom of heaven, where you will obtain the fruit of all your works.

17. I speak thus to you that you may change your hearts, for your purpose is to love and bless. Live as Jesus lived, always in communion with the Father, in perfect harmony with all beings of creation.

18. When you do something good, when you caress an abandoned child, support a needy person, or protect a defenseless being ─, did you not hear a voice within you that blesses you and encourages you to continue on this path? Whose voice is that? It is the voice of conscience. It is the voice of the Father that rewards the child because it takes him as an example.

19. If you desire to become worthy children of my divinity, the first heirs of my glory, you must first purify yourselves, and you now know that the best purifying waters are good works. I speak to you in this way so that you may feel that I am waiting for you in my kingdom, that you are today on the way that leads to Him, but that you still have a long way to go. I will make an apostle of each of you, and a master of each apostle.

20. I note that humanity practices its worship of God in different forms. But I tell you that I do not consider any religious communities to be more important or less important. I have taught you love, and there is only one truth.

Do not believe that it is one church, one priest or many priests who must redeem mankind. It is I, the wise and loving shepherd, who protects you, consoles you and loves you so much that I gave my life for you to teach you the way of truth and life.

21. If the people of that time believed that they could see Me, as

they would take my life, destroy it and achieve that my teaching would disappear, they were not aware that they only achieved with it to give me more life and higher glory, gained through sacrifice. From my cross I blessed my apostles of all times ─ all who followed me on the same path.

22. In the same way I bless you who have received Me in the present time and are preparing to continue My work.

23. Israel, weary wanderer, you come to Me in desire for My words to complete your destiny in the Third Age, and you come to Me with bitterness on your lips and pain in your heart. You and your children have traveled the perilous way, and today, as you hear the call of my Spirit, you hasten to come in the assurance that you will receive encouragement.

24. Some of you I humbly meet in expectation of my commissions. Others feel repentance in my presence after they have sinned much. And still others curiously explore my teaching and seek some error in it to condemn them. I know you and love you and receive all on this day.

25. I will make use of the humble ones to bring the Good News in a short time to the hearts that await me. I purify the one who has sinned with my word, which is crystal clear water. When he learns that I forgive him and make him my disciple, he will repent and sin no more. And to him who searches and doubts, I enlighten and give him proofs so that he may know the truth and bear witness to Me.

26. Then when you are all prepared, I will send you to those who have trained their minds and are eloquent. But you will not feel inferior to them and will also not envy them because I have given you great spiritual abilities.

27. Science will soon pause. Many scholars will be disturbed and will consider their knowledge useless because the acquired knowledge has not led them to the welfare and peace of the soul. When they come to this conclusion they will seek me, they will want to get to know the essence and purpose of spiritual life and ask me to be allowed to humbly penetrate my secrets, and I will allow them to penetrate as far as it is my will.

28. Those who will follow me most will be the poor, the disinherited. When they have then received this great treasure of spiritual knowledge, which my word distributes in rich measure, they will set out full of love to carry the testimony of my coming in this time into the world. Some will appear as prophets, others will win hearts with the gift of the Word, and all will do works of love among men.

29. Those nations that have been despised, those nations that are wrapped in rags, will awaken to love Me and serve mankind. Among them are the great souls purified in pain. At the core of these creatures are my emissaries, my apostles. I will summon all nations, and in a short time those will come to me who will understand my word inspiration to be my guides.

30. Israel, there are your brothers in battle waiting for my commissions, and they are living in chaos. While they are imploring peace, others are demanding destruction. They are longing to see new horizons, new countries, they are longing to emigrate to other, warmer countries to make their home there and to develop their soul in fulfillment of the divine laws.

31. The imperfections in the religious practice of men will disappear to the extent that the ver-

spirituality penetrates into the heart and the soul, tired of its false idols, longs for my presence, my word. They will call me not on the banks of the rivers, nor on the mountains, nor in the valley, nor in the desert. They will seek me at the bottom of their soul, and there they will erect a temple, in which they will love me.

32. You will see many men who were powerful on earth descending from their social level, and in this condition, after great trials, which will be like a touchstone for their soul, they will long for my teaching and will rise up because of their virtues and will get to know the true value of the gifts I have granted to man. In 1950 you will see many of the predictions come true.

33. Many hearts that were like dry fields will bear fruit. But to you whom I have been caring for day by day, I say: prepare yourselves and be ready to sow my seed.

34. After that year there will be disputes among the "people of Israel", and only those who have remained watchful and praying and working in my laws will be shelters for the others.

35. I have given you the light that you may walk in safety and teach your fellow men.

36. Be blessed all ─ both those who are just listening to me and those who are still far from my rallies.

37. The time you are going through is a time of struggle, of spiritual struggle and of the struggle of worldviews.

38. This indication is necessary, for you will have to stand before those who are continually trying to penetrate into the mystery of the teachings. Likewise, you will stand before a multitude of men and women of different faiths and then discover that in every church or denomination there are people of good will who make an effort, because their actions contain perfection.

39. My grace is for all; for I have seen in the human world that all, even if it is only for a moment, have inflamed their hearts in love for My divinity.

40. Scattered over the earth are those who are still striving to do good and seeking a way to be useful to their neighbor. Verily I say to you: everyone who has this purpose is with Me.

41. I have told you that the time will come when the Light will appear in all places, in all countries, on all continents. That light will shine according to man's spiritual training. But through the same, a new and more accurate conception of creation will be formed, a new concept of spirituality. In this way a new stage of spiritual and mental development will begin.

