The influences of confused soul beings on humans
From The Book of True Life - Volum VIII -
Teaching 214 - Verses 25 - 43
25. Sometimes when I speak to you through these
vocal carriers,
I see that some are surrounded by confused soul
others are possessed by them, and others are
persecuted by them.
These control your will, confuse your mind or
make your body sick.
Then I speak to them in the language of the
spirit and remove them
from your path. But the master does not have to
do everything.
I want you to know what is the reason for these
beings, your spirit brothers,
to enter your earthly life and what you have to
do to free yourself from their
bad influences and in those souls that deserve
your compassion to make
light at the same time.
26. Those souls that are no longer part of
human life come to people
and still live with them. I gave you many
lessons about this in the second
period, when I used the cases in which some
possessed people were
brought to Me. But that people and its priests
could not understand the
meaning of those revelations and judged Me
according to their bad opinion.
27. Now I am expanding my instruction so that
you have this knowledge
and to give yourself weapons so that you can
fight and defeat the confusion.
28. Disciples: The reason that causes the
presence of the confused
spirits among you without peace and without
light is the bad thoughts,
the bad words, the base passions, the bad
manners, the vices.
All of
this is like a force that attracts all those who - because
they have not been purified - have to look for
impure "apartments"
to live in. They are beings who are already
without earth bodies,
who look for strange bodies in their confusion
in order to express themselves
them. But due to their confusion and influence,
the only thing they can achieve is disturb the
peace, tarnish the mind,
or make those they approach close ill.
29. Those spirits are the epitome of sickness,
are the dwellers
of the
shadow realms who do not know what life is or what death is.
30. I, who I am the light of the spirit, look
for one lost after the other,
one after the other from the dead for the
spiritual life,
to save
them from their torment and to make them feel peace ─ that
peace that grows out of understanding.
But I tell you again that not only the master,
but also the disciples
must bring light to those beings who ─ although
to your earthly eyes, but perceptible to the
of those who know how to prepare.
31. The right way to fight against the bad
influences of that world,
which is more numerous and stronger than yours,
is to pray,
to stay true to the instructions of my teaching,
and to persevere in the good.
Those who fight with these weapons not only
liberate themselves,
but also save and liberate their siblings.
32. How could you be a spiritualist if you
didn't know this instruction?
How could the healing method that Jesus practiced
be complete
if He had not revealed the healing of the
33. Study my words carefully and try not to
make science out of my teachings,
nor to use what I have taught you to free you,
without loving those
who may have been dismaying you, because then
will fall into darkness with them.
34. When will you make a good world out of this
earth from which everyone
lives through it will later move on full of light?
When will you finally no longer be a suitable
place to stay
for the presence of that world of bad
35. If you fail to acknowledge this reality,
you will never
be able to get rid of those pitfalls, nor will
you be able to do anything
for the benefit of the large number of poor
You will be ─ one like the other ─ sick, who
constantly transmitting their illnesses.
36. So think about the purpose of my instructions,
the meaning of my
coming again, all that my word has in it with
its light,
so that you no longer consider yourself the
only inhabitant of this world.
See everything that surrounds you and really
become children of light.
37. Listen to me, fathom my word, and I assure
you that
you will quickly become disciples of the master
of all ages and all epoches.
38. People of Israel: You have been steeled in
many struggles
at all times, experienced the adversities of
slavery, persecution,
the long wandering. Rest and be free now on
this earth,
which I give you as a temporary home.
During this time you will not go looking for a
country where
milk and honey flows, nor will you go to
but look for my spiritual realm. You will come
to this immeasurably
large "valley", which invites you to
enjoy peace, to be enveloped
by the light of my wisdom and to regain your
lost powers.
39. Unfold your soul, because you live in a new
and as the first-born son of the father, you
have initiated this stage
of spiritualization among mankind that suits
39. Unfold your soul, because you live in a new
and as the first-born son of the father, you
have initiated this stage of
spiritualization among mankind that suits you.
40. Before you begin your mission, listen to me
and learn from me.
My word is the textbook, and when you have
its lessons, go to your fellow human beings,
preach and add your works
to your words. Pray and get in touch with me
and with your
guardian angels so that your inspiration is
fruitful. I invite you to begin
a life of inner contemplation so that you can
concentrate all your strength
on fulfilling your mission. Then you will
experience the transformation
of your being in a short time. You will see
your destiny clearly
and will be like a beacon that will illuminate
the path
of your fellow human beings.
41. You will not fear the future because you
know that I am your
leader and that I have provided everything with
The moment will come when you will feel
inspired by me and
driven by your spirit, you will visit the sick
and give them comfort.
You will turn to those who are hungry and
thirsty for true knowledge,
and you will give them the word which is light.
You will
also go to the disinherited, the humiliated, and you will
also extend your hand to them. Then you will
soon see yourself
transformed into counselors, leaders and
advocates of the people.
42. The greater the corruption your fellow
human beings have got into,
the greater your patience and compassion for
them should be.
43. You know that you were all originally pure
and that in the
end you will be again. Do not forget your
origin and hurry
along the way so that you can quickly return to