Stay in my Love

Book of True Life - Instruction 97 - verses 8; 16; 27-28; 37;
8. I am searching for the souls from which I will form my people, to unite them and give them new teachings that will make them step forward in their developmental journey.
16. Man was placed in the midst of the Paradise of My creation so that he would delight in the work of his Father, become full of wisdom, and as a spiritually mature would be part of My Divine Concert. I made the beloved child a prince on earth by giving him power over the beings below him. His whole path was illuminated by the light of My Spirit, a light that you call conscience.

27. Can you imagine the jubilation that will take place in the spiritual realm, when in the end all those who have lived to sin, to fight and to disgrace love each other? You can not imagine either the joy of your father or the happiness that will then be in the spirit world. My spirit created you to be around Me, for I was alone. But I have chosen you to love one another and to fulfill Me through your love with happiness.
28. I am your father and hungry and thirsty for your love; for you have departed from the way that conscience points. I created you to love you, but you still do not fully see this light. You spoil your earthly ambition, and though you sometimes turn your thoughts to Me and you are grateful for My benefits, yet you have not understood that the best homage that your gratitude can bring to Me is that of sibling love of My teaching speaks so much to you.

37. The flesh fears the battle with the spirit and seeks a way to tempt it through the pleasures of the world to prevent or at least delay its freedom. See how man has his own tempter in him! That's why I said that if he defeats himself, he won the battle. 
I was involved in the preparation of a wedding and there were certain organizational things announced. Everyone was allowed to take for himself some items that he needs as a participant. The bride was free, whether she wants to use them or wants to be served. I took objects, a coffee filter, a small, white bowl and drove to a room with it. On the way, I realized that I had accidentally taken the items from someone else instead of my own. Arriving in the room I decided to go back, on foot and found that the room was on a high mountain and the descent back a long way. There was snow on the way, I slid down to get ahead faster, it was a pleasure. Then I saw something flying around that amused me and that I always wanted to see ... a weasel or something and it was already around the corner and disappeared.
At the bottom there was nothing, no objects, no one, but a certain disorientation, and then I looked up and at dizzy heights I saw the bride. I stopped and called out to her, 'Sweetheart' and meant in my thoughts with my arms outstretched 'come down'. She started to jump down. Startled, I thought, but not so, you fell to the floor, but she thought 'calm down' and floated down spiraling in the white wedding dress and remained at a certain height at the water pipe on the wall. That's when I woke up.
I was a man in the dream, and there was another man who had not taken any objects, and Christ was the bride. (Trinitrarian).

Anna Maria: I'll let go of the coffee now. It is available like everything I need in life, and I stop sticking to it. I give my life to Jesus Christ with confidence that He cares for me and gives me everything I need to live.
Father Spirit says:

"That's why you're crying and it's only up to you. Be alive in message and work.
Alcohol (nicht Anna Maria), a dumb killer, makes the soul ugly, a sword that separates from love. "

Again, Anna Maria sees a flash of light in her mind.
"Honey, I love you. Addition. Do not tempt us. I stay.
El Nino rattle down the sea. Danger, as for a nutshell on the sea, just as in a corrugated boat from the difficulties around it.
Will you trust me in Nineveh?
Once more on the horizon - clouds - Now!

Stories in the yard that them poisones.
I do not want you to participate.

COME OVER! Come to me.
The money. She cries, however, you have everything. Merciful. Charity. There are still enough, you can still make money.
LOVE. MARRY. Continue as a servant.
Johanna - THE NEW! - bring forth good fruits.
The time is coming and it is here now, you are helper in the court.
Idleness is the beginning of all vice.
The neighbor demonizes her daughter.
Stay. "

Thanks father.

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