Seek HIM with all your heart

Ask for the LORD and reckon with his power, turn to him again and again!
1 Chronicles 16:11
We are living in a new time now. Anything good or bad we do from now on will come back to us immediately.
If we judge someone, we will also get a verdict on our return and we may suddenly find ourselves in a state of 'hell' where we are not feeling well inside.
We overcome this only through repentance, repentance and the desire to be healed by God, invoking His mercy and asking for mercy and compassion.
This will stay that way for the next 1000 years. This time is given to us to practice in the messianic kingdom of love, which is the law of God.
After these 1,000 years, there will be one last final judgment, and evil will be eliminated forever, and God the Father will dwell in all beings forever and ever in constant communication with all who dwell in the earth.

HEAVEN, HELL & EARTH ... JESUS ELUCIDATES ❤️ SECRETS OF LIFE revealed thru Gottfried Mayerhofer

Where are HEAVEN and HELL ?? 
Jesus reveals to Jacob Lorber  
1. Letter from Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 3-6:
"3. For our exhortation did not come from fraudulent or unfaithful sense, nor did it happen with cunning, 4. but because God has considered us worthy to entrust the gospel to us, therefore we speak, not as if we pleased man but as God testing our hearts. 5. For we have never dealt with flattery, as you know, nor with hidden greed - God is a witness -; 6. We also did not look for honor among the people, neither with you nor with others ... "

 • 1- Where is it, where where where?
• 2- Where is what?
• -  Well, hell!
• 2  What do you want to know - would you like to go there?
• 1- No, certainly not!
• 2- But for God's sake, why must you know where she is?
• 1 - Well, it's clear! Not to accidentally land there!
• 2 - Ah - well, what do you already know about hell?
• 1- There burns eternal fire, and there are all bad, evil people; those who have sinned, cursed, miscarried, g ... ... just - have done everything strangers!
• 2 Wow ... but you know a lot - about the bad side of people ... what about the good qualities? Where do these lead to?
Oh yes, that's right ... let me think: If evil leads to hell, then goodness must inevitably lead to heaven!
• 2- ... but took a long time to find out ...

Dear brothers and sisters
This dialogue - invented as it is - will probably sound in the ears of the Creator day in and day out, but these thoughts or words are nothing but our inner struggle with ourselves. According to the Lord's statement, the kingdom of heaven must be of every human being with "force" - that is to be fought with effort and application of force, which in turn will probably be very difficult to achieve lethargy and lethargy.
The question of place and appearance of hell is ancient, as old as humanity. The dreaded person has a strange, almost "magical" fascination and attraction for us - or how can the terrifying addiction to horror, devil, zombie and vampire trash in film, "literature" and depicted, even as masks worn on your own skin, otherwise explained? Because, we are already all children of love and light? Wake up! These images of horrors should prepare us for the coming reign of evil, if they had - at least in the long term - a chance.
But as heaven is real, so too is hell real. However, the ideas about the place and nature of these two opposites - conceived in earthly, material measures - are unimaginable. The dimensions of the spiritual world are infinite while we are already struggling with their entire four. But that is exactly what we will not find in our minds - space and time. These dimensions exist because of the transience of material things. Time flies; the content of the space - again considered materially - is subject to continual upheaval, destruction and re-creation.
The spiritual world can therefore not be measured with our terms. Mass, distance, coordinates - all those numbers, which we use to determine our "position", are obsolete there. The "image" of the spiritual world must be moved in a completely different direction, namely the perception of the different states. In one small example, the Lord Jesus showed how two people sit side by side on a bench - the one filled with love of father and neighbor, the other with a domineering, unloving heart. Heaven and hell are a meter apart - but the abyssal gap between them will not be able to bridge for ages!
Another view shows that hearts of peaceful, lovely people attract their fellow human beings like the magnet, while disgusting, tyrannical patterns repel everything except theirs ... and this only out of fear, never through love.
 Through James Lorber, the Lord Jesus explains the nature and place of heaven and hell as follows (GEV Volume 2, Chapter 8, verses 3 to 9):

3. Ask Faustus: "Lord, what is this kingdom (kingdom of heaven), and where is it?"
4. I say, "Yes, my dear friend, God's true Kingdom of God is everywhere for the true friends of God, but nowhere for the enemies of God; for for them is again all hell, where you can only ever turn your eyes and other senses and like. Below and above is the same. Do not look up at the stars - for they are earths like these that you enter - still lower your eyes to the earth, for it is judged like your flesh that once must die and decay! Research and search diligently in your heart; There you will find what you are looking for. For in every man's heart is laid the living seed from which eternal dawn will blossom for you of eternal life.
5. See, the space in which this earth floats like the great sun, the moon, and all the countless stars that are nothing but suns and soils, is infinite! With the thoughtfulness of speed, you could leave this earth and blow away in the straightest line in such rapidity - and if you spent eternities eternally for eternity, you would never come near any end after so many eternities of thought-fast flight! Everywhere, however, you would find creations of the rarest and most wonderful kind that fill and enliven the endless space everywhere. 
6. Through your heart, after the death of your body, you will step out into the endless space of God, and according to the nature of your heart, you will find it either as heaven or as hell!
7. For there is nowhere specially created heaven, nor any specially created hell, but all that comes from the heart of man; and thus every man prepares in the heart, according as he does good or bad, either heaven or hell, and as he believes, wants and acts, so he will also live his faith, out of which his will was nourished and went into action.
8. But every one should test the affections of his heart, and he will easily know whose spirit his heart is full. If his inclinations draw the heart and his love out to the world, and he feels a longing to become something great and respected in the world, the arrogant heart has a displeasure with poor humanity, and it feels the instinct in it If it wants to rule over others without being chosen and anointed to rule by God, then the seed of hell already lies in the heart, which, he does not
fought and suffocated, the man after the death of the body revealed nothing but hell prepares.
9. But if the heart of man is humble, and feels happy to be the least among men, to serve all, to disregard his love of his brothers and sisters, to willingly obey his superior To all good things, so useful to the brethren, and if he loves God above all, then the heavenly seed grows in the heart to a true, eternally living heaven, and man, who already has the whole heaven in the fullness in his heart It is full of true faith, of the purest hope and love; after the death of the body, it can not possibly reach any place other than the kingdom of heaven of God, which he had long since carried in his heart. If you consider this right, you will easily understand what it really means for the Kingdom of Heaven and hell. "

