BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 193

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 193

1. Your soul wants to receive my teaching, and I welcome it

2. Disciples, you must be awake, for men will set out to investigate my work, which some think is based on earthly sciences. Then you shall make it known as the spiritual teaching that will transform the world.

3. It is not so that I come as an opponent of science, since science is knowledge, knowledge, light. Rather, my teaching stands above every human knowledge. In my work I explain to you spiritualism, that is, knowledge of the spiritual, the divine, knowledge of a higher life that is beyond that which is matter. In truth, I bless the science that men have developed for the benefit of mankind.

4. Now is the time when people will talk a lot about soul and science. Science is not only a privilege of those who prepare themselves physically to know it, for it is light that comes from the Spirit who receives it from God.

5. My divine teaching is a higher science that teaches you to perfect your soul. Besides, I have given you the brain and the heart to control your ideas and your feelings.

6. The knowledge I am giving you now has no limits, it is all-embracing, boundless. In it you will find the true knowledge of spiritual life and material life.

7. I now see you empowered to understand my teaching and to penetrate its mysteries. By means of material science, you know the laws that govern all creation, and that these are condensed in your own bodies. And when you have studied a great deal and have learned the laws that were once a mystery to you, you find yourself before the thresholds of the Hereafter, where the heart of the Father awaits you, who at every moment is trying to communicate with you. If you know my teaching, what can be unknown to you?

8. Therefore I tell you that my simple teaching will give you the higher knowledge that will prevent your heart from becoming fainthearted in the presence of the scholars of this world

9. To reveal the meaning of every event in nature or in your life, you do not need to resort to the books of science to consult them It will be enough for you to train your comprehension and purify your heart, so that inspiration will flow from your lips.

10. If, though you are within my work, you should feel inferior and spurn the help you can obtain by your prayer, you will be called foolish and ignorant.

11. Understand: When I told you that I would make myself known to you in this time through the minds of ignorant men, I wanted to make it clear to you that I did not choose for my rallies those whom you call scholars or philosophers. Nevertheless, a brain that passes my inspiration reveals light in the soul, and light is wisdom.

12. Again I say to you: Fight, for as long as the soul is on the path of development, it will be exposed to temptations. That is why I teach you and give you strength to overcome your bad tendencies. When your soul is strong, it will give strength to the mind and a firm will to the heart to overcome the lusts of the flesh. When man lacks light, his soul does not develop. Then the vicissitudes of life affect his heart with power, and he is like a boat capsizing in the midst of a storm.

13. When man is spiritually prepared, it is as if he were wearing an indestructible armor against the temptations of temptation.

14. I have revealed these teachings to you, that if you stumble or fall for a moment on the way, you may recognize your transgression and seek the way to recovery.

15. If you are humble, your spiritual riches will increase in the life that awaits you. Then you will have peace, which will give you the most beautiful feeling of your existence. In your soul the desire to serve the Father will arise, being a faithful guardian of the things created by Him, being a consolation to those who suffer, and peace to those who have no peace of mind.

16. It is not only my word that announces to you my presence in these moments, it is your own soul that feels me deeply.

17. I welcome you. Here is the essence of my

Word that nourishes your heart so that its feelings are in harmony with the soul. Without knowing your sciences or philosophies, you attain wisdom. You are seers and you have gifts of intuition and prophecy through which you receive my inspiration.

18. Before men unite in my law, there will be news of war. Humanity will be purged and then the kingdom of the Holy Spirit will come.

19. Your business is to interpret the word which the Master gave you through the mind of man. Do not create doctrines that separate you from my divine teaching, for it is the universal teaching that will unite you all.

20. Understand that you are able to bend the unruliness of the body to apply my lessons.

bring. You are to do good by sowing love and mercy, and with this you will give your soul light and progress.

21. I leave you as those responsible for this word which you have heard, which you are to pass on with the sincerity with which you received it.

22. My coming in this time is a new invitation to the way of the law, and the whole meaning of this word is summarized in that rule of life which I once taught you: "Love one another.

23. Agree to the trials. Know that you are not a disinherited people, but that which in one way or another has always enjoyed my benefits.

