The Way of Life of the people in the First, Second and Third Time

20. Now in the Third Time, enlightened by the light of the Holy Spirit,

you realize that the teaching I gave you in the three times had the

same principles and that it was only the outward form that was

changed from one time to another.

21. In the first time there was such a simplicity in your life and in

your heart, you were so close to nature that I announced myself in

harmony with all of this. You saw and felt my presence in the radiant

nature, and your soul was delighted to see its miracles, through which

you understood the will of your Lord.

22. In the second time, when selfishness had already sprouted in the

hearts of men and people's minds had awakened to evil, I was born

among you to help you understand that what you worship for exercised

divinity, and the works you did to one another were not what I had

ordered you to do, and therefore would not bring you your salvation

of soul - what you did was only an apparent fulfillment of the law before

the eyes of men that you concealed hypocrisy and selfishness in your heart.

23. It was necessary for Jesus to show you the principles by which you

should obey and from which you had departed.

24. I testified to you of all my gentleness, my love, my wisdom and mercy,

and I drank the cup of suffering with you so that your heart would move

and your mind would awaken. The hearts had to be born for the good,

and the pain of seeing Me crucified out of love for them was like a sting

to remind them that you all have to suffer for love to get to the Father.

My promise for everyone who wants to take up his cross and follow me

was eternal peace, the highest bliss that has no end in spirit.

25. My promise at this time is based on the same thing, it is the same thing,

but you will really have to use it until you are purified.

26. From the time I wrote my law of love and justice with my blood in

your mind to the present one in which you live, I find your souls more

developed. Their comprehension and understanding are greater, their

abilities and powers are ready to accept my new revelations.

27. Today you understand on your own to distinguish the false beliefs

from the real ones. Nevertheless, it is a time of trial for the soul, because

worldviews, theories, teachings, religions and "sciences" have appeared

from all sides, the strength of which sometimes unsettles the mind of the

weak who does not know which way to follow.

28. This time is crucial because people will take final steps on the spiritual path.

29. Many dark blindfolds will fall, fanaticism and idolatry will disappear,

many visions of the course of events will be erased, and traditions will be

rooted out. Then everything that is transient will be given up.

30. My children, be satisfied with your life situation, do not feel envy

towards those who live better than you. Remember that you come closer

to me in the lowliness and serve me better.

31. Pay attention to where you are going, how you see life, and what you

do with the goods that I provide you with.

32. I give you my love. My love is with you.

33. Whoever doubts Christ, as He reveals himself in this third time,

also doubts Jesus as a person in the second time, because my love

and my essence are the same. If you want to have a better understanding

of the legacy that the Divine Master left you at that time, you need to pay

attention to how my wisdom and revelations in your life, as the development

of your soul has gradually allowed it revealed with ever greater clarity.


From the Book of True Life – Volum VIII –

Teaching 240:20-33


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