The real joys come from the spirit

49. When you feel the delights of life, you attribute this pleasure to the

world. But I tell you: I want to see you happy. Therefore I send you those

moments of bliss. Because when the child smiles, the father smiles too.

Seek the healthy joys that do not disturb the soul and you will find Me in

them. Well, you, if you can smile in the midst of your suffering!

50. My fatherly gaze rests on your hearts, beloved children, and I see your

devotion. You have forgotten what is part of your material life and you feed

on my word to fill you with its essence and to feel my presence deep within

yourself. I reveal myself to you because I love you and want you to understand

my longing. Filled with gratitude, you humbly show Me your heart and tell Me:

"Master, read it like an open book and do your will in us. We will agree with

what you should have on us."

51. I see your faith and trust in my divinity. You know that I love you and grant

you everything that is just and for your benefit. Therefore you have trust and

ask me for assistance. It is a time of reparation in which you live, in which you

will not have perfect joys or lasting peace. This earth is not your fatherland.

You are temporary residents of the same and work out a better, higher life

than this depending on your merits.

52. On earth you will, when you are prepared, feel the peace of my spirit ─

that peace that you have enjoyed and that the rest of the world does not

know ─ that gentleness that exudes in my word ─ that glory that you have

experienced when you are raised in communion with me. The world does

not have this incentive, but it needs it, awaits it because it knows it has to

come, and some are preparing because they suspect that the time will come

when I come to them.

But I tell you: you will all have this peace, everyone will get to know the

light of truth. My word will spread and go from mouth to mouth, from home

to home and from one nation to another through my "workers". But I have

seen their slow progress, their fearfulness, with them and with the people,

and therefore my work has not got beyond the narrow limits into which they

have locked it, and this is not my will.


From The Book of True Life -  Volume VIII – Teaching 241:49-52


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