24. Mary, the loving Mother, likewise gives you her maternal love through the human mind and fills you with joyful courage, so that no discouragement may come upon you in your life.

25. Blessed is the soul, because it sees the face of the Father. Bless you who have attained freedom of thought and have rejected cult forms and dogmas from you to seek me. My teaching has enlightened your cognitive faculties, and now you know that works, feelings, and purity of heart are the best way to worship the Father and fulfill his law. In this way man reaches perfect dialogue with his Creator, spiritual communion, where the child can say, "Father, work your will in me," and the Father can answer him, "Love one another as I love you. This voice will resound in the Spirit of every one who inwardly exalts himself. This voice will form the heart and soul of him who approaches me. This togetherness will be like a balm for the soul, which in this life purifies and cleanses itself through matter to attain wisdom and to get to know its Creator.

26. This is why I have told you that what you learn in this world will serve you on the way that leads the soul to eternal life If you fulfill your task in this life and make use of its lessons, when you leave the body you will be like the fragrance that emanates from the flowers, for you will give the good to the hearts.

27. Feel your Lord in your soul, and feel the supreme delight to dwell in him. For Jehovah the Creator is in everything, and this joy is to increase in you in view of the fact that I have come again and am manifesting myself through the human mind to continue giving you my teachings. Unite your joy with that which is overflowing from my spiritual world. Those beings tell you in their message that their world, though infinitely greater than yours, is but an atom of the world of perfection.

28. The hours you spend with Me you have not wasted; they are light for your soul, for it is enlightened by the wisdom of the Master. When from the bottom of your being a voice rises up saying, "Master, I believe in you, because through your word you give our Spirit not only wisdom, but also strength and hope to bear the sufferings of this life" ─ truly, then your Spirit has spoken.

29. Today you learn to speak with Me and to be satiated with the spiritual meaning of my teaching.

30. In this time, which is the last time of grace, I commend to you that you obey my commandments. I will leave you my heritage of love through which men will unite with each other and all will unite with the Lord.

31. Your heart tells Me: "Master, after 1950, to whom shall we then keep? I answer you: To my word, which I will leave to you as a testament and which will be printed.

32. You will remain on earth for a short time to fulfill my commissions, and when I announce to you my imminent departure, I will tell you as I did then to the apostles: "Where I am going, you cannot go now. But the time will come when you will go where I am going now.

33. To help you ascend, my words of consolation come down to you. Each of them is a ray of light that illuminates your mind to grasp feelings and ideas worthy of your Father and yourself.

34. The spiritualist will be recognized by his words, which are plain and simple in their expression, but deep in their meaning.

35. The spiritualist will not seek his own good, but will know how to give himself completely to others. This disciple will fill an emptiness in the heart of men. He will help his fellow men to perfect their conception of God. In truth, it is easy to serve and live in harmony with others.

36. The apostles of this teaching will make the world understand that it is not necessary to offer Me meeting places or churches full of luxury to reconcile Me for the insults they have committed against the Father or their fellow men.

37. When man knows that he is more Spirit than matter, he will offer to his Lord the flowers of the eternal part of his being: his spirit soul.

38. Opposing forces will oppose the unfolding of spirituality. For some will not want that what has been believed and practiced, and which has ruled for centuries, should fall.

39.  My divine teaching does not impose itself by force, nor does it instill fear in anyone. It will gently penetrate souls by its persuasiveness, by its truthfulness, by its justice.

40. Everywhere in the world people are seeking the cause of what they call phenomena and what are the manifestations inherent in the development of everything in creation.

41. Much has mankind learned, great is the difference between the mankind that inhabits the earth today and that of past times. Spiritually too, you will have a great progress that will amaze you when you compare it to the spiritual regression in which you live today.

42. Be prepared for the time of battle. Strengthen your faith and prepare your soul to face those who will fight you. My word is still with you to give you the final pushes and the final instructions.

43. I want you to be deeply convinced and steadfast to follow me till the end. Your heart tells Me: "Do you doubt us, Master? But I tell you: Have you not many times vowed to follow Me, and in a moment of trial doubts came to you?

