08 September = Birth of Mary
Jesus shows Anna Maria the face of her godmother and says: 

"A just woman for a just family." 
Anna Maria asks Jesus: What about me then? Am I not fair that I only got such a man? 
"You have faith" 
Is my husband like the wife of Hosea? 
"Take him." 
I do what you say. 
"Hold tight." 
That does not answer my question. Or is it? Hosea took that woman at her behest and kept it. And in my husband's family are many who divorced several times and in my family are also a few. 
"When I asked you to move to Africa, I wanted to take you away from there." 
They would have wanted to kill me, you told me. I did not care. I was deeply asleep and you woke me up. 
"Excuse me. The mountain." (??) 
Africa, pregnancy - these are the arrows that my husband shoots at me and that I am mentally disturbed, psychologically degenerate. He accuses me of lying with my prophecy. I am a false prophet. Envy? Jealousy? Does he want to extinguish the little light? So much for my faith in my life. Always alone, misjudged, betrayed. In vain churches I have sought refuge in vain. I became even gloomier - sad, bitter. Today it is also dark in me, after the dispute. He comes to nag and argue with me. 
I do not have any children. I was too old for my husband. And you wanted an earthly father for your divine son who has never made a wife pregnant in his life. 
And me? 
"My child. Watch. Recognize. 3 D and now ... take him, because ...... your godmother also was ... launch ... "(start new line - first run - introduction - foundation - opening - initiation) 
Launch .. I liked to do .... With you! 
But my husband is bitter because I held on to my rejoicing over you and what we launched together. 
Anna Maria's heart says: 
"Relative ..  ... thick air ... Royal Family ... .scolds .... Romantic .... Air sign ... he wants to kindle the fire, make the flame blaze ... 
"Wash his feet ..." (serve) 
"It's not consumption. Be aware. "(It is not consuming fire for sin.) 
 The relatives are always making the royal family thirsty, yes. 
"Weekend. Come on. " 
"The extreme heatwave is not necessary, if there is an encouragement to repent." 
I know that, father. I'm trying to reach people that they regret. 
„The Netherlands will be under water in future because oft he rising sea.“ 
„The charts signify temperatures above all knowing levels. The heatwave is forced. The temperatures are catastrophic. In the afternoon are explosive discharges around the world, hail, heavy rain, causing disasters, landslides. The temperatures are so high as never seen before. Will end up in certain places and areas with the total death oft he nature, plants, animals. Sustential runs will occur as soon as the loose their homes because of damage and dryness. There will be no shelter, no place, where they can go. The military will pick them up. Every month thousands will loose their lives during a period of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheid. However I am looking to combine my homes to split water in so called gaz bottles for students in the Golf and other areas. The children who seek me will have all waht is needed to safe their lives. They better start to pray today and do not hesitate. Hurry up. Tell them the truth.“ more, you want to tell them?   

Thank you, Father.

