The cosmic law of reproduction - new life arises from itself

The Lord says, “You are blessed because you believed that I am the fish. Finally you wake up. "
The female fish in the aquarium has died and the male is desperate. Was it the condition of the aquarium water? A. M. decides to bring the male back into the pond in the garden, the temperature of it is currently 6 ° C. Then she hears the little fish speak:
"I just lie on my back and pretend to be dead, then she pulls me out with the net like the others."
The next day, A.M. wants to see if the little fish is still well and when she comes to the pond, she sees that the little fish has gone to the edge of the pond and she thinks it is dead, my god, now it is too dead. She wants to get it out with the net, when it fidgets and is a little dazed.
It thinks, "I'm freezing."
She decides to take it back home and promises a larger aquarium to it and wants to add other goldfish to it again. She thinks: Is this little fish God? Which fish can speak. This little fish is modest, humble and full of love. It shows everyone how to do it and imitates everything intelligently and learns quickly.
The Lord says, "You are also only a wife of grace."
And: "The word will be heard everywhere."
The new homepage: 'Friedensreich-Christi-auf-Erden' is now represented in over 80 countries, over 600 times in India.
A.M.  saves Pinterest images to disk when the Lord says to her:
"Happy, lively ... Anna, it's clear you are mine."
A.M. tinkers a door label on the apartment door, it says:
'Greetings to GOD, come in, bring luck in.'
The Lord says, "You are worth more than the door."
I went on a narrow path in the mountains towards the summit, when my foot came across an object under the foliage, it was a bulging purse, black leather, which I took to carry it up to the mountain. A man came towards me and saw the wallet that I was holding and he said, 'Give it to me, I will carry it for you.'
 But I took care of the wallet myself. Then we came to a tavern, the innkeeper had just disappeared inside, it was dark there. Then he opened the window and switched on the light and said to the man who was a representative: 'I'll be right there.'
This time he didn't want to get rid of the representative, but buy something from him, even though he had no money. I decided to give him the black wallet so he could pay.
A.M. asks: Father, please tell me what this dream means and your words of scripture.
The father says: "H .. ..." (her husband's last name. He went to his parents alone over New Year's Eve. A.M. has not been allowed to come since she spoke about God last year, which her husband's family did not want to hear to.)
She says: Father, you have seen our need and you have alleviated. Thank you for this your grace.
It hurts you a lot what you have to see there.
The Lord says, "I will return. Get the pen. I'm coming."
You only come to save, to heal, to love and not to destroy.
(The announced mega quake on New Year has failed)
The Lord says: “Take guppies ... it goes through the roof ... it wants children ... and you can then take care of them all. "
A. M. considered whether goldfish are right for the aquarium or whether they are too big. She doesn't know what guppies are and she googles. But guppies are very, very happy to reproduce, even if they are much smaller than goldfish you have to keep males and females separate, otherwise they multiply very much.
It is now important to find a female for the goldfish male, but at this time of the year there are only small juveniles and the goldfish male is practically a twen among the goldfish.
In the evening in prayer, the Lord says clearly:
A.M. looks for the scripture and reads. It is about the offspring of Abraham .. David ... to Jacob, the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus .... (the father of A.M.’s husband’s name is Jacob) ..
Then the Lord says:
"Silly one"
A.M. says: You want to tell me not to be afraid, because I was Maria, your mother ... and my husband was Josef. And why guppies?
"To grow…. Tame ... like me, I don't have many offspring either. "
So only take females or males?
"Sort out young animals."
You mean the guppies that have elephant tail fins - the most beautiful of the guppies.
So that I can breed with them. What are you up to. Why is breeding so important.
Just because I love the fish and love to take care of it? To please me? And give me a job where I can live that? Because I should look for beings that I can nurture and care for in order to find fulfillment in this task?
A.M. is so delighted with the goldfish and wants to take care of the goldfish first and then bring them to the pond in the spring and then to take the guppies.
A. M. has set up a larger aquarium and found a goldfish female and 2 smaller goldfish (Schubunkin) as a company for the male. It works well, they like each other and A.M. has fun.
One difficulty, however, is maintaining the water quality balance. In a newly created aquarium, not enough bacteria have yet formed to dispose of the waste products in the filter. The excretions (ammonia), plant degradation products and feed residues pollute the water.
Nitrite and nitrate are formed, which are toxic to fish from a certain amount. In order to compensate for this, up to 30% of the aquarium water has to be replaced with water from the tap water,  which itself contains pollutants and has to be processed and the plants that absorb the nitrite and convert it into oxygen need fertilizer to grow.
From a pH of 7, ammonium also forms in the water and ammonia is formed from it. If the concentration is too high in the long run, the fish will get gill damage and ammonia will also produce nitrite and nitrate.
The father says:
"Agony!" and
Agony is a series of appearances in dying which - indicating the gradual cessation of nervous activity - precede the onset of death. The term - in the sense of "agony" - is now regarded as unscientific and imprecise.
The filter contains filter wadding that absorbs the pollutants. If it is dirty, it must be replaced. The bacteria that eliminate the pollutants develop in the filter. These are not yet available in the newly created aquarium and must first develop, which takes two weeks.
The pH value (acidity of the water) is also important because the quality of the water plays a decisive role in the offspring. It is a pressure problem.
If the pH value of the water deviates from the pH value in the fish, the eggs can burst or purr through the diffusion (osmosis) and then there is no offspring. The pH value in the aquarium for goldfish must be between 6.5 and 7.5 PH. From PH 7 onwards, as mentioned, ammonium and the ammonia from it also develop and this must be kept low so that the toxic nitrite and nitrate do not increase.
Here is a german article: Nitrate in the aquarium
Then the father says this:
"The eggs ... Those who are on top of courtship have less pressure…. Add water, it balances pressure. Plants and the black filter (activated carbon filter) also remove nitrate. They need warmth for courtship…. 21 degrees ... wonderful. "
And there are emergency drops that eliminate nitrate.
The plants produce the oxygen needed in the water for the fish that breathe through gills. The pump of the filter moves the water on the surface and this also leads to getting oxygen into the water.
Minerals regulate the hardness (lime content) of the water. Goldfish need a total water hardness
of 6 - 16.
Now the father says this word:
A. M. cannot imagine anything about it and asks her husband. He heard the word during his studies, but he no longer remembers what it means. Research has shown that the point is that the creation of new life happens through reproduction out of itself - quote:
Emanation is a concept of philosophy and religious studies. In metaphysical and cosmological models, he describes the "emergence" of something from its origin that brings it out of itself ... (see below)
Does the father want to reveal here how the birth of Jesus, his son, is to be understood ???
Learn pronunciation
Noun, feminine [die]
     the emergence of all things from the unchangeable, perfect, divine One (especially in the Neoplatonic and Gnostic teaching)
     education language
     "the emanation of a strong personality"
Emanation is a concept of philosophy and religious studies. In metaphysical and cosmological models, he describes the "emergence" of something from its origin that brings it out of itself

