BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 194

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 194

1. My love is with you. Come to this spring, walkers of life; come and drink, O fearful hearts.

Hands that stretch out to me with help, pass on my benefits. Rest all of you here in the shade of the tree of life.

2. Not all of you come weeping. Even among these multitudes here there are those who, delighted by the last benefits received, come here and tell Me in their hearts, "Thank you, Father, your mercy with us is immeasurable.

3. It is the eternal Spirit of Love who dwells among you ─ He who became man in another time to dwell with men and save them from vice, sin and darkness.

4. I am the same, for me no time passes, it is she who is subject to my will. Therefore I remind you of your past and announce to you what you will be tomorrow.

5. I remind you of those words that I wrote in the Second Time in the hearts of men and of the bloody marks on Calvary with which I marked my steps in the world

6. In My words there is the honey that can sweeten your existence and drive away forever the bitterness that has been the sad taste of your life at all times

7. If in the past you did not understand why I entrusted the earth to you, now you will come to the knowledge of your destiny and your mission so that you will no longer err

8. Overcome your standstill. The task of all souls is to develop constantly, to transform and renew themselves until they attain perfection.

9. I have announced to you a new era, a new time, in which you will shake off your spiritual indolence and take another step on the path that leads to the top of the mountain.  But not only my word announces to you a new time and speaks to you of development and of perfection. Also the nature that surrounds you shows you this in its language, which you neither want to hear nor understand. It too is preparing to take a step toward perfection. For the more time passes, the more its womb will accommodate more highly developed and more perfect beings. Therefore this home must be in harmony with those who will inhabit it.

10. Have you not noticed any sign in the nature kingdoms, in the seasons, in the firmament, on the land or on the seas? Are you blind and do you not see those signs of which I speak to you, or deaf so that you do not hear their calls? Experience it and announce it to mankind as the prophets of old did. For soon your planet will be shaken in all areas. Like a tree when the storm whips it, the earth will be shaken, and on the branches of the tree will be left only the leaves that have life, because those that wither will be thrown off and carried away by the whirlwind.

11. Those days will become a trial for all men, and only in prayer and good will they find protection and peace.

12. How beautiful it would be if on earth a people were to spring up, which would be like a door of salvation, which would be like a lighthouse in the darkness and peace in the midst of confusion! Would it not please you to be that people? The Word you are receiving at this time contains and teaches all that you need to be a bulwark for mankind in the moments of trial.

13. My presence among you and the rallies of my word have not been a mere accident. All this has its meaning, and this consists in the fact that you have been called to hear the voice that opens the new time, that you may set out full of love and faith to spread the message received.

14. Once this teaching is brought to bear in the world in all its sincerity and truthfulness, men will strive toward it as a thirsty and weary wanderer through the desert toward the oasis.

15. You cannot yet say that this teaching has already made itself felt on earth, for you have been content to receive my divine messages.

16. Before this people will set out and carry on the spiritual seed with all the light and meaning with which I have entrusted it to you, they will first go through many confusions, they will commit errors, insubordination and profanations.

17. Good conduct, true worship, and good performance of duties will not come until the disciples of the Third Age give the right interpretation of my words and bear witness with their works to my teachings.

18. Spirituality has not yet gained acceptance among this people, because they have not succeeded in freeing themselves from old traditions and customs, and by infusing my spiritual teaching with their outward ways of acting and cult forms, they thus prevent people from recognizing the truth of this work.

19. In my treasury I keep great wonders and works ready to be poured out through this people into the world as soon as they are prepared.

20. I wait for the spiritualization of these multitudes whom I have taught and inspired long enough for their preparation. To this day I do not see the fruit that I expect. Where is your harmony and brotherhood? Where is obedience, humility and charity without any self-interest?

21. How far is this people from being able to teach the world spiritualization, and how far from being a witness worthy of my word!

22. I have told you that there is a thirst and a hunger of the soul in mankind, that only a pure and clear teaching like this will be able to relieve their tribulation and save them. But if this word and this work are not presented in all their sincerity ─ what work of salvation could those who teach it accomplish? For this reason, once my rallies are over, I will grant this people a time to meditate, pray, spiritualize and prepare themselves. Thus, when they set out and have become a messenger of my word, they will be disciples who are aware of the task they are to perform, and their testimony will be true.

23. Every message that this people will bring to the world shall contain comfort. In it, people will discover the mystery that every soul holds within itself, with its richness of qualities and abilities hitherto unknown. In it men will find the revelation that will teach them dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.

24. The good sowers of spiritualism will never be distinguished by anything external or material. There will be no display, nor badge, nor any special way of speaking with them. Everything about their conduct will be plain and simple. Nevertheless ─ if they distinguish themselves by something, it will be by their active charity and spiritualization.

25. The true preachers of spiritualism will be distinguished not by eloquence, but by the wisdom and simplicity of their word, but above all by the truthfulness of their works and the righteousness of their lives.

