Gaza Strip, Hezbollah ground forces, Houston Fire, A Giant, The military marches in, Apocalypse, Palestinians are running for their lives, Gold prices are rising, Strong earthquakes and mass ejections

11:50 pm
"The Satelite destroyed. Show me the map. "
You said: You are in vain, that's only you. Repeated 3 times
"Not you. The others. The Mega Event. "
The sofa creaks in the middle of the night, although nobody is there.
A.M.'s heart is beating like crazy.
"The gaza, they fire."
"You better stop. Shut down."

(A.M. wanted to close, not record, because the father said it was in vain and only for himself, but he explains and says he did not mean it, but the others, the mega event)
"Donald Trump. Drunken "
And I messed up.
"The Hezbollah brake through. Egypt. "
Everything will be alright.
"The time is set when they arrive."
The ground forces.
"Underwater ... you have been told ... over a million"
"Guns ... torpedos."
"25 mph"

Are you under water at 25 mph?
"All. That's for everyone. "
"Sex slaves .. dead ... hungry"
The sex slaves are dead. They let them starve to death.
"Applesauce. The father means you. "
A.M. was very distracted as she processed fall fruit to apple juice and jelly.
"Multiple Houston fire. The rocks ... they are condemned. Partial eclipse ... enter the kingdom of 

God. "
The full moon was not quite red, it was white, nibbled down, and that means that some enter the kingdom of God in the non-red area.
" .. news .... Switzerland. "
"Mississippi .... Colorado springs ... boat .... A giant ....
Some remain, the others are taken to heaven. "

"Technology has problems. The hammer. There is plenty of distruction. "
"Lunar peak Eclipse .. Military march in."
"In 3 weeks at the latest. They're hiding."
"Prophetic done. In a higher position. Love!"

Your word = bread for life.
"I'll release. Vessel. "
But not in vain? I.
"The storm is coming. Apocalypse. "
"Do not listen ... wounded .... "

"Still under consideration."
"Info: happy ... K-D ... much better! "

The teeth, yes, I am very satisfied. Thank you. It goes ahead.
"The asteroid ... it's on the edge .... Television"
"... have mercy on us ..."
(The Mercy Rosary)
You are merciful to us. Thanks father.
"Israel, the palestines are running for their lives."
"Position: Alabama .. next Tuesday ... look"
"Iran ... weapons ... on the border .... Airport release "
... (earthquake reports) ... collecting the best" (from those who perish in heavy earthquakes)
"Vibrations" A.M. feels strong vibrations inside (hint at strong quakes)
"Gold, the price goes up,"
while the crypto currencies are falling.
"Summer ... the flood ... the event"
Does the father now mean the financial and economic tsunami in the summer? with the event)
"Lay down. Prophecy. Me."
"Klara .... Bravo. Great. Pretty. The early bird catches the worm."
"Adjust after 5pm. Oregon devastating. "

I would be pretty stupid if I did not do it.
"Chile. Mass ejection. "
"In the spirit. Retaliate. "Retribution in spirit.
"But I love you."
"Blood moon. You have such a mark. "

5:48 am
It vibrates strongly in A.M ..
"Seven ... throw ... New Mexico."
"Your child. 7. "
"Soda springs" (Wyoming, Geyser, Yellowstone area)
"Priscill. Live. "
"... out of bed!"

I'm coming.

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