Emanation is a generic term for the release of material in non-solid or liquid form from mostly solid starting compounds. The term is used in mineralogy, geology, physics and chemistry. An example of emanation is the escape of gaseous products during radioactive decay. In Isaac Newton's theory of light (corpuscle theory), emanation is the outflow of light matter from the luminous bodies.
The first widespread use of the term emanation took place in the years from 1900. The isotope 222Rn, which is formed when the radium decays and forms the main part of the radiation emitted by the radium, was called emanation (per se, without additional information). Since this changes due to air movement, solution or heating, the creation of a new gas was soon blamed for this. [1] [2] Only later, when other such gases became known, were they differentiated by additional naming of the source (radium emanation).

    [1] “With the help of different font types and sizes, numbers, arrows, brackets and dashes, it still offers around twenty graphic options for representing the variants, line breaks and blanks of the same text as well as the editorial remarks and interventions so that the emendation can be checked to do what always sounds a bit like emanation in the urgent style of Sattler, the outflow of all things from the divine one. "[2]
    [2] "Another theory, by Roland Barthes, said that the" realists ", to whom he included himself," do not regard a photograph as a 'copy' of the real - but as an emanation of the past real: as magic and not as art "." [3]
    "With tubular bells, like church towers, they want to frighten us, with a dry clapper like bleached giant bones, with glittering emanations of indefinable origin - oversized saxophones could be that, a thousand automatic violins." [4]
    It is necessary to take the water from the source immediately and to examine it immediately, otherwise there will be losses of emanation (radon). [5]
Word formations:
    Nouns: emanationism, emanatism, emanation concept, emanation model, emanation process, emanation theory, radium emanation

