Statement fo the prophecies to the turn of the year

I would like to make a small note regarding the prophecies at the turn of the year.
We must not think that it was fun and laugh or mock that the prophecies have not come true. There are some who take this as an opportunity to say: Another prophecy ... look, none of this happened. Rather, these are all tests, exams, to train some for even more difficult exams that are yet to come. Without such preparation, it would be impossible to overcome by faith alone and still have the strength and courage to help others and do good even during the exam. The father sends the exams, but some may despair and throw in the towel when they feel abandoned by God and see themself trapped in the dark, because then it will be difficult to trust and call the father while getting no answer ... will you then despair or get up in tears of disappointment and discouragement and go on doing good and helping others who are in need.
This is the real meaning of such trials, as can be seen from the example of Abraham, who, at God's command, should sacrifice his son Isaac at the stake because God wanted to test his obedience, and when God saw Abraham's obedience, he stopped this sacrifice and Abraham was allowed to keep his son.It was the same with New Year. God who rewards faith has threatened the test, but has not carried it out.That's how I see it.

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