Darkness and Light

BTL - Teaching 96 - Verses 37-44
37. I, the Master, the Father, have come down to your spirit through this light, and for this reason you have called this revelation Spiritualism. So, if you are asked what spiritualism means, it is the doctrine that was revealed in the Third Age by the divine Master: the doctrine of spiritualization.
38. But if you are asked what spirituality is, say that it is the elevation of thought, purity in the works, and in the words, elevated and noble life.
39. As a student of this teaching, you should often ask yourself if you are making an effort to rightfully call you spiritualists. In order to help you with this work, I have given you My Light, for you are the commissioners to establish the spiritual temple of My Divinity. Through your cooperation you will form the temple: some will be the foundations through their steadfastness; those who reach greater maturity will be the walls; others will be the temple steps with their love activity; and yet others, with their gift of the word, will resemble the bells that call people with their toll. Some will symbolize high towers and domed roofs of the meeting places; and there are those who, through their love for men, are like gates, always open to the needy, the thirsty, the sick, the misunderstood.
40. This temple will be completed when harmony among My disciples has become truth. His base will be on the earth, and his domes will touch the sky. Once established, you will find it throughout the universe. Trust in this work and work without ceasing.
41. Let no one separate from the task entrusted to him, lest his sanctuary lack strength. You all must strive to attain the same realization for building this temple with your spiritualization.
42. Watch and pray. Love each other in truth, lest the pride of your heart be taken over; for this is the seed that destroys humility and mercy. Beware, that the same thing happens to you as the builders of Babel, who destroyed their pride. Remember that the bad seed was the reason for the division of those people. The tower remained unfinished, and the confusion of the tribes was so great that they divided into peoples who still live apart.
43. A single light has fallen upon you: that of My Spirit, which is like a shining beacon, and a first impetus for your oneness and your harmony.
44. Take as light for your action the experience of the first nations. Think about her exams and take advantage of her example. Build and work, today in the flesh and tomorrow in the Spirit, and continue in that way until you all have entered through the gates of love into the Temple of Truth.

At noon, when she wants to go to the garden, Anna Maria meets her neighbor. This tells her that grape hyacinths are nice to look at, but highly poisonous. Anna Maria worries because many grow in her garden and decides to cut everyone off. Later, she searches on the Internet afterwards and learns that grape hyacinths are not poisonous, but also not edible. They are a very old species and threatened with extinction and you should not pick them yet. They grow onions to retire into the onion during the hot season to survive. Anna Maria gives this to the neighbor and is ashamed to have cut off all. But she thinks they will not multiply this year, but they will bloom again next year.
When the neighbor, a scorpion, once again uses Anna Maria to demonize her daughter, Anna Maria simply turns and walks away into the garden. It hurts her, and she does not want the neighbor to talk to her that way.

When she is in the garden and meditating at the pond, the garden neighbor comes into the garden. She closes her eyes and gathers. She sees him again this year for the first time and still sits the conflict with his newlywed wife from last year deep in her consciousness. This woman had demonized another garden neighbor with Anna Maria, because this - a mother of a large family - allegedly had intentions on her then not yet husband. I have nothing to do with that, Anna Maria had told her, and she did not want the garden neighbor to destroy unity with her jealousy. As a result, the wife suspected Anna Maria of having intentions on her companion. Anna Maria was attacked by her as she mowed the lawn on her property - there the woman suddenly stood behind her with the watering can, pulled out and said, 'Get out of my garden.' Anna Maria was no longer allowed to approach the fence, the the two plots separate because the woman then became angry. Someone has also torn the lock of their garden tart. She remembers all this when the newlywed husband comes to the garden. Anna Maria tries to stay calm. She just closes her eyes and goes to her heart. The man hurries to finish quickly and leaves again. When Anna Maria goes home, she tries to smile away, but deep inside she is sad and disturbed.
In the evening, Anna Maria wants to order the rest of the ISBNs for Volumes 6 - 12 The Book of True Life, but the bank's transaction is not carried out for some unknown reason. A voice asks:

Anna Maria is at a loss and asks for a Rhema. She gets this:

