James 3:16
For where jealousy and self-seeking are,
there is confusion and every foul deed.

3 am
Jesus thinks to himself:
"If you think you think ...."
Anna Maria feels an inner restlessness. Something threatening, she can not explore it. Dark.
"Shrew ... isolated"
Anna Maria prays:
I regret. I regret. I regret. I ask for forgiveness for my sins and for the sins of the whole world.
Jesus says:
The enemy comes from the north. War!! Anna Maria thinks she chose wrong. North - Asgard - her husband says that's the bottle direction. Warlike. Now she wants to go to Utgard, to heaven.
Jesus says:
That feels friendlier
Jesus says:
"War! The World War comes ….. October."
Anna Maria sees a picture with her inner eyes:
A hill is swept away with a single gust of wind.
Anna Maria immediately thinks of Syria and the military exercises there of Russia and China. The Golan Heights are well meant.
Jesus says:
"How long have I been waiting for that -  Decades."
Jesus' heart is bleeding.
"Down with the woman."
With the big whore Babylon. Jesus does not mean Anna Maria. He means America as the big whore Babylon, with the woman.
(See the Revelation of John chapter 17
'November you are with me' Jesus once said to Anna Maria.
Since the spook is over!
Jesus says:
"NEXT!" It goes on again! "LUCIDA" - a girl! "
Anna Maria repeated the thoughts to memorize them.
Jesus says:
"She understood."
LUCIDA - The light will come back to the earth.
Jesus says:
"Strategy, the end of the world, hunger, first of all .... New technologies are coming.
I can not pay for that."
This is Anna Maria's reflection quoted by Jesus - Jesus continues:
"Everyone gets it for free."
“Baptized. ME !”
“Seed ... transplant the new seed. You are one of them. "
Jesus will transplant some into the divine garden after the turmoil and Anna Maria is one of the plants and he will be the sole gardener who will nurture and cultivate the seedlings.

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