44. I do not set any conditions for you, nor do I demand sacrifices from you I only let you know that the good you do for your neighbor is a benefit you do for yourselves.

45. Pass on my teaching and do every possible benefit without asking for money. Deceive no one. If your actions still lack sincerity, it is time to change. Put your trust in me, in your master.

46. Sometimes you beg for my power to serve your fellow men, knowing that you too are poor in the world. Misery frightens you and your heart despairs. In such moments you do not trust me.

47. When suffering embraces you, you ask that it immediately leaves you, because it seems unbearable to you. The reason for this is that there is no perfection in you, because your soul lacks development. You think that you do not deserve this purification, you do not come to the insight that pain is often only a lesson, so that afterwards you may better understand the one who suffers.

48. Make full use of your existence on earth, suffer with love, exaltation and patience, so that here of all places you may purify yourselves from your stains of shame. When then pain passes away and peace returns to your heart, rejoice in it and hold on to it. Even by your way of suffering you must be a model and an example. I do not want the spiritualist to be judged as eloquent in his words and reprehensible in his deeds. You must always affirm your faith and your words with praiseworthy works.

49. Do not forget that when you ask my help, I have already preceded you in paving your way.

50. Act in accordance with your conscience, so that when the moment of your judgment has come, you can answer for your actions. You need not expect any punishment from me; my justice has never punished. Then my love would have no power. Everyone is his own judge, and how many times I had to save you from yourselves. For you carry the enemy within yourselves, which is malice, selfishness, vanity.

51. Because of all this you will understand that one life is not enough for the soul to purify itself.

52. The time will come when you can take the position of a teacher. Then I will be with you to stand by you in the difficult moments.

53. In your hearts you say to Me: "Father, be blessed because you came to us, since we could not come to you".

54. Before your eyes the man through whom I make myself known disappears and only my divine essence remains, which your soul receives in the short time of my rallies.

55. You know very well that these human bodies have nothing divine about them, that they are only instruments that transmit my message. Therefore you let your soul escape voluntarily, far from any physical influence, to enjoy my presence.

56. Often I speak to you about the true mission that the voice bearer carries out, so that you may know to what degree he gives perfection to his word, what are the limits of his ability to transmit. Then you can judge each of my rallies justly, in full knowledge of what you must attribute to Me ─ as the wisdom and spiritual meaning ─ and what you must give to the voice bearer, which is his good preparation. In this way you cannot fall into error by attributing to Me the imperfections of those through whom I make myself known, or, conversely, by attributing to the voice-bearer the wisdom and the authority that my Spirit transmitted with his help.

57. So I will still often speak to you because you are in danger of becoming fanatical about the outward form of this word ─ a form for which the voter is responsible, since he is the instrument of my rallies.

58. If you do not think about all this in time, your inclination to all outward acts of worship will become so great that you will not be able to free yourselves from your outward-looking attitude when the moment of trial comes. What is this moment of trial I speak of? It is that day when I will give you my last word through a voice bearer.

59. I have not kept the appointed date secret so that you all may be prepared for this day.

60. This people is great, and they have many branches. Yet there is not a congregation where my will has not been expressed to end my rallies in 1950.

61. You all know that this rallies will not last forever, that I let the people know from the first days of my rallies that I would manifest myself in this form to men only for a certain time.

62. Another revelation that I have given in all the churches where my word is sounded is the one in which I told you that you are destined to communicate with me in the future from Spirit to Spirit, that is, without mediation through men, symbols, or outward cult forms

63. Both in the meeting room, which can receive large crowds of people, and in the humble place where only a few disciples come together ─ both in the big cities, and in the provinces and in small villages, the essence of my work was revealed. You are able to take the step towards spiritualization safely. I have strengthened you in each of my teachings so that when the decisive hour has come in which you must prove your obedience, humility and love for the Master, you will know how to follow Him, sacrificing when necessary and renouncing what has long been your incentive, in the full knowledge that this Renunciation means a great step forward for the whole people on the way to spiritualization.

