BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 197

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 197

1. The love of the Master is spread among his disciples, among his children. As for God, you are my children, as for the Master, you are my disciples.

2. Beloved people: This Creator God, your Father, bequeathed to you a strong and defensive soul, whose sword is good, and which must fight until it has driven out evil, which has been born into the soul and nourished the heart of man. But you have also been given wisdom to free man from the darkness of ignorance.

3. After my parting in the Second Age, my disciple John, in his raptures, looked at the epoch in which you are currently living ─ the dangers in which humanity would find itself entangled, the misfortunes that would shake the world, the struggles and conflicts of men, and the peace that would come after all this. Also, the manner in which that revelation or prophecy would be preserved in writing was revealed to him, so that it would be made known throughout the earth.

4. I want my new disciples to know the meaning of those revelations and the essence of the word I am giving you at this time, because then you will understand what spiritualism is all about, and will be able to stand firm in the struggle.

5. The teaching is I myself, therefore it must not be defiled. It is purity and sincerity and must not be defiled. Neither will your Lord be defiled by man's sinfulness when He comes down to you and makes Himself known through the voice bearer; rather He purifies him. For the truth is: Although the voice-bearers, through whom I speak to you, show only a certain inclination to goodness, they rise spiritually into infinity to receive the touch of divinity. Thus they receive inspiration, revelation, and divine knowledge. It is also true that they are still very immature and lack preparation.

6. But I am the Spirit of love and do not seek dialogue only with the righteous. I also come to the dwelling place of those people where no righteous live, but children, whom I love in a perfect way to save them from sin and darkness. For they need me more than those who are already saved. They are the people who need the fire of my righteousness and my love to be able to save in it all their

to remove stains. They need my power and my grace to rise. Therefore, I turn to their conscience to make myself perceptible. Then the child has become one with its Creator, because it has looked like its father.

7. Why does man wonder that God's grace is revealed among sinners? Were those who heard my word in the Second Age righteous? Had my own disciples already reached perfection? No, people, among the crowds who listened to Me there were sinners, hardened libertines, unbelievers, and among my apostles there were also human wretches. But because they felt in their Spirit the call of divinity, and because they devoted themselves to my teaching, they bequeathed another teaching to mankind with their example, and left their names in the hearts of men.

8. The spiritualist should always acknowledge these examples and follow them. For those disciples were real sowers of my seed.

In many places you will see an image of those apostles, but it is not necessary that you turn to them through these images. But even in them you can see that the memory of them is indestructible. Love them, take them as an example in their virtue. Remember that I have taught you to love Me in your own brothers and sisters.

9. You ask, "Where is true wisdom? And I say to you on this: In God. Another asked, "What is the true religion? And the Master answers: He who loves Me and loves his fellow man has found the truth and fulfilled the law.

10. I have allowed that there be religions on earth which are ways for the soul to go to God. Every religion that teaches good and love and praises mercy is good because it contains light and truth. When men wither away in them and what was originally good turns into bad, the way is lost under materialism and sin.

11. Therefore in this time I show you my truth anew, which is way, essence of life, and law, so that you may seek this law, which is lighthouse and guiding star, beyond forms and rites, beyond all human things. Whoever seeks Me in this way will be a spiritualist.

12. Men will be witnesses that what will make mankind strong in coming times will be this Word. The spiritualist of tomorrow will not be recognized by the fact that he is a sanctimonious person or a monk who separates himself from the world and people in order to be able to pray, but by the fact that he knows how to fight temptations and that even in the midst of a hurricane he is able to recognize the way of truth. The spiritualist of tomorrow will be able to face a well-armed world, his word as a prophet and as a seer will announce what will happen. He will know how to save those who are in danger of falling into ruin.

13. The message of spirituality is not the work of man, it is the work of the Creator, is the eternal law that governs souls.

14. Feel my work within, so that it may make you feel great in spite of your humility and modesty. Do not worry if you are not eloquent, for I have given you the power of persuasion of truth. That is the reason why my word will prevail.

15. Spiritually I let you be united with all your fellow men, no matter to which teaching they adhere.

16. Apparently you came earlier than I, but I tell you in truth that I had already been expecting you at my table.

17. I have left my throne to be with you; to give you my teaching and to comfort you in your tribulations. You too, to be with Me, have left your native land, your home, your loved ones.

18. Just as you have felt an incomparable bliss with this word, and in following it have discovered the mystery of peace and harmony, so will many peoples come to Me and dedicate themselves to the task of living my word

19. My teaching in this time awakens the soul of men who have been sleeping for a long time. My words are still alive which I gave to people in the Second Age, but no one practices them as I taught them. It was necessary for my Spirit to return to you to convince you that this teaching is the infinite path of the soul so that you never stop on the path of development.

20. Those who dream of the Eternal, who love the True, who long to rise above the wretchedness of human life, will be those who cling to this work, who have mercy on their soul, who prefer the adornment of the soul to the festive garments of the body With these you can recognize a spark of understanding. They will not be those who think that my mission is limited to relieving your pain and freeing you from your diseases. They will be the ones who have understood that my promise contains something more than liberation from pain: eternal life.

