Care for your body and spirit

Anyone who says that he belongs to him should also live the way Jesus lived.
1 John 2: 6

An important principle of life of the Essenes was the care of body and mind. So they loved sunbathing for the solar plexus in the open air and swimming in a water outdoors in nature. With this practice they have filled up their system and contributed to their own health.
Since Jesus as a human comes from a family of Essenes, he calls this practice good.

When I asked the Lord to go to the new RULANTICA (Europapark), he said enthusiastically:
My husband loves the elves and every time we went to the Europapark, we drove elves. He knows that. That was the right thing for me to go to the new bath RULANTICA. 

This morning then I heard the words:
"Maintaining the body and blood (blood is for the mind) is the most important thing."
Then I heard:
"Air ... you have no air. There are the kings of heaven in there. "

That's true. I only have 11% air or earth, but over 40% water and fire. My husband the opposite. Only 11% water and fire, but over 40% air and earth. We complement each other and help each other. My husband says you only come to God with water and fire and I bring him along. And he helps me that it works better with thinking and with the earth connection.
When I thought: Then I am not a queen of heaven said the Lord:
"Love!! ... "Well, I brave myself despite the lack of air and made something airy. You do not have to be satisfied with what you have received - you can develop more skills and I have done that.

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