BTL - Volume VII - Teaching 175

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume VII - Teaching 175 - 207  
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Book of True Life - Volume 7 
Teaching 175 

1 The light of my Spirit has come to reveal to you all the gifts that rest in your being ─ all that you have carried within you from your origin, without suspecting it I have let you know that it is now time for you to truly know yourselves, to discover and experience what is your inheritance, so that you may be spiritually great.

2 From time to time I have given you revelations: First it was the law, then my teaching, and finally the full knowledge of your spiritual mission.

3 You say that I have been with men three times; but it is true that I have always been with you. I am that Father who in the first time revealed to men his law of righteousness, who in the second time made his "Word" man in Jesus, his Son, and who now makes himself known to the world spiritually. With this I have given you a divine parable over the ages, the meaning of which speaks to you about your spiritual development and lets you know that he who has spoken to you at all times has been one God, one Spirit, and one Father.

4 You ask me what I want to achieve when I reveal myself spiritually to mankind of this time? To this I answer you: What I seek is your awakening to the light, your spiritualization and your unification, since you have been divided at all times. For while some have sought the treasures of the Spirit, others have devoted themselves to the love of the riches of the world ─ Spiritualism and materialism in constant struggle; spiritualists and materialists who could never understand each other.

5 Remember: When Israel, in expectation of the Messiah, had this before its eyes, it split into believers and deniers of my truth. The explanation for this is simple: believers were those who awaited me with the Spirit, and deniers were those who awaited me with the senses of the "flesh.

6 These two forces will have to confront each other again until truth comes to light from this struggle. The struggle will be bitter; for the more time passes, the more men love the earthly, since their science and their discoveries give them the feeling of living in a kingdom of their own, in a world created by them.

7 The men of today have expanded their spheres of influence, they rule and traverse the whole earth. There are no more unknown continents, countries or seas. They have created paths on land, on the sea and in the air. But not satisfied with what they have inherited on their planet, they explore and search the firmament in their desire for even greater dominions.

8 I bless the desire for knowledge in my children, and their aspiration to be wise, great, and strong finds my unqualified pleasure. But what my justice does not approve of is the vanity on which their ambitious goals are often based, or the selfish purpose they sometimes pursue.

9 I do not prevent men from increasing their knowledge, nor do I hide the light of science from them.

When I placed the human seed in the earth and commanded it to grow and multiply, I also told it to subdue the earth, that is, that among all creatures that would surround it, man would be the conscious being who knows human laws and divine justice and cultivates virtues around which all beings and the elements would harmoniously revolve.

10 How far from harmony man has lived since he began his walk over the earth! This is witnessed by his incessant falls, the inexhaustible cup of suffering he has endured, and his lack of peace.

11 I now give you the new lesson which is for all men. Not all have prayed in expectation of my coming; but pain has kept them awake and prepared them to receive me.

Mankind already has the experience that the people of Israel left to you since the Second Age, so that no one would have the intention of distrusting Divine Justice. Do you not know that the "spiritual poor" who longed for the coming of the Lord to receive from Him the light of hope and knowledge were given the gifts of prophecy, divine science and spiritual power?

When you ask Me about the whereabouts of those souls, I will tell you that they now inhabit homes where all that is great on this planet appears to their eyes like ordinary earth dust. But if you ask me what happened to those who did not accept anything from my kingdom because my word and my promises seemed pathetic to them, I will tell you that they belong to those who incarnate and reincarnate until the full development of their soul. For they demanded gold and power, and justly they were granted the world with its dubious riches and its false power for their spiritual reparation. They were afflicted by divine justice, but were never rejected by the path of salvation that leads to the kingdom of truth.

Therefore, today, when I send you the light of my Spirit overabundantly, I will tirelessly seek them to make them understand that it is now enough of the time of trial that has been assigned to them, and to make them understand that now is the Third Age, the very one in which the ages come to an end, of which I spoke when it was a matter of the judgment of the Jewish people.

12 All of you have an "appointment" with Me and will have to gather together to hear Me; for you all have to hear Me

13 All things shall be laid on the scales of my righteousness, on which shall be weighed all works that are not judged. My presence and my power will be felt as they have never manifested themselves before. For after the chaos all shall return to the right way.

14 Pray and keep watch continually, lest you be taken by surprise, O people. But verily I say to you, if you watch and pray for the world, there will be an invisible mantle to protect you because you have loved your fellow men and felt their pain as your own.

15 I tell you once again that I will make my presence, my power and my righteousness palpable. If I have allowed man in his wickedness to desecrate all that is holy in his life, I will set a limit to his depravity. If I have let him go by the way of his freedom of will, I will prove to him that everything on him has a "so far and no further. If I have let him live out his striving for power and greatness in the world, I will stop him on his way and see to it that he looks at his work through his conscience, so that he can answer my questions.

