BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 192

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 192

1. Be welcome on this day of remembrance, on which you commemorate the moment when mankind heard my word for the first time through the human organ of reason. The years have passed and I see that the spiritual capacity of those whom I have used and those who have listened to me has unfolded. They are no longer "little children" in the spiritual sense, nor ignorant in view of the rallies of divinity. By the inner elevation which they have attained, they have achieved that the light of the Master reveals itself among mankind, to perfect your spiritual life.

2. The ignorance of the spiritual truths in which mankind was, was removed by my light, and man understood that the power of the Almighty was limited in an act of love to make himself audible and tangible through his children.

3. Since then a new age has dawned for mankind, who now find no more barriers preventing them from pleasing and refreshing the soul through the grace that this work contains.

4. Since then, all my disciples have been free from that false belief in eternal damnation, if they died in sin, or in everlasting bliss, if death would surprise them free from any blemish. You have awakened and have foreseen the path of development which the soul follows through reincarnations until it reaches perfection, in order to live in the spiritual without having to live longer on earth. You have understood the reason for the reparation and the meaning of the trials.

5. The sinners who came to Me have understood that there is no eternal damnation, and they set out full of hope and faith to work for the good of the soul.

6. A new conception of what the spiritual life is was formed in their minds, and he who was dead by faith was born anew for that life. This miracle was realized by my rallies through the human mind.

7. In the beginning I allowed you to keep your religious customs and practices because your souls were permeated by them and your senses were accustomed to them. But as my teaching brought light into your souls, those rites and rituals gradually disappeared. Encouraged by the miracles you obtained by faith, you achieved the repetition of what Jesus told you in the Second Time: Faith works miracles.

8. What I gave you in 1866 was a reminder of the Law which Moses already made known to you and of the Word of Jesus, the "Only-begotten Son", who taught you in the Second Age

9. It was necessary that you should be reminded in this day and age that the Law had already been proclaimed in the First Age.

10. The fulfillment which ye shall give to my law has no bounds. Today in one form, tomorrow in another, you must always seek the good for your fellow men. My law is not a commandment enforced by force; it is an eternal summons to good. I will not force the good upon you; I will give it to you and see to it that you feel it, so that when you do, you feel that you have fulfilled the law of God.

11. At all times man has created in his mind an image of God according to which he has sought and worshiped him. But since there were errors in the exercise of the faith convictions, the Father chose messengers and envoys ─ people enlightened by my divinity ─, who corrected the erroneous conceptions. Among them are my voice carriers, whom I prepared, in order to let you hear my light word by their switching. While some have listened to the divine messages with interest, others, realizing that their entrenched customs were being fought, have felt aversion to the call of my messengers.

12. All messengers of my divinity have suffered mockery, they have all experienced the cruelty and ingratitude of men. In every epoch my pioneers have preached and done what I have entrusted to them, always in accordance with the spiritual progress of mankind.

13. I have always revealed to you my existence as creator of the universe and made you understand from the beginning that the basic condition for living in peace on this world is love and mercy. Then you discovered that there is something in your being that does not belong to the body. When this intuition took shape in your heart, it revealed to you the existence of the soul and the conviction that after this life there is another for that soul: eternity.

14. When Jesus lived with you as a man, He made you acquainted with His ever new and eternally valid teaching, which showed you the way to follow in order to find it again. And in the Third Time you heard me again, now as Holy Spirit, through the mind of man.

15. Every time I have come to you, I have turned you away from the worship of false gods to bring you on the true way. The Divine Spirit has truly descended upon you and has shown the world that His Word, as a seed of love, is the life that is born, grows and perfects. When Christ finished his work, He said, "All is accomplished," that is, that that task had come to an end. Nevertheless, He had previously promised to return to the people, for He still had new lessons in store for them.

16. And here is the Master with you, revealing to you the new

Teachings and remember the forgotten ones so that the duties of your spirit soul may always be present to you, which is to be a true image of the Creator, both in the eyes of the Father and in those of your fellow men.

17. After my existence as Jesus among men, I have always sent those who came as "soldiers" or apostles to confirm my teaching through their works and to prevent mankind from twisting my teachings But many "deaf" and "blind", who interpreted my word imperfectly, were divided and thus created the diversity of sects. But if people are then spiritually separated ─ how could they love one another according to the highest commandment of my law?

