BTL - Volume 7 - Teaching 195

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7

Teaching 195

1. Hear my teaching, beloved disciples.

2. Through the inspiration of the voice bearer my word of teaching comes to you. By hearing it, you have realized that it means working power, balm, and renewal, and in its essence you divine the life of the soul.

3. Do not think that it is enough for your master to see himself surrounded by you. There is one more thing you should do, and that would really please Him, and that is to settle that debt which you have to Him, and which you have not yet settled. It is a debt that has weighed on you during all the periods that you have lived on Earth. This is the reason why you feel a reproach in the caress of my word. In his love you discover a commandment, and in the essence a law.

4. Your mind sometimes goes astray in this duty of atonement and resists it, and this is because only the soul can recognize that guilt. But if it lets itself be dragged down by the satisfactions of the earth, it will be a spiritual pariah.

5. I want my disciples to be steadfast in their faith and convictions, that they do not belong to those who say that they believe in my word, who claim to follow me; but when they feel that the sand of the desert is burning under their feet, they fear to continue on their way, because they feel that they are leaving behind the riches that are of this world. These are only hypocrites, they have not yet become disciples.

6. Do not expect to find this way strewn with roses, rather expect it full of thorns. It is the same path that Jesus followed, it is the one that leads to the top of Calvary.

7. My word is it that shows you the direction, so that you do not stumble.

8. This is the time when every mind and soul receives my light. The denominations and teachings will attain full clarity, and you will be amazed when you see the steps toward spiritualization that your fellow men are taking without having heard this Word.

9. Pray for world peace and recognize that my mercy has saved you from war.

10. Verily I say to you, despite your admiration and love for my word, you have not given it the value it has. But the generations of tomorrow will come and marvel at it and will be overwhelmed with respect and reverence for the books that will be written down.

11. You are those whom I found fallen asleep in the bosom of different religious communities, and though they are all ways that lead to the same goal, I wanted to show you once more the shortest way.

12. Be united, beloved children, and live in peace

13. The moment is coming ever nearer when I will stop giving you my teaching, this beautiful lesson which you have received for so long through the human mind It was my will that you should be prepared so that nothing would surprise you, so that the enemies of my work would find in my witnesses the invincible power of faith, and you would have the absolute certainty that you are not alone, that I am close to all my children.

14. Today a power flows out of your being that urges you to work. It is conscience that speaks to you from within.

15. In the material world it is the power of the law that dictates your behavior.

16. In the spiritual it is my law of all-encompassing love, and it is revealed in the air you breathe, in the worlds that surround you, and in all creation

17. Everything vibrates to the rhythm of this law. When the lower beings are born, grow up and sink back into the womb of nature, it is because they live within the Law without knowing it.

18. But why does man, although he is endowed with the light of Spirit, of conscience, with intelligence and will, so often deviate from the path marked by my law? The reason is that, while some forget the Father, others make a false conception of me, limiting me to a form conceived by man, forgetting that I am spiritual essence and power and that everything is subject to my will.

When man in good intention tries to investigate the creation in which the power of God is revealed, he also observes the seed, and he rushes to the mystery that contains it. He sees it sprouting from the earth as a plant, he studies the different species, and although their characteristics are different, they all feed on the same bosom: the earth.

19. The seed is a symbol of life, reproduction, transformation and development. But if you can contemplate in such a small thing an image of the Creator ─ how much more is this the case when you contemplate man, the universe or study the soul?

20. Realize that there is no particular form in which you can imagine your God. I am in everything, both spiritual and eternal, as well as in the material nature. I am the life, the space and the light. I am the remedy for all evils that can happen to man.

21. In the spiritual there is an antidote for every evil that tortures the soul, just as man finds in nature, by means of science, the remedy for his physical ailments. When you reflect, you will discover that in the various realms the infinite perfection of the Father is revealed.

