BTL - Volume VII - Teaching 178

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7
Teaching 178

1. People: Every time a new year begins, I hear questions of this kind from you: "Lord, will this year also bring trials for us? To this I answer you that life is a constant test, but that you need not be fearful. For if you know how to watch and pray, you will be able to advance in your reparation until you reach the goal of your destiny.

2. Those trials that people experience are the fruit that they reap are the result of their own sowing ─ a harvest that is sometimes the consequence of the seed they sowed the year before, and in other cases the fruit of what they sowed in years further back or in other incarnations.

3. A new year begins? ─ Then do what the good sowers do, who first cleanse their seed, in anticipation of the right time to place it in fertile soil. In the same way, you too should first cleanse your hearts so that tomorrow you may bring in a good harvest of peace, love and satisfaction from your good works.

4. Have you seen the harmony in which all creation lives? Do you not have the impression that in all that exists, creatures love one another? Look at the sun: is it not like a Father who spreads out his arms to embrace all creatures in an embrace full of life and love, light and energy? See how, at the touch of their warm rays, the flowers open, the birds sing and the creatures stir, offering their tribute of grateful love to the royal star.

5. It is a beautiful example of how you should be in harmony with everything that surrounds you in nature and with everything spiritual.

6. On the understanding that men gain from these teachings and through obedience to the laws that govern the universe, their happiness depends, on which some think that this does not exist on earth, and on which others think that I alone have it in abundance, but which is revealed in the peace of your soul.

7. Now you know, O beloved people, that your happiness lies within yourself, so that you may teach men that in the very core of their being, where they think there is only bitterness, hatred and resentment, remorse and tears, there exists a light that cannot extinguish anything, which is that of the Spirit.

8. Mankind has taken its steps in tortuous ways because each generation inherits the errors of previous generations and, as time passes over you, increases its errors. This humanity is now reaping the fruit of the sowing of pain that it sowed in the world before, just as the coming generations will reap the fruit of what you sow today.

9. Why will you not direct your convictions, efforts, sciences, ideals, and desires to the one path of righteousness which my teaching shows you? When will men finally know the truth of my word?

10. My unchanging and eternal law rises before men and shows them the way to true happiness ─ a way that leads to the fields where, sowing the good, one brings in the harvest of peace.

11. Blessed are those who have felt my call in the depths of their hearts and have hastened to hear the divine teaching, for through its spiritual meaning their knowledge will increase. They will be like bulwarks among their relatives and will be able to pass the tests by their faith.

12. I will remove all evil in you, that your works may be pleasing in the eyes of the Father.

13. In this school of Christ there have been many beginners who, when they came here, said to the Master of all wisdom: "Lord, if you are Christ who teaches this way, and discover in each one of us the task and the abilities he possesses ─ grant us the realization of our destiny to come to you.

14. Then I showed you your inheritance, gave you commissions and made you "workers". But verily I say to you, I have no privileged ones among my children, for everyone who approaches with the desire to serve Me will receive My grace in his heart. But likewise the moment will come when all you have done with the gifts entrusted to you will be judged by Me and you will have to answer to Me.

15. Now I do not yet demand an account from you; for you are trying to apply my law in the works of your life and are still too immature to bear the judgment. But each of you is to be a zealous watchman of my teaching. This fulfillment of assignment should not prevent you from also fulfilling the obligations of your world. ─ Look at those who have rejected this inheritance: Sadness and emptiness reign in them. But my mercy is great and shows itself by forgiving them.

16. He who has fulfilled feels my peace rightly, and he who has not, I will haunt him through his conscience to keep him awake, so that the soul will not be surprised by the hour of death without good works; for without these the soul will not be able to rise up.

17. Carry my teaching from heart to heart. When your fellow men receive it, some will say, "This word contains prophecy"; others will regard it as a teaching of little importance. While some will judge it as progressive, others will consider it very backward. Each will interpret them according to his spiritual capacity and the purity of his works.

18. Be humble that you may be a living example to men and that my work may be recognized.

19. But show yourselves humble not only in the short time in which you hear me, but in your whole life, so that you may change your fellow men's minds; for the word alone will not convince. Prepare yourselves for the example and even for the sacrifice.

20. If you love Me, go and forgive him who has offended you. If you love Me, go to the camp of the sick or to the dungeon of the prisoner. Comfort them and pray with them. Then your love will bend every arrogance that you could carry in you.

21. My word is a wake-up call; for as long as you are with Me, you are like gentle lambs. But when you return to your daily life, you "tear yourselves to pieces" and deny forgiveness to yourselves.

