BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 190

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 190

1. People, mankind: The presence of Elijah is with all at this time.

2. You crowds of people, who enjoy this rallies: Hear the voice of Elijah, whose name has hardly remained in the consciousness of mankind, although I made known to you on Mount Tabor the importance of his mission; but you have not wanted to fathom this revelation. Now that you have heard the voice of Elijah, you feel his presence, and it seems to you as if you hear the coming of his fiery chariot.

3. Elijah is the ray of light which I have always sent to you to illuminate your way. It is he who illuminated the earth so that you may find and follow the way, which brings you closer to the point where your Father awaits you. He is the mediator of the great secrets of the soul, which He has explained to you during this time so that you may better understand your Father. Also today he fulfills a similar task as in the First Time: to cast the idols from their altars to teach the world true spiritual worship of God.

4. With Elijah you can find the law of reincarnation explained and proven, which people today fight so much against. With him you can also find teaching and enlightenment about what the rallies through the human mind are, when he made himself known spiritually through the mouth and mind of the prophet Elijah.

5. See how many and how great teachings Elijah has always brought you, how he has taught your Spirit. See how he at all times made known to you great revelations which are difficult for you to explain. But all that knowledge which you should not have understood in past times will now be explained to you in this Third Age by the same Elijah, who comes with the mission to restore everything to its true meaning.

6. Blessed are all those in the world who, feeling the light of their Spirit begin to come to life, say, "Elijah has come," and then add, "The return of the Lord is drawing near. ─ Just as in that Second Age, when people recognized that John prophesied and spoke of the wonders of the Kingdom of Heaven, and they said, "Is it Elijah?

7. The great prophet, the forerunner, the messenger is among you. But now he has not become man, he is in the spiritual, and the ray of light with which he revealed himself is the same as that with which he used to destroy the false gods, and with which he kindled the true faith in the heart of the people of the Lord.

8. Souls, follow him! Mankind, listen to him! He is the shepherd that leads you to my bosom, he with the lighthouse that illuminates and indicates the route to reach the saving port.

9. Understand that time is passing and the day is drawing near when I will no longer speak to you through these voice bearers Those who have used my teaching will be at peace. But there will be many "orphans" who will seek my presence in this form in vain. But I will not depart; I will be very close to you and will speak through everyone who prepares himself from Spirit to Spirit.

10. The time will come when various sects and religious communities will announce the coming of the Lord, saying that all omens are fulfilled, and that now this time has come. You who know the truth are to tell them what you know about me. Since the year 1866, I have appeared as a Spirit of Consolation and have visited the ones who are mine ─ those through whom I will make known the Good News, O mankind!

11. Do not feel distant from those who ─ although they expected Me ─ did not know how to discover the preceding signs in time and understood too late what you tell them

premonition entered. Do not misjudge each other because of these differences. Since they could not be witnesses of my presence, I have enlightened their soul, and they are on a good way. You will all be united in the ideal.

12. My chosen ones are on the different branches of the tree. Many will come before the year 1950 to witness my rallies, others will take their time. Blessed are those who hear my word through a voice bearer, for they will feel in themselves that they already know this voice, that it is not human, but comes from me.

13. I come to tell you to let your conscience guide you, that you should free yourselves and not once again become slaves of those who want to subject you to imperfect cults, prejudices and dogmas.

14. You can all be my "workers", ambassadors of my teaching. In your struggle you will not feel abandoned; on my lap you will be safe and have nothing to fear.

15. I, who am above all creation and yet pulsating in it, speak through man, my favored creature. Marvel not that I manifest myself through the little-esteemed, the uneducated, and that I manifest myself in places full of misery and poverty. I assure you that what is a palace for you is not so for Me. But there, where you see only poverty and wretchedness, it is possible that true spiritual splendor is present in the innermost being.

16. I tell you this because there have been many who wonder in their inner being why I do not make myself known inside the great synagogues or in the splendid churches. Even in those days many people wondered why the Messiah was not born and grew up in the shadow of the temple of Zion.

17. Today as then I teach you that what comes directly to the Father is the sincerity of your heart. For every stroke of his speaks to me of your good works.

