BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 204
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
Teaching 204
1. I receive you, people. The gates of my kingdom are opening to welcome you and to pour out my love on you. I give you in this moment what you need according to the faith of some and the need of others.
2. I seek the sanctuary of your heart, I give you the light of truth, which is the light of love, whose mighty power moves creation and keeps everything in it in order, in harmony, in balance. This is why I teach you to love, so that you may know the mystery of life. Be generous so that your love may be like a song that delights the heart of the afflicted.
3. It is in your hands to recognize and fulfill your task. Your destiny is to let the soul triumph over every misery and sin, to exalt your whole being, to ennoble you and make you worthy. I want you to rule your body without violence, that you do it with wisdom and at the same time with mercy. If, instead of discussing my laws, men fulfill them in loving obedience, they will make of this world a paradise like that which the first men enjoyed in their innocence and obedience before they stained it with impure thoughts and deeds.
4. If man would live according to the will of the Heavenly Father, this world would be a valley of material benefits and spiritual upliftment. He would not complain about the adversities of the forces of nature, for he would live in harmony with them and with all creatures. It would be a divine concert in which every human being would be a note. But man does not live in harmony with the divine laws, and therefore he has become a prisoner of pain, a slave of himself.
Man drags chains behind him, suffers, sheds tears, and despairs, without realizing that he owes all this to his own doing. If he would realize that there is no tear that is not justified, he would soon attain his salvation.
5. Verily I say to you, the salvation from all the evils that mankind suffers is in the hands of man. He can be his own doctor. This is why I tell you that your soul will rise to Me when you walk the path that your conscience dictates to you.
6. What do you want this life for if it is not for the good of your soul, which belongs to eternity? ─ You have come to this world of sickness, tears and pain and you do not want to know that you would change your life with a little goodness.
7. Who really loves Me will be the Wise One who first embraces the world and then the whole universe. See the love of your God manifested in all creation. It is wise action, perfect word, is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. Love, which is the heart of the universe, will elevate your existence until the dialogue of all beings is reached by means of thought.
8. People: The year has 365 days, but how many works of mercy, of love do you do in it? Why do you tell me that you love me when you do nothing for your needy fellow men? When I tell you that I love you, I prove it with true works.
Men claim to love Christ and yet they hurt Me at every moment, judging Me, destroying in themselves my memory and example and refusing to follow my ways. Do you not believe that all this is a crown of thorns and a renewed crucifixion? If I assist spiritually the sick, the afflicted, the poor, the prisoners ─ why did you not accompany Me there? Why do you refuse a little mercy to those who ask you? Recognize why I have told you that you crucified me again. For he who denies love denies me.
9. I have told you that as children of God you are to act like Him. Why do you not help to beautify the Father's creation through your own mental, moral or spiritual creations?
10. The true servant of God is he who administers the balm of love for men, who exercises mercy inspired by a deep compassion.
11. My pain caused by you has lasted for a long time, and this pain comes from your lack of understanding and your lack of love
12. In this Third Time I come back to lovingly repeat that sentence: "Love one another.
13. People, prepare to receive my healing balm. Everyone who is receptive will be healed, everyone who is weak will be strengthened. Concentrate on your heart, lift up your soul to Me and hope. I will give you more than what you have thought. Receive in silence, for in silence I give you. I am the sun of your hope, beloved sheep. But just as I give to you, so you also pray. Do not be narrow-minded. When you give something, do not think of what you take away from your children with it. For if what you give is difficult for you, it is better that you do not.
14. Condemn not the life of your fellow men, for you will then not only stain your lips, but also your heart. You should, however, be ready to condemn every one of your actions and to listen to the instructions of your conscience.
15. Live a purer life, and then, when you come nearer to harmony with all the children of God, you will begin to feel that peace for which you long so much.
16. In truth the Master tells you: From this morning devotion the comparison with the three times has become a reality, symbolically representing the three years in which I will still give you my word. Therefore, my teaching will be more profound now that my light has opened your mind and penetrated your soul.
17. You are no longer the men of the First Times, who in their primitive state did not have full knowledge of a spiritual law to follow it. It was necessary that the sent prophets of the Father testify to the existence of God. They all spoke of one and the same Divine Being, and thus a belief in the living and true God began to form in mankind. Abraham with his love for his Lord, Jacob with his steadfastness in the trials, and Moses with his inspirations and the law confirmed and increased the knowledge of God by mankind.