26. Remember that on earth I did not need outwardly beautiful speech to capture the hearts of the multitudes, but that I knew how to reach them through love, truthfulness, healing power, and wisdom. This is the example that you are to heed and follow according to my will.

27. Neither do I want you to limit your practice of religion to material places of worship, for then you will capture your soul and not let it spread its wings to conquer eternity.

28. The altar I leave to you to celebrate on it the worship I expect is life without any limitation, beyond all denominations, all churches and sects, because it is founded in the spiritual, in the eternal, in the divine.

29. Disciples: Although many of you have reached old age with a heart full of experience, when you heard my word at this time and received my new revelations, you had to confess that you are only little children in the face of my wisdom.

30. You had to be on earth at the beginning of the Third Age and hear Me in this form so that you might be the faithful witnesses of the Spirit of Truth, able to explain my teaching to the world

31. This time, which is called by me that of spiritual light, will be marked by great confusion at its beginning. Great questions, deep doubts, uncertainties and soul struggles will arise in man. All this will be a sign that man will awaken to spiritual life.

32. I want then all my disciples to be awake and prepared, because it will be necessary that from their lips comes the word that will remove all ignorance, or that will calm the storm. You will then experience with what speed the spiritual teaching will spread, because it will be felt in every heart and will soothe the pain, as water quenches the thirst of a thirsty person.

33. Then life will change. The denominations, morals, sciences, philosophy, all conceptions will undergo a great transformation, and the people who finally recognize the true meaning of life will try to approach the fulfillment of my laws of love, justice and mercy.

34. Man will finally understand that his kingdom is also not of this world, that his body or human shell is only the instrument through whose senses his soul perceives this world of trials and reparation. He will finally understand that this life is only a great lesson, illustrated with wonderful figures and images, so that the students, that is, all men, may better understand the lessons that life gives them, through which, if they are able to evaluate them properly, they will achieve the development of their soul and understand the meaning of the struggle that makes them strong ─ the pain that drags them down, the toil that ennobles, the knowledge that enlightens, and the love that lifts.

35. If this existence were the only thing ─ truly, I tell you, I would have removed the pain from it long ago, for it would be unjust if you had come into the world only for this reason, to drink a cup of suffering. But those who suffer and weep today do so, because they used to indulge in debauchery. But this pain will purify them and make them worthy to ascend and enjoy in purer form in the homes of the Lord.

36. At that time I taught men that they should learn to live in the world with sincerity and love. Today I teach you so that you learn to live in spiritualization, so that you prepare yourselves to live tomorrow in the "spiritual valley" among beings of light.

37. Mankind: Only the body is destined to dissolve after it has fulfilled its task toward the soul, to serve it as tool or cover. But the soul that was in that being, the light of its intelligence, reason, will, feelings, all these never dies, cannot die, because it is a part of the immortal soul that animated the life of that being on earth.

38. Beloved children, you who want to win souls for yourselves on the ways of the different denominations, I tell you that you must teach men to think, that you must make them think, that you must help them to draw right conclusions. The rite, the form, the tradition, the outward appearance can no longer satisfy the soul of the present man. It is necessary to give him light, meaning, truth, so that he may feel secure on his way, so that in the hours of trial he does not feel that he is left alone.

39. I see men of all kinds in whom, although they believe in me, faith is so weak and knowledge so confused that in life they resemble those ships that sail without compass, wanderers without a guiding star to show them the direction, or like sheep without a shepherd.

40. I am giving you these teachings through some of your brothers and sisters whom I have chosen from among the multitudes to use their minds to give you this message.

41. Today a community is beginning to form around this Word. In the corners of the cities, in the hiding places of poverty and in the silence of simple life, the meeting rooms open their doors where I let my teaching be heard as Father, as Judge and as Master.

42. In the future, the indifference with which many will

The indifference with which many have heard the news of my new presence among the people turns into the opposite. And the contempt of others for this work will thereafter become interest and cause men to set out in longing for testimonies, records and proofs that will help them to strengthen their faith.

43. I will see to it that those hearts find the traces of my steps in this time, and when they stand before me, I will say to them, 'Be welcome, beloved people, gather yourself inwardly and hear my word.

44. Love is what I have revealed to you at all times and today, in the rallies through the minds of my chosen ones, I could not reveal myself in any other way

45. This teaching today puts you on the way to understand the teaching I gave you through Jesus in the Second Age, so that you may keep its essence watchful in your heart and radiate it from it whenever necessary

46. This Word will be felt in the whole world, because everything is prepared for my spiritual dialogue with all men, to which they will bear witness.

47. Your soul has always sought Me, and I have never left it alone Wherever you have directed your steps, everywhere I have been with you, my love has watched over your steps.

48. In all ages I have sought you and have seen that your soul was able to recognize Me Now the soul has the task of asserting itself against the weaknesses of the flesh to make it understand what is the right way and what is its task in this time of grace.