Therefore, I tell you that this civilization is only appearance because men themselves are destroying it. As long as mankind does not build a world on the foundations of my law of justice and love, it will not be able to have the peace and light of the Spirit, on whose virtues it would create and shape a true world of upward development, both in the spiritual and in science and morality.

18. If you were already able to direct your lives according to the commands of your conscience, divinity would not need to make itself materially audible to remind you of your duties. If you already understood that the blood of the perfect man, who was Jesus, was shed to show you the way to your salvation, you would constantly seek Me in that way; but you do not. But I love you and I am looking for those who have forgotten Me to renew My promise to them and tell them that the Kingdom of Heaven still awaits them. I do not bring you a new teaching, nor a new law, but many new revelations. But all that I teach you shall cause you to fulfill that supreme commandment which tells you: "Love one another.

19. The longer you listen to my teachings and learn from me, the more your Spirit will be enlightened. It will then be in vain that you will try to deceive yourselves, because he as judge will call you to account. In vain you will try to justify your bad deeds because your conscience will irreconcilably point out your faults until you correct them. You yourselves will be your judges. For I do not make condemnation judgments, nor do I instruct you the place which you will occupy after this life in the world of the Spirit. I give you only to work out the light and peace for the hereafter. Likewise, I show you that there is an intimate relationship between God and man. Love Me, even if you cannot imagine how I am. I have no form, I am simply love, power, wisdom, everything that exists. But if you cannot comprehend all these qualities, see Me and imagine Me through Jesus. And remember that He told you, "He who knows the Son knows the Father.

20. When you love, when you feel urged to do charity, when you need to forgive, imagine Jesus. Feel Him, allow Him to live in your heart. Then you will truly be "neighbors" to your Father, both in love and in not having spiritual form because you are light.

21. Beloved men, I see you tired and exhausted by the burden of your transgressions. You ask Me for a healing balm that heals your soul and your body. But I tell you: Begin a struggle with yourselves, explore your inner being and get to know yourselves. Judge yourselves in the light of your conscience so that you may know why you are suffering at this time. In this way, full of firm intentions to obey my law, you can uproot the seed of evil and be healthy. The tares shall be pulled up by their roots and thrown into the fire. Man is not the tares that grow on earth, but sin, ignorance, which has multiplied and penetrates the hearts. But my word will enlighten the human soul, my inspirations and revelations will stop the advance of evil and will transform the heart of man into fertile land, and in these fields I will sow my seed until it bears abundant fruit.

22 22. I am the doctor who visits the sick person. If you are tired of suffering, and you do not find a compassionate hand to heal you, come to Me, pray and join yourselves to Me, and I will give the consolation you need. I will not condemn your past, I will lead you on the path of fulfilling the law, and step by step I will transform you into men of good will.

23. Vow yourselves to reform yourselves. Do not swear before me because the flesh is weak and can fall into your back.

24. When times are adverse, do not despair, do not blaspheme. Resist the storms, accept the trials, and your soul will purify itself and reach perfection.

25. I will put a stop to the striving for power of men. Destruction will have a limit, and after the day of which the prophets have spoken to you, on which human pride will be thrown down, I will grant peace to every creature according to its merits, and a new dawn will light up for this world. Who can enter into my high councils? Who will dare to destroy what I have created in you? The soul is untouchable. When they destroy the body, the soul remains, whose essence is immortal. And the Spirit will continue to direct its steps like a law until it reaches me.

26. Everyone who bows to the divine judgment will find the direction that leads to perfection. I have recorded the destiny of every soul; its beginning and its end are in me. All along their way they expect great happiness. It will fight one battle after another, but on all its ways it will find me, and my love will make it strong. The Father will not separate from the child, and when the child has returned to the divine bosom, there will be a feast in heaven and joy in this world. Then master and disciple will be able to meet together.

27. Verily I say to you, not only in this world are there disciples. Also in the hereafter souls receive my teaching and hear the same word that you hear. Even those who are Masters by virtue of their exaltation and knowledge are coming near to hear the word of the Divine Master. Just as there are different physical qualities in your world, according to the maturity of the soul that everyone possesses, so there are many steps on the ladder to perfection in the spiritual world.

28. Just as you come to hear me, to experience how you are to carry out your mission, so also the light beings make themselves ready to hear me, to serve their Father ever better. That is why I am always, when I speak to you, surrounded by angels. In that hour they unite with you through divine bonds of love.

