The light breaks the chains of bondage and ignorance

The thought, that you will have to fight against ideas,
customs and errors, existing for centuries should not scare you,
nor should it matter to you that your number is small.
Whom could one accuse of the spiritualistic people
if it fulfills the spiritual law, the moral law and his earthly duties
and if it leaves behind a trace of virtue on his way?

Beware of all that I have not taught so that you may
not be accused of human justice.
Today I say to you as in the Second Time: "Give
God, what is God's, and the Emperor, what the Emperor's. "
Then no one will find a stain on you to judge you.
Follow the laws that govern the country in which you live
and have respect for those who rule the other nations.

I leave you my word for your study and your knowledge gain.
Like your shepherd, make your way as a messenger to bring
the glad tidings to the hearts. Truly, I tell you,
through you must the human race be saved.
Step by step I guide you to the path of love, that narrow path,
which will, however, fill you with satisfaction and peace.
I want to see you walking the path of the Master,
which leads to the highest bliss. Do not follow the streets
of evil, who remove you from Me.

Those who have fulfilled their mission are now with Me.
But I have come to you to teach you anew,
to dedicate some moments of each new day to Me,
because difficult is the task you have to fulfill.
The inheritance I gave you in this time is the same
that you had in the past times.
But you have the covenant of love and goodwill,
you closed with Me long ago, broken,
and it was necessary to return to you to remember him.

Consider that humanity has reached a high degree of
depravity. But you should serve with a pure heart,
then you will feel strong and be healthy in the midst of chaos.
 Unite so that the churches are like a fortress, are like a solid wall,
like an unbreakable chain, in which everyone is a strong member.
Pick up the fallen ones.

I will give you all my loving assistance.
But some are whipped by the temptations of
the world and have not yet heard the voice
of their conscience. Your job is to take their hands, to
reach them and to be a rod for them until you
achieve that they follow my love trail.
Protect, my children, the teachings of the Father, that yours be protected.

A.M. Hosta
Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII –Teaching 199 - verses 10-24

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