The earthly duties are part of the spiritual destiny


I go ahead and mark the way. You shall be as obedient as sheep,
then you will not stumble and I will lead you to the highest bliss
of the soul. Who could perish in life if he carries the cross of love
on his shoulders? Do not think that I ask you to devote all hours
of your life to Me. You have your duties on earth that you must fulfill,
and you should know that they too are sanctified and part of your
spiritual destiny. For Me, I only request a short spiritual prayer every day.

But in those moments that you dedicate to Me, you should free yourself
from all human flaws and wretchedness, so that you can really come into
my presence and enjoy my caress and peace. You all have spiritually
different tasks to accomplish. Some will not leave the area where
they lived, the others will set out and make their way to other countries.
Some will move away from their relatives to do their work, others will
have their job in the bosom of their family.

Some believe that Master has given you a spiritual task only at this time.  
But they are in a grave error, because your soul has brought along
its developmental path from its origin. During this time, just as in
the past, I only reminded you of the  pact your soul made with
her father before  she came to this earth.
Embrace your task with love, O disciples, so that you can see that your
fellow human beings follow in my footsteps.  You have to realize
that you have everything you need to be a seedman of this seed.

In your soul and body, you have all the skills to stand the test and
win the battle. Your soul shall be the control of your body, and the
light of your spirit shall illuminate your path, and dominate the
passions and impulses of the flesh. Then the fulfillment of your task
will be easy. Consider that you must returne the spiritual seed multiplied,
 that has been entrusted to everyone to be kept in my granaries.
With that you should understand that you have to use the time
that is available to you. Blessed is he who patiently drinks the gospel
of suffering offered to him by battle, for in the end his pain will turn to happiness.

Be full of faith and courage, then you will not fear the judgments of men.
Fear yourself, for a weakness or an error can have grave consequences
for you. If one of your fellow human beings, blinded by the darkness
covering the world, has been treacherously wounding you in your heart,
forgive him and come to Me so that I can close your wound with my love.
Bear with patience the weight of your cross and know that this existence
and the carrying out of your difficult spiritual mission serve to lift your soul
to the realm that is its due. When you fulfill your task on earth,
you will also fulfill it in the hereafter.

A.M. Hosta
Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 201 - Verses  45-54

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