The Master of the Masters of Wisdom School - Jesus

A.M., traveling north bound by car on the highway to her job site, ponders: what if the asteroid were to hit now and she's in the north to work there?
This week is Neptune, the nebulizer; Neptune, All-Love, the forgiving love of God.
"The comet!"
Will I still come home, sir, or right to you. Lord, as you wish, I deserve it.
"Strong out there .. everywhere!"
That is your work, your grace, thanks to you. Amen.
In the subscription channel a video:
.. Love Letter from Jesus
A.M.  has from 4 pm late service and from 8 pm night service in the retirement home.
Right at the beginning of the night shift, a resident, well known for doing the ultimate test. He rings and complains of severe pain. A.M.  brings him the arranged medication and at the same time the arranged sleeping pill. This, he says, he can not take and the pain drops, he says, do not help him, he wants to have the doctor or he wants to go to the hospital. A.M.  refuses and refers to the doctor's prescription. The resident gets up from the bed, scolds and goes to the wardrobe, which is locked with a lock, wants to open it by force.
A colleague is still on duty. She commands him to go to bed.
Instead, he follows both around him to the service room where he wants to sit down. A.M.  leaves the room and goes to the upper floor to distribute the sleeping pills.
The resident returns to his room and rings storm. A.M.  ignore it.
After some time, he rings again and reports that his roommate needs the urine bottle in the room. He has calmed down and is now transformed, friendly and stays that way all night long. Did Jesus accomplish this work, command his angels?
On Friday morning after the night service, A.M. decides against the offer of the house  to sleep there for a few hours before the return trip, not to take notice of that and to start driving immediately, because she wants to go home.
On the road she feels her tiredness and wishes to sleep for a while at a rest stop in the car, but the highway is still far away and therefore also the resting places.
There she sees a sign: 'Parking' and follows this sign, turns right and drives 200 m, there is the parking lot, parks there and locks the central locking of her car to sleep a little.
 From the opposite direction she sees a red car coming and the traffic light at the railroad crossing turns red. The red car also turns into the parking lot and parks there, diagonally opposite. A.M.  creeps up a bad feeling. She sees the thoughts, 'Girl, do not do that, you do not know what's going to happen.'
Mentally present she renounces sleep and starts the car and drives on fast. Fearing the car could follow her, she drives as fast as she can through the deserted area through the forest until she returns to the route the Navi indicates.
Later, as she sleeps in the car at a highway rest stop with the central lock locked, and opens her eyes, she sees an unshaven staring at her as she sleeps.
Her comes to mind: you are tired, exhausted, and they think you are carrion by the wayside, to give you the rest. Why were you proud and did not accept the offer to sleep in the home for a few hours. Now that's your disobedience, because also your husband told you, you'll have to sleep a few more hours before you drive back. They were all right and you disobeyed them and put yourself in danger.
There was again a video in the subscription channel. This time it was this:
And Jesus said
"Classes …. They are already waiting for you ... "
Teachings – teching with your wisdom!
"One up there .. the other down there ..."
There were traffickers on the road, who saw carrion in me, totally at the end, sleeping in the car in rest areas. They stared back at me with new greed, so that I quickly went off.
You tell me ... .. got married .... The competition wants to ruin you .... Was close ... .. would have to go the way again ... .. squeeze like crazy on the tube. "
I have to change that. Please, help me practice restraint and humility before things get worse.
"Come over…. Parents…."
Here I am, Father, my Lord and God, please help me to be obedient to your paternal will.
"Will bath?"
Show me how I escape the competition and get away from it to live in you.
"Follow me. Then of course it looks different. Never speak publicly back to the marrying, that's what gets the competition on the scene. I need you."
I will bow before you, full of gratitude.
That's the heaven, you give me. I ask for protection and your assistance, your grace, when the serpent adjusts  my heel, lest I lose, but crush Satan's head and defeat him with your strength.
Yes Lord.
"I can use you."
Teach me your wisdom and love. Always help me to choose you, to serve you alone in all circumstances.
This time yes, with your help. Amen.
"Forget your people and your father's house .."
I have been separated from them for a long time and alone, I have always been alone until you have sent Joseph to me. Help me to listen to him too; he knows the truth. And not to be proud, to do my will, which leads to ruin. I immediately had the feeling that something was wrong with the search for a parking space.
"Why did not you lie down again?
That's the way they are ... "
.... the egoist, me,
.... who do it themselves .... Self-will, the path to ruin ... the narrow path ... I am. "
Yes, you, that's just you. You're the lesson. You are the teacher, the master of the masters of wisdom teachers. Probably the only one to listen to.
A.M. sees in a vision:
Jesus and they claped their hands together in agreement ... well done.
"Next year, there are surprises .... Asparagus."
What does asparagus have to do with it?
A.M. and her husband planted asparagus in the garden.
"The absolute coronation!"
For what?
Yes. Gladly. I am tired.
Thank you. For what?
"All hearts are burning."
Because they did not listen to you, to their conscience.
"Pregnant. Cleaning ... Coffee! "
A.M. is on her way to give birth to Lucida, a divine character trait in her spirit, which is also a cleansing procedure.
In order to make a sacrifice and to please God, she gives up more than one cup of coffee a day.
"Message in a bottle ... was me!"
A.M.  thinking: what does he mean by that? Then she remembers that in 2017, when she and her husband were on vacation in Fuerteventura, they found a bottle with a small piece of paper on the beach. They did not open the bottle but left it there.
"Denmark, Holland ... Central Europe ... all hookers .... want you! Katharine (Kate and William ... Kate is a heavenly daughter) ... was an attempt! "
This is an indication of the waters that will overwhelm European countries when the asteroid hits.

Verse of the day (9/13/2019)
They roam around in search of food, and when they are not fed up, they growl furiously.
Psalm 59:16

Verse of the day (9'/14/2019)
He who believes in the Son of God has eternal life. But he who does not listen to him will never come to life, but God's wrath will be forever on him. "
John 3:36

Let go of 
Give everything you encounter on the way
back to Him, let it go,
for He is the one who teaches you, tests you

and see your decision
and your works rewards according to their kind.
Always be careful to please him,
not to fall in the temptation
it's not worth it, you go to court
and have to go the way again.

A.M. Hosta) 

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