29. In the "spiritual valley" you do not distance yourself from one another; no one is excluded. There is great attraction and great compassion between all. This is precisely what the spiritualist community in the nations, churches and sects should do until it reaches brotherhood among men.

30. The new disciples will see the prophecies come true that announced the reign of Christ in the universe.

31. Know that those who dwell on other worlds will serve Me from there and receive My orders. They will come to you as helpers and companions, revealing their power and light in your ways. They will speak to you through the gift of prophecy. In the same way, future generations, who will come one step further than you, will receive in their minds the light of great Spirits.

32. Recognize through all that I reveal to you that not everything that happens in your world is the work of men. Understand to discover the influence of the spiritual world on your life.

33. My teaching has given you enough knowledge to tear the blindfolds of fanaticism and ignorance ─ those blindfolds that prevent you from seeing the truth.

34. Release your soul, before which infinite spaces open up.

Do not force it to believe only in the forms that your imagination creates. Allow it to be inspired by my teachings, to make discoveries and to see. That way she will gain wisdom. If you want to have greatness of soul, help her to unfold, do not hold her back in fanaticism. Everything develops, everything changes and perfects. Only my law is unchanging and immovable, because it has always been and is perfect. It is the leader of the world, it is the divine advice, the light that inspires the good.

35. Tomorrow you will speak under my inspiration, and until that time comes, the spiritual world will penetrate into the hearts of men, to show mankind the way that will lead them to the kingdom of peace.

36. My will has chosen sinners because I did not desire the righteous, since they are already saved. But now my mercy has chosen you. Show your life to your fellow men as a mirror, as an example and a proof of renewal.

37. I know the struggles that are in your own soul, the weaknesses of your heart, so that sometimes you do not find the strength to be victorious in the trials. Then you beg the Master and ask Him to come to your aid, then you confess before Him that you are not worthy of my gifts and graces.

38. Therefore I have approached you and said to you, Drink of the essence of my word, for it is my own blood that will wash you clean and redeem you.

39. Souls are raptured when they hear Me, hearts beat faster when they receive the light of My Word, lips begin to stammer the first expressions of spiritualization They are those of the new disciples who are born for true life.

40. I saw your wretchedness and your poverty, at the same time a great humility and submission in your soul, and when the right moment had come, I came and brought you your inheritance.

41. When the crowds began to come to the places where my word is manifested, I saw only orphaned hearts. You then heard my word, the essence of which, like a powerful healing balm, worked the miracle of resurrecting you to life.

42. My word alone, this teaching alone could teach you to seek in your being the existence of your soul, its abilities, its qualities, its tasks.

43. Now that you are beginning to know yourselves, you are gradually experiencing a great confidence in life, a real and true faith in me, a peace which you have not known before

44. Don't you think it is right for your soul to know the way it must go? this is what I wanted when I give you my teaching Remember that already in those days I told you, "I am the way, he who walks on it will not fall.

45. Not only those who hear Me through the minds of these voices will be wise No, I am preparing everything so that my word, even after it is no longer made known through these transmitters, may reach all places on earth. For my message is destined for all the peoples that make up mankind.

46. People who came to you sick and healed you with the healing balm of my word, understand that you did not come only to recover from the sickness that tormented you. Understand that the true purpose of my call has been to reveal to you the spiritual mission you are to fulfill to your fellow men.

47. Do not be content to rejoice because you have regained your peace Seek also for your soul the joy which the works of mercy bestow. Your testimony should not be limited to saying, "The Master has healed me," but beyond that you should do the same to your neighbor. For then you will really do justice to me and to them, you will bear witness to the love of your Father.

48. Whoever does not feel compassion for the needy, whoever does not feel the strange pain in his heart, will not have taken the step that must be taken on my way to call himself a disciple of Christ.

49. I have met you hardened, indifferent and selfish towards others, and have begun to pour out my good deeds on you, thus making your heart loving and awakening your compassion, so that later you might turn your attention to others and forget yourself.

50. Today the world does not know that I am bringing together a people whose voice will one day be heard everywhere I will send out the new disciples to preach. But this will only happen when they are prepared, when they are able to face the fight, and men will not be able to silence them because they have given them before striking proofs of my truth.

51. Mankind knows nothing of the gifts which I am currently revealing to this people, which are those spiritual gifts which every man and every soul possesses. When my disciples have developed these abilities and prepared themselves, they will be able to give their fellow men a comprehensive and truthful testimony.

