Man's struggle for the interpretation of Divine Revelation


39. It will not be the first time that people struggle to interpret
a divine revelation or gain clarity on something that is presented
to their eyes as a secret. Already in the "second time" people
after my preaching activity in the world discussed
the personality of Jesus and wanted to know whether he was divine or not,
whether he was one with the father or a different person from him.
They assessed and researched my teaching in all ways.
40. Now I will again be the subject of interpretations,
discussions, arguments and investigations.
41. It will be checked whether the Spirit of Christ, when it was revealed,
was independent of the Spirit of the Father.
And there will be others who say that it was the Holy Spirit who spoke,
and not the father nor the son.
42. But what you call "Holy Spirit" is the light of God,
and what you call "son" is his "word".
So when you hear this word here, when you make
use of my "Second Time" teaching or think about the law
and revelations of "First Time," be aware that you are in the presence
of the One God, hear His Word and receive the light of His Spirit.
43. It is time for you to study this revelation so that
when you are questioned and put to the test,
you can answer with words of true light and
leave peace and bliss in every heart, in which you can put
the essence of my word and shed the light of your interpretation.
44. I am hungry and thirsty for your love, people.
Let me be with you for a few moments
because I have something to say to you.
45. Why do you only look for Me when your sufferings
weigh down on you?
Wouldn't you like to offer me your joys, your victories and your satisfaction?
46. ​​In the Second Period I inspired you love
and trust so that you would approach Me without fear.
Then why do you sometimes doubt my love or my forgiveness?
O you "lost sons" who are afraid to return to the Father's House!
I knew: Despite the evidence of infinite love that I gave you
at that time, it was necessary to return to look for you ─ not
so that you would see me again as a human being,
but that you would feel me inside, deep inside of your soul ,
47. Gather around Me again like my disciples from that time,
follow Me again as the large crowds did, because I will let you
 hear the heavenly concert of my word and at the same time
do those works of love that you call miracles.
48. I come as a father, so that everyone who lacks love,
affection, tenderness in the world can find the divine warmth with me.
49. I come as a doctor so that you can hand over
to me your illnesses, your worries and all secret sufferings
 that have made your soul and your body sick at the same time.
50. I come as a friend so that you entrust your deepest
secrets, struggles and longings to me and let me go by your side.
51. I come as a master because I want to open
 the book of wisdom and life before you.
52. I come as a judge, as you say, to judge the living and the dead,
as I say: the incarnate and the disembodied,
without my righteousness escaping the smallest of your works.

A. M. Hosta
Source: The Book of True Life  – Volume VIII –
Teaching 216 – Verses 39 – 52  

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