21. The meaning of my teaching inspires you to destroy the materialistic world that you have created, so that you can raise up on it a world of spiritualization, in which you will find the

Enjoy the peace that you long for, and see all those abilities come to light and develop that have remained dormant at the bottom of your being until today.

22. In the confused organs of the mind the light of knowledge will shine, and those people in whom hatred nested will shed tears of reconciliation, repentance and love.

23. My call is a call to spiritual work, and in this work there is work for all. Let no one be anxious to "rob" material life of a few moments in order to occupy himself with what is mine. Verily, I tell you, the hour will come in which your soul thanks you for it.

24. Do not tell Me, "Lord, I have seen poverty among those who follow You. But among those who do not even remember You, nor speak Your name, I see abundance, pleasures and pleasures.

My people should not take these cases as proof that he who follows Me must necessarily be poor in the world. But I tell you that the peace that those who listen here and spend a part of their lives doing good are not known by those whom you so envy, nor could they obtain it with all their wealth.

25. Some know how to possess the goods of the world and those of the Spirit at the same time. Others are not given those of the world because they forget those of the Spirit, and still others are only interested in those of the world because they think that the divine laws are an enemy of the earthly riches.

26. Goods are and remain goods, but not all know how to apply them properly. You are also to know that not all of what many possess, I have given them. Some have received what they have received from me as compensation, just as there are others who have stolen everything they possess.

27. The best proof that men can receive for their duty in life is the peace of the soul, not the tinkling of coins.

28. By speaking to you in all manner of ways, I am expanding the knowledge of those who will follow me in this time. They will be the ones who will answer the questions of their fellow men with the clarity with which I have answered them in my words, even if they are sometimes silly or foolish questions.

29. I want my word to leave in the memory of those who heard it a light-filled memory, so that when they recant it, the echo of the teaching full of love they received will enter their hearts.

30. The witnesses of my rallies are destined to receive the crowds of tomorrow, as I have received you

31. Do you remember how you came to Me? You came defeated, defeated. You had turned to those who possessed more than you, but they gave you nothing. You sought out those who had knowledge, but they did not teach you. You showed your sick, exhausted, depressed bodies, but they did not give you back your health. And when disappointment took hold of your heart, and you had convinced yourselves that there was no mercy among men because you were regarded as foreign beings instead of brothers and sisters, you lost faith and hope. Some of you have blasphemed, others have cursed, and still others have longed for death.

32. So many of you came to me, only to learn that my fountain of mercy is the only one that never runs dry, and that you only have to seek it to feel it pouring out on every grieving soul

33. Soon you will see not only one people, but all mankind disappointed in itself, convinced that all its human power, wealth, or science are not sufficient powers to answer its questions, to give peace to its soul, or to ease its pain. Then you will see them seeking the source of truth beyond their world, beyond human beings and their false power.

34. How many will seek me and directly question me from Spirit to Spirit! I will answer them, but how many will also cross your path and ask you, ask you for light. These you are to receive in my name and give them of what I have entrusted to you.

35. When you truly give ─ to your fellow men with love, with light, with spiritualization, truly, I tell you, you will not only kindle the faith in the Father in them, but you will also give them back the trust in men, that trust that is to exist among you as children of God.

36. I know your merits. I observe those who have left their material affairs to hear my word, those who have renounced the satisfaction of any pleasure or to enjoy a few hours of rest to be with me, or those who have endured the criticism or talk of their relatives and have paid little heed to all this and are present at the moment when I give you my teaching.

37. My blessing and peace be upon them. I bless the desire of those who want to perfect themselves, I bless those who hunger and thirst for knowledge. They are those who want a change in their lives and customs, so as to feel closer to their Lord. If they remain steadfast in their way, they will reach the end of it and achieve what they so long for.

38. It is the will of the Master that all the faithful should come to hear Me in this way, with a deep spiritual desire; that you would only dream of improving your life and that you would give up all that was unclean in your past. It is true that you are all striving to achieve this goal, some with more zeal, others only weakly, but you are all striving to become better than you were before. Do you think that I do not see the battles you are fighting?

39. Still the vices, the passions, the idolatry try you. But you pray in those moments, and your faith helps you to be saved from them. Your soul is prepared to receive me in this form of revelation and to hear me through this means of communication. But this preparation has not been given to it on earth, but during its whole soul development, and it was necessary for you to discard many inclinations accepted on your walk through the world in order to understand my rallies at this time.

Those who have not prepared themselves will not accept this rallies as truth. Therefore you see divisions in the bosom of your families: Parents who for this reason misjudge their own children; children who become judges of their parents; brothers and sisters who used to understand each other and who today look at each other as if they were strangers; and married couples who quarrel and even reject each other, because one believes and the other denies.

40. This is not the first time that this has happened. In the time of my preaching men also misunderstood each other; for while some believed my word and even gave their lives because they held fast to its truth, others called it deceit and untruth.

41. If men had truly expected their Lord, they would not have been confused, even as those who longed for him, awaited him, and called after him were not confused.

42. I have told you that you should invite all your fellow men without exception to sit at my table. For although not everyone believes in me at present, I must speak to all.