22. The time of complacency is over, and you must come out of your standstill to achieve a greater development of your souls.

23. Acquire the white garment of spiritualization, so that when you speak of my words to men, you do it with the impartiality of a little child Then you will not be afraid to speak of my works, because your works and your life will speak for you.

24. My word through the voice-bearers is the same in spirit. To every church I speak according to its understanding and capacity.

25. Today, as a new year begins, you have already in its first hours united your forces to continue your struggle. This is how you made it known to me. Your resolution is to rise up as a good sower, who places the seed in the prepared furrow ─ with the desire to bring in a rich harvest at the end of the work.

26. That seed is the word full of light, which you sow in the hearts of your fellow men.

27. You will have to face the world, the learnedness of man; for those who have been trained will offer you a fight, and if you are not then firm in your faith, you will come out of it as the vanquished.

28. I have not filled your minds with science to make you fight with scientists. I have enlightened your soul so that it may penetrate into the "unfathomable" by elevation and inspiration. No one will be able to claim that you already knew what you received in this time. For many of the teachings which I have given you in this time through the human mind are new revelations.

29. You speak of soul, of its immortality, because eternal life has been bestowed upon it. But to speak of these revelations, you must first feel them. Only then can you call yourselves my disciples.

30. A spiritualist is not the one who enters these places of gathering, where I give you my word. Spiritualist is the one who prays spiritually, and is the one who rises in spirit from any place. Spiritualist is the one who struggles for the perfection of his soul, and also the one who lives to ease the pain of others.

31. Understands that the spiritualist can be anywhere. He will be recognized more by his deeds than by his words. That is why I tell you all the time: Be examples of love, humility and mercy.

32. Realize that not everyone who calls himself a spiritualist is one.

33. I have simplified your practice of religion and worship without giving you new laws.

34. I have made you understand that the worship of my divinity through images was imperfect, and that you should give up all fanaticism.

35. Know ye not that the power of your God is limited to come unto you? Have I not told you that when you believe, I come down to your heart to give it life? Have I not taught you that when you are pure in heart and soul, I dwell in you?

36. You could not have experienced this era of light earlier because the little development you had would not have allowed you to do so But now that you are going through it and thinking about it, it seems to you the most natural thing to witness the fulfillment of the prophecies.

37. Even the scientist has discovered "miracles" and has made progress that you once thought impossible.

38. Why should you not come to the realization that all those miracles are due to the grace of their Lord?

39. Spiritualism teaches men and urges them to discover Me in their own ways, because I am expressed in everything as Creator, as power, as life, perfection and harmony. And who can maintain that harmony in the universe but God? This God has no form, and you must not imagine him in limited forms; for on leaving this world you would then be confronted with a reality that you could not understand.

40. My teaching is not only knowledge; it is caress and comfort. My mercy spreads over all who suffer, who shed tears, who endure injustice. It comforts the mother and the wife, protects the virgin, strengthens the young man and supports the old man. She lights the light of hope for that ineffable happiness which awaits you all.

41. In this time I pour out My grace on you so that you may continue to follow the path of Light, and neither pain nor defeat will be strong enough to separate you from them

42. In your soul already lives the longing to go to your true home, to the world of peace of your Father Here you have purified yourselves in the melting pot of the life struggle, in changing fortunes and in trials. But I say to you: Come to your destination with steadfastness and devotion; for if there is no patience in you, you will make the journey even longer.

43. As long as this life on earth may last, it is transitory and fleeting next to the spiritual life, which is imperishable.

44. Forgive the glory of the life which I promise you, so that you do not fear to lose that body which you love so much.

45. I will see to it that all men who have inhabited this earth recognize each other in the hereafter, love each other and live in peace. Then you will understand the meaning of the existence you have left behind, with all its sufferings and trials, sometimes incomprehensible to man.

46. Spiritual life is so close to you that it is sometimes enough to close the eyes of the body and open those of the Spirit to see the wonders of that kingdom.

47. You are so close to the "spiritual valley" that a moment can be enough for you to pass from this world to that.

At all times I have spoken to men of these revelations through my prophets who have testified to my truth. At this time I speak to you of the only way that leads to my kingdom, and I do it through men and women who have been prepared for it for the sake of my mercy.

48. Recognize that you are not left alone in this life If you would live spiritualized, you could see and feel the spiritual world very close to you. Let the truth and glory of that world be reflected in all the actions of your life.

