EN_The Trinitarian-Marian Spiritual Teaching - Who is a spiritualist ?
On the first day the Israelites lived according to the Mosaic Laws, which the Lord burned in stone slabs on Mount Sinai for Moses.
On the second day, Christianity, which the Lord called His sons and daughters, followed the commandments of Jesus Christ, from which they learned Merciful Love.
On the third day, the grandchildren in the third era, called spiritualists, acquire the dialogue with God from Spirit to Spirit through the Trinitarian-Marian teaching.
From the Book of True Life - Volume VII:
The words of a spiritualist are simple but deep in their meaning. He does not seek his own good, he gives himself and fills an emptiness in foreign hearts and helps them to perfect their idea of God. Spiritualist is the one who prays spiritually, and who is able to rise up in spirit from any place. Spiritualist is the one who struggles for the perfection of his soul and also the one who lives to relieve the pain of strangers. The spiritualist can be anywhere; he will be recognized more by his deeds than by his words: love, humility and mercy. The Lord says:
"Know that not everyone who calls himself a spiritualist is one. Guided by the light of conscience you cannot be deceived. In order to be pure, the actions of the spiritualist must be made tangible and dictated by conscience. Anyone who worships God spiritually in his way of life is a spiritualist. He should eliminate from himself everything that is a step backwards for him. The spiritualist should acknowledge the apostles and follow them, for they were sowers of the divine seed".
The spiritualist is not a sanctimonious person or a monk, but knows how to fight temptation and is able to recognize the path of truth in the midst of a hurricane. He is able to confront a well-armed world, to announce as a prophet and seer what will happen. He will know how to save him who is in danger of falling into perdition. The spiritualist will have to fight, and the place for his struggle will be everywhere - in his home, at his physical work or on the road. He does not need to relive the drama, for he has learned to soar spiritually until he feels and sees the glories that exist in the Spirit. The spiritualist seed will bear fruit in all religious communities.
In the "spiritual valley" people do not distance themselves from each other, no one is excluded. There is great attraction and great compassion among all. This is what the spiritualist community in the nations should do until it reaches 'brotherhood among men'.
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