BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 201
The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master -
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
Teaching 201
1. People: In this era, in which the Spirit of Truth sheds its light on every soul, I want those who are destined to hear me in this form to concentrate and reflect, because only in this way will they be able to understand the divine message which I have brought to you in this time. This message is the book that I imprint in your soul, it is the divine interpretation of the Law that mankind received from the earliest times, it is the essence of what "the Book of the Seven Seals" contains, whose mystery I reveal to you little by little, illuminating your soul by the light of My Word.
2. Tomorrow, when you have understood my teaching, the battle will begin. You will no longer have my word in this form, but you will feel my presence in your heart.
3. In the first time God wrote the law in stone through Moses. The word of Jesus was written in blood in the heart of man. And in this era I will write my revelations into your soul through the light of inspiration.
4. If you doubt in view of the imperfections of those transmitters through whom I make myself known, do not remain in this uncertainty. Think, calm down and move forward, for my desire is that you become aware of the greatness and truthfulness that my revelation contains.
5. It is necessary that this people be strong and spiritualized as they go out to the provinces, tribes, villages, and even to the nations to proclaim the Good News Today you are still ignorant children who long for the moment of fulfilling your mission, but who do not yet know the pitfalls and trials that await them along the way. But everyone who is filled with faith and love will be able to brave the storms and will be unfeeling to his own pain, but not indifferent to the needs of men.
6. My teaching in this time has been of long duration because I wanted to give the opportunity for many to hear me, so as to fulfill in this way the promise I made to you in past times, that every eye, sinful or not, would see me spiritually, so as to revive your hope and trust in me.
7. It has been my will that the word be written down, which I hand over to you, because in it there are predictions, announcements, messages, which are to be known to men of tomorrow Because often your memory lets you down.
8. My word will form an enlightened people, to which men and women all over the world belong, and their strength will be grounded in their spirituality. To this people I will entrust the restoration of peace in the world, justice, morality and true faith.
9. Today, humanity is sleeping as it appears. But with real surprise you will see how some communities, when they hear the voice of my messengers, will open the doors of their hearts, how the flowers will open to receive the warmth and caress of the sun's rays. You who listen to Me now are already a part of that people that will grow in the future until it covers the whole earth. Your task is to admonish men to give up their materialism, to preach dialogue from Spirit to Spirit and to keep your fellow men in faith when the great trials are brewing above them.
10. The multitudes who have heard my word at this time are only a small part of the people who will arise tomorrow. Its duty is to remain united in spite of the trials and the storms that may whip it. If it scatters, the battle would be lost, the star that has guided it until then would disappear, and it would get lost in the immeasurable solitude of the desert. What would be the testimony that it would give of my truth? What would be the example it would set for its fellow men?
11. Beloved disciples, consider: since I have come down to speak to you by making my divine presence and my Word perceptible through you, your Master must intend a great saving act. But you, whom I have taught and loved, must in no way deprive my divine teaching of its power.
12. Disciples, if you want to possess spiritual gifts, let love and the desire to do good be that which gives you this desire. Do not seek my grace only to possess with the intention of flattering your vanity, because then you feel yourselves to be somewhat above your fellow man. Nor seek to make your happiness through these gifts by usury.
Verily, I tell you, as soon as love expects any payment, it ceases to be love from this moment on. And as soon as a benefit that is given has the purpose of receiving a reward, it is no longer a benefit. That is why I point out to you that if you have the desire to possess one of these gifts, it must be love that gives you this.
13. Anyone who wants to follow Me in this way must free his heart from all self-interest, selfishness and vanity. Only with a pure heart can you feel my love.
14. When I discover that one of you is busy doing a good deed, praying exalted in prayer for a fellow human being in need, and I see that his heart is full of sorrow because of the pain of his neighbor, then my divine love gives him a drop of my healing balm and I grant him the miracle he has asked for.
15. At this moment the child, who is responsible for his
It is a very great joy because the Father has granted what was asked of him to the needy who received my benefit. If, on the other hand, he who has the task of practicing charity active in his life's path misuses his gifts for selfish purposes, he has robbed himself, without becoming conscious of it, of the Father's grace and can then give nothing more; he then deceives himself and deceives his fellow men. This bad "laborer" sows only weeds instead of wheat on his way. After he has done his bad works, a very bitter taste, a dissatisfaction, a restlessness, remains with him, and he cannot discover in his father's kind face that loving smile which blesses and confirms his works, nor can he make the influence of his spiritual gifts palpable in his brother.