49. Dedicate to the Father who is in heaven always moments of pure thoughts, so that you may reach the time in which you enter into direct dialogue with my Spirit without wavering and illuminated by the light of your Spirit, which will be after 1950 when you no longer hear me in this form.

50. Without upliftment you will not be able to reach that dialogue of your soul with your Creator. Make your own the desire to raise yourselves to me and dedicate to me something of the time that you still live on earth, so that the step of transition into the hereafter becomes easy for your soul.

51. See how your senses, heart and soul have come into harmony while listening to Me. Body and soul have thought deeply about their future. The former knows and accepts its end; the other rejoices when it sees the horizon without end, which presents itself to its gaze. But who can measure the spiritual distance which she must cover to reach me, who I am the goal of your perfection? Who can at least know the hour indicated by the clock of eternity, since he leaves his body on earth?

52. Live prepared, watch and pray Gather merits, and you will have no fear of death. For when your soul leaves the body, it will spread its wings and know how to fly, like the young birds when they leave the nest to make the first flight.

53. You shall not be sad at the thought of renunciation. Only the materialist has longings and suffers when he thinks back on the satisfactions of this life. Do not be materialists, concern yourselves with that which concerns your soul without neglecting the attention which you owe to your human nature.

54. Understand that everything is prepared for your refreshment. He who wants to eat this meal of love, sit at my table and enjoy it as the angels do.

55. Ye have not come here by chance; ye have been led by me to attend my rallies. Many of you I have met as dead for the spiritual life, and my word has raised you up. Today you breathe life, and in your heart is hope. I receive all ─ those who have faith and those who do not. To the people from the various churches and sects I say: Blessed are those who believe in my word.

56. When you perceive my inspiration and you see it in

If you want to express thoughts and words, work on yourself: You all can be my mediators. The Father wants to be understood by his children, and therefore He invites you to enter the spiritual temple.

57. Seek me with a pure heart, always listening to the voice of your conscience, and truly, I tell you, you will find me very soon. before your soul is lifted up to flight, I will come to you to bring you to that Home of Peace I have promised you. But it is necessary that you know the way, which leads to me: Your way goes in the direction of spiritualization. To climb the summit, you must pray and make an effort.

I do not yet see among the peoples of the earth the holy desire to spiritualize. Materialism has not yet reached the limit set by me; but the end of this period is near. After that you will longingly return to the practice of love and mercy to achieve the ascent of your soul through merits.

58. The dark clouds that produce sin and confusion of concepts will be dissolved, and the true law will illuminate all beings.

59. I grant you great visions which speak to you of the future, that you may interpret them and be prepared. Bear witness to your fellow men. But the time will come when people of different races and different peoples will see my signs in infinity, and this will be comfort for some and happy fulfillment for others who will see in it the fulfillment of my word.

60. My teaching contains all the spiritual knowledge you could wish for. In your soul you will discover the experiences which you have accumulated during your path of development, and they will serve you to find the way to spiritual ascent if you know how to prepare yourselves.

61. With your prayer you send up a hymn of praise that comes to me. You offer Me your struggle in my work and hope that the seed you have planted is good and pleasing to me. I confirm you: You scatter my seed in blessed fields because you know that the goods I have given you are not only meant for you but that they also belong to your fellow men.

In that effort I have not demanded sacrifices from you, but only observance of the law; that you live from Me like children and express the virtues I have made you possessors of. Be pure vessels inside and outside, so that divine perfection may abound in you.

62. At times I have seen with you protests and dissatisfaction with your fate. The temporal life that you have on earth does not satisfy you. But the Master tells you: The true home of the soul is in the hereafter. Be patient, go courageously through the trials, and during that time obey my law. Make the bad times good, and when you hear news of war and destruction, pray and do not interfere, do not take sides. These and many other calamitous events are unleashed and are carrying out the work of purification among mankind; but it is for the good and development of souls. After this great battle, which the Spirit fights, a better earth awaits you, and you will then have reached a higher stage, where you will rest from your troubles.

63. Open your spiritual eyes and look at the time in which you live, then you will be able to confirm my words of the Second Time, which announced great trials to mankind.

64. Everything has come to pass, as it is written. Rise spiritually, follow my teaching with a pure mind and do not forget that I have told you that the struggle is universal, that the soul struggles not only on earth but also on other levels of being.

Help with your example those legions of disembodied souls, which still live bound to matter. Feel how they approach you in their desire for prayer and help. Do not reject them, help them to find their way out of their state of confusion, influence them with your compassion before they influence you. Then those who through your love attain the light of my teaching will become your intercessors in gratitude and assist you in your mission. Everything will unfold within the framework of my laws of love and justice. Love all in Me, even though you inhabit different spiritual levels. You also are to forgive each other.