18. Those men were the pioneers of one age, as you must be of another, the age of spiritualization.
19. In this year 1948, which represents the First Age, you will know in my words many teachings relating to that time. You will know the significance of the history of Israel, which was not the only people saved in the First Age and spiritually redeemed in the Second Age. That people of faith you can find in the heart of all races. You can also find Israel in all religious communities, for that people was chosen as an instrument to give an example and teaching to all mankind. This is why I tell you that the history of Israel, to which you belong spiritually, should be known to all, because in it are contained the great revelations which I gave to the First.
20. You will be astonished when you find in those times such great Spirits as Abraham, who loved his Lord with pure love more than anything created. Think about the life and works of that man, and you will discover that his faith, strength, obedience and love is the true rootstock of the Israelite tree.
21 In those times there were idolatrous and pagan peoples who worshipped the forces of nature as deities to whom they offered unclean cults. It was then that Abraham appeared and made known the inspiration he had received from his Lord, which was the light of truth and justice. But the people, hardhearted and unbelieving as they were, subjected the patriarch to trial. He escaped all traps and stalemates, converted them to the teaching of goodness, until he made them recognize the God of Abraham as the invisible but living God of all time.
22. See how long these spiritual struggles have existed among men. But recognize that after them the light of truth has always shone.
23. Understand that I do not make your life difficult through my word, but simplify your worship and your rituals. I teach you that it is not necessary to spurn the goods of the world or to neglect your duties to please Me. For as long as you are in the body, you are subject to human needs. But I also teach you that you yourselves use what comes from the earth for the good of your soul, observing a law. If you live like this, you will fulfill my law.
24. Already in the first time I have given you a spiritual shepherd as your guide, who at the same time has been the forerunner of my coming among my people. You had not fully understood these lessons and out of ignorance you fell into false cults by worshipping the forces of nature or the Golden Calf.
25. The God of truth has always revealed himself in your existence, whether it be that I showered you with riches, shone light into your intelligence, or gave you the ability to rule the world.
26. You used to be masters, lived in abundance, but you let yourselves be tempted by selfishness and vanity to make the common people servants and slaves. Nevertheless I have forgiven you, I came as a Father and raised up the one who had fallen and blessed all. I have been your servant for you, since I have granted you everything you asked Me for. But I have patiently waited for the hour in which you set out to fulfill the mission which I have entrusted to you already in the beginning of times.
27. I am justice. Yet I do not punish you. For I have not even called you to account for crucifying me. Therefore your toils and sufferings have only the purpose to purify you. It is your disobedience to my law that makes necessary for you the purification, the reparation, the restoration of the original state of soul purity. But you are on the sure path of progress and salvation of the soul.
But you must be aware of your mission and the time in which you live. For when you ask your conscience what you have done for the good of mankind, whether my law is already known to the world, and whether my work has made progress, it will tell you: No.
28. Now as I speak to you, you become accustomed to my word. Know that I, to find faith, have chosen simple and uneducated hearts to make myself known through their mediation. Nevertheless, you have doubted and have even come to the conclusion that it is man who speaks to you. That is why I have allowed you to investigate men through whom I make myself known, in their normal state without rapture, so that you may convince yourselves of their ignorance and uneducatedness.
I have taught you humility and mercy, have prepared you and distributed assignments among my people. But many of those who have already received them have become self-important, have made themselves masters and want to be the first.
29. I alone am the first, but I do not humble you, nor make you my slaves, but put into your hands all that you lack. I am Father and cannot be indifferent to your sufferings. I am God and cannot abandon you in darkness. Therefore I reveal Myself with you so that you may recognize Me and know with whom you are and whom you hear.
30. You have given no example of unity, and therefore you can see the lack of brotherhood and harmony between the churches and sects, whose quarrels and disputes feed the desire for superiority, and who are preparing for a new "battle".
31. You have not yet been able to fulfill my law. This way is full of light, but often you have walked in darkness. You constantly receive the love of the Master, and still you stir up hostility. You constantly receive teachings on morality and virtue, but still you have bad deeds and thoughts. Therefore those who have come last mock because they see insincerity in my disciples. Neither do the scientists, when they attend my rallies, believe in the manifestation of my universal ray by the human mind. You must give great proofs of authority by raising "Lazarus" from the grave, restoring sight to the blind and mobility to the lame ─ all those proofs that man must see to believe in my coming among you at this time.
