Prepare - unfold the virtues within you

His work is louder, perfect and limitless,
recognizes this with a sharpened look,
able to recognize His truth and
to approach his wisdom treasury.
It does not reform His law,
but human cultic actions.

The time of the spirit-to-spirit dialogue
is now for those who prepare seriously.
Tirelessly He speaks to them in spirit,
because everything that saves us and bears us to His right,
are our works: love, humility and mercy.
It's not just testimony to His word,
but to seal this with the deeds in your own life.

Leave the doors of your heart
to open up compassion for your neighbor,
so that the siblings thank the Father for His new work
as a continuation of the path, mapped out since the dawn of time,
proclaimed by the prophets, lived and fulfilled by Jesus,
who now speaks to us in spirit again.

When the world prepares,
to empty the gag of suffering of the war,
He gives us honey to be a taste on earth.
Where the light shines in the mind of man,
he will accomplish great works.
Human life is changing and evolving.
The light of divine wisdom transforms the customs,
prepare us for the spiritual life on earth.

The divine light, the wisdom, radiates down from his spirit,
limited according to our capacity,
gives us inner enlightenment that dispels every darkness.
Think, realize that without this truth
in our lifeworld
everything seemed uncertain and dubious,
as our mind yet
to understand all these secrets.

He removes that darkness
from the human mind,
that he no longer doubts the truth that he carries in himself.
Faith is a drive, it is felt
an idea to fail without fear.
Doubt and weakness that seeks to defeat you,
suffocate the true faith in your mind.
Faith is the spiritual eye, the truth
 and end goal of the way to look.

Let the faith take root in you,
to fight with the opposition of the burdensome temptations.
Learn to reject it with the meaning of the word
 and to find weapons against them.
Those who are not sure of His presence and objection
judge what he sees and hears
without raising his soul to Him,
needs the liturgical show,
that flatters the senses in the opinion
then to feel what he considers to be inspiration, the elevation of the soul.

For the soul, it is no longer necessary
to move the heart with the sound of musical notes.
Let us rise inwardly until we feel the spiritual peace of the hereafter,
above our head only the canopy.
We are raised because we are inside,
feel the sounding voice of the master.
Through his teachings we obtain elevation,
because everything is designed
to develop ourselves on the one principle: the power of the good.

Let us unfold the virtues in the circle of life in which we live
to lay the foundation with His light,
to build the world of tomorrow.
Evil will never prevail,
it will be the virtue
which is a higher power that drives us.

Whoever practices charity can not be selfish
who feels love, can not hate,
the light does not allow darkness.
Take a safe step on the way He shows us
instruct your children to go on it.
Let your advice always be sincere,
they will get to the heart of those
that they need.

Anna Maria Hosta
Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Instruction 191 - verses 14-28

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