„Matthew 24“  

"Sit down."Anna Maria goes to the kitchen.
"Men. Circulate. Need to discuss. Back and forth."
Ah. That's why it takes a day or two to come out with a word of you. Tell me. I'll post it for you directly.
"Linking other posts. It's good. Do it that way. "
Yes. I will.
"Facebook .."
Anna Maria's Facebook group. They are good. Everyone else, even Gio, tends to refuse.
"People & Blogs ..."
Yes. But that's such a mess. Not structured. I was looking for spirituality, that was good ... well-known films like Neale Donald Walsch - talking to YOU !!
Pinterest is also good and there is already resonance
With the heart - that's all - Great - What a whirlwind ...
"Consumption ..."
You meant consuming fire ... love ... YOU
"We have married"
Yes. Great. You have done a great job. You are awesome. Class. Good night. Contact me if you need me.
"I'll come back."
Hope it, thanks, see you then.
Anna Maria hisses at her husband because he is reading next to her and she can not sleep because of the vibration.
Jesus: "That makes the storm. Hold that a bit. "
Heavy rain, flood? She asks
"For those who do not want me, they get that."
Jesus takes Anna Maria as a channel to cleanse the sky and as a shield against heavy rain and high tide. She hears a noise like a storm, but it's calm outside. The sky is clear so much as a long time it was not, without chemtrails, bright blue sky with normal clouds as they used to be.
"Do I heat on earth BUT getting dark.
The ground erupt several times.
Next one Kilauea heavy detonation ash plums Magnitude 5. Chile as well. "
08/12/2018Anna Maria is seized by a mental attack wave during the night. The south (New Mexico) attacks her. A mental wave of slander that pervades the whole body, denouncing, splitting. The last round. First Anna Maria was baseless, delivered. The wave became stronger, provocative. Then Anna Maria took her with her heart energy, turned her once and held her in her heart energy. Then the attacker disappeared behind dense fog."Ascend"  to Anna Maria."Descend"  to the attacker.Anna Maria became calmer, saying Jesus, saying thank you."My remnant wins. I'm victorious. "Now.When praying outside on the balcony there are a lot of angels - a heavenly peace - deep blue sky, not one cloud."For thousands of years ..." (a female, disordering spirit in the skies .."Cobra.."And a fight broke out ...Won with the power of Michael ... fought for God .... With the power of the mind ....And she disappeared behind dense fog (descend)And there was a heavenly peace around Anna Maria and many angels bowing humbly (ascend)
This power comes from God Himself, who created it as a shield that defends and restores its order. He has lent her Anna Maria to defend his cause and win for him - it is HIS VICTORY - always.
Video / Song: You raise me up .... Where Mary Magdalene creeps like a snake to beguile Jesus
Rhema on:
The Third Testament - Chapter 4 - Divine Teaching
"You will see stronger earthquakes, rains, floods, volcanoes."
As you said it. Yes.
"Birthday. You are mine. Will you marry me now? "
YES. In any case. Absolutely. I have to restore order in heaven. You help me.
A little trip. Nice weather. Do you allow me?
Thank you
" Rocks and mountains slide all over the world as it is said."

"Stay true to yourself. Do not be seduced. You know - every hour it may happen.Dark clouds are rising, nobody knows where. But you know the reason.Practice. Practice, mother. Small. Without need. You will survive all this.'I have not spoken yet,' but you know when I spoke, all of that is yours now. "YES, dad, you, the kids, the family and the government about yours in half with you, thank you."Rule. I am with you now and we are one, we two. "You have a representative on earth, as you said. Thank you for your great trust. I wish you the best of luck in the execution of the sentences. I'm with you. Always. Forever. Amen."Gather. Collection. You also."Yes."Now I like you better again.""That will be the day what comes next." Yes. Judgment Day Last Judgment over all nations."The Glory of the Lord."Our King and Savior."Word given to Byron yesterday" Yes. I translated and blogged it.
"Slide mountains included."

Yes. I watch, document what I get.
Etna has also broken out.
Forest fires and flood into the capital
New earthquakes over the weekend stronger than magnitude 6
Why me ... someone like me?