32. It is your body that proves to be an obstacle for the soul to fulfil its task, and which opposes my will. But I have provided your soul with a sword so that it may win the battle with the passions of its own body and earn merits, since the reluctant body serves the soul for atonement or as touchstone.
33. Therefore have I come to stand by you. I am your Savior and offer you the opportunity to get to know the "Promised Land" and to dwell in it.
34. Make use of the time I have granted you. You do not know the hour in which I call you. Make yourselves free from materialism, practice active charity, be true apostles, and I will reveal the power of divine mercy to men through your mediation.
35. Great trials await you. Prepare yourselves! I do not want you to say tomorrow that you have not been instructed, nor do I want to see you degenerate or destitute, although you may have immeasurable power. I, who gave you so much love, who let you enjoy the food and wine at his banquet table, do not want to see you afterwards dragged behind you chains of misery and suffering.
36. If you do not fulfill your mission, you will prepare a painful future for yourselves, and instead of being the first, you will feel yourselves to be the last. You will see your loved ones perishing, you will see the daily bread become scarce. War will snatch beloved beings from you, and this earth, which I have chosen to bless with my light and peace, you will see stained with innocent blood. You will feel the strange yoke, you will be their slaves and you will be far from the true way. Then you will no longer hear my voice.
37. I, the Creator, compel you not, nor impose my law upon you. I come down to ask you for its observance and for humility.
38. Peace be with you, people, whenever you hear my word with good will.
39. I am the divine gardener who tends the gardens of your hearts and waters them with heavenly water, and I have poured a drop of divine love on the so great bitterness of the earth. I show you the path that leads to the kingdom of the Father ─ a path on which you will never find an end, but on which you will always achieve progress and get to know new glories.
40. Today my word drags you down and gives you form. I work on the inner man, the soul. Learn to form you and give you beautiful forms. I will bless your work so that you may then complete the realization of your great mission in this world.
41. I am your Master, but do not consider Me as separated from the Father, for I am the Father. There is no difference between the Son and the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is One, and this is I. Recognize in my revelations of all times one God, who has shown Himself to you through many and varied teachings ─ as one book with many pages, with many lessons of love.
42. Sanctify my name through your works, and you shall find that light in you which shall deliver you from the darkness of ignorance and sin.
43. Do you agree with this, people, as you were before you were formed by my word? Do you remember that you were formerly capable of many actions that you no longer do now? You cannot compare your life of today with your past life. You used to be lonely wanderers who went their way without a light that would have illuminated your existence and kindled hope in it. Today you are disciples of Jesus, in whose fountain of love you quenched your thirst and washed your wounds. My love draws out the thorns that are within you, and if your cross has nails, I will draw them out in the same way.
44. I am the light of this world and of all worlds. I want you to clothe yourselves with this light. My word is healing balm, heal yourselves with it when you hear it. Why are you sick, suffering and weeping, although you have God in you? Examine yourselves and correct everything that needs to be corrected. Purify all that is to be corrected. I told you, "Cleanse the vessel from within and from without." This means that your inner being is in harmony with your physical or human part of being in will and inspiration.
45. I form your inner life ─ that which you hide from men, that which is invisible to others, but which you cannot hide from Me. Form your outside in such a way that its visible side is a faithful reflection of your soul. Then your deeds will be sincere and true. That is the
The reason why people only show one face to the world while hiding the other.
46. Have you already examined your wounds, have you treated them with the balm which I have given you? If you doubt the effectiveness of my balm, treat them anew. But if you believe, renounce the remedy, and you shall see how my love heals them, and when you seek them, they shall be no more.
To others I will allow that they find their health in faith, in prayer, through power of thought. There will come multitudes of spiritual beings who will unite their power and strength, treat you and heal you.
47. The spiritualist says, "How beautiful is life! The uninitiated, the materialist says, "How bitter, how sad and how gloomy is life! ─ The man without inner elevation stumbles over everything, everything hurts him. The inwardly elevated man does not even notice the adversities of the way. When the high-minded engage with others, they praise their virtues or excuse their mistakes. They never condemn or condemn them. The low-minded, on the other hand, condemn, slander, make known the mistakes of others and find pleasure in them.