Your imagination and curiosity sometimes go beyond what concerns your world, and you wonder if there are human beings on other worlds, and if they have a life and development similar to that which you have on earth. Study and practice my teaching, and when the time has come, you will know the secret of the life of the stars. It is for man to tear that veil through his merits. He has the task of continuing his path of development, so that his eyes may finally be able to see what corresponds to my will, and he may illuminate the imaginary world of his fellow men. Verily, I say to you, it will not be possible to ascend up to there without suffering falls. One must ascend step by step. Otherwise the human brain will struggle and will be unable to comprehend anything.

22. That is why I have allowed your development to proceed slowly in the rhythm of your unfolding.

23. From the great conflicts man gains the light and makes new discoveries for the progress of mankind. But man forgets that all his progress is due to something more powerful than himself, and that he receives in his mind the light of the Creator, which is wisdom. It is pleasant to see you grow in knowledge, but verily, I say to you: You should be more concerned with the soul than with matter. For this I am currently giving you a revelation which creates in you a real conception of creatures, both spiritual and human, and which in its simplicity contains the knowledge that opens the way to a better life for you.

24. That life you will not see with the eyes of your earthly body. But you can announce these teachings to those people who will experience the future here.

25. Now you see only wars and cry out that it is the punishment of God, although I have taught you that God, who is Father, does not punish, that events happen because they themselves have caused them.

26. What caused the raging of the forces of nature? All this is caused by the lack of harmony in which people live with the nature surrounding them.

27. Man should finally recognize the development to which his soul is subject, in order to sense its degree of progress or regression, and to seek the way to achieve its true progress He should understand that he must not be content to live only for himself, nor should he consider only earthly life.

28. Then he will turn his eyes in desire for my law ─ that which I have given to mankind since Moses, and in this way investigating, men will come to the knowledge of the teaching which I have revealed to you in this time, and they will understand that it is all-embracing.

29. My children, unite yourselves. Spread this knowledge, which you are currently acquiring, among your neighbors. Do not only gather in these assembly rooms, go outside, to the mountains, there I will make myself known among you.

30. You call this age the age of light. But I tell you: You are to call it this not only because of the discoveries of men, but because the light of the Holy Spirit has poured out on every organ of the mind and has thus opened the way for mankind, which leads to a higher life, the spiritual life.

31. My word of this time will serve to help the man of tomorrow to develop his soul and his mind. How great will be the ability of those to comprehend and recognize.

32. For this I come with my word of light to prepare the coming generations and to tell you that you too should prepare the way.

33. Study this teaching, put it into practice, and you will have peace in your heart, eloquence on your lips, and persuasiveness in your words

34. Beloved disciples of the Master: Come to Me.

35. I have come to you once more, following your call, because I see your desire to prepare you.

36. Mankind has made a tradition of these days to remember those who no longer belong to this world. The human imagination has tried to get an idea of the place where those beings are and of the life that surrounds them. And in the desire to enjoy eternal peace, they believe they see them at the right hand of the Father and enjoy his grace. They are far from reality. Nevertheless you, to whom I have revealed so many realities of that life, although you recognize that among men there are different conceptions of the spiritual life, you are to be united in spirit with all, and be content to know that all feel the spiritual vibration.

37. The time will come when you can open before your fellow men this book, which I am currently entrusting to you, so that you can pass on this knowledge from heart to heart.

38. The goal of every soul is to enter into divinity after its purification and perfection. For this purpose I outshine your path with light and give your soul strength so that you rise step by step. According to the level of development you possess when you leave this earth, the spiritual home will be that which you inhabit in the hereafter. For the universe was created as a stepladder to perfection for the soul.

39. When you finish your task here and need not return, your soul will inhabit another world, from where it will watch and work for the peace and progress of men.

40. Step by step you will enter the secret treasury, and the more the soul becomes aware of itself, the greater inclination for good will it feel, and this will bring it even closer to divinity.

41. The beings who roam in space and struggle to reach the light of a higher world are those who preserve the misfortunes and impressions that the earthly body and the earthly life left in them. They are torn between the two forces that attract them, spiritual and material, because they still feel the inclination and love for the satisfactions of this world.

42. Turn to those beings through prayer, for their light and power are not sufficient to break the chains that bind them to what they left behind Pray for them. But do not worry about those who have overcome the world and death. They belong to completely different worlds, and every experience they have had on the journey of life they transform into light to inspire you from there. They are your advocates, your guardian angels, those who work for the good of all. Remember them and love them.