"You are part of the plan to come out of the darkness. You give me your heart when ever I need you longing for you."
Am I qualified to be the mother of all peoples? What are these qualities?
"Complex. We want to go throug another day. "
Demons bluffed me?Why is L. talking like that? Why does she always say that I speak with demons, that I am led by demons?"Test. To lead you astray (mislead you). She is tired. ""Why Alaska? The north does not matter. Tsunamis. "I'm removing Alaska. Yes. That's your voice. I recognize it among millions because it calms my heart, unlike the demons earlier that were evil. Father, protect me from the demons. Correct me, and let me hear your voice. You're welcome."I split up and even lights are created as long as you do not go away. Vehicle. Douzen. "Anna Maria's heart is beating a lot."Evidence is not going to return blank."A heat wave rises Anna Maria in the head and face."Deep state is raging against me now. Hit.""Excuse me. Strengths in you. Abandon me hour. Let me do this again.
YES."Excuse me. Medium. Depart.
"North of India, let me tell you. I bear new land. Landslide, massive cracks, sinkholes bring new earth on the floor. "
Kapoho too. The evidence of new fertilized land arises. Chinese so. Part often he new. Phantastic.
A fissure create that too, what I do. A fissure creates new earth opening up. It will happen elsewhere, filled with new seeds and fertilizer. Let me do this every day. I've been wating so long.
Landfall on a rivercreates more land, drying up the river.
A tsunami overflow basically restructured and built new.Tons of lava flow - the atmosphere collapsing producing dozens of new species of plants.Ash flumes  form humus.The heat is a birthplace for unknown species.
Thank you for your great work.Famine looks like ... Evidence ... (punishment) proof of new births !! "
Anna Maria's heart is still beating. He is present.
"Pacific bear a route .. ring of fire, which represent me." The Gyser will make a better land.
Traffic is not necessary.
Declare, Union with me is all that is needed for the species.
Remove deep state, banned for a long time.
Exception to the people. They know that it will become better sooner or later.
The north is the ancor, worth to go higher.
Let me feel your heart, predict the throne with me.
The prediction to entertain me.Stabilize the new world.
Alarm sounds to shock..  people are scared.They will be transformed.Nobody will die except the sinful.
Alarm. He has to wake the sleeping so that they become aware of what is happening.The lake of sins must be closed down.
We will communicate on this region tomorrow. Have a nice day with me.
Heads up. God is bearing / accelerating the new earth. Disturbances are a bypassing product only a few minutes.
One year, so to speak. It's the highlight now.Severe flooding, hail, heavy storms, all of which helps to bring out the new seed.Do that  welcome.Agriculture will return in a typical meaningful way, but it is not the same everywhere.In Hawaii, a different vegetation will emerge.
The former land will set it's new culture on Magma devastating -  fresh and new.
The earth refreshes, renews in all kinds of species, and regenerates in all sorts of new ways and genera to the delight of the god-like man.
The natural disasters will open up all kind of new species. It works like a catalysator for the coming. Shelter is not needed.
The School will be the nature.
The church will be the open heart and the union with the creator. 
he infinite plan of God to be on earth in every single being.
Europes natural disasters follow the same path.
The orbital changes too.
Holland too. Fish does not fit anymore. You will eat salad and seaweed.
Greenland becomes habitable.
The islands. It is the Antichrist. They are hiding there. That's why the islands are so badly affected.
Tomorrow go on.
Dad. Many thanks for everything. What can I tell you. Represent you. Nothing more I can do. Amen.
"Torrential rain, flooding, with earthquakes, it is different with that region.
The underground - it's seething - the muslims - c'est ca ... written in the bible Krakatoa may have an impact for a short time - read...  Stromboli, Etna Fire: Greece, Spain, Portugal, SwedenFloods: Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, England, Portugal, France,
England, the Queen - how does it continue?  
Marketing. Traditionally, it continues with the Commonwealth.Germany Targets - the goals: the people grumbles because of Afghanistan -
Reich citizens march 
Russia gain one from another - country estate settlementsIt builds up - it goes into quieter tones. Hierarchy - are you packing that is the questionIceland vulcanism - many volcanoes, partly restlessThe mainstream media continue to workThe finances are weakeningThe clouds on the horizon slowly clear - it becomes friendlier again - the sun comes throughThe depth -  flying - the space becomes more relevantThe clouds - the solar winds - high tech takes unfamiliar proportionsWar is over - that was just more aftermath "Anna Maria is getting warm inside. 
"I'm sorry it's so long. There is not much to say here. The court is mainly located in America. "
"The night is over. Nice day. Thanks for the attention."
"The solar storms will still have influence."
"Cold. It's freezing me with you. "

Jesus left very fast. He quickly checked her knowledge at the beginning of the night with English keywords, but her mind could not do that right after waking up at 1am. She was harsh and tired, she was looking for sleep, but was upset because she had no answers.