43. At that time I set out on my way to the multitudes of men. The place where I spoke to them was always indifferent to me. I spoke to them both in a porch of the temple and on the way, in a floodplain or on the seashore or on the top of a mountain.

44. In the present time, when the preparation of a voice bearer is necessary to speak to you ─ of an insignificant creature who would not be able to be penetrated by my ray, to set out on roads or paths to squares and cities to address my word to the crowds ─ I have gathered you in humble prayer rooms to give you my word. Instead of me going to the people, they come to hear me. Therefore I say to those who come to me day after day Call your fellow men to the shade of my tree where they can hear my voice.

45. I prepare you, because now a new period of time begins. A time of great spirituality and exaltation is dawning, which will occur where I give you my word.

46. for three more years I will give you my teaching through the mind of man, which will be like three days, because time passes unstoppably

47. How much forbearance and how much concession has been given to you in my work, O people! But I must point out to you that everything has its limits, and those concessions which the Father has made to you must end. Soon you will know how to keep real respect for all that true armament means.

48. My work is not one of so many teachings, is not another sect in the world. This revelation I have brought you today is the Eternal Law. Yet ─ how many rituals have you added to it for lack of spirituality and understanding, how many unfairness, until you finally distorted it. How many rituals have you introduced into my teaching, saying and believing that everything you have done was inspired and ordered by Me.

49. There comes a time now when your eyes will open and you will understand the true nature of spiritualism. Verily, I tell you, My work is holier than anything you have thought of in the world. Nevertheless, I am ready to forgive all that you have sinned in your mission, and through your repentance you will begin a new, more spiritual life by practicing my teachings with the greatest simplicity so that what you teach may be true spiritualism.

50. If my new disciples since 1866, when these teachings began among them, had used the spiritual essence they received ─ don't you think that they would have absorbed this teaching long ago?

51. It was only natural that, until you saw my revelation finished, you would fall into error and misinterpret some of the teachings, although I explained them in every detail so that your comprehension might understand them. But when my word has reached its full measure among you, those errors are no longer justifiable.

52. You have come to the conclusion that I have brought this work to you with the purpose of eliminating the material poverty in which a part of men find themselves, to help you to stand out as great before others. But today it surprises you that I bring you spiritual goods: mercy, consolation, balm, which you are to pass on with greatest unselfishness.

53. The truth looks like this: He who has demanded a price for the services he has rendered to his fellow men has not done so for my work, which he has sold. He who has fixed a price, a price of betrayal, has done it for himself.

54. There still remains a short period of time in which I speak freely to you, and no one could claim that I chastised him severely or made him atone all too much for the mistakes he made. For my teaching is loving, as are the means which I apply to correct you.

55. It will not be the reward of the world that gives you peace and satisfaction. These will come as a reward for a performance of duty full of charity, which you exercise on your fellow man.

56.Beyond this, be men of good will; if you love peace, it will remain with you. Verily, I say to you, there is no treasure comparable to the peace of the soul.

57. Yu may say that it is only a very short time before this word is no longer heard. The time is already approaching when you are to set out to spread the Good News. The full measure of the time of light will come, and the Spirit of the Lord will descend upon your heads, as he descended upon my apostles at that time, making a tongue of fire appear on each of them as a symbol of the "Word" or the Spirit-giving of the Word, which was granted to them at that moment.

It is necessary that you remain in my teaching so that my will may be done on you. If you should suffer humiliation for my work's sake, bear it with patience and forgive. Turn your eyes to Jesus and see how in those days He endured the greatest humiliations among men without rebelling, and instead forgave and loved those who offended Him.

58.Wen I told you that you should offer the right cheek to him who would strike you on the left cheek as a sign of forgiveness, I did not limit my teaching to words alone How many times in the last days I spent in the world did I receive on my face and body either scourges or blows, without my heart becoming angry or my eyes showing resentment. My gentleness, the kindness with which I looked at those people, caused many miracles, many conversions that only I saw. The Savior Jesus came to show you the way of spiritual ascent through humility.

59.From the hour of my birth as a human being, divine humility was fully revealed to the world ─ since that cold night in which a woman, purest in soul and body, prayed with joy from the inside of a stable to her Lord, the only refuge that opened that night to receive in her womb the Savior of the world. There in the manger, which was my cradle, began the lesson of love and humility that I brought to mankind.

60.Today you live in another time. I have returned to you, and although it was not as a man, I have taught you anew my teaching of humility. The darkness in which mankind is shrouded in this time is blacker than the darkness of that night in which Jesus was born. The hardness of the hearts that have received the news of my return has been like the rocks of that cave where the child God opened his eyes to the light of this world. The indifference of men toward the eternal, toward the spiritual, and their lack of love for one another is like the cold of that blessed night. And the brittleness of the organs of understanding, through which I make myself known in this time, the roughness of their hearts have been like the hard straw of the manger. Thus I began anew my teaching among you. But I ask you: Will I also finish them on a cross as I did then?

61. Lok at my track and follow it When you encounter suffering, sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation on it, turn your gaze to Jesus and I will send you my power and give you my arm as cross-bearer to help you bear your cross.

My peace be with you!

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