Confused Beings in the hereafter hope for our prayers

42. There are many confused and disturbed beings in the "Spiritual Valley".

Bring them my message and my light when you enter it.

43. You can already practice this form of mercy through prayer

through which you can connect with them. Your voice will sound

where you live and wake you from your deep sleep. You will cry

and cleanse yourself with tears of repentance. At that moment

they will have received a ray of light, because then they will

understand their past vanities, their errors, their sins.

44. How great is the pain of the soul when conscience awakens

it! How humble she then is before the Supreme Judge's gaze!

How humble the requests for forgiveness, the vows, the blessings

of my name come from the innermost of their being! Now the soul

realizes that it cannot approach the perfection of the father, and

so it gazes at the earth, where it did not know how to use the time

and the tests, which gave the opportunity to get closer to the goal,

and asks for one another body to atone for misconduct and fulfill

unfulfilled tasks.

45. So who ensured justice? Wasn't it the spirit itself that held

judgment over itself?

46. ​​My mind is a mirror in which you must look at yourself

and it will tell you the level of purity that you have.

47. As soon as you are in the spiritual, your spirit will give

you enlightenment over yourself. Your memory will become

clear and you will remember the forgotten. So why are you

afraid of my righteousness, since you receive nothing more

than what you deserve? Why not fear your own actions instead

now? See with how much kindness I allow your mind to grasp

the secret of what your judgment is.

48. Give up fanaticism that is far from the truth. Think about

my teachings that include a teaching of peace, light, and blessings.

49. Even if you forget those who have gone into the "spiritual valley" ─

the master forgets no one.

50. Even in the spiritual there are those who sleep, who have

closed their eyes to the light of truth, who wander and drag

chains of self-accusation, confusion and pain with them.

51. I have called you to tell you that you can do good not only by

healing the sick and showing the way to your fellow human beings

who live with you on earth, but also to the beings who live in the

hereafter . Among them are the sick, the lost, those in need of

love and comfort. It is those who purify themselves in pain in order

to get into my presence. But with your prayers, with your compassion

and generous thoughts you can help them with their atonement

and shorten their suffering.

52. My teaching of universal love will unite all souls and bring them

closer together without drawing a dividing line between the worlds

of life, and will cause beings to love each other with spiritual love.

From The Book of True Life – Volume VIII – Teaching 240:42-52


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