
Showing posts from 2023

Happy blessed new year 2024

Another eventful year is drawing to a close in the phase of cleansing the earth, humanity and the spirit realm, making way for an equally eventful New Year on a still blank page. May all our decisions and works write a good New Year that pleases our Creator so that he may bless it.  Anna Maria Hosta ------------------ Our Homepage: 

The spiritual battle is in full swing

12/31/2023 TTT 35 : 18 But people who, because of their selfishness, keep their distance from each other, far from the spiritual life as a result of the materialism in which they have allowed themselves to be entangled today, are not prepared to be able to communicate with each other by means of their thoughts. Dream I was in a terrain of meadows, forest, mountains, watercourses, rocks together with a group of people and they were all busy digging or searching for gold. Some were more powerful than others and they saw the gold as their personal possession and did not begrudge the others any of it and tried to make them fail.  It goes without saying, however, that anyone who found it would share it generously with others, but those who were willing to share it generously had it taken away from them by the powerful.  According to the work, people met to share. I saw a stack of playing cards with famous men on them, but I didn't know any of them, so I couldn't take part in ...

Convert dismissed force into order

12/23/2023 In a press conference with German journalists, Putin was asked: When will there be peace? Putin responded by explaining how the crisis in Ukraine came about, who is disturbing the peace and that Russia is still ready for negotiations, which the West is rigorously rejecting. He called the German government simply stupid, as one pipe of Nordstream is intact, but Germany refuses to buy gas from Gazprom.... Putin interview: When will there be peace? - German   This morning A.M. woke up with a realization that the Lord has given her. It's good that Germany is called the dumbest government in the world and that German children are the dumbest children in the world. Germany is doing very well as a result. It is good that Germany is weak, small and impoverished. Germany is surviving. So it is not possible for Germany to arm itself and allow itself to be drawn into a war, into a proxy war for its big brother. "The Eg...

Central bank money and EMF radiation protection

12/21/2023 A.M. has seen that since December 5, thousands of American visitors have come to her website through the new campaign and that they are very interested and look at or download many things. In November and the whole time before there were hardly any American visitors and also hardly any German visitors and no Czech visitors. Were they all excluded by Google? Now there are many, many more. Before going to sleep, she asked her father to bless all these visitors, because this advertising also costs her money. Around 0:45 am A.M. was woken up and she heard the father speaking to her telepathically when he said: "... on one condition ... join crypto." A.M. is to go along with the introduction of central bank money, which will come when states have less and less money available and then the father said: "Device... electromagnetic ... the depts..." "Make pencil cases!" It's about the debt trap and everyone will get electromagnetic devi...

Stories about Near death experiences - NDE

16.12.2023  A.M. finds some videos on near-death experiences via YouTube suggestions. Here is a small selection of them  (they are all in English):   I Asked Jesus When He Would Return (NDE) Near-Death Experience Jesus answered her: Only the Father knows that hour!  I Died And Saw Seventy Years Into The Future | Near Death Experience | NDE   Woman Dies And Is Shown The Year 2042 And Beyond | Near Death Experience | NDE She was shown that in 2042 there would be a big earthquake and that parts of California, Korea and Japan would be swallowed by a tsunami and that in the following years there would almost be a nuclear war).   When I Died God Taught Me Why He Created Earth (NDE) Near Death Experience   She Died & Jesus Showed Her The Result Of Her Pr...

Antichrist Unveiled: The Terrifying Revelation in Fatima's Third Secret

12/12/2023  For the first time, the terrifying REAL Third Secret of Fatima is revealed. Follow how Father Elias Mary stumbles upon the shocking REAL third secret of Fatima in late 2023. As an expert on the apparition of Our Lady of Akita, he was reading a Japanese book about the sermons of Father Yasuda, the spiritual director of the apparition of Our Lady of Akita, and was looking for information according to the meaning of the words "...signs left by My Son...". But he also came across shocking sentences in the message that have remained hidden until now. Discover the shocking revelations of the terrifying, true third secret of Fatima, in which the Blessed Virgin Mary reveals the existence of the Antichrist. This eye-opening video explores the hidden truths presented by Blessed Mary herself, offering a deeper understanding of the future of the world. Revealing secrets that have long been hidden, this video sheds light on the terrifying prophecies of Fatima and the impending...

CBDC Pilot Project Switzerland and others

12/11/2023  A.M. wakes up around 1:45 a.m. and perceives the Swiss people's inner rebellion and cry of despair. They can't fight back against the central bank currency that went into pilot in Switzerland in December.  Today's Central Bank Digital Currencies Status  A.M. prays: Lord, awaken faith in them and it feels good at first, but then the despair comes again. Then she sees   They have straps around their heads, pulled tight, tied together like suspenders. They can't believe and are constricted.   Then the words form in her mind:  "This is no longer a communist party system..."  It's a total takeover....  Later, the Lord says to A.M.:  "You know I'm coming. Amen."  TTT 61: 19 Faith, hope, love, humility, confidence .  19 If you are humble, you will be great. Greatness is not in pride and vanity, as many believe. "Be gentle and humble of heart," I have told you at all times. -------------------------...

