Unknown Virus - Corona virus (China)

The coronavirus pandemic in China is out of control!
Coronavirus: lung disease (unknown)
The media lie to us and keep the truth secret!
Wuhan and other cities are cordoned off with the military. Not only Wuhan is affected by the Corona Virus. Other cities were also completely put into exceptional condition because of the corona virus.
Thousands of people flee from China to GUAM (US military base - island in the Pacific Ocean)

It's not even time to take the dead away. They  just lie in the corridor

The corona virus has not yet arrived in Germany, but I can show what can happen in this video - here.
Please share the video where it is to educate people before it is too late.

Can we influence the risk of getting an infection? The answer is yes, or rather: we can significantly reduce the risk. This applies not only to the acute viral or bacterial infection, but also to more serious diseases that are related to a malfunction of the immune system. Dr. Karsten Krüger shows the influence of diet, exercise, sleep and stress management and how psychological aspects affect the immune system. A practical guide with numerous tips and options for implementing the recommendations in everyday life.

Hong Kong declares state of emergency (english)

Prophetic chaos: thousands flee to GUAM (english)

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