16 I have allowed pain, destruction and death to be felt in your lives so that these fruits so bitter may make you understand the kind of trees you have cultivated. But I will also cause the pain to disappear and let the soul come to rest and reflection; for from him a love hymn shall rise to his Creator.

It has been said and also written down that that day will come when men will clothe their Spirit with the white garment of exaltation, when they love one another.

17 All shall be saved, all shall be forgiven, all shall be comforted. Where then is death, where eternal damnation and hell without end?

18 I created neither death nor hell; for when my Spirit grasped the thought of creation, I felt only love, and out of my womb came only life. If death and hell existed, they would have to be human works, because they would be wretched; and you already know that nothing human is eternal.

19 Verily I say to you, in the moments when my word is audible through the voice bearer, not only the Spirit of this people trembles, but also all those beings who likewise need the divine light in the "spiritual valley".

20 To them does not reach the sound of the human word, but the meaning and inspiration of my messages, because my voice is universal and its echo reaches all worlds and homes where a child of God dwells.

21 I send a ray of my light to every world. To you I have sent this light in the form of human words, to other homes it comes through inspiration.

22 In the light of this divine ray all souls will now unite, making of it a ladder to heaven, leading them to the spiritual kingdom promised to all of you who are a spiritual particle of my divinity

23 Imagine the rejoicing of all those beings who had material relations with you on earth, and who today live beyond your world, when they learn that the voice they hear is also heard on earth. They have not turned away from you, do not forget you, nor do they refrain from asking for those who remained a few moments longer in the earth valley. Their caress and their blessings are always with you.

24 There dwell those who were your parents, children, brothers and sisters, spouses, friends, or benefactors, who now, as spirit beings, are simply your brothers and sisters. But their love for you is the same or even greater, as is their power to help and protect you.

25 Pray for them, people, do not cease to love them and to remember them, for your remembrance and prayers are a sweet comfort in their struggle. Never imagine them disturbed or dwelling in darkness, for this would be as if you felt yourselves competent to pronounce judgment on them. If people here on earth are generally too imperfect and unjust to judge the affairs of their neighbors correctly ─ how should they then be able to pass judgment on any spirit being?

26 I tell you again that it is only for you to help them through your prayer and good works in the world.

27 Do not feel the need for them to manifest themselves in any material way in your life, whether by using a brain or in any other way, for you would be denying the spirituality I have taught you. Do not have a particular day of the year to call them either. Consider that the spiritual lives far away from earthly time, and that therefore every moment can be suitable to approach them through spiritual prayer.

28 How many of those beings of whom you have often believed that they suffer hardships are precisely those who have fought to bring you closer to this way to the light, which they themselves could not find when they were on earth. Weep not, then, for them, and certainly not shall you mourn, because they departed to the "spiritual valley. They did not "die," they only preceded for a few moments the time when you must part. So it was determined by me, so that they prepare the way for you.

29 People, do I really have to tell you that you have no business in the cemeteries and that the tears you shed over the graves are tears of ignorance, materialization and stubbornness?

30 The souls of them for whom ye weep are alive; but ye harden yourselves to think them dead in that body which is gone under the earth. You think them lost, while they await you full of love, to give you witness to the truth and to life. You believe them distant or unfeeling and deaf to your struggles and tribulations, and do not know how many stones they remove from your path and from how many dangers they save you.

31 Ignorance makes you to be unkind and even cruel to yourselves and to others, although I must tell you Who can still be ignorant after hearing any of my teaching speeches?

32 My Word is the ray of Light that shall embrace you all so that you may remain fused in the fire of My Love If, after hearing it, you believe it and put it into practice, from this moment on you will be united with all who love Me, believe Me and glorify Me.

33 I have told you in my teachings that life on earth is the suffering of the soul and the end of her existence on earth is her Golgotha, so that you may strive to follow Me by taking My exemplary works as your model.

34 Blessed are the souls who reach the summit with faith and virtue; for in the moment when they get rid of the body, they will experience the caress of the Father as a reward for their strength and love. These are those who enter eternity without stumbling.

35 My word at this time will help men to understand the meaning of my law and teaching. The recognition that humanity may give them will not bring them the bliss, the bliss of the heart, and the peace of the soul. For the soul will find perfect happiness only in the home to which it belongs.

How many opportunities you have to be good and useful to your neighbor! Every home is a suitable field to sow my seed. Every city and people is like a soil thirsting for charity and love, and I will make you sowers so that you may water the world with love and comfort and sow it with peace.