Jesus says…
This is My current Rhema for you
7. Scripture Explanation –Luke 23:52

Written down by Jacob Lorber on the 02.01.1844
Translated and spoken by Pascal
Revelations with extensive explanations and interpretations of many important Bible passages by Jesus Himself, which have been difficult to interpret up until now. An important book, especially for those who compare the new revelations with the Bible, to check, if they correspond spiritually and for those who want to understand the bible scriptures better.
1. Again, you have the free choice to quote such a central sun from the book of life; therefore, choose a text!
2. “He went to Pilatus and asked him for the Body of Jesus.” Luke 23:52
3. You would have the text; but I cannot help you, if you just choose exacly those texts, which are a perfect match for our cause!
4. Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked for the Lord’s Body, which was also given to him by Pilate.
5. Joseph of Arimathea was a friend of Nicodemus and he did this more in his friend’s good name than in his own. Because Nicodemus was a big secret admirer of Christ, but he did not dare to undertake something like that openly, because of a certain fear of the chief priests and pharisees. Therefore, he transferred that to his friend, who was also a great friend of Christ, but in complete secrecy. – This short prognostication is necessary in order to grasp the following more clearly.
6. But how does this text and this little incident fit in with our cause anyway?
7. Imagine ‘Nicodemus’ as being the hidden love for The Lord; and imagine ‘Joseph of Arimathea’ as the the Faith in the Lord!
8. What is the faith in relation to the love? – It is its assistant! So Joseph of Arimathea was also an assistant of Nicodemus, who secretly loved the Lord.
9. What did the Faith demand of Pilate? – He demanded the Body of the Lord, wrapped him in white linen after he had taken him down from the cross, after anointing the body with delicious spices, and then laid him in a fresh rock grave in the garden, a grave in which nobody has ever lain before.
10. What do all these things refer to? – All this refers to the curiosity of the faith in its satisfaction. This in and of itself noble curiosity examines everything possible to find a living satisfaction.
11. She (Curiosity) goes to Pilate and asks for permission; which means as much as… Such curiosity goes to the world and searches for everything possible, that could serve as confirmation of the Truth.
12. When she has received everything she was looking for from the world, then she turns to the Crucified, but how? She wants to put all the words and explanations into the bright light to free them from the mysterious and apparent contradictions, which occur in the Holy Scripture.
13. This is also enough for her; she has freed the body properly from the cross, which in its shape portrays a contradiction. But what has this noble curiosity now in front of herself? – Behold, a dead body, in which is no life anymore!
14. This noble curiosity does also realize that; but she is nevertheless delighted within herself over this happy liberation from the cross. She anoints the body with delicious spices, wraps him in white linen and then puts him into a new grave, in which nobody has ever lain before.
15. What does this mean? – Through such illumination of the Word in the Holy Scripture will the Divinity infallibly be visible and is therefore also well respected and highly honored. This is the anointing. More often than not someone expresses himself in the loftiest expressions about the Dignity and Divine Authority of the Holy Scripture; but all of that is the anointing of the Body.
16. The person with this noble curiosity wraps such discerned Truth with the highest and purest Esteem. – He cringes on account of the size of the Wisdom in this Book; and this is nothing else than the wrapping of the body in white linen. How innocent and pure such linen in itself are, so is an equal humble understanding; but the Body, the ointment, and the linen are not alive and also give no life.
17. But this body will now be put into a new grave. What is that? – The perceptions, which man made his own on account of his noble curiosity, bring him no life and no living conviction; therefore he sums it all together and puts it into the grave of his deeper intellect, and puts a stone on top of it, which means, he puts a very heavy doubt on all these pure and discerned truths; because he says… “All these solutions to the hidden mysteries in the Scripture sound very well; but they still don’t provide the vivid conviction!”
18. And now look, this is the literal state of each big reader! No matter how well he understands what he reads, from the nature sense to even the innermost spiritual sense; but if he wants an actual sample of all the discerned things, he will realize that not even a speck of dust of the sun will bow to his will! And if he wants to behold the life of the spirit, instead, he will always encounter the grave of the night, in which he laid the body; or in other words… He does not get any certainty about the beyond, instead, everything is a diction (unproven assertion) and certainly not more, therefore a body in the grave.
19. But what does he profit from that? – If he has read so much, but cannot grasp a living conviction from all he has read, does he not continually resemble a Joseph of Arimathea, who takes body after body from the cross, anoints it and then wraps it in white linen, – but the dead body stays a dead body and will always be carried into the grave.
20. But lets consider our Magdalena again! She has also witnessed all of these actions; but she wrapped the body or the word not in linen and she did not put it in the grave, but into her heart, which was glowing with love; and when she came to the tomb, the stone of doubt was rolled away by the power of love. The linens were folded well ordered in the grave, which says as much as… Her love has organized the Godly Word within her and brought it to Life. She did not find a dead body anymore; but instead, she found the living one, who is risen from the grave.
21. What is better now… to put the dead body in the grave – or to find the living one above the grave? – I mean, it is pretty clear that the second option is better than the first one.
22. But why did Magdalena find what Joseph of Arimathea did not find? – Because she had read little, but loved much; Joseph of Arimathea read a lot – like Nicodemus, but therefore loved less. That’s why he had to do with the dead body, but Mary Magdalena with the living one!
23. I mean, this will be clear too; however, soon again another central sun.