49. I have called you, I have taught you, and you shall be the propagators of my teaching, of this word, which soon you shall hear no more. The moment is near when Christ ceases to transmit his word through a human brain. But your comprehension will be sufficiently trained to grasp my word, and your soul to receive my inspiration.

50. I am speaking to your Spirit, that atom which was born of Me, and which, because it came forth from Me, belongs to Me. As I said at that time, "My kingdom is not of this world," so I say to you, "Your kingdom is not on earth either. It is beyond all that dies, all that changes, and beyond your intellect.

51. Now is the time in which every soul shall awake and awaken to true life. With this I do not want to make you understand that you are to disregard what I have given you in this world. For as long as you dwell upon it, you must obey its laws. I only demand of you that you dedicate a short time of the day to me to do a good work on your sister, mankind.

52. My blessing be with you, for in you I bless all my children.

53. Let your soul rest on this day of gathering of all the churches. As in that time in which I chose my disciples, but in which I also gave my word to all those who would hear it, so in this time I mention those who are to follow Me today. But I allow my word to be heard also by the great masses of people. The way is meant for all, my bread as well. But not all will be able to come at the same time. Some will do it sooner, others later. But never turn your eyes back.

54. Those who have built a sanctuary in their hearts are those who follow their Master step by step.

55. The seed which I am giving you today and teaching you to plant comes from your Father's house. He will find suitable farmland in the heart of men. Before that, my righteousness, as if it were a sickle, will cut off the weeds that have covered the fields, so that the seed may sprout. The fields will again be fertile, and on them you will discover my traces, which neither the world, nor men, nor sins, nor passions have been able to erase. My traces will outlast the ages and will keep themselves fresh in eternity.

56. Men will awaken from their deep lethargy and, when they look into their inner being, will discover their spiritual I, and when they hear the voice of their conscience, they will discover my divine trace, through which they will hurriedly come to me. You will have to scatter my seed over the world, and when you then come to me to receive your reward, come to your Father, even if it is only with one ear of corn; but it is to be of good constitution. Even if you bring nothing, I will receive you, for I am love and mercy. But remember that the sowing, which you leave half-finished, must be taken up again later to complete your work. Do you know, for example, whether the weeds have not then covered the fields anew, and whether plagues of vermin have not penetrated there?

57. With this I want to tell you that when you feel my call, you are to follow immediately so that you can use the time I have entrusted to you for the fulfillment of your task. Think about all this, and you will recognize that it is you yourselves who can both earn a reward of welfare and peace and sign their condemnation with your rights.

58. In spite of the judgment of my word, it is a loving Father who speaks to you. See how my mantle spreads out to cover all, not heeding your transgressions.

59. Study my word, it is light that illuminates your soul to hear the voice of conscience Now is a time of grace, in which this light reaches every man urgently.

60. I am Christ, who turns to you in love, so that you may show Me the pain of mankind. For you are those who believe in this rallies. I tell you: I will dwell in your hearts.

61. How much human blood has been shed during this time over the Earth! See my children in their immeasurable pain as they seek me and call on me in different ways, while an innermost intuition tells them that the time has come for my messengers to approach the nations and the people to make peace.

62. Each religious community expects to see the miracle of my return realized in the bosom of their worship, in their creed or in their forms of worship.

63. But to you I say that you believe in my coming, that you know how to communicate with me, and that you are saved You are those who are fit to bring this message of love to your fellow men.

64. Look, people do not find any solution to their conflicts, neither in their laws nor in their churches, and they feel surrounded by an atmosphere of darkness

65. Pain has enough power in itself to stop them in their course and make them raise their eyes to Me to hear My Voice, as you were stopped on your way so that you would open the eyes of the Spirit and see Me anew But now you are the ones commissioned to make my word ─ known to all men ─ both to the one who has ascended through his talent and to the one who has only a slight development.

66. Only in the first moments will the one who hears the good news be astonished, because afterwards he will remember that already before the Messiah came in the second time, his coming had been announced by the prophets, as my coming in this time. I myself announced it to you by the mouth of Jesus and gave you the signs which would appear as proof of my coming.

67. Since all things have come, men will be convinced. Here is the light of the Holy Spirit, which has illuminated you at all times. For the divine light was, is, and always will be.

68. My truth will once again fight against the ignorance from which fanaticism, idolatry and religious fanaticism spring. For fanaticism is blind, idolatry is materialistic, and the enthusiast is hypocritical.

69. I will illuminate the depths of the abyss, so that all souls may rise pure and enlightened from it.

70. Never will the unfolding or development of the soul be stopped in eternity. For you are all subject to the law of perfection.

71. If the soul sometimes does not progress on its way, it does so through the influence of the body. Then it must make up for lost time by accelerating its steps, or by new embodiments. Recognize that when I judge you, my judgment is out of love, but never as punishment. Love always, and you will enter eternal life in peace. When death once comes, your soul should not be troubled, for it will only stand up for the body, which will sink into the gentle womb of the grave.

72. Go in peace to the spiritual home, knowing that among men the age of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is established.

My peace be with you!

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