Jesus was born in the zodiac sign PISCES

The Pisces Age is over.
The second time, which was the time of Jesus Christ, is over.
The name Jesus means: GOD SAVES

Maria received after visiting of the angel in the 6th month, that is in June. At that time Elisabeth was pregnant in the sixths months. So Johannes was born in September in the zodiac sign Virgo. In him was the spirit of Elijah. And Jesus was born in March in the zodiac sign Pisces.

Christmas coincides with the zodiac sign Capricorn, which is assigned to Satan.
Capricorn doesn't suit to Jesus. The zodiac sign FISH fits with Jesus: They are helpful, medial, sociable. The hallmark of the early Christian communities was the fish.

The spirit of Elijah has returned. Again there was a forerunner for the Lord's coming. In Mexico. A man named Roche Rojas was born there in the 18th century, in whome was the spirit of Elijah. Roche Rojas founded the meeting places and prepared the way for the Lord for his Second Coming and for the revelation of the Third Testament, which is available to us today as a book.

With the second coming of the Lord we entered into the Third Time, the time of the Holy Spirit, the time of direct dialogue between man and God from spirit to spirit.
God speaks to the spirit of man and man responds through his ability to telepathically communicate from spirit to spirit.
God is everywhere and in everything in the environment of us humans and also in man himself He is. Therefore, no matter where we are, we can never miss Him to communicate with Him.

The Lord said to me this morning:
"Blessed ar You because you believed that I am the FISH. Finally you wake up."

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