In addition a scripture from the third testament49. RELIGION & JUSTICE ❤️ THE THIRD TESTAMENT ❤️ Revelations of Jesus Christ
Verses 44. Because human justice is imperfect, your prisons are full of victims, and your gallows stained with the blood of the innocent. How many criminals do I see enjoying liberty and
the respect of the world, and to how many of the depraved have you raised monuments in reverence to their memory?
45. If you could only see those beings, when having come to dwell in the spiritual vale, the light comes to their spirits! Instead of useless and senseless eulogies, you would send them prayers to console them in their remorse. (159, 44 - 45)
46. May love be what guides you, so that you may become true messengers of the Divine Comforter, for you, who have never tumbled into an abyss, are always blaming, always judging superficially and condemning your fellow men without any pity; and that is not My Doctrine.
47. If, before judging, you looked closely at yourselves and your defects, I assure you your judgment would be more merciful. You consider those in jails to be evil, and hold those in hospitals to be unlucky. You keep yourself apart from them without realizing that they are worthy of entering the Kingdom of My love, and you do not wish to consider that they also have the right to receive the rays
of the sun, which was made to give life and warmth to all creatures without exception.
48. Many of these beings confined in places of atonement are mirrors into which humanity does not wish to look, for it knows that what these mirrors reflect will many times be an 
accusation. (149, 51 - 53) 
08/16/2018Anna Maria has a dream:The river swells (high tide, heavy rain)"May I have that too?" (Latte macchiato, many times)Already she is under water and the floods carry her away.Anna Maria confesses and repents: she has tried God, challenged him. She knew she should not have that and nevertheless begged for it. She says: I will never do it. I never ask that again."I like you. Goodbye."Take my life into your hands now. Be close and guide me. Thank you for your painful death on the cross for my lust and your precious blood, which you have shed for me for my many sins. Please, wash me in your great mercy, wash my dress white again."Will you marry me?"YES. I want that, if you ask me about it. YES.Forgive those who hear your judgment now and turn away proudly, who do not seek you and do not want to repent. Give everyone the daily bread. Bless the hungry, the thirsty, let no one go out."Verse!"Holy God, holy strong God, holy immortal God, have mercy on us and on the whole world."Just got out of hell."Can I love you?"Snake. Darfsch. Template. Live. Marry."Many Thanks. Amen.
 "Waiting"YES. God bless. YES. Be in the flow of life, ONE with YOU. Scarred hell. Passed hell."It's good again. You may. ""Excuse me."I apologize. You strict judge. I forgive you. I love you. I just challenged you. Be right, if you threaten me with the hell's punishment and carry me away. But in your mercy you have forgiven me the punishment and forgiven me. That's a big thank to you."I need you."I am ready for your service."You may."Whether I make it to the wedding, only you know, nobody knows that except you. You will spare no one, no matter whom, who is a sinner and does not regret."Snake. Do you also deny it? "No. I accept your judgment. I have committed many sins against your law of love. I admit it. I look for your face and bow to you and be ashamed of you and hope that you have mercy and that you are gracious to me, forgive me my sins and accept me again, as your child and me lead to eternal life, and that I may share in it to dwell in the land of the Living with you and to be one with you and to taste of the tree of life which you are.Always give me that bread and the fruit of the vine, that it quenches my thirst, the holy spirit that guides me."Learn to see.""Only those who are the light will have it."Ann Maria sees a picture:She sees a bit and a bar of chocolate. 'Oh yes,' she thinks and wants to reach for it immediately. Then she sees the tide coming, which she will carry away and she is right in the middle of it.This is the growth on the vine, which is cut off when the reaper comes.The sin - the false desire - the greed !!This is the wild growth that is cut off and thrown into the fire or into the river."Keep going.""The Japanese! Weekend! As you pray, I will save some of them. Women. Children. The next video. I will announce what I will do.India. It will make a temperature difference of a few degrees. "
Forbidden knowledge news"I'm coming back to another media movie."Tripling natural events until 2021. am"Sing"Anna Maria sings the Mercy Rosary.Jesus moved mass in the sun with his hand and created another coronal hole."It starts!"7:48 am:Anna Maria must burst open - ejectIt is a coronal hole.It will result in a magnitude 5 quake - radiating hundreds of miles."No one can see what it's all about." (Crack)
Jesus asks me, "Send us someone again to guide the American people to repentance and repentance." 
Father, can you forgive me. I ask you for forgiveness. Can you please help me to put into my heart energy those who vilify and attack me and you thus they are healed? Those who revile and attack the "family", your mother and you. 
HE is your father, our father. Everyone has a firm place in HIS heart, as every being created by HIM. Share this love with everyone, then you will find peace. Allowing you in my heart, Clare, is the only way to peace.


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