65. Fight with all the forces of your Spirit to reach the fulfillment of your destiny. According to your decision, you will make it possible for your virtue to be expressed, and you will be able to prove your faith with words and works of love.

66. In this era, as in the Second Age, the Master appears among His disciples, and seeing so great simplicity and humility in them, He grants them the grace to hear His Word.

67. Remember that every work will come to me if it is based on my law.

68. My law is the good seed which you have received from Me, and which you shall sow in the hearts of your fellow men and in the hearts of your children. There are hearts that are inflamed like torches of faith at my call and will remain in my work.

69. In your struggles you have often conquered temptation, spurred on by the high purpose that my teaching flourishes among men.

70. I will enlighten your soul with my wisdom, that when you meet him who does not share your faith, you may give him convincing proofs that you know the truth, and at the same time help him to believe.

71. They will ask you if you think that you are prophets, and if you have power over the Spirit, and will test you as Elijah did in the first time. You will give them the proofs.

But for this it will be indispensable that you have faith at this hour, fulfill my law, and submit yourselves to my will.

72. Here is the Master speaking through the human mind, which is the image of divine intelligence ─ a gift I have placed in the most perfect creature that inhabits the earth: man. Why doubt that I make myself known in this form, when I have been expressed in each of you? The wisdom that radiates from this word is the infinite horizon that I open to the Spirit so that you may know the truth and thus feel the highest happiness.

73. Whoever opens his eyes to this light will no longer be able to seek Me through pictorial creations created by his own hand, for he will belong to those who are inspired by their spiritual upliftment and dialogue with my divinity

74. Man must learn to detach himself from the body at the moment of his elevation, so that the short time in which his Spirit dwells in the hereafter may serve to enlighten and strengthen him. In this way he will always find the way to upward development and mark it for him who does not know it. I will give you the opportunity to bear witness to these revelations.

75. Today I tell you that you should strive not only to save your soul, but also that of your fellow men, whereby mankind will see my word fulfilled, which teaches you to love one another.

76. Much of what you ask Me for I grant you. But if you should ask me to change your destiny ─ truly, I tell you, I would not grant you this because your destiny, which speaks to you of virtue, perfection and love, has been written down by me.

77. He who was created to be labourers in my fields must sow in them, and the seed must be of faith, love, and good will.

78. Drink from this spring, O thirsty souls, which you have sown on search for light without finding it. Feel this sweet peace that your heart does not know, and when you have felt it, conclude who He is who is speaking to you right now. You will then no longer need to ask why I have come to men again, because you will find the answer within yourselves.

79. If there were no ignorance in the world, if there were no blood, if there were no pain and misery, there would be no reason for my Spirit to materialize by making Himself perceptible to your senses But you need me. I know that only my love can save you in these times, and therefore I have come.

80. If I did not love you ─ what would it mean that you ruin yourselves, and what did your pain mean? But I am your father ─ a father who feels the pain of the child in himself because every child is a small part of Him. That is why I give you in every word of mine and in every inspiration the light of truth, which means life for the Spirit.

81. Your heart beats faster when it hears this word, and you were close to blessing my name in a loud voice But it was not necessary for your lips to express the joyful excitement that seized your souls, for I knew in advance of your rejoicing when you heard me.

82. I am your Master, the same one whom the world sacrificed in the Second Time and who now comes to men with the same love. I am the one who felt an endless thirst for love in the agony on the cross and instead of water ─ which would have been a form or a proof of compassion on the part of men ─ received bile and vinegar on his lips as a sign of contempt, mockery and ignorance.

83. But I reproach mankind nothing; on the contrary, I bring a new message to it, which will uplift it by making palpable to it the peace so necessary for the soul.

84. "I am thirsting", I said in that hour; "I am thirsting", I tell you once again ─ for your love, for feeling close to my Spirit, for loving one another.

85. You too are thirsty; pain scorches your heart and you urgently need the freshness of spiritual water, so that faith, hope, comfort and peace may quench your thirst of soul, heart and mind.

86. You ask for strength? Take it with you. You need healing balm? Receive it. You have a serious problem? I grant you the solution. You confront Me with your poverty? Take the keys to work and the daily bread. You are suffering? Weep and then dry your tears on my mantle, feel my caress and rise to life with new strength.

87. From this day on begin a new life. I will rejoice in your victories and help you to overcome the obstacles. Again I say to you, "I am the way, the truth and the life.

My peace be with you!

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