Martial Law is coming

Victoria Ang



While doing some work in my living room the TV was on for news. Within a 10 minute span on the TV flashes an EMERGENCY broadcast sign TWICE in that 5-10 minute span.A short while later I see a vision with the words… MARTIAL LAW IS COMING! 


I see what looks like a world globe on a stand. But the globe says USA on it. The globe is made out of a solid piece of rock. As I watch the vision the globe starts to slowly turn and large pieces of the rock globe start to break off and fall to the ground.I then saw cracks going up the sides of the rock globe and spreading out in different directions.


1) God is sending warnings Martial law is coming and will be implemented !

2) The USA that was once strong and sturdy is starting to TURN and crumble apart.Falling apart at the seams and spreading out to different parts of the USA !Ready for a major fall!!


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