I will tell you even more about the great souls

16. My word invites everyone to return to the way of love. There many will

be ashamed to have felt hatred or resentment towards their fellow man, not

to have loved them anymore. Then they will embrace them again with pain

and bliss of repentance. Then spiritualization appears and the earthly-human disappears.

17. I will tell you more about the great souls: they are not sensitive to insults,

nor weak to blows. They look at such wretchedness with compassion and

compassionately at those who carry them out. They are above these little

things and only look at what is big.

18. You will all have to go through great trials. You have to be very strong

so as not to lose heart and thereby avoid the shame of your weakness.

You who have heard this word and have come to this table full of good

food and have fed on my wisdom ─ are strong and encourage your fellow

human beings through your love.

19. Whoever does good is an apostle of Christ. But he won't need titles to

authenticate him as such, nor will he need to brag about it.

20. What do you tell me when I reveal to you the painful events of the future?

What could you offer to the uninitiated who come to you in need of comfort?

21. I only tell you: sow my seed. This teaching is your legacy. If you know how

to penetrate into the depths of your soul, you will find the Messiah there

who is constantly returning to your heart to enlighten it with its light.


From The Book of True Life – Volume VIII – Teaching 241:16-21

Picture: Jeremiah


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