36 Works, words and prayers are the means you can and should use to fulfill the mission of serving and loving your fellow men.

37 I have taught you perfect prayer, which is the true language of the Spirit that brings man into direct communication with Me.

38 I have given you the gift of the Word, which is the expression of the light that exists in the Spirit and of the love that unites the heart

39 People who listen to Me: do not say that I ask too much of you, since I know better than you yourselves what you are capable of Today you feel weak, clumsy, incompetent and unworthy because you examine your inner being and discover many weaknesses, many defects that do not let you feel the pain of others. But I will heal you first, let you feel my peace to strengthen your hearts and to pave your way. Then you will feel no more fear, nor will you have doubts, nor will you feel incapable.

40 That is why I have given you time to hear Me and gradually strengthen you by My Word, without sending you into the far lands to fulfil your mission But when your Spirit is then saturated with my essence, let it not wait for proofs nor signs to set out, for it will receive by inspiration what it is to do.

41 Pray, people, and while you pray, I will bring down My peace upon all the peoples of the earth, I will bless your homes and light up your ways

42 I will give you a proof that all that I have promised you is true What proof will this be? That you will see in your life something come true what you have long hoped for ─ something that is impossible for some to attain. To some, what I have promised will soon come true, to others I will make wait. But truly, I tell you, there will not be one who does not receive my proof of love. When then that grace reaches each one of you, you will remember my word, and your faith will increase.

43 Do not despair, do not shed tears, know how to wait for that hour while you live and pray and watch according to my teaching

44 Do you see how in these moments when you lift up your soul you forget your sufferings and are filled with my peace? Make sure that you are always with Me, follow my teaching, and you will see my peace and light prevail over your blows of fate and hardships.

45 Understand that your sufferings are not useless, that your task is to control yourselves mentally and physically so that you may be among the number of my sowers.

46 Those who bring comfort to men, those who lift up those who have fallen, those who give strength to the weak, must be enlightened by the light of experience and must have become strong in struggle and trials. No image of pain may intimidate them, no misfortune of a neighbor may make them tremble, no pain may make them shrink from the hands of their fellow men reaching out to them in the desire for mercy.

47 There, among those who have hardened themselves in vice and pain, you will then see many rise to the light in the desire for renewal and spiritualization But for that inspiration to reach them, you must place in their hearts a true proof of brotherhood, an act which is the ray of light that illuminates the darkness of those people.

48 Understand, then, that the pain that has accompanied you in many forms has been the chisel that has shaped your soul inwardly for the accomplishment of a delicate mission.

49 The teaching I have given you in this Third Age is a new testament to be united with those of the past times; ─ for these three represent one revelation.

50 My light will illuminate the minds of those who are destined to unite all my teachings in one book.

51 My spiritual servants will guide the hand of my chosen ones, so that no blemish will exist in that book.

52 The disputes that have taken place in this community of faith, their discussions and disagreements, will disappear when you become immersed in the study of that book and learn to understand the truth of my work.

53 Today you are not yet aware of the consequences that your disunity will have for you. But truly, I tell you, tomorrow you will weep over it. How many times have I demanded of you the unification of thoughts, actions and souls; but just as often you have not listened to my divine counsel!

54 I have inspired you to form one nation, and have given you the name "the New Israel. I have given you various tasks and commissions so that you may have all necessary things at your disposal in your life's journey and in your struggles, as it happened to Israel in the First Days, when it wandered through the desert in its desire for the Promised Land. But you have not yet tried to understand my commissions, nor have you wanted to observe the example of unity that that people left in writing ─ an indelible example; for it was their harmony and cohesion that made them overcome the adversities they encountered on their way.

55 A new "land of promise" awaits you, but you are still far from it. You are still wandering through the vast desert, having left behind you the servitude of "Pharaoh" and already received the law. Yet you have not completely abandoned idolatry, and without being aware of it you worship the "Golden Calf".

56 You must first undergo trials, resistance, and persecutions in order to awaken from your slumber. Only then will you be equipped to fulfill my commissions and will be eager to watch over the work I have revealed to you, just as the Israelites created the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant to keep the law, for the trials had brought them to light.

57 Now your soul shall be your tabernacle, and the Spirit your ark of the covenant. There my law shall lighten the way of the people of the LORD.

58 In those days hath not appeared a man like Moses before this people, and strengtheneth his faith by miracles. But with a little armament you would be able to feel the spiritual presence of Elijah, who guides you, encourages you, and inspires you in this wandering.

59 The multitudes who listen to Me are now shedding tears. I alone know the cause of their lamentations; I alone know all the obstacles and difficulties they have encountered on their way and which are holding them back.