52. This people still have much to struggle to achieve their armament and spiritualization. They will have to go through many trials to cleanse themselves from the blemishes that still cling to them. But my word pronounced in these times will come true, just as that which I revealed to mankind in the past times has come true, and you will see the spiritual seed spreading in all the ways of the earth, like an unstoppable stream of crystal clear water ─ purifying, purifying, tearing down all evil ─ that makes the fields fertile and brings life and truth to all lands.

53. What does the power of men mean in relation to my power? What is the power of the materialistic peoples against the infinite power of spiritualization? ─ Nothing!

I have allowed man to go to the limit of his striving for power and to the summit of his arrogance, so that he himself may realize that the gift of freedom of will, with which he was endowed by the Father, is a truth. But then, when he has reached the limit, he will open his eyes to the light and to love and will bow down in the face of my presence, defeated by the only absolute power and the only universal wisdom, which is that of your God.

54. Fight and stand firm, people, and verily, I tell you, I will grant you to experience the fulfillment of my word

55. Feel, beloved disciples, how Divine Love is revealed when you repent of your transgressions My Spirit then likes to dwell among men.

56. By means of the human mind you have

Experiencing me as an understanding and benevolent Father who has corrected your imperfections with wisdom and infinite patience.

57. At this time I will leave you the most sublime representation of what spiritualization is, in simple words. I am teaching you the most practical way to accomplish your task so that the disciple of this work may walk without stumbling in the paths marked out by my Fatherly love from eternity.

58. Spiritualism does not create new laws, it only reveals to you the way to ascend upwards without stumbling and to walk its way according to the law of all times.

59. The soul is originally pure; but if it has been infected by impurities in the world, it must first purify itself until it attains victory in this thing which it has been commanded.

60. The spiritualist by conviction should eliminate from himself everything of which he thinks that it is a retrograde step. For my word is not to be forced by fear; it is to convert and convince by making its truth and love perceptible, just as Christ's teaching was not forced in the Second Age.

61. Today Christ the Master tells you that faith works that miracle of being transformed by my word.

62. Who doubts my presence at this time? Who can limit the possibilities of action by which I can do everything? Who could prevent the Master from manifesting himself through a human creature who is his masterpiece, created in the Spirit as his image and likeness?

63. Use the meaning of this declaration as a weapon to explain these rallies to the unbeliever tomorrow.

64. You will be beset with questions from the ignorant and the enemies of this matter. But do not worry, I will be with you. Before that I will let you know the ways, the pitfalls and dangers, so that you may always be able to discover the right way in the knowledge of good and evil, which will bring you back to your origin, to the bosom of the Father, from which you came forth.

65. That man inhabits the earth is done by the will of the Father; through him he breathes and lives. And this human form your Lord took on to live in the world and to allow good and evil to come near him and to be tested in his humility. Since I became man out of love to live among you ─, why should I then not make myself known through the mind of the man whom I love so much and whom I seek to help him to find salvation?

66. Every human being feels within himself to live his own soul and sometimes feels the desire for an invisible hand reaching out to him. When pain penetrates his heart, he turns his gaze to heaven in a desire for surrender, and cries out from the depths of his heart to be heard. What makes him think that his voice reaches the Creator and that his suffering face is seen by Him? How can he entertain the thought that his Lord knows him? ─ Because there are abilities in his soul that let him divine and know the Father, so that he can then implore Him when he does not find what he longs for on earth. If you understand my teachings little by little ─ then why not believe that God can manifest Himself through the qualities of man, since he is a part of God Himself?

67. Man, however materialistic he may be, will divine a power that is above all, and this divination or realization of my presence will convince him that these rallies follow the principle of truth, justice, and love.

68. It was certainly necessary that the man gifted for this service should have sufficient conviction to carry out such a delicate mission, and that, if he could not in time discard the weaknesses and inclinations to the material in order to receive my divine ray, the rallies would not have the outward splendor that the listeners always desired, although behind the imperfections of the linguistic expression the essence and truth of the Divine Spirit was always present.

69. If you find any differences of expression in the study of my word, let this not disconcert you, because it has no meaning. Inspiration reaches all vocalists, and they give it linguistic form according to the perfection they have achieved linguistically.

70. Hold on to the meaning, for it is that which you are to take with you.

My peace be with you!

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