42. When all intelligent men finally unite, their concept of the divine, the eternal and spiritual will be clarified. People will go through many trials. But once this is over, the truth will come to light even more. And the truth, which is always crystal clear and pure, will be understood by all. So the spiritual union will become reality.

43. The teaching I have revealed to you and the rules I have given you will be universally accepted. But remember that it is the meaning of my word, not the expression, that you must pass on.

44. Nor be concerned that the outward form of your worship is changing. For verily I say to you, the time will come when you will understand that only the essence and purity of your actions will reach the Father.

45. Many of your fellow men will come to you who, when they deeply comprehend spiritualism, will force you to give up even the last remnant of cult fanaticism which you may retain.

46. When I come close to you and make myself known through the voice bearer, I discover those who listen without understanding and without feeling Even those who have come only driven by curiosity. Some have tried to put the spiritual world to the test. Many do not come with the necessary respect. But how could they believe in the supernatural in such a way that it is confirmed before their eyes? Could they give themselves a reasonable explanation for what is happening, if they do not attribute this miracle to a higher power? What explanation for what this work is, could they give to the one who questions them?

47. He that hath faith taketh away from these places the blessed water, and with it he worketh miracles. But the Master asks you: Does a supernatural power really exist in that water? Verily I say to you, the power is not in the water, it is in yourselves, in faith and in the sincerity of your works. For the Lord is in you, as in nature and in all creation. Remember that I told you at that time, your faith will save you.

48. I am the eternal wonder that gives light to your mind and moves your feelings to direct them into the way of good. But man demanded more of his Father and wanted to see, hear, and grasp with his hands what he should perceive only through the sensitivity of his soul. But out of love I have given in to my children, because I have understanding for them and am willing to accommodate them.

49. That is why I allowed my spiritual world to approach you during this time and have given you the gift that it may manifest itself through your minds, so that all of you may directly experience the realization of these miracles and believe in my presence.

The rallies of the spiritual beings will encourage the malicious interpretations of the scouts of my work, they will use them as a weapon to hurt you, to slander you, and to condemn you as witches. But after that rallies has sown its seed, it will disappear. Then you will experience that the gifts I have given you will continue to exist and miracles will continue to happen because you will then intuitively direct your steps, always striving, with the help of my teachings, to exercise charity in the best way.

50. Explore my word so that you may realize that I do not prescribe fixed behaviors for you.

51. It is my love-essence that you shall preserve and scatter in the ways of life. For the hour will come when you will no longer need these places of assembly either. I will make myself known on your way, in your bedroom, in the mountains, in every place. Your field will be unlimited, to exercise charity and prove that you are my disciples. For also the living conditions will be different with each of you; but always they will give you the opportunity to do good. You will be able to do this good both with thoughts and with deeds, with words and even with looks.

52. Get accustomed to have conscience as the judge of your own actions, and this will show you how to work so that you may express all that I have put in you

53. When ye see that your brethren in my work are not able to explain the reason for my rallies, stand up and explain it. You have the necessary knowledge for this.

54. Marvel not when the moment comes when only the apostles of faith surround me. I have told you: "Many are called, but few are chosen. But this is not because I mention the one and reject the other. I call all. But while some remain with me, the others go away.

55. Many have come and will still come to me. But only those will remain who carry the seed of charity within themselves.

56. This word is not only meant for men, but also the spiritual hosts hear it, because they, scattered over the whole earth, have a mission to fulfill.

57. I leave you your free will. Go where you want to go, and you feel that it pleases you most where you feel love. If my word does not convince you through a voice bearer, seek me there where you feel me fully. For everyone who follows me is to feel me in his heart.

58. I will reconcile you among yourselves, unite you, never divide you. I give you light, so that when the moment has come, you may know how to distinguish truth from untruth.

59. I see you as little children who come in desire of the fatherly warmth, or who come in desire of the wisdom that can lead them on the way of life.

60. You are insignificant, certainly, but because of your weakness, because you have not used the lessons which I give you in many ways in your way of life.

61. Whoever knows my name and my word has no right to call himself ignorant, insignificant, or weak. Did I not once tell you in my words, "I am the way, the truth and the life? What could you lack if you walk in this way of love, and if you feed on the light of my wisdom? Rightly man weeps at the moment of his birth! The soul already knows that the valley of tears awaits it.

62. Why do you not turn this world of tears into a land of peace? Understand that the meaning of my teachings leads to that beautiful goal: "Peace on earth to men of good will" ─ a peace which is the grace and blessing of heaven, the peace that men can have by obeying the commandment to love one another.

63. This is the secret to attain peace. I revealed it to the world, gave it the key that opens to it the gates of that kingdom. Man knows this very well, but he did not want to achieve peace, greatness and knowledge on the way of love. He preferred to construct a world according to his ideas and a peace according to his taste.

64. His work has become obsolete because he did not build it on the foundations of brotherhood in god, and so today his world of vanity is falling apart. Man, proud of the progress of his science, wants to sing a triumphal song of his discoveries. But instead, he hears a wail of pain, terror and remorse slip from his chest as he feels the result of his work, in which he did not put love.

65. Does my word seem bitter to you? It tells you only the truth.

66. My word is not nettles, it is wheat, it is not darkness, it is light.

67. Do my will, and you will not weep. Live my teaching and you will know happiness. Love one another, and you will live in perfect peace.

My peace be with you.

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