43. In the spiritual there are also vast multitudes of beings who do not know where to go, nor what to think, nor what to do They are those who only recently left this world and do not yet feel the awakening of their slumbering abilities and powers. Pray for them, for your spiritual voice will echo in their souls and awaken them, so that they may find the way that Jesus has already shown them in the world with his words and his blood on the cross.

44. But while these days are filled with sorrow for the world, because it laments the loss of loved ones, there can be no sorrow for him who knows the life of the soul, but there can be joy, because he knows that those who have gone from this world, when they have left the body, have obtained liberation and have taken another step towards the peace that perfection gives.

45. To you I say: Have no haste to enter the spiritual world in order to take the first steps towards perfection in this way. You must strive for this perfection already in your body, from this earth. In your physical life, in this world and in the life that surrounds you, discover, in spite of all bitterness and strokes of fate, endless opportunities to earn merit for the progress of your soul.

46. The earthly body is only the temporary garment of the soul, which it changes as often as is necessary for its experiences, its development, or its atonement tasks. He who does not yet understand this law of divine justice is still a child's pupil.

47. You would not be spiritualists if you doubted the law of reincarnation, because this is a fundamental knowledge which I am revealing anew to many and confirming it to those who had a presentiment or intuition about it. In this law lies a reason and a justice as clear as the light.

48. But he who believes this teaching and wishes to explain it, let him teach that the body is the covering or garment of the soul, that this body contributes to the unfolding of the soul because it provides it with the necessary means to express and purify itself. The inner struggle of the soul with the body, of good against evil, provides an opportunity to acquire merit. The sufferings of the flesh, the unfulfilled desires are purification for the soul, another experience that seems bitter but which will later turn into knowledge. I am not trying to tell you that in order to purify yourself, pain is necessary. How many beings are there in my womb that love has purified without having experienced pain!

49. But it is man's destiny to suffer, to climb the mountain under the weight of his cross until he attains salvation. But do not therefore disregard the body through which you experience so much suffering; rather love it, for in it too the power of God is reflected, although it is a weak "creature," for which you are, however, responsible. Protect him and direct him until the day that I appoint to demand an account of him from you.

When I tell you: "Love your body," understand what I want to tell you by this. For I do not want to arouse vanities or selfishness in you. But love also your soul, which is the noble and high part of your being and part of your own Father. Love it, however much it may be defiled. For even if it is surrounded by darkness, it will always carry within it a spark of my divinity, which is the Spirit. And in spite of everything, there will always be sincerity in it, from the moment I dwell in each of my children. But if that light is disregarded, the soul will continue to be without progress in its recalcitrance and will delay its arrival in the bosom of its creator.

50. Although my words and my works seem to contradict each other, there is no such contradiction in them. I have told you that God is purity and perfection, and that your soul is like divinity. But when the soul has fallen, being dragged down by the inclinations of the flesh, it doubts its resemblance to the Creator in its developmental stasis because it thinks itself repulsive or impure, though the grace and presence of the Father do not separate it. These can then only no longer be felt.

51. Work for the good of the future of your soul. Why then fear death? But leave nothing unpunished, so that you may not later have to clear up earlier transgressions, nor pay debts.

52. Not a day shall pass in which ye have not done a good work, and ye shall work for your soul.

53. Do not be fatalists by confirming yourselves in the opinion that your fate is just that which God has placed on your path of life, and if you suffer, it is because it is so written, and if you enjoy life, the reason for it is because it is also so written.

I have convinced you that you must reap what you sow. But listen carefully, for sometimes you will reap the harvest immediately, and in other cases you will enter into a new earthly existence to mow and reap your sowing. Think carefully about what I have just told you, and you will thereby remove many bad judgments of my righteousness and many errors.

54. Understand Me, and there shall be no doubt in your heart. Know that I must teach mankind through your teaching. But if you should declare yourselves incapable of explaining so deep secrets to men, then I proclaim my word through your mouth. For the clumsiness of your lips must not hide the greatness of my work.