60 Stand firm, multitudes, be faithful to Me, and you shall see the obstacles fall. Pray and work with ever greater truthfulness, sincerity and perfection so that in carrying out your mission you may find the consolation and strength necessary to endure the vicissitudes of life. If you live like this, when you least expect it, you will see the way clear and the stumbling blocks disappear.

61 You are my fields, where at present wheat and weeds grow side by side. The hour of the reaper is not yet; but when it comes, the works of each of you will be judged. Then let the good disciples leave you on earth and take from this world those who have not borne the fruits of unity and spiritualization.

62 Watch and heed my word. Do not be self-righteous because you have received my very great commissions and missions, thinking that my judgment can never come to you.

Remember David and Solomon, who, though they were great in the eyes of their people, fell asleep in their greatness, violated the law, and saw my divine righteousness, unrelenting and wise, coming upon them, when they believed that, because they were so loved by the Father, they would never be afflicted by him.

63 Think, O people, of the new generations; think of your children, as the patriarchs did, who prepared their peoples to receive the coming of the Messiah.

64 Pray for the descendants, prepare their way with care and love. Understand that they have even higher missions than yours to fulfill, and that it will be good for them to find a trace of spiritualization to follow.

65 What will that trace consist of? In your life, in your works.

66 Every soul has a great debt to its Father. My love for you and my justice has given you a new opportunity on earth to justify yourselves to me, to make amends spiritually and to purify yourselves so that you can move on to the next home.

67 O blessed Third Time, you are the bringer of all that the world needs to save itself from its bondage. Blessed are those who use your light, for they will find salvation.

68 Throughout your whole spiritual life journey I have guided you, tested you and prepared you for the revelation of this time It is not men who will raise up the new people of Israel: I will be the one who forms it, purifies it, lifts it up and sends it to the world to fulfill its mission.

As this people grows and prepares, I will pave the way, open the doors and remove the obstacles so that they may advance. In the same way I did to Israel when I rescued them from Egypt and led them through the sea and through the desert.

69 This people here has the task to awaken mankind spiritually. But when they have fulfilled this, and men become aware of the time in which they live, you will see from their heart a desire for light and from their Spirit an ideal of

The upward trend will shake human life to its foundations and transform the world.

70 Conscience will be heard and obeyed, the calls of the Spirit will be understood, the needs of the soul will be considered and respected, and everywhere the burning desire will shine forth to know God, to feel him, to come closer to him, to spread his truth.

71 These prophecies will be fulfilled among men when the spiritual hunger and thirst has brought them to the limits of their power of resistance, when they confess their guilt before their Lord with humble pride, when they descend from their thrones, their seats of judgement and places of honor, from which they have tried to ignore me, from where they have judged and denied me, and repenting their mistakes they will turn their eyes to me and speak to me like children ─ to a father who has been waiting for them for centuries

72 How deeply man has sunk in his materialism, so that he finally denied Him who created everything! How could the human mind darken to such an extent? How could your science deny Me and defile life and nature as it did?

73 I am present in every work that your science discovers; in every work my law is revealed and my voice is heard How is it that these people do not feel, see, or hear? Is it a sign of progress and civilization to deny my existence, my love and my justice? Then you are no more advanced than the primitive men, who knew how to discover in every force of nature and in every miracle of nature the work of a divine, higher, wise, just and powerful being, to whom they ascribed all good in all that exists and worshiped it.

74 By means of a growing intelligence they tried to understand what their physical senses perceived. What perfect worship could they offer Me? What understanding could they have of the truth? Nevertheless, their wonder, faith and worship were accepted by Me as the first fruits of a vast field that my Spirit had to till through the ages.

75 Since then until today ─ how many teachings have I given to mankind, and how many revelations have I given to it! And yet ─ although this humanity should already have reached the summit of understanding, and its practice of religion should be perfect, its selfish, proud and inhuman science has bloated itself to deny Me, and the existing religious cults live in the slumber of routine and tradition.

76 I have given you the gift of freedom of will and have respected this blessed freedom that I have granted to my children But I also put into your being the divine light of conscience, so that you, guided by it, should direct your abilities in the right direction. But I tell you that in the struggle between the soul and matter the soul has suffered a defeat, a painful fall, which has removed it more and more from the source of truth.

77 But its defeat is not final, it is only temporary, for it will rise from the depth of the abyss when it can no longer bear its hunger, its thirst, its nakedness and its darkness. For pain will be her salvation, and by listening to the voice of her conscience, she will rise strong and radiant, fiery and inspired, and use her gifts again; but no longer with that freedom to use them for good or evil, but by dedicating them only to the fulfillment of the divine laws, which is the best worship of God you can offer to your Father, who loves you so much.

My peace be with you!

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