Emanation (AnthroWiki - Rudolf Steiner)
Emanation (Latin outflow), the surrender of one's own divine being, means the gradual outflow of everything that is with necessity and not through a deliberate process of creation from the one highest deity, the primal one, which, however, remains unchanged in its absolute perfection , which is why the emanation itself is timeless and always without beginning and end. It belongs to the region of the duration in which the linearly progressing time is irrelevant. So the multiplicity from the original unity does not arise through a development process, but consists in its respective relationship to the original one. The beings that emanate from the emanating center appear more and more imperfect, worse and worse the further away they are from their origin, thereby forming the source of evil.
The teaching of emanation, especially formulated in Neoplatonism, has its roots in older oriental views and was adopted by the Gnostic sects of Christianity and also in the Kabbalah.
“Emanationism is especially what has become known in the West through the gnosis. Just as it became known in the West - the literature on which it is based has largely been destroyed - this emanationism is already a kind of distorted picture; and because basically only the distorted image is known on the Catholic side, there is a great misunderstanding. For what is known there as the doctrine of emanation, as the emergence of one aon from the other, wherever the less perfect or the less high aon emerges from the more perfect aon, what is usually described externally and exoterically as gnosis is actually already a corrupt thing. This points back to a worldview that was of a very different nature, and that was possible especially for the old times, when the spiritual teachers from the supersensible itself taught people; Emanationism, which, as I said, is already a corruption, points back to a science which, in its old form, referred to the region of duration, to the upper. And for this superior one can defend emanationism in a certain way, not in the form in which it is known to be corrupted, but in the form in which emanation theory actually speaks only of one perspective in time, not of an actual development , But where, precisely because there is no talk of an actual development, nor could it be said to come from nothing, because that would also be a development, albeit a development at the radically extreme point, it cannot be said that one emerges from the other, but just as we - by speaking about the region of duration today - did not speak of an origin, but of an interrelation in the beings to whom duration is suitable. ”(Lit .: GA 184, p. 139f)
According to Rudolf Steiner, emanationism appears justified when it is related to the soul-spirit world, whereas a properly understood creationism has to do with the body-soul:
"The demand that people make today is this: to see what was meant in emanationism in the right light and to apply it to the spiritual and spiritual world; to see in the right light what is presented in true creationism, not in corrupt creationism, and to apply it not to the creator, but to creation, to the physical and soul. In the recognition of duality, in seeing through duality, not in the nebulous mixing of the dualistically oriented, is the salvation, the redemption of the world view, to see correctly the region of duration, and to see correctly the region of transience, and to distinguish them to be able to. Then one can say: If I look at the reality that stands before me, it is a reflection, but at the same time an effect, a reflection in that it belongs to the region of transience, which is dominated by evolution; an impact in that it belongs to the region of duration and is controlled by what you get when you see correctly what we have characterized today for the spiritual life. The one who speaks right does not say that creationism is right and emanation is wrong, or emanation is right and creationism is wrong, but he knows that both are necessary factors to understand life. The overcoming of dualism cannot be brought about in theory, but only in life itself. ”(Lit.:GA 184, p. 141)

Emanation means outflow; something that shines out.
In philosophy and religious studies, emanation denotes the emergence of something from its origin. It is said that the light emanates from a light source. Sunlight is the emanation of the sun, water is the emanation of the source. So everything is an emanation of God. It is the emerging, but also the emerging.
Emanation has special meanings in theosophy and anthroposophy. It is regarded as the devotion of the divine being in a process of creation in which it emanates / radiates the being. As in many oriental beliefs, there is a teaching of emanation in Neoplatonism that can also be found in Christianity and Kabbalah.

[250] Emanation: Outflow of the lower, the imperfect from the higher, the more perfect, whereby the original principle, from which everything develops, persistently and unchangeably remains one. Emanation is the counterpart to evolution (see below). The teaching of the emanation of things from divine unity is called emanation system or emanatism.