18. See the humility with which I have always come to you. Remember that I have come at all times without thrones, without scepter or palace, always wrapped in simplicity and meekness. What would the poor, the pariahs, the disinherited think of Me if they saw Me coming to them surrounded by pomp and luxury? They would feel humiliated, unworthy of me. The lords, the rich, the great ones of the earth, on the other hand, would call Me the god of their social class and rank.

19. When the poor of the world see me barefoot, wheezing and bleeding under the weight of the cross, they tremble with compassion in the face of their Lord's humility, and they feel one with him. The rich on the other hand ─ although in reality they are not ─ who should have the same feelings as the simple people, cannot understand Me in poverty. Then they cover a pictorial representation, with which they pretend to represent Me, with purple, gold, silk, and what they call precious stones. They do this because they have forgotten my teaching, and that is why they wanted to surround Me with all that my teaching fights against most: vanity.

20. I must tell you again that I speak against none of the churches, for they are all blessed in Me. But you must also understand that I, as a master, must call by name the faults that man has committed so that one day you can eliminate them. For if I would not help you to discover the truth When would you find it alone?

21. Allow my truth to create light and love to reach every man, every religious community and every people, as I allow your truth or what you have set up as truth to reach me. What is this your truth that I receive from all? It is your prayer, your faith and your hope.

22. This light, which exists in every soul when it rises to Me, when it speaks to Me, frees itself from every darkness and every lie, to show Me only that which it carries in its truth For even the wicked one shows me, when he confesses to me, his stains of shame, without trying to deceive me.

23. It is incumbent upon man to perfect himself, to improve his life on earth, without condemning the way in which others seek me. I am the only one who is able to judge the truthfulness of your works.

24. From idolater to spiritualist ─ they are all under my light and my gaze. Just as I often receive great proofs of his exaltation from him whom you consider to be spiritual retarded, so I can also assure you that I often receive proofs of great regression from those who consider themselves to be the pioneers of spirituality.

25. Only one people of faith has received Me at this time, and to him I have entrusted this page of My Wisdom But on this page full of my love there is a message for all religions that exist on earth.

26. My light will awaken all like a divine, universal dawn, and when man then rises to live through the new day, his senses will experience the closeness of the divine.

27. Now I must tell you that it is not the Kingdom of Heaven that comes down to men, but rather it is the soul of man that rises to the Kingdom of its Heavenly Father.

28. Why do you always give cause for me to come to you with reproaches? I come to you out of love because I see that you carry pain in your heart and I want to comfort you. For I want you to have my peace in your soul.

29. Sometimes I reveal Myself to you as judge, sometimes you have Me as Father and always I show Myself as Master In these three forms of revelation you have the divine core of being, which is one: the law, love and wisdom. This is the Trinity, which exists in my Spirit.

30. Close your eyes and release the soul so that it may intensely experience these moments of union with its Master. Allow her to feel close to the Lord ─ like those who followed the Master in the Second Time on paths, through valleys, villages, rivers and deserts, so that she does not miss one of His teachings. Then you will be able to understand the figurative sense with which I sometimes speak when I use the goods of the earth to present the spiritual to you and make it comprehensible for you. You will experience how my word brings your souls closer to the kingdom of heaven.

31. Come near, men, so that I teach you. Or do you want it to be the pain that continues to teach you throughout your life?

32. Come to my estate to sow the fields with brotherhood I assure you that this work will not disappoint you as the world does.

33. Here, right in front of your soul, is the way that invites you to walk it and never stop. For every step you take on it will bring your soul closer to the perfect home that awaits it.

34. Already the time is very short, which I will be with you to give you my teaching in this form, and I want you to learn to acquire merits, so that my word sounds abundantly in these last years through these voice bearers.

35. What must you do so that the divine rallies may be like a reward for your merits: develop your faith, your zeal and your spirituality. In the bosom of the people love shall reign, active charity shall be exercised, truth shall be loved.

36. verily I say to you that if you do not unite yourselves as I will, mankind will scatter you and drive you out of their midst, if they see that your life departs from what you preach.

37. What would happen if people discovered that in every church there is a different worship of God and a different way to practice my teaching? They would not be able to understand that it was I who taught you.

38. I entrust these last three years of my rallies to you to work for the unification of this people ─ a union that includes the spiritual and the outward, so that your efforts in full harmony and agreement may be the best proof that one single Master was teaching you all ─ in different churches and in different provinces ─ God.

