As soon as A.M. began to pray, the attacks began again, pain, cold and freezing, she is shaken on the whole body.
The demon BELLA ROSA prevents her from praying. As we pray, the Father saves many who are struck by the storms. If we do not pray, many will be lost in the storms and be dragged down into the abyss. That is the task of this demon to prevent us from praying so that we can not earn merit and pray not for many souls to be lost.
A.M. slept until 3:10 am because she prayed to St. Michael the Archangel before going to bed:
St. Archangel Michael, defend us in battle.
Against the vicissitudes of the devil be our protection.
God, command him, so we plead
but you, Lord of the Celestial Hosts,
overthrow Satan and the other evil spirits,
who wander to the ruin of souls in the world,
in the power of God and in the name of Jesus
bring them down into the abyss of hell. Amen.

Father Spirit says:
"Argue for love. You can do it."
With you, with united power.
"This is the spirit in spiritual warfare!" (War, Martial Arts)
I remember, Harry Potter.
"Shelter me Lord!"
This is the song that pleases Paul Begley so much.
(Group of three highlighted objects or persons - maybe an alignment of the planets)
"Clouds .... under Water ... sustain wind .. "
In the next few days, extreme, persistent winds and cloudbursts as well as massive floods are to be expected.
"Stay. You are not lost. "
Thanks father. I pray.
Everyone can follow the implications themselves on
"The North ... right at the doorstep ... the Atlantic."
The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean will be hit by winds and heavy rain for the next few days, which can be seen especially in the windup on Hurricane Dorian will connect with these winds as he heads for Norway.
"You will be nothing but mine and I will belong to you from the beginning of the world."
That's all, dear father. Thank you for keeping me safe.

Update on the terrible scope of on what is left of the Bahamas Island Abaco (absolutely nothing)

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