55. The soul that learns to understand the way, which it must follow, will no longer depart from it. It may leave this world and enter other worlds, but it will do so without ever straying from the path that your conscience indicates to you. The unprepared soul encounters dangers in this world as well as in any other. It will lack knowledge that is light, it will not be able to ascend, and then its confusion will make its unhealthy influence felt even in men. In contrast to those who were able to ascend the heights of the spiritual, and who through their own elevation become teachers of space and make their healing influence palpable on their brothers and sisters.

56. Take these latter as your model, striving toward that world where perfection is the ideal to love and to know better the Eternal One from whom you have come forth and whom you will no longer leave.

57. My grace radiates on all souls. But while some receive it, others reject it. He who thirsts for love drinks from me, I who am an inexhaustible stream that quenches this thirst.

58. He who has failed shall turn his gaze to me, that he may see the ray of my light and be guided by it. Let him who feels naked cover himself with the mantle of my forgiveness and my mercy. He who has doubts is to train his mind, because I am wisdom, and from it I will reveal to him. The afflicted one is to approach me, where he can find everything, and when he has drunk from the cup of this love, faith will ignite in him.

59. Pray for the world of those who suffer, and you will cause those who appear to be damned to receive

60. I am "the Word", I am the Word, listen to Me.

61. At the bottom of your hearts you ask Me a thousand questions. You say: "Lord, have we not obeyed your orders? Have we not done good to mankind? Instead of understanding You, have we not erred, and will we perhaps cause others to err?

62. No, my children, I am among you to correct you and prevent you from making mistakes with my teachings If you are strong, you will have no more doubts.

63. Spiritually you are no longer little children, for this is not the first time, nor the first age, that you live on earth. The light of the Sixth Seal that illuminates you in this time is not the only one that has illuminated your existence. You are evolved souls, evolving along the long path of evolution to perfection. Therefore, do not be troubled, but rather feel bliss, because the Lord is among you. For this is a sign that you can understand him and obey him.

64. In the first time the people of Israel were captives in Egypt, where idolatry and paganism reigned. I allowed my people to live and multiply in the bosom of those Gentiles, to give these proofs of my existence and my power through a people who believed in the invisible God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

65. When the sufferings and bitterness of slavery reached its climax, I made come forth from the womb of the Israelites a man anointed with My grace, in whom My inspiration shone, and whom I commanded and said to him as follows: "go to your people and save them, they are oppressed by chains, humiliations and toils. Save them from the yoke of Pharaoh, free them and lead them through the desert, choosing the way that leads to Canaan. For I want that when this people reaches the land I promise you, they may there devote themselves to a worship of God worthy of my divinity". This man was Moses.

66. How did Moses save a people from the clutches of Pharaoh? Did he put weapons into the hands of his people? No, his weapon was faith in his Almighty God.

67. When that Pharaoh opposed the wishes of Moses, which were my orders, I proved to the Gentile that, as great as his stubbornness and unbelief was, my judgment and my power were greater. Ten times he disobeyed my voice, and ten times I smote the Egyptian with great plagues, which finally softened the neck and bent the hard heart of the tyrant.

68. Moses set his people on their way, and cut the way into the desert, and brought them to the foothills of Sinai, where he knew that he would have an encounter with his master. While the people waited for Moses' return, he, raised to the highest in prayer, received from Jehovah the tablets of the law that would determine the fate of mankind. The obedient servant received in his Spirit that divine revelation and was also prepared to legislate for all affairs and actions in human life itself.

After the people had long suffered and fought in the desert, they reached the goal of their destiny: the "Promised Land". There the people built their houses, tilled their fields and gardens, founded their families and revered pure hearts. By fulfilling their duties to the world and obeying the laws of the Spirit, they created a single worship of God to offer to Him who had given them so many proofs of His love and mercy.

But spiritual worship was still far from perfection. The offerings and donations were material, their sacrifices consisting of the blood of innocent creatures. Even within human life it had not been possible to proceed with great morality and justice. The law of the Talon prevailed, which said: "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. And in cases where a woman was caught in adultery, there was a law that condemned her to die outside the city stoned to death by the people.