39. Not all of you have seen with the eyes of the Spirit the times that are drawing near for mankind. Not all of you have felt their pain. But I am currently forming with you a numerous people and making it a diligent worker who is beginning to love Me and who is now eager to work to make the human heart fruitful.

40. Seedlings of my word: When the time of work in the fields comes, set out in full faith in which I have taught you. Fear neither mockery nor derision. Sow on fertile land, not on rocks, nor on quicksand, for there the seed will not bear fruit. You would see it rise and grow, but it would not bear fruit. If you sow it among thorny hedges and weeds, it will not bear fruit either. Therefore you must pray to receive my inspiration, then you will know how to choose the prepared land. I, the owner of the land, will give you great

areas to cultivate them. Be filled with a great will to work. Sow, and you shall reap. And the day will come when you will make bread for your livelihood with the wheat of your harvest. Remember that I am speaking to you figuratively, and you do not know whether you will not reap this harvest only in the hereafter.

41. For today I say to you: great is the work you must do by means of the body I have entrusted to you. It is your support, and you must direct it wisely.

42. The world is affected by epidemics and misfortunes, which I have announced to it. It is slowly becoming afraid, trying to rise up and seek a saving hand, a word of encouragement, and you are salvation.

43. You will have to cross seas and climb mountains to go to other lands or nations, to set out for him who suffers. Do not be afraid of the way, go in a plain garment, without dragging along a second pair of trousers.

44. When I showed you your task, I told you, "Take up your cross and follow Me". Why are you afraid of losing the comforts of the earth? ─ You tell Me that you love the world and that you cannot muster the sacrifice and physical renunciation that this mission requires. But I come before you and tell you: At any age, whatever your condition or state of being, you can love Me and serve Me without ceasing to fulfill your duties.

45. Transform the world by your example, eliminate the evil prejudices and make it a paradise and not a valley of tears

46. I give you a short time to fulfill your duties on earth.

47. Remember that you must leave an inheritance of spirituality to your children, because from their descendants will come forth the blessed generations through whom I will reveal Myself Among those souls will be the prophets, the interpreters of my Word, those of great faith who will show the way to mankind.

48. Will you live by my word? I bless you because you have heard Me and want to follow Me. Your heart is overflowing with grace. Give it to everyone who asks for it.

49. At this time you come here to receive my teaching ─ some as disciples, others as newcomers, and still others driven by their curiosity. But you all seek peace, peace of mind, and also the fulfillment of the prophecies corresponding to this time.

50. In the sects and churches you have not found the full certainty of my return. It was outside of them where I ordered a messenger to go who brought you this good news. I have come to judge every soul and to lay the foundations for a new life, a new spiritual order for mankind. When you prepare yourselves, you will be able to see from your world the perfection of the "Spiritual Valley" where the souls of the righteous dwell ─ of those who were able to rise by their merits and who today, united with Me, work for your salvation.

All that you could not understand today, you will recognize in the bosom of this simple people here, because my light has been poured out, and the veil that covered your eyes has been torn apart. ─ I speak of the eyes of the soul, which had closed themselves to the spiritual and divine. You have regained this light and are guided by me. Stay awake. When you control the body and the soul follows my steps with gentleness, that light will cover you like a festive garment, and your fellow men will recognize that you are among my chosen ones, and you will be loved and respected by men.

51. You are soldiers of good. I have given you weapons that you may fight sin, but not your fellow men. I do not want man to be born, grow up and die in sin without knowing the blessed task he has brought to earth. If you penetrate into my teaching, you will become strong and invincible. There will be no temptation that will bring you down, and thus prepared you will rise and will be more than human beings ─ incarnated angels for the good of mankind.

52. Many are called, and few are chosen, and among them even fewer are privileged. But woe betide them if they exalt themselves! They shall not be like Solomon, in whom I placed wisdom, pardon, and power, and to whom I entrusted a people to govern them. But after a time of spiritual greatness, in which he gave proofs of his high Spirit, he ceased to be awake, he was dominated by the flesh, and his whole work, inspired by love and justice, was darkened by his smug and carnal acts.