48. To those who condemn and interfere in the affairs of their fellows, I ask: Do you consider your burden of sin too light, since you want to multiply it by that of others? If you cannot yet free yourselves from your burden ─ why do you multiply it by that of others? Why do you prefer to burden yourselves with dirt and burden yourselves, instead of seeking spiritual values in your fellow men that enrich you?
49. "In my Father's house are many dwellings," but those who dwell in the high spiritual regions help men to get rid of their burdens, or help them to bear them, but without condemning them, nor feeding on their misery.
50. I have seen you blaspheming one day, and repenting another day. I have seen you deny my rallies, and afterward bear witness to their truth. I have seen you slandering the one day and defending the one whom you have slandered the other day. It is good that you correct your errors, but it would be better if you did not fall again into evil, so that you would have nothing to correct.
I saw you on the one day giving a gift of love to one who did not need it, and I saw you denying it to the truly poor. But I accuse you and do not judge you. I enlighten you by the light of my teaching so that you do not sin again. But I also tell you that I have at times seen you helpful, noble, charitable and compassionate, and these merits have always been observed and credited by me. But there should already be more wheat than weeds in your heart.
51. Do not pray by moving your lips mechanically without feeling in your heart and soul the desire to rise up inwardly. Pray by feeling without speaking. As easily as you made false vows in past times and made unnecessary oaths, you shall now speak the truth.
52. Take nothing strange upon yourselves. Whoever takes away what is foreign must give it back with pain and shame. I do not betray anyone, but I want everyone to heed the part of my words that applies to him.
53. I will not accuse or call you to account for what you did when you were still walking your way in the darkness of ignorance, immaturity and materialization. But if today, in full knowledge of what my law is, you insist on the forbidden, the unfair, you would have to answer for your deeds before God, who would show himself to you in your own conscience inexorably.
54. Ye are all my seed, and the Master reaps them. When weeds are sown among the good seed, I also accept this with love to transform it into golden wheat. I see weeds, dirt, crimes, hostilities sprouting in the hearts, and yet I accept you and love you. I caress this seed and purify it until it shines like wheat in the sun.
55. Do you think that the power of my love is not able to redeem you? after I have purified you, I will sow you in my garden where you will bear new flowers and new fruits Part of my divine work is to make you worthy.
56. My love blesses you, forgives you and makes you worthy to hear My word.
57. My word is the way. I taught you my law already in the first times, so that your steps would always remain on the way of good and justice.
58. This teaching is the same as the one I gave you in times past ─ the teaching of love.
59. Your spirit soul is the child of the Creator's perfect love. Your heart, that organ you possess, in which feelings have their roots, is a symbol of love.
60. Therefore give love, for men need it greatly. There is hunger in the hearts of men, mental atrophy, desire for life.
61. Since you multitudes here, who have heard Me, have been strengthened and nourished by the bread of life, you can provide food for souls and weary hearts.
62. Where you encounter an erroneous faith or a false conception, you shall bring my light. But never shall you force my teaching. Never make a distinction between the rich and the needy, to treat them in different ways; then you will see at the bottom of their sufferings a brother of man fallen and groaning. Since your heart is moved by that pain, you will seek a way to relieve it. Your compassion will cover the exposed one. You will give rest to the one who has no peace. You will be like a star on the path of him who walks lost in darkness. If you fulfill your task in this way, you will be worthy that I call you "Master.
63. My teaching does not require the establishment of meeting places to gather new multitudes of people. My will is to build the universal temple, which is built by the hearts.
64. Follow the example that Jesus gave you in the Second Age, who did not choose meeting places to proclaim His Word, but sought the corridors as a suitable place for His teachings and parables.
65. But whoever should use meeting rooms to make a business out of people's ignorance or pain will not enjoy my light, nor may he call himself a spiritualist.
66. You will have to fight, and the place for your fight will be everywhere ─ both in your home, and in physical work or on the road.
67. There, at the proper moment, you shall prepare yourselves and speak under my inspiration, without him who hears you knowing who has spoken to him through his conscience.
68. Expect not that men forget their customs from one moment to another. Neither be surprised if someone calls you blinded. My teaching in the Second Age also appeared to many as an error, but afterward it was accepted as the supreme truth.
My peace be with you!