69. Why did the Father permit all this in those days? ─ Because people at that time took their first spiritual steps.

70. Time passed. I received the firstfruits of your fields, the first fruits of your harvests and the blood of your innocent victims you offered to Me on the altar.

71. The tradition of that people was deeply rooted. But who would have told them that all this had to change, that those laws and that cult form had to be transformed? It was not Moses, nor were the prophets who had those forms and customs changed. Moses only began the way, the prophets only preached. It was the promised Messiah, the Divine Master, who woke you up from your sleep, who, without disobeying a single one of the commandments of the Law that Moses received, eliminated traditions and cult forms that were no longer appropriate for that time, and opened a new age of light and wisdom that would transform the life of mankind.

72. I did not reform the law, but only the practice derived from it.

73. The childhood of that people in the spiritual had passed, and they entered adulthood. Then I gave you unknown food to eat, and I tore the veil of your ignorance. All My Word was a law that was summarized in one sentence:

"Love one another."

74. But I announced to you and promised you my return as the Holy Spirit. For in those days I did not tell you everything, and of what I revealed to you you could not understand and interpret everything, and therefore it was necessary that the Spirit of Truth would come to you to reveal everything to you.

75. In 1866 my voice was heard for the first time by the human mind, and a new time began for mankind: the third age.

76. From its spiritual childhood the human soul enters into its youth. Some time will still pass until it reaches its full maturity and its fruits are perfect.

77. The teaching of Christ was spiritual, but man surrounded it with rites and forms to bring it into the grasp of souls of low elevation.

78. You have entered into the time of the Spirit, of great revelations, in which out of every cult will disappear the materialization, the deceit and the imperfection, in which every man will know, by means of his Spirit, his God, who is all Spirit In this way he will discover the form of perfect dialogue.

79. From the day when I made myself known for the first time in this form, you have tried to comprehend the greatness of this work, but still you do not recognize it in its depth, nor in its purpose.

80. Who could claim that he understood it, or that he has fully realized it? No one! Nor are you far from attaining perfection.

81. My law, my work is the Jacob's ladder, on which you will ascend step by step, step by step. And the higher you come, the closer you will see your Father.

82. When the year 1948 begins, the first of the last three years in which I shall be among you through my word, it is my will that you courageously set out and act as the Master has taught you, so that in the end, on the day of my departure, when you will pay an uplifting and loving homage to the Master who has taught you for so long, this homage will be worthy of your Lord.

83. In the face of such an armament I will make a call to the world because I know that you will then be able to testify with words and works that I have been with you and made myself known and spoke to you.

84. Are you not aware of the pitfalls? Do you not see in your surroundings the dark clouds that for moments prevent you from seeing the light of the lampstand that illuminates you, which is the one of the Sixth Seal?

85. Do not violate the laws of man. Heal the sick through the word, through prayer, and through the fluid. Let a new stage of good works and spiritualization begin for you. Scientists will not be able to make fun of you, human justice will not condemn you, and the churches will have to admit that you have spiritual authority.

86. You have introduced symbols into your ritual acts. But you are to separate yourselves from them, for this form of worship belongs to the past, and the worship of the present and the future is the dialogue from Spirit to Spirit.

87. The time of my parting from my return among men is drawing near. Although it took place in silence, it will later echo to the ends of the earth, and then, when the world has become curious, it will seek out the places where the divine word was heard, the "messengers" who transmitted it, and the writings that have survived.

But when the people come, how will you receive them? Do not then present yourselves in disagreement, nor show that discord prevails among you. Do not present the sight of a divided family, a marriage without love, or some disrespectful and disobedient children. Give no cause for disappointment because of your lack of fulfillment in spiritual and material duties. What would be on their minds if they met you without spiritual upliftment, even though you call yourselves spiritualists? What would they think if they found you addicted to fanaticism or idolatry?

88. Know, people, that the time is near when false prophets, false Christs, new churches, new servants of God will arise.

Therefore watch and pray.

89. Obey all the decrees of the Father, realize that His judgment is very near to you. This is not a threat or condemnation, it is only a hint. Remember that my judgment is perfect and loving.

My peace be with you.

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