Anna Maria realizes: It is not His will. He allows the bank's transaction to go wrong.
Anna Maria is disappointed. She is disappointed because she is obviously no longer to do this work, which binds her to the world, as Martha does, but does not give her the chance to do nothing, and to sit at the Lord's feet to listen to him. She is disappointed to have read a lot, like Nicodemus and to have loved little not like Magdalena did. She is disappointed because, after the word of the Lord, she stayed in the Word when she read it, and that obviously was not what the Lord wanted. What now? She is at a loss.

Anna Maria quarrels with Christ all night. She has a restless sleep and then dreams this:
Next door, the faithful gather for prayer. The Spiritual Director considers whether to give her the ticket or withdraw her because of her indecisiveness. A co-sister thinks about who is missing a ticket. She does not want to give it to her and smiles contentedly because she has an admission ticket. She wants to give someone else the remaining ticket that has already arrived in the prayer room. Anna Maria, No. 31, has been kicked out. Nevertheless, she is still there, that's clear.

The dream of a fireball setting her house on fire and collapsing it came true yesterday - mentally.
"Take him!" Said Christ and He said Anna Maria should take her husband.
This is the reason for her fickleness. She quarrels with God all night, also because of the Rhema he gave her, that Magdalena did not read but loved. Take your Magdalena, she thinks, and go with her. The new one - me - not!. Many things go through her mind, which was all, glad that her husband stayed with her.
"If he does not have anyone else."
"He does not feel good."

Me neither.
At 6 o'clock she goes to the bathroom disappointed and fails the prayer hour.
"Lay down! You may stay. "
But Anna Maria does not want to and makes breakfast. The coffee you all want to ban, including God, awakens your spirits. After that she decides to sit now.
She walks past her inner door that God has shut and said, "Love ME!"

and let him stand. She wants to go back to her inner fire and instead of lying down, face down on the floor, she goes straight into the fire - if her house is set on fire by a fireball, she can also burn herself in the inner fire ,
"Crisis. You may stay! "
"You do looking for me!"

Being in the fire becomes the true source of joy, harmony and beauty. It does not burn, but becomes itself a spiritual fire. There is so much light, warmth, peace, that it spiritualizes them through and through. She is pure love and there is nothing that can disturb that peace at this moment in the fire of the heart.
"I knew you would choose me."
"Probably those who do not betray their loved ones."
Once again, Anna Maria has burned dark clouds in the inner fire and turned them into light in her inner heart space.
"Here many fall into the hands of Satan."
Those who have not made contact with their inner heart space have a hard time surviving Satan.
Anna Maria has just successfully purchased all missing ISBNs.
"Now you get the income tax repayment"
Then she and her husband have been waiting since January.
The grape hyacinths are bulbous and will bloom again next spring.


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