16. If the sick man was healed, or the afflicted man received comfort, or a miracle occurred, this miracle was not due to that "worker," but to the Father's infinite compassion for the needy, who in his ignorance put all his trust in the evil disciple of the Lord. Nevertheless, the evil servant attributes the miracle, when it has happened, to his intercessions, to his spiritual gifts, and uses that testimony to increase the number of those who trust in him. This must then haunt my righteousness, so that they may restrain their steps that lead astray, reflect on the falsity of their works, and return to the right way.
17. Blessed are they who, at the first visitation of my righteousness, repented of their transgressions, chose not to follow the way of their aberrations, and sought to make amends for all their transgressions, because they proved that the satisfactions of the soul are beyond comparison with those of the earth. The others have held in low esteem the peace that a good work leaves in the heart, have accepted flattery or poor payment with a coin, and have realized too late that the former makes the soul great and the latter makes it small and humiliates it.
18. Anyone who is a "laborer in my fields" must know that I sent him to bear witness about Me. But that his testimony may be true, he must be justified by his works, by deeds of charity, good words and good thoughts, by which he sees to it that his heart remains pure, so that I make myself known in him.
19. I once said to you: "he who knows the Son knows the Father", by which I wanted to tell you that by my works on earth you might know the love that your Father has always radiated on you. Now I tell you that I want to be recognized by the works of my disciples.
20. When this people finally understand Me and live according to this teaching and embrace their cross with true love, men will have to awaken, become aware of their works and convince themselves that it is the truth that guides them. Then they will regard my work as a divine revelation, and they will call it religion, teaching, or worldview.
21. Experience and comprehend, O disciples, in what the mission I have indicated to you consists. Remember your responsibility and examine each of your works, that they may all be guided by the truth of my teaching.
22. In many societies, religious orders and congregations people tend to call each other "brother". Their lips pronounce the loving word "brother", mostly without feeling it in their heart.
23. Verily I say to you, if you would take the time to delve into the meaning of this word, you could discover the source of life from which you came forth. You would comprehend my divine tenderness, and all this would make you tremble with remorse when you think of the distance in which you have lived among yourselves, of the indifference with which you look at those you call strangers, and of the offenses you constantly inflict on one another.
24. When I came into the world to live with men, I did it to teach you to be brothers. I took flesh in Mary and called you my brothers to show you how you should love one another. All my teaching was to show you that divine and only law by which you could love and glorify the Father. How could you love Me without loving one another? Verily, I say to you, it is better to distribute all that you offer Me among your fellows. For the Father possesses everything, but you lack everything.
25. Inspire all your life and works by My example, and verily I tell you, if you do this, you will glorify Me in all your ways and give true proofs of your love. If men would unite all their faculties with the purpose of uplifting their existence, they would fully feel My presence among them. Some would provide their knowledge, some would give their love, some would contribute their helpfulness, their science, their inspiration, and some would bring their power to bear. Then a strong and some humanity would arise, as if it had been created by a single enlightened, great, good and therefore powerful man. This is the man into whom I have been chiseling my law of love for a long time.
26. The rock of his heart is hard, but he will not resist the sharpness of the divine chisel of my Word.
27. I announce to you a time of harmony among mankind. This also my prophets announced to you long ago. Then you will see the nations fraternizing, sharing their bread, power and knowledge. You will see people making peace where before there was only war and enmity. You will see how real doctors of men bring comfort to the sick.
28. Do you now realize that in truth you have not yet managed to live as brothers and sisters in my law? Do you understand why I told you already in those days that my highest commandment is: "Love one another.
29. I have not come at this time to erase that highest commandment from your heart, nor to replace it with another. It is unshakeable and unchangeable. I explain it to you only so that you may comprehend its scope and recognize its meaning, which is my wisdom.
30. When will this mankind understand that in the fulfillment of that law lies the peace it so badly needs, the health it lacks today, and the happiness it has never found?
31. I know that men, without knowing it, are moving toward that point where, when they have reached it, they will finally open their eyes to the light of truth.
32. Having told you all this, I want that when you call one of your neighbors "brother", you understand what this word means and make an effort to feel the truth of what I have revealed to you today.
33. I receive you in my Fatherly love. Although the number of those who hear Me is small, I do not therefore cease to manifest Myself with love.