XENOCRATES sees the highest being as the one and good, from which everything less descends (ARISTOTELES, Met. XIV 4, 1091 b 16), as the Pythagoreans already attribute the numbers (sd), PLATO the ideas (sd) to a highest unity , The Stoics call the soul (see below), PLUTARCH the world an "outflow" (apospasma) of the Godhead. Germs for emanatism are also present at PHILO, but this is only trained at PLOTIN. The world emerges from the one, transcending, perfect, remaining in itself through emanation, through radiation (perilampsis) (dei de labein ekeino, ouk ekreousan, alla menousan men tên en autô tên de allên hyphistamenên, Enn. V, 1, 3 ). One is to be thought like the shining sun (Enn. V, 16), whose rays decrease in intensity with distance (Enn. II, 4, 10 squ.). A "overflow" (hyperrhoê) takes place from the perfect, by overflowing it (to hyperplêres autou pepoiêken allo, Enn. V, 2, 1; cf. III, 8, 10). From the one (hen) the mind (nous) emanates from this the world of ideas (kosmos noêtos), from this the world soul (psychên genna nous) and thus the individual souls that form the body world from themselves. Matter (see below) is the least in the products of emanation, because the forces decrease from top to bottom (Enn. VI, 7, 9). The forces emanating from the One fill the All, and yet the One remains with itself (Enn. VI, 4, 3). According to JAMBLICH the one originates (archê), from this the intelligible world (kosmos noêtos), from this the intellectual world (kosmos noeros) with the spirit (nous), from this the soul, from this [250 ] the sensory world. According to PROKLUS, the series of emanations is: primordial, henades (see below), triads (intelligible, intelligent-intellectual, intellectual world), Hebdomades, soul, matter.
The Neoplatonic teaching of emanation occurs in various forms with the Gnostics (see below), with DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA, SCOTUS ERIUGENA.
According to this, the created-creating world of ideas (logos) emerges from the un-created nature (see below), from which the created-non-creating world of finite beings emerges. In this way (processio, (s. D.)) The world remains in God, God with his work in the world. »Nam et creatura in Deo est subsistens, et Deus in creatura mirabili et ineffabili modo creatur, se ipsum. manifestans ”(De div. nat. III, 17). The world is a self-revelation of God (Theophanie, (s. D.)). The teaching of emanation is also Arabic Sufism. - By "emanatio" NICOLAUS CUSANUS means the unfolding of the divine being in the world. "Emanatio in divinis duplex est, una per modum naturae et haec est generatio, alia per modum voluntatis" (De doct. Ignor. II, 27). "Per simplicemanemationem maximi contracti a maximo absoluto universum prodiit in esse" (l.c. II, 4). The teachings of the mystics, such as ECKHART, J. BÖHME u. a. LEIBNIZ sees in the monads (see below) "fulgurations" (fulgurations) of God; things flow constantly from the divine unity ("effluunt", Erdm. p. 147 f.). SCHELLING's later philosophy (influenced by J. Böhmes) is emanatistic. See unity, dialectic, God, pantheism.

the broadcast pl .: the broadcasts
the broadcast pl .: the broadcasts
the outflow pl .: the outflows
emanation [PHYS.] [CHEM.]
the emanation pl .: the emanations
gas emanation [tech.]
the gas outlet Pl .: the gas outlets
                                radium emanation [tech.]
the radium emanation pl .: the radium emanations
                                radon emanation [tech.]
the radon discharge pl .: the radon discharges [nuclear energy]
                                magmatic emanation [GEOL.]
igneous outflow
                                theory of emanation [HIST.] [PHILOS.]
the doctrine of emanation pl .: the doctrines of emanation

Metzler Lexicon Philosophy: Emanation
pictorial representation of the relationship between unity and multiplicity, whereby "the one" also functions as the condition and origin of multiplicity. "The One" can, like the Neoplatonists, be understood as a transcendent subject (God). In the cosmology of the Neoplatonists, the cosmos is an E. timeless charisma of the highest principle. Everything that is comes from the higher one. For example, for Plotinus, the highest emerges from the highest, from this the psychical, and from the latter the material. Accordingly, the cosmos is arranged in ontic quality levels to the center or the "source" of the E. - Empedocles, Democritus and Plato use the term E. to explain the process of perception.

Library // Lexicon of Geothermal Energy // E
Emanation is a generic term for the release of material in non-solid or liquid form from mostly solid starting compounds. The term is used in mineralogy, geology, physics and chemistry.
An example of emanation is the escape of gaseous products during radioactive decay. In Isaac Newton's theory of light (corpuscle theory), emanation is the emanation of the matter of light from the luminous bodies.

The first widespread use of the term emanation took place in the years from 1900. The isotope 222Rn, which arises when the radium decays and forms the main part of the radiation emitted by the radium, was designated as emanation (per se, without additional information). Since this changes due to air movement, dissolution or heating, the creation of a new gas was soon blamed for this. Only later, when other such gases became known, were they differentiated by additional naming of the source (radium emanation).

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