Since we have experienced this through the Creator himself, there are two important questions left.
If all that exists is something created by God, has he "built" hell as well - to torture and ultimately kill the human being?
The Lord Jesus through Jacob Lorber (GEV Volume 6, Chapter 240, verses 1 to 8):
1. (The Lord) »But nobody thinks of you, as if I already created hell! That be far from Me and from all of you! Also, do not think that it is a place for the eternal punishment of the evildoers of this earth! It was formed of itself from those very many human souls who on this earth in the flesh of every divine revelation mocked, denied God, did only what their outer sensuality liked, but in the end prove divine worship and all the people through their courtiers in it instructed that they themselves are gods and that all people should worship them, as Nebuchadnezzar did to Babylon. Again they invented idols and forced peoples to worship them and make great sacrifices; but those who refused were cruelly martyred.
2. But from this you can certainly see what power hell has exercised over the whole earth, and how much it was time for me to descend into matter, for this old but necessary judgment with all my fullness to break through and thus to set a dam for self-created hell, which it will never break, as it has been the case so far.
3. I, the Holy of Holies, had to cloth Me with the unholiness of human or creaturely weakness, in order to be able to approach Hell, because of its defeat, as a strong hero. I have now approached her, am in her midst, and all the devils and satans are fleeing from me like loose chaff before the storm winds.
4. And so I have now shown you in one example what hell is, what it did, how it still does, and what salvation is. - Do you understand that? "
5. Agrikola said quite astonished, "Lord, such a description of hell has never come to my ears! We Romans, according to our imagination, have put them under the ground, especially those places where, as in our case, there are mountains that smoke constantly and from time to time spit out great and all-devastating quantities of fire. Ah, but that's the way things look! Now the whole earth, with the most loose human race, is a perfect hell; because in this world it is just as you have described to us the raging and driving of hell! "
6. I said, "Yes, my friend, the world and hell are just one, as there is one body and one soul. The great hell-soul uses the outer world just as well as the soul of her body uses it. If the soul is an angel through its love for God and neighbor, the body will only do good because the soul that animates the body can not and wants to do no evil; but if the soul is already a complete devil, the same is her body.
7. Therefore, I now came into this world body to drive out all legions of legion devils. Yesterday, I gave you an example of what I'm doing on a large scale with the maiden on a small scale. I will now sweep the house clean of the old devils; but if people will not abide by it, they will soon be finished with a new hell and their devils, and these will soon enter the cleansed house and prepare a state in the world that will be even worse than there was the first one before me.
8. For as before, every soul in the flesh must now undergo its freedom of will and knowledge freedom, and this can never and never occur without admissible incentives for good and evil. But now through Me the people have the help in their hands and can always defeat the hell that wants to grow in them in the most brilliant way, which is the consequence of My salvation. But those who will not do that will be even more servants of the new hell than there were the ancients until then. " 
Basically, the second important question is superfluous, since it is idle: who has left to mankind the completely false and vain scenarios of a - often even physically local - hell? Man himself ...

Hell is a "bestseller" in the hands of those teachers who only want to know or know divine truth twisted and fragmentary. Here are just two words, "purgatory" and "letters of indulgence," representative of the whole nightmare cat.
Therefore, the biblical text read out at the beginning, which was shown to me by the Lord, by Paul, a true messenger of Jesus Christ to the congregation in Thessalonica, wrote: "... our exhortation did not come from fraudulent or unfair sense, nor was it done with cunning. . 
He who does not live love and preaches love is not on the path of divine order. He who does not in all patience and gentleness, on behalf and in the connection with the Lord, set up and direct the hearts of men, but rather threatens with eternal fire, is a soul-murderer.
Friends - the Lord of Glory, God, Jesus Jehovah Zebaoth has revealed himself so often - but his message is always the same:
Love, power with infinite creativity, is placed in all hearts! Let EVERYONE, with the Lord's help and grace, blaze forth that love and radiate light and warmth from God the Father - and every hell will have to flee forever!
Abba, Heavenly Father! To you be glory, praise and the deepest, eternal thanks of our hearts! Amen 

Repentance, Request for Homecoming to God 
The Third Testament

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