34. Your mind will be flooded with my light, and this will remove any doubt you might have.
35. Small is the number of those who follow me, and still I see them powerless. But behold, my word will transform them into steadfast soldiers full of strength, who one day, though tired and wounded, will reach their destination, waving the flag in their right hand, a symbol of peace and brotherhood. Your triumph must encourage many to follow you.
36. Blessed is the one who recognizes and fulfills his mission. The soul needs firm resolutions, strength and will for its development. When this is lacking, progress is slow and it needs many earth lives for its perfection. Men must know all my teaching, which is the way of the soul to perfection. Intuition is not enough; they also need knowledge, so that they never stop on the way, so that they may recognize the value of time and opportunity and no longer be soul dead.
37. Life should reveal itself more in the soul than in the body. How many have already lived in this world; but how few have lived spiritually, expressing the grace that exists in every human being, in that divine spark which the Creator placed in man.
38. If men could keep clairvoyance in their Spirit, they could see through it their past, their present, and their future.
39. The Spirit is like my Book of Divine Wisdom. How much does it contain! Gone and gone it has something to reveal to you ─ sometimes so deep revelations that they are incomprehensible to you.
40. That spark of light which is present in every human being is the bond which connects man with the spiritual, is what brings him into contact with the hereafter and with his Father.
41. If you are attentive, you will understand that everything is connected to eternal life ─ that which awaits you and to which you are getting closer every day or in every moment that passes.
42. I need workers in my fields who learn to sow and nurture this seed, clear minds and hearts full of good will. For many who received my gifts became "prodigal sons" who stayed with their father only for a time and chased after pleasures. But my word will come true, and they will return. In their way they will encounter my unrelenting righteousness; but when they return to me, they will meet me as always as a kind father.
43. Ye multitudes, set out and go forth as messengers of this work, and bring the good news to all your brethren. Have faith in my word, and you will perform miracles. This light will awaken mankind from its sleep.
44. Walk step by step along the way, that you may know it. It is the long way of my law. The struggle on it goes on and on. Sometimes you will drink very bitter goblets, but you will also experience infinite satisfactions when you experience in your soul the peace of the Lord.
45. I go ahead and mark the way. You are to be as obedient as sheep, then you will not stumble. When you ask me where I am leading you, I will answer you: to the highest bliss of the soul. Who could perish on the path of life, if he carries the cross of love on his shoulders? Do not think that I demand of you that you dedicate all the hours of your life to me. You have your duties on earth, which you must fulfill, and you should know that they too are sacred and represent a part of your spiritual destiny.
46. For me I ask for only one short spiritual prayer every day But in those moments which you consecrate to Me, you are to free yourselves from all human miseries and wretchedness, so that you may really come into my presence and enjoy my caress and peace.
47. You all have spiritual tasks of various kinds to perform Some of you will not leave the land where you have lived, others will set out and go to other lands. Some will leave their relatives to do their work, others will have their task in the bosom of their family.
48. Some believe that only at this time the Master has entrusted you with a spiritual task. But they are in a grave error, for your soul, from its origin, has brought with it its path of development in itself. In this time, as in past times, I have only reminded you of the pact your soul made with its father before it came to this earth.
49. Embrace your task with love, O disciples, so that you may achieve that your fellow men may follow my footprint. You must realize that you have everything necessary to be sowers of this seed. In your soul and body you have all the abilities to pass the tests and win the battle.
50. Your soul shall be the controller of your body, and the light of your Spirit shall light your way, and rule the passions and impulses of the flesh. Then the fulfillment of your task will be easy.
51. Remember that you must return multiplied the spiritual seed entrusted to each one, to be kept in my granaries. By this you shall understand that you must make use of the time available to you.
52. Blessed is he who patiently drinks the cup of suffering that the battle gives him, for in the end his pain will turn into happiness. Be full of faith and courage, then you will not fear the judgments of men. Be afraid of yourselves, because weakness or error can have grave consequences for you. If one of your fellow men, who has just become blind through the darkness that covers the world, hurts you treacherously in your heart, forgive him and come to me so that I close your wound with my love.
53. Bear the burden of your cross with patience and know that this existence and the carrying out of your difficult spiritual mission serves to enable you to lift up your soul to the kingdom that is yours.
54. When you fulfill your mission on earth, you will also fulfill it in the hereafter.
My peace be with you.