... and a judgment over a nation by god

9/12/ 2023 around  4 a.m. A.M. has published a study about the soul from BdWL Volume II on her homepage as a text and as an audio file, in 10 languages, including Russian. Around 4 o'clock she wakes up and hears her father's voice and he says: " "Don't do Russia anymore. Russia is gone. Barbarians." At the same moment, A.M. Putin realizes that he is crying pitifully. "Germany. Winner!" Thank you for your great mercy, Your Majesty. Germany is not victor from an earthly point of view, but from a spiritual point of view in the judgment of all nations according to the judgment of God. A.M. generates today's daily lottery and gets: TTT 50 : 29 There are those among you who are like wild beasts, who give complete license to their passions, who feel hatred toward their neighbors, who are bloodthirsty and seek to make slaves of brother nations. Study on the soul - From a spiritual point of view* * This study is based on the "B...

Studium na temat duszy - z duchowej perspektywy*

* Niniejsze studium opiera się na "Księdze Prawdziwego Życia" i innych Nowych Objawieniach.   Termin "dusza" jest znany ludziom, ale mają oni różne opinie na temat tego, czym jest dusza. Wiedzą, że jest ona składnikiem istoty ludzkiej i włączają ją do triady ciało - dusza - duch. Trzy składniki, które tworzą "istotę ludzką", a każda część ma inne zadanie. Ciało jest widoczną, materialną częścią istoty ludzkiej; służy jako powłoka ochronna dla duszy i ducha, a także jest ich narzędziem do komunikowania się ze światem zewnętrznym. Ponieważ ciało jest widoczne i namacalne, było ono badane i badane przez naukowców na przestrzeni czasu, dzięki czemu jego funkcje i cudowny mechanizm są powszechnie znane. Funkcjonuje ono tak doskonale i logicznie, że wielu zapomniało, że stoi za nim wysoce mądra, duchowa siła. Wiedza o pozostałych dwóch składnikach ludzkiego ciała jest mniej pewna i czasami zamazana. Ponieważ są one niewidzialne i nie mogą być badane eksperym...

Estudo sobre a alma - De uma perspetiva espiritual *

* Este estudo baseia-se no "Livro da Vida Verdadeira" e noutras Novas Revelações.   O termo "alma" é conhecido pelas pessoas, mas elas têm opiniões diferentes sobre o que é a alma. Elas sabem que é um componente do ser humano e incluem-na na tríade corpo - alma - espírito. Três componentes que formam a entidade "ser humano", cabendo a cada parte uma tarefa diferente. O corpo é a parte visível e material do ser humano; serve de invólucro protetor para a alma e o espírito e é também o seu instrumento de comunicação com o mundo exterior. Como o corpo é visível e palpável, tem sido estudado e investigado pelos cientistas ao longo dos tempos, de modo que as suas funções e o seu maravilhoso mecanismo são amplamente conhecidos. Funciona de forma tão perfeita e lógica que muitos se esqueceram de que existe uma força espiritual altamente sábia por detrás dele. O conhecimento dos outros dois componentes do corpo humano é menos seguro e, por vezes, pouco nítido. ...

关于灵魂的研究--从灵性的角度* * 本研究以《真实的生命之书》和其他新启示为基础。*

* 本研究以《真 实生命之书》和其他新启示为基础。 人 们都知道 " 灵魂 " 这个词,但对灵魂是什么却有不同的看法。他们知道灵魂是人的一个组成部分,并将其纳入身体 - 灵魂 - 精神的三位一体中。三个部分构成了 " 人 " 的 实体,每个部分都有不同的任务。 身体是人 类可见的物质部分,是灵魂和精神的保护壳,也是他们与外界交流的工具。由于身体是看得见、摸得着的,科学家们长期以来对它进行研究,使它的功能和奇妙的机制广为人知。它的功能是如此完美,如此合乎逻辑,以至于许多人都忘记了在它的背后还有一种高度智慧的精神力量。 对人体其他两个组成部分的了解则不那么确定,有时甚至很模糊。由于它们看不见摸不着,无法通过实验进行研究,科学很难正确解释灵魂和精神的性质和功能。然而,明确这一点是非常重要的,因为如果我们成功地揭开了未知的面纱,我们也将获得关于人类在地球上生活的意义和目的的准确知识。然而,仅凭我们的智力是无法做到这一点的,因为属灵的东西只能用灵来把握和解释。但是,上帝的灵会通过他所预备的接受他的启示的人揭示这些奥秘。通过这些工具,上帝向我们揭示了我们有限的思维所能掌握的知识。 从 难以理解的时代起,物质的、可见的世界创造就已经存 在;然而,在此之前,已 经有了精神的创造。它的创造者是上帝,是永恒的原初之灵。在他存在的中心燃烧着完美之爱的火焰,这是他的主要特征。但是,如果最高的爱不能传承下去并因此得到证明,那又有什么用呢? - 于是,上帝 创造了一个灵界的容器,将自己的爱、智慧、光明和创造力注入其中。这是一个从上帝的爱心中产生的生命,是上帝的形象,因为它具有同样的神圣品质。由于它是神光的一面纯净的镜子,因此被贴上了 " 路西法 " 或 " 光明使者 " 的 标签。得益于神的权威,这个第一个被创造的生命得以发挥创造力,很快,从它身上又出现了其他类似的生 命,但力量 较小。他们也是上帝之爱的孩子,光芒四射,完美至极。因此,上帝看到自己的爱在无数灵体身上得到体现,体验到了无以言表的喜悦。 第一个被 创造的灵魂欣喜若狂,但作为上帝创造的生命,它必须服从造物主的意志。 然而,上帝希望他能 够自由发展,因为这才是神圣生命的特征。路西法对造物主的爱是如此强烈,以至于只有这种爱才能决定他的意志是否...