64. If you do not listen to these preliminary indications, there will be a very painful awakening in those who do not at present recognize the importance they have. That awakening could be the day of my farewell or the time after, but in either case it will be painful.

65. I will spare you the trials to which disobedience, misinterpretation, or folly may bring you. But if any man, after all that I have taught you and warned you about, considers himself stronger than me, wiser and more justified than me to make orders, and he knowingly does not obey what I have ordered, he will have thereby passed and confirmed his judgment, the scope of which will correspond to the extent of his transgression.

66. Where my word has blossomed most, there will be the greatest responsibility. For it was there where my teaching shone most brightly and my work was best expressed. Therefore from these places the best example will have to go out to the others, to the insignificant ones, so that all may do my will.

67. While some come from faraway places, others come from near-by lands, all desiring this word that fills your hearts with peace Do not ask mankind if it is true that I have manifested myself in this time. What could those who do not know my coming and my new revelations tell you? At the bottom of your hearts is My word, and in yourselves you will find its meaning.

68. I have called you, I have chosen you. It was not orders from men, it was my will that brought you to these humble places where you hear my word. Long ago I have called you to hear my teachings, for this rallies is coming to an end. Some came early and refreshed themselves for a long time, others came late, but they will know how to take advantage of the teachings.

69. It was not chance that brought you on this way. You are the people of God of the past, of today and forever, the people to whom robes were given, by which alone I could recognize you. I, who am the Father, who guards the days and the nights of the beloved child, have come to you to call you anew and to reveal to you that you are spiritually the same as those to whom in past times the way of life and truth was laid out.

70. This earth life is another opportunity granted to you to make use of it and obey my laws and commandments. The times have passed, today I have come to let the call come to you through the voice-bearers prepared by my divinity.

71. Elijah made himself known spiritually through the organs of understanding which I subsequently used, and through these transmitters you have received the interpretation of the past revelations. Through the minds of the first voice bearers those were trained who had to follow them on this path, those who later multiplied and made my voice heard in many regions. These I have called voice bearers.

72. Today, with only three years left before my Word ends, I ask those hearts that transmit the pure inspiration of the Highest, that by exploring their own consciences, they realize that both their work and my Word must reach their climax in this last short period of time. For this it is necessary to make sacrifices in order to be as receptive and prepared as they have never been before.

73. The temptations will lie in wait for them, but they will not be alone, because I will place angels and spirits of light on their right and left, who will watch over their steps.

74. Until today mankind has not understood to get in touch with me spiritually and directly. Therefore I have always sent light beings, through whom I have spoken to the world. What are you amazed about now, since I have also spoken to mankind through the mouth of Moses and the prophets? Many beings in the hereafter ask me for it. I send them to the world for incarnation, to bring help to this mankind that is perishing. But I have said to men: The messengers are already on earth, my emissaries are already appointed and scattered over the world. They are all part of my people and must give proofs of their courage and upliftment.

75. You will not come to me with empty hands nor with deaf grain of wheat, because you will then not feel worthy to even think of me.

76. Look at men in different places of the world and in different denominations, how they expect the ray of my light and hope that my voice speaks to them Hear their pleas and their entreaties, hear how they implore my coming and tell me: "Father, for a long time we have been waiting for You, and You have not appeared. We have already suffered much, but You, our Savior, have not come to our help.

77. Awaken from your sleep, disciples, so that you may allow mankind to know my spiritual work. Then I will say to those who love Me: "Wait a little longer, for soon the moment will come when you will feel Me as I am close to your heart.

78. Disciples, be encouraged by my words, and if you despair for a short time after you have labored long in barren fields, I will give you a rest, and after that you will set out with great courage of life. Be cheerful and live vigilantly.

79. Make mankind believe in my coming through your own deeds. Consecrate your home to goodness, charity, love, but not only for those who dwell in it. Open its doors and allow the needy, the sick and the afflicted to enter through them. With the mercy with which I have received you in these places of assembly, you also receive your fellow men in your homes.

80. Study my word, fathom all that I have told you. You need not search in the books of the earth to acquire knowledge in spiritual things. I have been your book, and my spiritual world one of its pages. Keep to them.

My peace be with you!

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