On a plot, half the size of Germany

I have been puzzling over the ¾ of the earth's surface that pass in the judgment (TTT Chapt. 55 - Vers 69).
Early this morning I woke up when I heard the words:
"Half ... half of it gave itself to the rod." 
Immediately afterwards, I remembered Jesus' words, which he once told me. This was on February 1, 2018 (in PRISCILLA) when he said that he will take me and that I will live:
"on a plot half the size of Germany"
I combine: Half the Germans broke the law of God and chose the judge as their god, not the loving father.
I began to ponder what it means - half of Germany - a piece of land, as much as half of Germany is left over from Germany after the judgment.
Then I heard the following words:
"Plus three points of the track."
I asked: what do 3 points of the track mean. He said:
"South half ... .. the middle ... .. the north."
He did not say the north, but he told me that at another time when I was on the Baltic Sea to work there (see LUCIDA on 19.3.2019).
Hosea 2:23
... and I want to keep them on earth as seeds and have mercy on them, so was out of favor, and say to that, which was not my people: 'You are my people' and it will say, 'You are mine God.'

Vers of the day
Titus 2:11-12
11 For the grace of God has come, giving salvation to all men, 12 Training us so that, turning away from evil and the desires of this world, we may be living wisely and uprightly in the knowledge of God in this present life;

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