Do not fall into arrogance, even though you see that I am distributing great benefits through you. If I should elect you to govern a district or a nation, and you, inspired by Me, would enact just laws, do not become conceited as it happens with men. You shall then lift up your soul and bow down before Me.

53. Many will come to this land which I have chosen and will see my light reflected by its inhabitants and will feel happy when they get to know you and enter this land where I have united my people to teach them in the Third Age. Those who come after 1950 will long for the Scriptures, and when they come to know my revelations, they will feel the power that emanates from my teaching, will bless you and love me. How many of them belong to the "people of Israel", to the 144,000 marked ones who will join you to follow my instructions.

54. Today the nations are steeped in materialism and disorientation. I have spoken to them spiritually, and my seed has been sown in the heart of my chosen ones so that it may be scattered everywhere. Do from your nation as much as you can to assist all in their spiritual journey.

55. Small is the number of my disciples that surround me at this moment. But my word will spread to the borders of the earth. Full of love it will reach the heart of all those who cry out for love.

56. Now is the right time for you to know the mission you have to fulfill to humanity. I have prepared you so that you may understand the way of carrying out your mission in this world and get to know what awaits you beyond the material dividing wall where the spiritual life begins. I have helped you to unfold yourselves spiritually so that you may understand from within yourselves why events occur which the mind is not able to comprehend.

57. As long as the soul is fused with the body, it does not recognize, nor can it know the merits which it has rendered in its former lives. But now it knows that its life is eternity, an uninterrupted higher development in striving to reach the highest point. But today you do not know what height you have reached.

58. I have observed you since you began your life's journey with a confused mind, a clumsy brain. I have seen you gradually awaken and develop until you have gained clearer ideas of reality. I have seen you struggle against adversity, trials and temptations. And when you finally discovered the value of spiritual life because you had developed higher, I have seen your soul smile. That smile expressed peace, satisfaction and hope. But I have also seen them fall back, dirty themselves in the world. Then it lamented and had to purify itself to obtain my grace. But even in her falls she found a light, the light of experience.

59. Now you are given the opportunity to no longer deceive yourselves, because you have torn the blindfold that veiled the clarity of truth with my light, and you have seen the wide horizon to advance with sure step

60. That light which illuminates the path is clear. You can no longer go astray unless you would rise up against the truth itself, seduced by the false brightness of earthly pleasures and possessions.

61. Neither can I tell you that you are to live trusting in yourselves, nor that you are free from every temptation impulse. For there are powers that fight to tear down what I am currently building up with you ─ powers that hide their dark nature and present themselves full of attraction. Of this I warn you so that you can defend yourselves with the strength of your faith.

62. The purpose of man, for whom I created everything that exists, is to recognize the truth and to develop upward. But the way is far, so that on it you can unfold all your abilities, see, feel, and love me. The way has thorns, is stony, and will test the strength and faith with which you have chosen it. After you have walked it, the soul will be purified.

63. The other way is the one of digressions and detours, but which ─ since it is fun and contains obvious attractions ─ stops your steps without you noticing that you are late, since you are enjoying life. But whoever is surprised at the hour of death in this way will experience the infinite suffering of realizing that he has done nothing for the good of his soul.

64. i could enumerate to you one by one the ways which are open to the sight of man. Since there are many, it seems difficult to choose the most suitable one.

65. The soul, when it came to dwell on earth, was granted, as an opportunity for its unfolding and perfection, a matter or a human body, the wonderful and perfect design of which enables it to feel, think, and move willingly through it, in accordance with its soul's capacity.

66. The soul participates in the satisfaction of the flesh, just as it is put to the test in its suffering. But the human being is equally receptive to the joys and sufferings of the soul. Both, as long as they are connected, form a single being.

67. In the human creature perfection exists. Therefore Christ, "the Word," became man in a human body like yours. But He suffered not for his own imperfections, but for the sake of men whom He raised up through His pain, sacrifice, and word, because they had fallen very deeply.

68. When the soul, with all its strength, has overcome intransigence and

If the Father, who created the soul and the flesh, cannot overcome the resistance of the flesh, the merciful love of the Father, who created the soul and the flesh, comes to her aid to save the stray sheep, like the good shepherd. For none of my children shall be lost.

My peace be with you!

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